Hanford Morning Journal from Hanford, California (2024)

TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1943. HANFORD MORNING JOURNAL-HANFORD, CALIFORNIA. PAGE FIVE Rose Bowl Bid Expected for Those Trojans By Ed Emery San Francisco, Oct. 25 (UP)A bowl of roses appeared in the offing today for the University of Southern California Trojans after their 6 6-0 win over Amos Alonzo Stagg's valiant College of the Pacific Tigers Saturday before a recwestern crowd of 65,000. Victory over University California next Saturday in return engagement at Los Angeles would clinch the Pacific Coast Conference southern division championship for Coach Jeff Cravath's unscored-on Thundering Herd.

USC defeated the Bears earlier in the season, and California was buried under 39-0 avalanche Saturday by St. Mary's Pre-Flight to further boost Trojan stock. The only other undefeated team on the coast, the University of Washington Huskies, kept alive its Bowl hopes by whipping the previously unbeaten Fourth Air Force Flyers from March Field, 27-7 at Seattle Saturday. The Huskies have no other major game scheduled, however, and cannot challenge USC for the conference crown because of a 48-hour ruling limiting travel of navy and marine cadets. Sunday, St.

Mary's College turns to the gridiron against the University of San Francisco Dons at Kezar, and the Alameda Coast Guard meets Nevada Reno Air Base at Reno. Trojan speed and Pacific's bad luck combined to end 81-year-old Stagg's dream of a championship season in his 54th year of coaching. Two quick passes by USC's great halfback Mickey McCardle to end Ralph Heywood and back Eddie Saenz moved the Trojans from their own 32 to the COP 26 in the final quarter. Then George Callanan whipped a pass to his brother on the five and USC had the only score of the game. Del Monte Navy Whips Dons, 34-0 San Francisco, Oct.

25-(UP)Del Monte Pre-Flight, rolling along in its usual style, defeated the University of San Francisco 34 to 0 yesterday, before 10,000 fans at Kezar Stadium. Pulling its punches throughout the game, Del Monte registered its first score in the first period when Sherman Olmstead, Los Angeles plunged over from the six inch line. Bill Draper, former Creighton halfback, intercepted a USF pass on his own 45 and scooted 55 yards from the second tally. A fifteen yard pass and 12 yard run by E. J.

Roher, Los Angeles, brought Del Monte its third touchdown in the second period. Roher added another score in the third period on a 45 yard dash around end and a minute later Parker Hall, former Mississippi halfback, ran 46 yards for another after intercepting a USF pass. Bluege Signed to Manage Washington Washington, Oct. 25- (UP) Ossie Bluege has signed a two-year contract with Clark Griffith to manage the Washington Nations. The contract was signed Saturday.

It was the first time since 1929 that Griffith has tendered a manager than a one-year contract. Bluege was the fourth successive manager promoted from the playing ranks by Griffith during the last 20 sessions. LOST Rear wheel and shaft of side delivery Hay Rake On Hanford Avenue between Lacey Boulevard and three Miles North. REWARD Phone 705-J-12 Hanford Visalia Production Credit Assn. For the convenience of bers or interested parties, representative will be at the Kings County Cooperative Gia Friday Morning 9-12 Applications or other service.

DR. D. E. PEARL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Steam Baths--Colon Washes 209 W. 7th Ph.

1159 MILKING MACHINE RUBBERS Sinks and Coolers Dairy Sterilizers FORD BERRY 217 W. 3th St. Phone Record Crowd Attends Gala. Hanford Rodeo Nearly 6,000 persons attended the Sunday afternoon Rodeo, staged here by Cuff Burrell -who previously had been told some skeptical persons that "a rodeo just won't attract any sort of crowd here in Not only was it the largest crowd ever to jam the ball park, but it was estimated that 500 persons had to be turned away at the gates for lack of space. An encore rodeo, with some horse show events added, will highlight Burrell's participation in the Legion Armistice show.

(Story on first page). Blessed by perfect weather, some of the west's leading rodeo performers appeared in the contests, in addition to the several novelty exhibitions of trick and stunt rid- ing. The events, the winners, and the prize money, as announced officially: Bronc riding. Won by Wag Blessing, $86. Don Landis, second, $64.50.

