Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (2024)

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Make this easy Stewed Pears recipe in just 15 minutes with 5 simple ingredients. Sliced pears are stewed in a cinnamon and clove spiced syrup until they get beautifully soft. Delicious on yogurt, ice cream, oatmeal, waffles and more.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (1)

You only need 5 ingredients to make Stewed Pears from scratch in 15 minutes!

Pears are stewed in a quick cinnamon and clove infused syrup. Perfect warm or cold on ice cream, yogurt, oatmeal, waffles or just on their own as a dessert.

The scent of stewed pears in the air always reminds me of my mum. Stewed apples too. Delicate spices dance in the air scented with sweet soft fruit. Bliss.

Pears are lovely and fragrant when eaten fresh, but I really love stewing them. Simply adding them to a little sweetened water with spices takes them to a new level.

Be sure to also try Maple Fried Pears, Stewed Prunes, and Stewed Rhubarb!

A dish of soft, cooked pears swimming in a cinnamon and clove syrup. Can you imagine anything better? They're perfect on their own or over waffles, ice cream, whipped cream, cheesecake...

Five ingredients and 15 minutes to pear nirvana.

Be sure to also try my stewed plums and stewed rhubarb! Just as easy with a different fruit flavor.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (2)

I have a HUGE pear tree at the bottom of my backyard. Too big. That's the problem. It's massively overgrown and about 30 foot tall. And it's absolutely laden with glorious orbs of fruit right now. Thing is, we can only possibly reach the lowest few branches.

So all that free fruit turns into food for the birds, missiles in the wind or simply falls to the ground when they're overripe and smash, making food for any wild (or domestic) animals.

It's such a shame, but those few beautiful pears that we get are absolutely divine. And perfect for stewed pears.

Why you'll love this recipe

Ready in 15 minutes.
5 simple ingredients.
A great way to use up pears.
Stovetop cooked pears.
The spiced cooked pears are melt-in-your-mouth good.
The light syrup is flavored with cinnamon, cloves and pears.
Versatile - try it on yogurt, oatmeal, granola, pancakes, ice cream...

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (3)


You only need a few simple ingredients for these fragrant, delicious spiced stewed pears.

Pears - ripe, but not too soft, or they could break up into more of a compote. If they're on the firmer side, they'll soften while cooking.

Sugar - use brown sugar, white sugar or maple syrup.

Lemon juice - or substitute for orange juice.

Cinnamon stick - optional, but adds an amazing flavor.

Cloves - as with the cinnamon, they add a lovely flavor, but are optional.

Step by step tutorial

This is such a simple recipe, but full of WOW flavor. Follow these photo steps, then scroll down to the recipe card for the full ingredients list and method.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (4)

Add the sugar, water, lemon juice and cinnamon stick to a pot. If using cloves, add them too.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (5)

Place over a medium heat and simmer until the sugar dissolves.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (6)

Peel, core and quarter the pears, then add them to the pot.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (7)

Simmer for 10 minutes or until soft. Enjoy!

Serving Suggestions

Try these tasty ways to use up stewed pears!

On vanilla ice cream.
In yogurt.
On oatmeal.
On waffles or pancakes (try my Vegan Waffles and Fluffy Vegan Pancakes).
Serve in a bowl swirled with heavy cream.
Alongside custard.
Sprinkle with granola for a deconstructed pear crisp (aka pear crumble).
Try using the cooked pears in this Gingerbread Parfait.
Serve for Christmas breakfast as a quick topping for waffles, porridge, baked oatmeal, pancakes (perfect onGingerbread Pancakes),Cinnamon French Toastetc...


Swap the water for red wine or mulled wine for a more festive Christmas dessert.

I prefer to peel my pears before stewing, but you can leave the skin on. It softens as it cooks.

Firmer pears will take longer to cook, while ones that are more ripe could cook quicker. Keep an eye on them as you want the stewed pears to be cooked and soft, but not collapsing.

Try adding a thumb-sized piece of peeled root ginger, chopped, to your stewed pears.

Make it refined-sugar-free by using maple syrup or stevia instead of sugar.

Try it withvanilla ice cream.

Add a star anise or some cardamom for another flavor.

Delicious served warm on its own with toasted crushed salted hazelnuts.

Fruit recipes

I hope that you'll love these stewed pears as much as we do. Be sure to try these other tasty fruit recipes.

Fruit Tacos
Fruit Platter Ideas
Chocolate Avocado Dip with Fruit Skewers
Blackberry Compote
Raspberry Compote
Blueberry Popsicles
Fruit Salad with Tea Simple Syrup
Poached Pears in Red Wine with Cinnamon Cream

📖 Recipe

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (8)

Easy Cinnamon Stewed Pears

Kate Hackworthy | Veggie Desserts

Make this easy Stewed Pears recipe in just 15 minutes with 5 simple ingredients. Sliced pears are stewed in a cinnamon and clove spiced syrup. Delicious on yogurt, ice cream, oatmeal, waffles and more.

5 from 36 votes

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Prep Time 3 minutes mins

Cook Time 12 minutes mins

Total Time 15 minutes mins

Course Breakfast, Dessert

Cuisine American, gluten-free, Vegan

Servings 6

Calories 152 kcal


  • 8 ripe pears
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 tablespoons sugar brown sugar or white
  • Juice of ½ a lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick optional
  • 5 cloves optional


  • Place the sugar, water, lemon juice and cinnamon stick into a medium-sized pot over a medium heat and simmer, stirring occasionally until the sugar dissolves.

  • Peel and core the pears and cut into quarters, and add them to the pot.

  • Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the fruit is soft and begins to break down. Remove and discard the cinnamon stick and cloves.

