Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (2024)

Chapter Text

Narrator Pov

A few days have gone by since the incident, the class wanted to report it to the teachers, but ceased any ideas after Tenko told them to think it over, how it would make them look like liars since there was no proof of what happened, only proof being their statements which would just be written off as the class imagining the event, the students agreed and decided not to speak of it to their teachers.

Y/n continued to help them improve along with class 1b, the presence of both Tenko and Oboro being easily accepted with Y/n's help. The info given to Nezu and the teachers was used to locate and cut off some of the League's connections, they didn't find All For One or where he was located, but it was only a matter of time. Class 1a were walking to Gym Gamma accompanied by a few of their teachers, Aizawa wanted to see how far the students had progressed since Y/n became their teacher.

Upon arriving, they saw the entire gym was changed, the floors were gone and replaced with a rocky terrain, several pillars and structures made out of the rocks, some of them high up, the students and teachers looked around, surprised by the drastic change since Cementoss had yet to make the kind of scenario for the class. They saw Hanako just at the base of the rocky terrain, playing with two large wolves that were laying down with her, Iris sitting with Hanako and petting one of the wolves. They were then startled as a figure clad in red armor flew overhead, crashing into the wall just above the entrance.

The helm faded to reveal it was Issei, he groaned a bit before falling from the wall and onto the ground, Y/n appearing on one of the pillars and laughed a bit, Issei sat up and cracked his neck as the armor faded away fully before shooting a glare up to his friend.

Issei: "I asked you for a sparring match, not to kick my ass!"

Y/n: "Oh hush, I wanted to spend some time with Hanako and my new wolves, you interrupted by asking for a spar, even making my own daughter to use the 'puppy dog' eyes to convince me. I'm only returning the favor."

Issei: "Alright you got me there, but come on, I barely get a chance to spar with someone stronger and you're the only one I know who can help me the most."

Y/n sighed before vanishing from his spot on the pillar, appearing once again now on the floor, his hands in his pockets as he looked to Issei. The class and teachers were still present, only reason they hadn't said a thing yet was due to Y/n's frame being a bit larger, with dragon features like a tail and horns present on him.

Y/n: "Fine, but let's spar later, I don't want us to break this gym when we clash."

Issei: "Ok, I can accept that."

Y/n nodded and had his dragon features disappear as he glanced over to the class and teachers, giving them a smile and waved his hands, a few of them waving back since they were unsure of what to say.

Y/n: "Sorry about that, didn't know you were planning to use this facility today."

Aizawa: "It's fine, I mainly wanted to see how effective you're training with the class is."

Y/n: "Ah, in that case, would you like me to remove the terrain I made?"

Cementoss: "No need, I was actually going to make something just like it, I guess you beat me to the punch."

Y/n chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as the class pondered asking what his quirk was exactly since they have seen him do several kinds of tricks. While they were in thought, Iris walked over to Issei with a snack in hand, as the brown-haired boy did a kick up, landing back on his feet before taking the snack offered to him, giving Iris a small wink which caused her to blush slightly, Y/n seeing it all and could only smirk at his friend before his attention was drawn to Hanako and the wolves he recently revived, Skol and Hati, both getting playful as Skol carried Hanako on her back while Hati chased them.

Y/n smiled fondly at his daughter and pets as they played together happily, Hati pounced at Skol who laid down with Hanako ducking as well, Hati crashed into the rocky wall hard due to the amount of force he put into his leap, a good portion of the wall broke off as most of the area shook, above Y/n a chunk of rock broke off and fell on him, more following after until there was a large pile of boulders. The class panicked and shouted for Y/n out of worry, the teachers also concerned as they rushed over.

They were stopped when they heard Hanako giggling softly, Issei shook his head as he facepalmed, the dismissive behavior caught them all off-guard. Skol walked to the pile and let Hanako knock on it, a playful smile plastered on her face

Hanako: "Are you ok, Papa."

Izuku: "H-How can you not be worried about him, Hanako?"

Hanako: "Cuz, Papa is stronger than anything, he's gonna be fine."

After she spoke, the boulders rumbled as Y/n was heard from within it, his voice being slightly muffled from the pile.

Y/n: "I'm good dear, next time be more careful when playing around, Skol, Hati."

Skol and Hati lowered their heads, looking away with their tails between their legs, ashamed of what happened. The boulders shook more as Y/n walked through them with no difficulty, leaving a hole in his shape and stepped out. The class was baffled, their jaws dropped as Y/n petted the two wolves to cheer them up, giving them a smile which seemed to help a bit.

The girls in 1a and Midnight stared at Y/n intently, a large blush on their faces as blood trinkled down their noses. The reason why was Y/n was currently shirtless, walking through the boulders like he did had torn his shirt off, the sight of his well-built body was making the girls fantasize about him, and Midnight couldn't help but admire him, drool dripping down her chin.