Frank Schneider, third, $43. Slim Flagg and Bill Ward, tied for fourth, $10.75 each. Bareback riding. Won by Frank Schneider and Pvt. Ralph Kniffin, tied for first, $87.50 each.

Lightning Dooley, third, $50. Bud Spealman, fourth, $25. Calf roping. by Gordon Davis, $228. Charlie, Lynn, second, $127.

Tony Azevedo, third, $114. Perry Cotten, fourth, $57. Bulldogging. by Jack Pond, $106. Merrill Hanson, second, $79.50.

Oscar Warren, third, $53. Charlie Lynn, fourth, $26.50. Teamroping. Won by Joe DeMello and Willie Clay, $258 each. Emmett Gill and M.

W. Del Re, second, $193.50 each. Monroe Har- mon and Bill Erickson, third, $129 each. Sgt. Marsh Doolittle and Ted Guidotti, fourth, $64.50 each.

Bullriding. Won by Wag Blessing and Dutch Martins, tied, $96.25 each. Third and fourth place tie between Lightning Dooley and Glenn Tyler, $41.25 each. The Hanford rodeo promoter and horseman is paying the additional cost for downtown store decorations to remain up between now and the Armistice Day rodeo, with the Legion here sanctioning supplemental patriotic decorations. KINGS' MEN IN UNIFORM Farragut, Idaho- -Several men from Hanford have begun their recruit training at this U.

S. Naval Training Station, the largest in the West. For the next several weeks they will be busy learning military discipline, the fundamentals of seamanship, and undergoing intensive physical hardening. These new Hanford recruits are: Ted Hernandez, husband of Mrs. Mary Hernandez; 209 So.

Douty Hugh Salis Jones, route No. John Guiterez Ortez, son of Mrs. Luisa Ortez, 207 E. 3rd St. Also at Farragut is Lloyd Thomas Anderson, ward of Mrs.

Harry Verhuel, route No. 1. Pfc. Wesley C. Redwine, local high school alumnus, has graduated from armament school at Lowry Field, where he has been assigned since August.

A civilian farmer, he has been stationed in the past at Monterey, Keesler Field and Lowry Field. His parents have a rural Kingsburg address. Pvt. Albert E. Russell, has been appointed an Aviation Student, and has reported to the 314th College Training Detachment (Aircrew) at Ellensburg, Washington, for preliminary training as an Aircrew Member.

Aviation Students undergo a rigorous training program in technical phases of Aviation designed to better qualify them as Pilot Officers. Aviation Student Albert E. Russell, is the husband of Elsie Mae Russell, 220 E. Florinda Hanford. Pfc.

First Morgan, 39004089. A. P. 0. 7, Post Master, San Francisco, Calif.

(Address not complete, in keeping with censorship requirements.) Pvt. Jim W. Trimmer of Box 1086, Corcoran, has been promoted to the rank of corporal at the Carlsbad Army Air Field, Carlsbad, New Mexico. Here's Bill Bishop's new address: William F. Bishop, (R) Fire Control School, Co.

1729 Bks. 1741, Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. Majors Beat Minors In All-Star Ball Tilt Oakland, Oct. 25- (UP) The major league All-Stars defeated the minors, 6 to 1, at the Emeryville ball park yesterday in the Alameda Elks annual baseball benefit.

Some 6,000 fans saw Ernie Bonham, 210 pound New York Yankee, turn back the minor league stars with only eight hits. Al Epperly of the San Francisco Seals was charged with the defeat. He allowed ten hits. Ten Undefeated Teams Notre Dame, Army, Navy, Trojans Due for Tough Saturday Games New York, Oct. (UP) Absenteeism reached a new high in the select group of unbeaten and untied football teams today when only 10 perfect record squads were on hand to answer the Monday roll call.

present and accounted for inciuded Notre Dame, Army, Navy and Pennsylvania, a robust quartet which will square off next Saturday in two of the top games of the year. Notre Dame meets Navy at Cleveland and Army plays Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. Some of the owners have similarly stiff opposition in the offing, although most should squeeze by unscathed once more. Colorado College kept pace last weekend by sidetracking previously unbeaten Colorado 16 Southern California kept its goal line uncrossed with a hard earned 6 to 0 victory over College of Pacific, also previously unbeaten. The other unbeaten teams which tumbled from the ranks were Southwestern, which was upset by Southwest Louisiana Institute 27 to 6 and March Field, a 27 to 7 loser to Washington.