  • Enjoy hot or cold. Delicious on yogurt, pancakes, waffles, ice cream, granola or cheesecake. Get creative with the tasty stewed pears.



Swap the water for red wine or mulled wine for a more festive Christmas dessert.

I prefer to peel my pears before stewing, but you can leave the skin on. It softens as it cooks.

Firmer pears will take longer to cook, while ones that are riper could cook quicker. Keep an eye on them as you want the stewed pears to be cooked and soft, but not collapsing.

Try adding a thumb-sized piece of peeled root ginger, chopped to your stewed pears.

Add a star anise or a large pinch of ground cardamom for another flavor.


Calories: 152kcalCarbohydrates: 41gProtein: 1gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 3mgPotassium: 275mgFiber: 8gSugar: 27gVitamin A: 59IUVitamin C: 10mgCalcium: 27mgIron: 1mg

The nutritional information provided is approximate and can vary depending on several factors, so is not guaranteed to be accurate. Please see a registered dietician for special diet advice.

Tried this recipe?Mention @kateveggiedesserts or tag #veggiedesserts! I love seeing your recreations.

Easy Stewed Pears Recipe (2024)


What is the best cooking method for pears? ›

Poached Pears

Keep the liquid at a very low boil and simmer the pears until cooked through, 10 to 25 minutes, depending on the pears. While they are poaching, every so often gently push down the pears to make sure they are submerged in poaching liquid. (The round of paper helps to keep the pears moist and wet.)

Do you have to peel pears to cook them? ›

Store at room temperature, or inside a paper bag if pears are hard or firm and needing to ripen. Prepare by washing with cold water before eating. No need to peel, just slice pears in half and take out the core with a knife or melon baller.

Are stewed pears good for you? ›

After cooking, you'll even have a naturally sweetened syrup to serve alongside. Pears are very healthy. They are rich in fibre, including prebiotics, which means they are great for gut health. They are also a good source of antioxidants, and a number of vitamins and minerals.

How do you boil pears to soften them? ›

Poach pears in a gentle rolling boil for approximately 20-30 minutes. To test doneness, gently poke pears with a paring knife. If the pears offer little to no resistance, then they are done. Remove pears from heat and allow them to cool in their poaching liquid.

What is the healthiest way to eat pears? ›

Eat pears whole or cut into quarters. If desired, remove the core. The skin is edible and a great source of fiber.

How do you keep cooked pears from turning brown? ›

This is known as enzymatic browning. Keep cut fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, and peaches from turning brown by: Coating them with an acidic juice such as lemon, orange, or pineapple juice. Use a commercial anti-darkening preparation with fruits, such as Fruit-Fresh®*, and follow the manufacturer's directions.

Are pears good for diabetics? ›

We also know that pears can help control blood sugar and lower your chances of type 2 diabetes and stroke. They can even help you digest food better. And, as a bonus, they're a good way to make you feel like you've had a small treat with some added nutrition.

Is there such thing as cooking pears? ›

Cooking pears fall into two categories. The first are eating varieties which are used for cooking. These are usually used for cooking before the soften. The second are old fashioned cooking pears which remain hard however long they are kept and never soften sufficiently to be eaten fresh.

Why did my stewed pears go brown? ›

Browning is the result of freshly cut apple or pear flesh coming into contact with oxygen, a natural process called oxidization or enzymatic browning. Speed of browning can vary depending on the variety of apple or pear, and can also be impacted by the age of the fruit.

Are pears healthier than apples? ›

Pears are not better than apples. They have similar health benefits, though we know much more about how apples impact health than pears. In fact, research into the health benefits of pears is ongoing. Both apples and pears contain pectin, a fiber that nourishes gut bacteria.

Are pears healthier than bananas? ›

Bananas have a 1:1 ratio of glucose to fructose while pears have twice as much fructose as glucose. Sports drinks have a sugar profile similar to bananas, but in a 2012 study Gillit and Nieman showed that bananas are not only an effective alternative to sports drinks but also a healthier option.

How do you keep pears from getting mushy? ›

Mix lemon juice or citric acid with water if you don't have ascorbic acid. For every 1 quart (32 USoz) of water, add in 3 tablespoons (44 mL) of lemon juice or citric acid. Dip your pear slices into the water mixture for 1 to 2 minutes before you can them.

Can I freeze stewed pears? ›

Bring the syrup to a simmer, add the pears and cook for about 2 minutes, then let cool. Pack the fruit in freezer-safe bags or containers, using about ½ cup cooled syrup for each pint of fruit. Pack flat in bags to coat the fruit in syrup.

Can you microwave a pear to soften it? ›

Place prepared pear quarters in a microwave-safe dish. Add ¼ cup water and cover tightly, allowing a corner to vent. Microwave on HIGH for 3 minutes and stir pears. Re-cover and cook for 3 to 6 minutes, or until tender.

Which cooking method is recommended for most fruit? ›

Fruit can be grilled, broiled, poached, sautéed, baked, or microwaved: Some fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, and peaches, undergo enzy- matic browning when the oxygen in the air comes in contact with the flesh of cut fruit. Avoid overcooking fruits, as they will become soft or mushy.

Do you boil or steam pears? ›

If you prefer steaming, place the pear halves or slices in a steamer basket over boiling water. Cover and steam for about 10-12 minutes or until the pears are tender. If you opt for boiling, place the pears in a saucepan and add enough water to cover them. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to simmer.

Is pear better cooked or raw? ›

Both cooked and raw pears are healthy, and can have a positive impact as part of a balanced diet.

What are the best pears for sauteing? ›

Use any variety of pear you like including Bartlett, Anjou, Bosc, or any other variety. You can use firm unripe pears and also softer ripe ones. The only difference is how long they take to cook—unripe pears will take a little longer to soften up.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.