Hanako pointed out his lack of a shirt, he chuckled and created a plain black shirt, the girls pouted as he covered himself. Y/n sat down at the side with Hanako on his lap, Skol and Hati laying down beside them, the duo watching as they sparred with the clones Ectoplasm had made. Y/n had a close eye on the students as they trained, the teachers had also been observing the class, impressed by how much progress they've made.

Near the end of the lesson, Izuku walked over to Y/n with determination in his eyes, Y/n knew what he was going to ask, he waited patiently for the green-haired boy.

Izuku: "Sensei, would you be willing to spar with me?"

Y/n: "Sure, I don't mind."

Izuku: "Thank you very much, sensei. But please, don't hold back like you did when you first trained us."

Y/n: "Sorry Izuku, but I have to hold back or else I might hurt you badly."

This was overheard by the rest of the class, who all looked to them in surprise. Even the teachers were a bit surprised, considering they saw a recording of the class fighting him and saw how much of a fight they put up against him. Bakugo grit his teeth in anger, sure he was much calmer since Izuku was his friend for years, but he still had pride in himself and the thought that Y/n was holding back on them pissed him off.

Bakugo: "Hey, stop messing around! You can't be saying that after how hard we kicked your ass the other day."

Y/n: "I was holding back though. Do you remember me using any attack or move, besides the rain of light I made."

Some of the class thought back to their first battle with Y/n, and realized he was correct since he mostly dodged or countered them, the rain of light was the only move he did, which was powerful, but was only used to exhaust them. Bakugo scowled, the fact that he was being looked down on like that pissed him off more, his palms crackling with sparks and explosions.

Bakugo: "Shut up you bastard, if you're gonna say crap like that, then prove it! Stop being such a coward and show us everything you got."

Y/n raised a brow, glancing at Bakugo before letting out a sigh, he stood up after setting Hanako to the side, walking over to a clear space in the gym and turned to Bakugo, his expression being neutral as he gestured to Bakugo.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (1)

Y/n: "Come on, bring it. Hit me with your strongest move, I won't move an inch."

Bakugo: "Don't complain when I beat you!"

The explosive blonde smirked and began charging his strongest move, building up speed as he started propelling himself in the air surrounded by his explosions. The result was a huge tornado that gathered the air around him, serving as fuel for the explosion that was to come. He then charged toward Y/n swiftly, spinning with the tornado he had made. He shouted his attacks name as he came in contact with Y/n, a large explosion going off the moment he touched the latter, a large cloud of smoke appeared.

Once the dust settled, the class gasped in shock as they saw Bakugo stumble back, Y/n still stood in front him with a bored look on his face as he crossed his arms. Bakugo's clothes were slightly charred, and some smoke rising off his skin, his face was pale from what he had just experienced.

Bakugo: 'What the hell?! My strongest move, I used my full power and he barely flinched.'

Y/n: "Now do you believe me? Or do you want another demonstration."

Two red lines appeared on Y/n's as his left eye gained a black sclera and yellow pupil, he raised his hands and made a few sparks appear, shocking both Bakugo and the others as he made a larger explosion above him, showing it was indeed the same power as Bakugo's.

Bakugo: "How the hell do you have my quirk!"

Y/n: "Simple really, I copied your power. And no, it's not like Monoma's quirk. Now let me show you just how powerful I can make a power that isn't my own."

He walked outside the gym, the class and teachers followed behind as they went to an open area where they wouldn't be disturbed. Y/n then kicked the ground, making a large chunk of earth rise up, he also made a barrier surround the area of the rock and himself, keeping the others out so they wouldn't get caught up in the blast. He kept the alteration on his Magic Barrier that blocked Bakugo's explosion earlier, only he reinforced it this time since it was his own power.

Y/n: 'Let's try 25%'

He made a few sparks in his palm, each one being far larger and brighter than what the explosive blond could make, before throwing his hand forward with a twist of his wrist to gather some air for the incoming explosion. The chunk of earth was vaporized in a large explosion, one much larger than Y/n thought, making him glad he put the barrier up beforehand.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (2)Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (3)

Y/n used wind magic to blow the smoke away, using earth magic to repair the damage from the explosion, the barrier reducing the area the blast went, the earth around him had craters, but he fixed them. The class stared in awe at his power, Aizawa was the same, his eyes widening a bit at what he had just seen, but kept a calm face. Izuku composed himself and chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

Izuku: "Ok, I see what you mean sensei. Would you still spar with me though?"

Y/n: "I will Izuku, but let's do it another day. You all have the sports festival soon, and I don't want you to use our spar as an excuse for not participating."

Izuku: "You're right, I'll use the time left to prepare myself."

Y/n: "Same goes for you lot as well. Use this chance to show all the people out there what you are."

The class shouted with determination, their eyes blazing with passion as their excitement skyrocketed. They all dispersed to prepare for the upcoming event, the teachers leaving the site to prepare for the sports festival. Y/n decided to take a walk through the city, Hanako resting on his shoulder and looking around with a bright smile.