Texas A. M.s' perfect slate was spoiled by a scoreless with North Texas Ag. gies. Accurate Angelo Bertelli and Hurlin' Hal Hamberg, two passing masters, who have been utilizing air power to keep their teams unbeaten will meet in the Notre Dame- clash. Bertelli, benched and blanketed through most of Notre Dame's 47 to 0 rout of Illinois, threw one touchdown pass and connected with five of seven passes for 83 yards.

All Hamberg did against Georgia Tech was to throw three touchdown passes and score a touchdown himself in Navy's 28 to 14 victory. Both Army and Penn pulled punches in their weekend victories, Army pouring in to trounce Yale 39 to' 7, while Penn put its first team on a part time shift in besting Columbia 33 to 0. The coming program generally Freight Car Loading, Unloading Is In its latest report, the local Car Efficiency committee discloses that all effort possible is being presented to freight shippers and receivers to keep them in touch with the national effort. Railroad reports of local ciency in loading or unloading are being watched, in an effort to impress upon the delinquent the importance of keeping freight cars rolling. The report was prepared by Glenn Gustafson, chairman here.

Salt Lake Air Base Romps, But Gets Tie Reno, Oct. 25-(UP)-The Salt Lake Army Air Base eleven romped all over the gridiron yesterday, but was unable to score against a stubborn University Nevada-Reno Army Air Base line and wound up with a scoreless tie. The punting of Bob Brummett, former Tennessee Tech halfback, kept Nevada in the hole all afternoon, while Salt Lake rolled up 203 yards from scrimmage to 40 for Nevada and 11 first downs to two. Ortiz Will Retire From Boxing Career El Centro, Oct. 25-(UP)World's bantamweight boxing champion Manuel Ortis will retire from the ring late next simmer to devote his time to his Imperial Valley, farming interests, he announced today.

Ortiz, who has a title bout sched: ule against Benny Goldberg Nov. 16 in Hollywood, said he may schedule, "several more" fights before he quits. 'Abide' Wins Event At Agua Caliente Agua Caliente, Oct. 25- (UP)-Buzz Hanco*ck's Abide, once the favorite of the fans, was on the comeback trail today after two and a half length victory yesterday in the Volturno Allowances at six furlongs. Jockey Johnny Adams rode Abide to pay $8.40, 4.60 and 2.60.

Glenock was second and Miss Beans third. Time was 1:12 1-5. Revenge Won't Aid Victory, Warns Prelate 48 WIZARD AT PASSING- -Action picture of Angelo Bertelli, passing wizard of Notre Dame. He paced Notre Dame's 55-13 victory over Georgia Tech before 30,000 astounded fans at South Bend, Ind. His outstanding pass was a 31-yard effort thrown on the run to Ray Kuffel at goal line.

Sports Shorts By JACK CUDDY The Monday P. M. Southern California blasted the College of Pacific's Rose Bowl dreams Saturday, 6-0, that "break" in the second period probably was the toughest in ancient Amos Alonzo Stagg's 54-year coaching career. Joe Ferem took Presto Podesto's forward pass on the seven stripe and sped over Southern Cal's goal line. Officials ruled "no touchdown" because of a clipping penalty.

In the fourth period of that contest Frank Holmes ran a Trojan kickoff back along the sidelines and over Southern Cal's goal line. It was ruled no touchdown. Holmes had stepped out of bounds on the U. S. C.

46. The North Texas Agricultural College had two somewhat similar experiences in its scoreless tie with Texas A. and M. Two apparent N. T.

A. C. touchdowns were called back, one on a penalty and another on an illegal pass. Nick Sacrinity of Wake Forest registered the longest run of the weekend as his team downed Virginia Military Institute, 21-0. At the opening of the second half, Sacrinity took the V.

M. I. kick-off and, aided by interference, a galloped 94 yards for a touchdown. Steven Vanburen of Louisiana State, who made three touchdowns as L. S.