Y/n Pov

Despite the sounds of sirens in the background and heroes on patrol, it was a rather uneventful walk, which I didn't mind since I happily spent it with Hanako. She was so curious, wanting to know what everything was, it was adorable. We got some ice cream while we were walking, it was a nice snack to have. Hanako finished hers quite fast, so I gave her mine, which she ate at a much slower pace.

Y/n: "Enjoying it dear?"

Hanako: "Mhm, it's yummy."

I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness, wiping some ice cream that smudged her cheek before she continued eating. As we did, a hero sped by us, the wind pressure he created knocked Hanako's ice cream out her hand, I brought my EMS out to use my Time Flow power to stop it, but hero was swifter to act as he spun round quickly, catching it before it hit the floor, handing it back to her with a small bow of his head.

Hero: "I apologise, I wasn't being careful enough."

Y/n: "Don't worry about it. My daughter isn't in tears, and you saved her ice cream, no harm no foul."

Hanako: "Thank you, Mister."

Ingenium: "Thank you for being so considerate, and my name is Ingenium little miss."

Hanako: "My name is Hanako."

I chuckled as Ingenium handed the ice cream back, giving a small wave as he continued on his patrol, this was a hero, his actions were genuine and kind. He had a pure heart, one that could not be corrupted by any form of evil, so I was glad to let one of my shadow knights rests in his shadow. Hanako swung her legs as she ate the remaining bits of ice cream.

Hanako: "I liked him, Papa, he was a nice hero."

Y/n: "Agreed, I could tell his intentions were pure. He's a good person, maybe we can see him again when he's on his patrol."

She nodded her head rapidly, happy about the idea of meeting the hero once again. I let her down from my shoulder and held her hand as she skipped along with me. We stopped at a park where Hanako had fun, a few of the kids did join her after seeing how kind and playful she was. The others though avoided her due to her appearance, whispering among themselves that she was scary and creepy, I ignored them and kept an eye on Hanako, only hoping she didn't hear them.

She did hear them however, I could tell since she looked sad for a moment, but shook it off and kept playing, I could tell it affected her more than she was showing. We left the park not long after, Hanako once more sat on my shoulders, I held her in place as she fiddled with my hair, her tail remaining still.

Hanako: "Papa..."

Y/n: "What's wrong Hanako?"

Hanako: "Do you think I'm weird, and scary? Because of how I look."

I lifted her off my shoulders to carry her in my arms, smiling at her as I place a kiss on her forehead.

Y/n: "I don't think that at all, the same goes for your mother's as well. Heck, I think you look adorable."

I pinched her cheek and booped her nose, which caused her to giggle, her tail wagging in my arms.

Hanako: "You really think I'm adorable, Papa?"

Y/n: "I know so. So don't let the words of those brats get to you, ok."

She smiled brightly as her tail wagged a bit more, she rubbed against my neck softly, thanking me for cheering her up, I patted her head. We kept walking until my shadow knight alerted me, I sighed which caught Hanako's attention.

Hanako: "What's wrong Papa?"

Y/n: "Looks like Ingenium has got himself into trouble, wanna go with me to help him?"

She nodded her head rapidly, stars in her eyes I dropped into my shadow before appearing in an alley, the shadow knight slipping back into mine as I see Ingenium laying on the ground with a man holding a katana with a worn and damaged blade over him. He must have sensed my presence as he spun round swiftly, his weapon aimed to cut me down, but no contact was made as I disappeared, along did his katana. I reappeared behind him, holding his weapon and giving a harsh look over.

Y/n: "Nice weight and balance, but the blade needs replacing, can't repair that. You still with us Ingenium?"

Ingenium: "Get out of here, this guy is dangerous."

He tried to push himself up despite his injuries, but his body didn't move an inch. Hanako jumped down and took his helmet off to show his face, a smile on hers as she looked at me while I turned to the attacker.

Hanako: "Who is that man?"

Ingenium: "He's the Hero Killer: Stain."

Stain: "You best leave while you can, I don't want to harm anyone in front of a child."

Y/n: "Yeah, no. I don't know why your killing heroes, but Ingenium did me a good deed, so I'm paying it back."

Hanako: "Papa, be careful."

I chuckled softly and threw the katana back to Stain who narrowed his eyes before picking it up. A slight grin formed on his face as he readied himself.

Stain: "Seems like your daughter is smarter than you."

Y/n: "No, she's just telling me not to use too much force."

Stain: "Why is that?"

Y/n: "Heh, cuz I would make your name a reality."

I gave a sinister grin, Stain remain composed but his hands and feet shifted slightly, startled by my sudden bloodlust, even Ingenium tensed up but was calmed by Hanako, who remained unaffected. Stain ran in quick, spinning on his foot to deliver a strike at my neck since I kept a wide-open stance, leaving countless openings for him to use. I caught his blade and smiled at him, pressing on the blade with my thumb, breaking it piece by piece.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (4)

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm gonna end this quick."

Stain was given no time to think as I delivered a punch to his gut, knocking the wind out of him and sending flying out the alley and into the street where he hit the wall, cracking it from the force as he then fell to the floor. I break the sword in my hand, walking up to Ingenium and help him up his arm over my shoulder, Hanako healed him the best she could with the healing magic she knew. He groaned from the pain but smiled at me, thanking me for the save.

Ingenium: "Sorry for troubling you with carrying me, I'm still under the effects of his quirk."

Y/n: "It's no problem, I'm just helping my daughter's favorite hero."

That brought a smile to his face as we walked onto the street, a few civilians looking on in surprise at Stain's appearance, but more so at Ingenium's injured state. I saw a few of them on their phones, most likely reporting the appearance of Stain and Ingenium's state. I sighed and set him down, healing him fully while my shadow stretched out to Stain, binding his limbs with my chain. Hanako gave Ingenium his helmet back, the hero thanking her and petting her head softly, I smiled happily seeing her in a better mood already. The moment was disturbed as I raised my arm, blocking a powerful kick from a tanned woman with bunny ears, a large grin on her face as her eyes widened with excitement before I pushed her back.

Y/n: "Can I help you, miss?"

Mirko: "Yeah, you can! The names Mirko, and I want a fight."

Her eyes had a crazed look to them, her rabbit ears standing tall as she licked her lips, jumping on the spot while keeping her eyes on me. I chuckled a bit, cracking my neck slightly and turned to her while putting a barrier around the area, keeping everyone and everything out, this didn't go unnoticed by her but her grin grew.

Y/n: "To be honest, my instincts are itching for a fight as well. Guess I'm just a sucker for the thrill."

Hanako: "Just try not to cause too much damage, Papa."

I chuckled softly and gave her a thumbs up before facing the excited rabbit hero, both of us grinning from ear to ear. I brought my scales out while limiting the amount of power I could use, effectively weakening myself, but the lost power was transferred to the barrier to reinforce it.

Mirko: "Well, you're not a boring one, I like that!"

She jumped in the air and spun round, building momentum and speed, coming down with a devastating dropkick. I caught her leg and threw her towards the opposite side of the street, she flipped midair and used the barrier as a springboard to launch herself at me, I blocked her double kick but skidded back. She continued her assault, not letting up at all, I smiled brightly as I caught her foot once again and slammed her into the floor.

Y/n: "Still able to keep up?"

Mirko: "Not even close, I'm just getting started!"

She got up and wiped her chin, licking her blood off her finger with a wide grin, her eyes burning with a new excitement, my blood was burning with excitement as well. Sure, I was holding back, but it was the best way for me to have a fight and not be bored, plus it helped me understand how much I would need to hold back to avoid a situation like with that explosion.

I rushed her this time, punching and kicking the air around her, each attack was dodged by a small margin, but her face showed the joy she was feeling. She returned fire, attacking back with a series of quick and heavy attacks, her kicks were swift and strong, her style was very wild and free, no sense of pattern or logic, she just let her instincts take control, which only excited me more as she once more used the barrier to launch at me, this time with more power and speed.

Mirko: "Luna Fall!"

She brought her heel down, which I caught but a web of cracks appeared under my feet, the concrete beneath us was shattered. Mirko jumped back and smirked as the barrier came down, I dusted myself off and chuckled softly, a few civilians looked at the two of us with fear and worry, while the others looked at us with awe and amazement.

Y/n: "You're pretty strong, aren't you. It's a shame we had to finish so soon, would have loved to have a longer fight."

Mirko: "Hah, you're not lying either. You're definitely stronger than me, but that only makes me wanna fight you more."

Y/n: "Feeling is mutual, if you want to spar again, stop by UA when you have free time. Though I might be busy teaching my class or spending time with my lovers,"

Hanako: "Are we going to leave soon?"

I nodded and picked her up, Hanako resting on my shoulder and waved to the bunny hero, Mirko returned the gesture and gave her a thumbs up before running off, no doubt on her way to continue her patrol. Ingenium left as well, taking Stain with him to the police. I teleported back to the dorms, some of the class being downstairs were watching the TV, I looked to Hanako who shared my cheeky grin. The channel was showing my fight with Mirko, the barrier being between the one who filmed it and the fight.

Sero: "Did you see that?! He caught her leg and threw her!"

Kirishima: "Manly. I knew teach was strong, but to keep pace with a top hero."

Denki: "I wonder what would happen if he wasn't holding back."

Mineta: "Nothing, because we would be dead. But damn, that ass on Mirko is out of this world."

Y/n: "Better run perv."

They all jumped in shock while Mineta went pale before passing out in fear, I chuckled softly as Hanako jumped down to sit with her mothers. I sat down with them and had a small talk with them all, I did notice the girls of 1a looking at me and blushing slightly, I had an idea what they were thinking, but decided not to say anything. The next day came about, the sports festival was here, the entire school was bustling with energy, everyone was excited, but nervous as well. I had the class do some light exercises to calm their nerves, not doing anything too strenuous, just to help them focus. As they did, I talked with Hanako who was on my lap.