U. smacked Georgia, 27-6, achieved one of these tallies by taking a Georgia punt on his 19 stripe and sprinting 81 yards. Although Army beat Yale, 39-7, Yale's Ray "Scooter" Scussel gained eastern acclaim by jack rabbiting 72 yards to Army's six stripe and then passing over the goal line to Al Mahoney for the only tally against the soldiers this season. Harry McCloskey of Swarthmore sped 1 85 yards for the first touchdown as Swarthmore rolled up its cashregister 79-0 over City College of New York. Hal Hamberg of Navy put on a great one-man show Saturday night, being the key man in all four touchdowns as the sailors dewned Georgia Tech, 28-14.

Cadet Bruce Smith, former Minneseta All-America, did likewise as St. Mary's Pre-Flight blanked California, 39-0. Smith registered three touchdowns, although in the game only 20 minutes. Michigan lost no time in handing Minnesota its most disastrous defeat in grid history, 49-6. Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch raced 61 yards for a touchdown on the first play from scrimmage.

Angott vs. White Tops U. S. Boxing New York, Oct. 25- (UP) Lightweight activities feature this week's fistic schedule, with most attention focused on Los Angeles Wednesday night as Sammy Angott and Slugger White battle 15 rounds to determine which shall occupy the National Boxing Association's vacant throne.

The N.B.A. has recognized no lightweight king since Angott of Washington, retired as undefeated, undisputed world champion in November, 1942. Angott returned to the ring a few months later, still claiming the crown; but he was refused recognition despite an excellent come-back. White, a Baltimore Negro, earned Wednesday's title chance gaining championship recognition from the state of Maryland and by an impressive campaign on the Pacific coast. Game Rumor Denied West Point, N.

Oct. 25-(UP) -Reports that tickets to the restricted Army-Navy football game at West Point, Nov. 27 have been distriubted to congressmen in Washington are false, Col. Lawrence M. (Biff) Jones, graduate manager of athletics at the U.

S. Military Academy said today. Although Shasta and Friant Dams are nearly finished, the Central Valley Project as a whole is less than half completed. WHY PATCH AN OLD ROOF? SENSATIONAL NUROOF Will Make It NEW For the Cost of Patches GUARANTEED 10 YEARS FIRE PROOF PROOF Write or Phone ACORN REFINING CO. 1911 Fresno St.

Phone 32822 Salesmen Will Call Anywhere -NO OBLIGATION- is the most attractive of the season to date. In the east there are such features as Princeton-Brown, Holy Colgate, Cornell Columbia, Muhlenberg Bucknell, PittsburghCarnegie Tech, Penn StateWest Virginia. Ohio State-Indiana, linois, Minnesota Northwestern, Great Lakes Western Michigan, Missouri-Nebraska, Kansas StateKansas, Iowa State-Oklahoma, and Marquette-Denver are middle west highlights. In the south, the top games include Randolph Field-Mexico City University, Texas A. Southern Methodist-Texas, and Rice-Texas Tech.

Monday Schedule At Bay Meadows San Mateo, Oct. 25-(UP) -Bay Meadows opened its gates to Monday racing today for the first time during the current meeting, after Saturday's crowd set a new ord of $604,653. Northern California wagering lend Racing each Monday through the of the fall season was approved by the state racing board last week, adding nine days to the Bay Meadows schedule. Profits will be donated to naval hospital relief. Luroid was the early choice to win the one-mile Lassen purse for three-year olds and up, while Lady Lake, Gold Armor and Momentito were favored in the six-furlong Modoc purse for three-year olds.

Saturday, the Alameda handicap went to Flak. Scots Win Soccer Los Angeles, Oct. 25- (UP) The William Campbell Memorial Soccer cup stayed in the Los Angeles Aircraft Scots' showcase tothe San Francisco league chamday after their shut out win over pions, Union Espanola, 6-0 terday. New York-Post-war reconstruction can be made easier if the Allies forever shun the malicious tactics of the Nazis and revengeful actions while concentrating on military objectives and the punishment of Axis leaders responsible for the disastrous conflict, Archbishop Spellman declares in a cur rent weekly. The New York Archbishop tells of a lengthy conference with Prime Minister Churchill who, he asserts, "believes that Almighty God has saved England in several critical situations." The Roman Catholic prelate describes the sorrow, sufoffering and destruction he saw during visits to Eire and such battlescarred places as Malta, Stax, Sousse, Benghasi, and Tripoli where from a waterfront point of vantage outside the city, he watched an air raid on that battered port.