Hanako: "So you're gonna be in the big box at the top?"

Y/n: "Yeah, Nezu asked me to be the announcer in place of Aizawa, though I don't know who is gonna replace Mic since he is also busy with Oboro."

Hanako: "Well can I come up there with you then?"

Y/n: "Sure, just be quiet when I'm talking into the mic, don't want everyone to pass out from your cuteness."

She giggled at the idea, hugging my neck softly as I finished with the class, I called Izuku over to tell him he was to do a speech since he placed first in the entrance exam. He started to panic but was smacked over the head by Hanako, he calmed down and accepted it with a determined smile.

Y/n: "Bit of advice for you, speak from your heart. You got the heart of a hero after all."

Izuku: "Thanks, Y/n. I won't let you down."

I smiled and pat his head, the boy giving me a bright smile and left to go prepare his speech, I could already feel the passion and drive that radiated off him. I went to the commentator's room with Hanako at my side, skipping along joyfully and humming to herself. I opened the door and was met with Midnight sitting in one of the seats, she saw me and smiled before fawning over Hanako, walking over and crouching down to her level.

Midnight: "And who might this adorable little girl be?"

Hanako: "Hi. My name is Hanako, what's yours?"

Midnight: "Well hello Hanako, my name is Kayama, or Midnight. Which would you like to call me?"

Hanako: "I like Miss Kayama better."

She smiled and patted her head, I smiled softly, despite how sensual Kayama is dressed, the scene was still cute and wholesome. She stood up and glanced to me before passing an earpiece to me.

Midnight: "Nezu said I was to be the announcer alongside you, but I will still have to play the referee, so you will be in here by yourself."

Y/n: "Not an issue, I can teleport you down there once I've introduced every class."

Midnight: "How many tricks can you do?"

Y/n: "Quite a few. But I like to keep them to myself, keep everyone guessing on what I can and can't do."

Midnight: "Hmm, mysterious. I like that."

She licked her lips, her eyes having a sultry glint in them, she winked at me before walking back to her seat, swaying her hips as she did. Hanako was thankfully distracted, sat on the other chair and spun round, giggling softly as she kicked her feet. I walk over and pet her head, while she was enjoying the pats, I lean over to Kayama to whisper in her ear.

Y/n: "I like flirting, but why not save it for more private times."

She blushed and shivered from my low voice, clearly surprised at my sudden forwardness, but also enjoying it.

Midnight: "Alright, but you owe me a night then."

Y/n: "Sure thing, I will just have to inform my girls first, I know they can get jealous."

She licked her lips once again before kissing my cheek, Hanako saw it and giggled into her hand before looking up at me.

Hanako: "Papa, is she gonna be a new mama?"

Kayama blushed red at the idea, her eyes swirling as she fell back in her chair, Hanako only giggled more until I playfully ruffled her hair. Kayama soon recovered, but had a small blush on her face while looking away from me. I introduced the classes as they walked into the festival, also dropping a bit of praise since I noticed a few of them seemed nervous or not wanting to be here.

Y/n: "Now don't let the hero course be your only focus, cuz there might be a few wolves in the other classes, ready show their fangs."

Soon enough, the classes stood in the center of the stadium. Midnight stood up from her seat, placing her earpiece in before winking to me, I winked back as she got herself ready, I figure I could make her entrance a bit flashy.

Y/n: "Now without further delay, lets introduce my fellow commentator/referee of the games. You know her, and you love her, so I think she needs no introduction."

She flashed me a thankful smile as I snapped my fingers, teleporting her to the stage that was in front of the students, her sudden appearance surprising everyone as I made both Skol and Hati appear beside her, both howling aloud as I made some fireworks go off into the air. Midnight was also surprised, but rolled with it, she cracked her whip to get the attention of the students.

Midnight: "Alright, the introductions are done, and now it's time for the student pledge. So, come on up, Mr. Midoriya."

Izuku looked around, nervous from all the eyes on him, but he composed himself as he walked to the stage, the same determined eyes from before as he stood there, a hush came over the students and audience as he took a breath.

Izuku: "I first want to thank everyone for coming to the sports festival and hope you all enjoy us beat each other up. In a friendly way obviously."

This made a few people in the audience chuckle, the students behind him also joining, the tension easing a bit before he took the mic and turned to his fellow students.

Izuku: "Now, I know I could go on about us giving our best, or something like that. But who wants to hear that for the millionth time, so I'll be honest. This event isn't for them, it's for us. To show the world what the next generation of heroes can do, to show them all that we are here. And this is our declaration to the world. So let's all give it our all."

Everyone had a determined look on their face, his speech was simple, but powerful. He had the right idea, to show everyone what we are capable of, and his words had the right effect, the atmosphere was burning with energy, a proud smirk creeping its way on to my face.

Izuku: "Plus Ultra!"

All the students: "PLUS ULTRA!!"

Y/n: "Quite a rousing speech, ain't it Midnight?"

Midnight: "Absolutely, the kids seem ready for this."

Y/n: "Then let's not waste any more time. Let the games begin!"

She cracked her whip as a hologram appeared behind her, a wheel spinning rapidly before stopping on Obstacle Race. Midnight smiled and quickly explained the rules for the event. It was in short, a 4km run around the stadium, with a few obstacles placed in the way to challenge them. She cracked her whip again, signaling the start as the students ran out of the stadium.

The first obstacle they faced was the tunnel which soon became congested with students, trying to shove their way past the others, the ground was suddenly frozen as Shoto ran ahead of everyone, taking the lead, but he wasn't alone. 1a and few from the other classes were able to evade his ice and follow just behind him, Izuku had his foot caught in the ice but swiftly used his fire to melt it, freeing himself and some others.

Mineta used his quirk to catch up to Shoto, but before he could attack, he was punched aside by a robot, a few other types beside it. A few landed in front of Izuku but were swiftly destroyed with a flaming fist smashing through them, several large ones appeared, blocking the path for all the students.

Shoto swiftly froze them all and ran underneath them, but just as everyone was going to follow him, the ice started to break and make the robots fall over, only there were quite a few people gathered underneath it. Shoto looked over his shoulder to see them nearly be crushed, placing his hand on the ground to freeze the robots once more, but they were suddenly vaporized, leaving no trace of them. The students looked up and saw me floating in the air, a few students looked surprised and shocked, a small smile on my face.

Y/n: "I only destroyed those bots, don't want any students to be in danger now."

They kept looking up at me in either shock or gratitude, they finally turned their heads back forward and continued on, a few catching up to Shoto who kept the lead with Izuku and Bakugo just behind him.

Y/n: 'Hey author, can we skip to the final event, we both know it's just gonna be like cannon. Only difference being Izuku with his flames and OFA.'

A/n: Hey! I told you to not break the 4th wall for god sake!

Y/n: 'We've talked before?'

A/n: Never mind, I'll just skip to the final fight in the 3rd event then. Least I can have the little angel saved a lot sooner.

Y/n: 'What are you talking about?'

A/n: Nothing, just don't show the bastard mercy.

Y/n: 'Ok, now for a small timeskip in 3, 2, 1...'

Small Timeskip

Narrator Pov

The 3rd event was a tournament fight, the 16 who had moved up had a short break to recover and prepare, but that's when something caught Y/n's attention. He overheard Shoto's talk with Izuku about his past, he could understand Shoto's anger toward his father but his idea of using only half his power really limited his total potential. He mentally sighed before making his presence known, walking up to them with his arms crossed, his eyes closed and a slight frown on his face.

Y/n: "Before you ask, yes I heard everything, and I don't hold it against you for hating your father. But just a question Shoto."

Shoto looked to his teacher, his expression remained the same as his eyes opened and locked on to him.

Y/n: "If your ever involved in a fight where civilians lives are at stake, but your still hellbent on using only your ice, when your fire could easily win the fight. Would you still refuse to use it?"

Shoto was silent, his eyes looking to the ground before they clenched shut, his fist tightened as a look of confliction spread across his face.

Shoto: "Yes. Even if my life was on the line, I won't use his fire."

Y/n: "Huh? 'His' fire? Are you really this narrowminded?"

This caught Shoto by surprise, his eyes widening a bit as his teacher stood in front of him, his hands now at his sides, a stern expression on his face.

Y/n: "It is YOUR power, Shoto. Not his. YOU control what aspect of YOUR quirk to use. Not him, not anyone else, only you. The fact that you would let yourself get killed for the sake of a petty grudge, proves that you still think your fire is a tool of your father. And that in turn is letting him win."

Shoto could only stay silent, his hand gripping his left side as Y/n walked away, leaving him to think over his words. His eyes were downcast, thinking about his teacher's words and how they were right, he looked to his left hand, a small flicker of fire appearing before he turned to Izuku with new conviction, though there was a bit of hesitation in his voice.

Shoto: "I will still beat you Izuku. But could you help me with my fire?"

Izuku was also surprised, but the surprise gave way to a smile as he nodded.

Izuku: "Of course."

The two walked off to get some practice in, Y/n just around the corner with a smile as he pulled his phone out, asking Nezu if he could change the order of the first 4 fights which Nezu agreed to but asked for Y/n to partake in a special event. He happily obliged and was pleased seeing the fights set up in the order he asked. The new order being, Ibara vs Denki, Izuku vs Shinso, Iida vs Mei, and Shoto vs Sero.

Just before the break was over, Y/n ran into the 1a girls who were about to walk into the stadium wearing cheerleader uniforms. He raised his brow at them while they blushed, fidgeting and looking away from him, he sighed before asking why they were wearing them.

Momo: "We were told all the girls had to wear these uniforms."

Y/n: "And who told you that exactly?"

Kyoka: "By Denki and Mine...ta..."

Y/n: "You see the trick now huh?"

They all deadpanned before Momo dropped to her knees, questioning how she always fell for Mineta's tricks like that, the rest trying to comfort her. Y/n coughed into his hand to get their attention, giving them a soft smile to get their hopes up.

Y/n: "Well, good thing I ran into you, saved you all from being embarrassed."

The girls blushed more and hid their faces in their pom poms, but the smiles on their faces made it clear that it was appreciated. They looked at him nervously, some hesitating to ask what he thought, but thy eventually gathered the courage to ask him, the first brave to speak was Kyoka.

Kyoka: "Um, sir."

Y/n: "No need to call me sir, we aren't in class after all, so you can call me Y/n."

Kyoka: "O-oh, sure. S-Y/n, um."

He saw as the blushes grew brighter, a slight smile forming as he chuckled, getting their attention as he raised his hand to snap his fingers.

Y/n: "I guess you want my opinion on how you all look in them? I think you all look beautiful, but I would prefer if you wore them on your own accord. Not because someone else said you had too."

He snapped his fingers and UA gym uniform appeared on them, the cheerleading clothes vanishing from sight, leaving the girls in their gym clothes. He smiled once more and walked their way with his hands in his pockets, stopping just behind them.

Y/n: "Just a reminder, I know you girls listened in on my 'alone time' with my lovers. I don't mind it, I mean you all were cute blushing mad as you talked about it amongst yourselves."

They all froze up, their blushes returning and even more prominent as they tried to stammer out a response. He chuckled once more, the girls relaxing as they calmed themselves down, but still blushing mad.

Y/n: "If you're interested me, then I don't mind giving you a chance, but understand I have several girlfriends who I love equally."

Kyoka: "Wait, your not bothered by that, or angry?"

Y/n: "Should I be, love is a strange thing, but a wonderful thing. Plus, I've gotten use to the amount of lover's I do have, so a few more is nothing for me to complain about."

Momo: "How many people are you in a relationship with?"

He placed his hand to his chin, making it seem like he was thinking as he looked to the side, but he was mentally thanking the system for the Harem function that kept track of how many girls are with him. He could easily remember all the girls, but it was still useful to see the number.

[Harem System]

Current number of Women with Player: 77

Y/n: "I am with quite a few, I would name them all but that would waste your time since you need to get ready for the tournament. The number of girlfriends I have is 77."

Their jaws dropped to the ground, they were stunned at the number he just casually said, his expression only changing to a smile.

Y/n: "I know you all have questions, but they will have to wait for another time. Get yourselves out there, I'll deal with Mineta and Denki later."

The girls nodded and walked on, but felt a pair of lips pressed against their cheeks, they turned to see Y/n give them a wink before he disappeared from sight. They blushed as they held their cheeks, but composed themselves before joining their fellow classmates in the stadium.


The fights went like Y/n thought, Ibara won against Denki but did struggle a bit since he used his electricity in small attacks instead of a large one, Izuku beat Shinso with martial arts only, but did give him a chance to show off his quirk. Mei threw her match after showcasing most of her inventions, much to the despair of Iida since he was used show them off. Sero tried his best, but was instantly best by Shoto who made a large glacier, which was destroyed before it could hit the audience, Shoto looking up to Y/n and giving a small smile, but his eyes showed anger as he looked to Endevaor, which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.

Y/n: 'Author, just skip to the semi-finals, we know the second second branch is gonna be the same as cannon, and the winners in the first are Izuku and Shoto, Izuku has fire while Ibara has vines, pokemon logic there. Shoto lures Iida in and then uses his fire to make him panic and slip out of bounds on the icy floor. There, can we skip now?'

A/n: Oh fine, but stop breaking the 4th wall dammit! Anyway, back to the story.

The semi-finals were about to begin, but hearing from both Midnight and Y/n that a special event was organized for it got everyone curious as to what it could be. The 4 participants who made it this far walked into the stadium, consisting of Shoto, Izuku, Bakugo and Tokoyami. Midnight spoke into the microphone as the 4 students stood at a distance from each other, all thinking it could be a 2v2 or a free for all event to decide the winners.

Midnight: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special event prepared for the semi-final round. Now I know you all are curious as to what it could be, but you needn't wait any longer."

Y/n: "That's right."

Y/n appeared beside her, his hand outstretched as Midnight passed the microphone to him, he took it but also placed a kiss on her hand, giving a small wink to her, making her blush and smile as he addressed the audience.

Y/n: "We decided to host this special event to add a bit of a twist, now just a warning to the participants, you better not hold back or else you will lose quickly. He should be making his arrival now."

After those words left his mouth, a dark blur crashed into the center of the ring, kicking up dust as a web of cracks spread out all the way to the stadium walls, the audience members close to them taking a step back in shock. The figure stood up, waving his hand to cast the dust aside and reveal an armor-clad individual with a shadow like aura around him.

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (5)

Y/n: "Here is your foe my students, you better give it your all now."

Everyone in the crowd was shocked and awed by the mysterious person in the ring, all the students of UA were just as stunned as they looked on at him. The individual then glanced to over his shoulder to Izuku, making the green-haired student tense up, the rest had a similar reaction as he glanced at them before turning to Y/n and bowed his head slightly and getting into a stance.

Y/n: "You can start whenever you wish, your opponent is ready."

Bakugo was the first to charge at him, his quirk already activating and firing blasts from his hands, his opponent evaded the blast with ease, ducking under the blasts as Izuku charged in with a flaming fist, his opponent swiftly evading the blow and countering with a kick to his gut, the flames dispersing as he was kicked across the arena.

Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow out to attack, the figure dodging the blows and using his armored forearm to block the claws, but he wasn't prepared for the shadowy limb to coil around his leg and throw him in the air. Shoto sent out a wave of ice to hit him midair, but he spun himself around to kick off the ice just before it could hit him, landing back on the ground and using the momentum to dash at Shoto, his arm raised to strike him, but was caught by the hand by dark tendrils coming from Izuku's arm before being pulled back, Bakugo ready with a point blank explosion to his chest.

The force of the explosion made him slide back a bit, but he quickly regained his footing and charged at Shoto who raised his right hand, but as his foe's attention shifted to his right arm, he lets out a blast of fire from his right hand, surprising his opponent. Before his opponent could react, he was hit by the stream of fire, raising his arms to block most of it until Izuku joined in with flames, both students condensing their flames till they turned blue. Bakugo joined in by sending a barrage of explosions from above. The onslaught of attacks ceased for a moment until Dark Shadow brought his fist down on the armored opponent, burying him in the ground.

Bakugo: "Oi, sensei! What was the point of this special event? I could have beaten that guy on my own!"

Y/n: "You wouldn't, you would lose instantly if he hadn't been holding back the entire time. Like I did in our first lesson."

Everyone was surprised as the individual easily pulled himself out of the crater, the armor looking no worse for wear, even his helmet remained intact and undamaged. Y/n snapped his fingers and addressed the individual by his name, Sir Alonne, who released more of his aura, swiftly moving in to strike Tokoyami and Dark Shadow first, but Izuku intercepted him with OFA at 50%, but was barely able to keep up as Alonne continued his assault, Bakugo firing explosions and Shoto his fire. Tokoyami aided when he could with Dark Shadow, but the constant light from the attacks forced him to shrink back.

After 2 minutes had passed, the quartet had exhausted their stamina and could only pant heavily while Sir Alonne remained standing, they grit their teeth and tried to stand, Sir Alonne tilted his head as he stared at them, the tension grew as the students readied themselves as the audience began to cheer for them, chanting their names and encouraging them. They felt their spirits renewed and stood tall and stared down Sir Alonne, waiting for him to attack but were shocked as he dropped his stance and clapped to them as well before vanishing into his shadow, returning to Y/n's who spoke into the microphone once more with Midnight.

Y/n: "Even when faced with a foe much stronger than them, they stand back up like true heroes."

Midnight: "They showed their hero spirit in the face of overwhelming odds and never backed down, after a small break we shall get back to the original fights, we hope you all enjoyed the event."

The 4 boys returned to the entrance, slowly feeling their stamina return them as Y/n secretly healed them back to full health. He teleported back into the commentator's room, but before giving a quick kiss to Kayama's cheek, one so swift it was unseen, but she felt it, her cheeks turning pink as a small smile appeared on her face. The sports festival came to an end with Izuku in first place, winning the first place medal, Shoto taking 2nd place, Bakugo in 3rd. School was off for the next two days to let the students recover, Y/n kept to his word and took Kayama out for a date and treated her like a lady instead of how the R-rated hero was treated by the media and public, it made her feel truly special.

He had also spent some time with the 1a girls, giving them a chance to see if their crush on him that could be more than just, which it did but he took it slow for them. He also kept his word to Rumi, since she insisted on him calling her by her actual name, and sparred with her, making the rabbit hero feel excited as she enjoyed the challenge and the excitement that came with fighting him, but she began to feel something as well despite only knowing him for a few days, it felt instinctive, a desire that could only be sated by him.

The day finally came where classes were back on, Aizawa told them they were to pick an agency for their work study as well as hero names, Midnight had entered the class to aid them in this matter with Y/n to give some ideas. They were thankful for his help in the matter, Iida going as far to thank him for saving his brother from Stain, the news of his defeat by the newest UA teacher spread like wildfire and was shown on the news, causing his popularity to skyrocket in a short time. The classes picked the agencies they wished to study with, Y/n seeing them off and wishing them a good week with them returning the gesture.

Y/n: 'Wonder what I should do for the week. I'll let fate decide, can't be that bad.'

Dimensional DXD Gamer (Male Gamer Reader x Harem) - Chapter 27 - ShadowDrake (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.