"War is a contagious disease," writes the Archbishop. "I do hope that America and Americans will have enough of the spiritual and enough spirit to win the war without contracting the diseases of war." Sunday Grid Contest Denounced by Clergy Medford, Oct. of Oregon authorities were severely criticized today by the Medford Ministerial Association for permitting a Sunday football game on the Eugene campus. "We vigorously challenge this action as a breach of trust vested in them (the authorities) by the state," the clerical group resolved. "We protest against the use our state-owned campus for the desecration of tenet that is in direct violation of a command of God: "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy." Michigan now holds first rank in amount of war contracts placed, with California second and New York third.

We didn't need cat father read by this 1. In 1000, when everyone read by ker- 2. We could make all of these prod- scientific had As result, our tools of production esene lamp or gaslight, running an oil ucts we could sell at Union with that point, and father became so comples and expensive that company was simple operation. The old -fashioned $5,000 shell stills. So kerosene lamp, we could still operate so one small group of automobile had not been invented, it wasn't too difficult for 9 Santa Paula, on that same basis.

But it didn't. La the provide them. Take refinery equipment, railroads still burned coal, and people California business men to start the years between 1890 and 1943, man made for aple. By 1919 we'd graduated used just three petroleum products: company out of their personal savings. more scientific progress than in all the from shell stills te tube stills- we no kerosene, asphalt and axle grease.

centuries that had gone before. longer fed in a barrel of crude at a time and ladied off the products. 1 S. But tube stills cost 20 times as much 6. And today we're installing catalytic 7.

Andie explains why Union's owners C. for it the economic freeand we had to have more of them. By cracking units crackers) that cost have increased from 9 people to 31,652. dom of the individual, the efficiency of 1926 we had installed a cracking plant many times more. "Cat" crackers will en- For the only way you can finance this free economy and that -important to crack gas oil and make more gasoline.

able us to make more powerful aviation kind of equipment is by pooling the human incentive competition. The sysThis gave a pretty good gas but we kept gasoline as well as improved postwar money of a lot of people. Now you can may not be perfect yet. But it has experimenting to improve it until in motor gasoline. This progress is typical form these pools in two ways: by gov- given us the highest standard of living 1938 we put in hydroforming units that of all branches of the oil business.

ernment ownership or by private corpo- and the greatest capacity for production cost 600 times as much. rations. We Americans chose the latter. any nation has ever known. This series, sponsored by the people of the UNION OIL COMPANY Union Oil Company, is dedicated to a dis cussion of how and why American business CAlIFORNIA functions.

We hope you' feat fros to send in any suggestions or criticisms you have to offer. Write, The President, Union Oil AMERICA'S FIFTH FREEDOM IS FREE ENTERPRISE Ca. Union Oil Las Angela 14. Calif 18 Forward Passers in Pro Grid Limelight By United Press The forward passers were in there pitching in the pro ranks again Sunday, setting one new National League record and equaling another in a day otherwise notable because the last place Brooklyn Dodgers came to life. The Dodgers, scoreless all season in losing five games, opened a sudden second half offensive at Chicago against the great Bears and rolled up three touchdowns.

However, they eventually lost 33 to 21. Green Bay was responsible for the records in its second victory over the Detroit Lions this year, 27 to 6 at Detroit. Ross Better After New Malaria Attack St. Albans, N. Oct.

25-(UP) -Sgt. Barney Ross, who suffered new attack of malaria fever three days ago, is "much improved and now convalescing" at the Naval Hospital here, his attending physician said today. The former lightweight and welterweight boxing champion and a Marine hero in the battle of Guadalcanal, was able to leave his bed yesterday and probably will be out of the hospital within a few days. He contracted the fever in the Southwest Pacific campaign. Los Angeles Wins Sunday Game, 40-13 Los Angeles, Oct.

25-(UP)The Los Angeles Mustangs, scoring four touchdowns in the second quarter, swamped the Oakland Giants, 40-13 yesterday in a professional football game at Gilmore Field. First score was the Giants' in the opening period on a forward pass from Mel Reed to George Washington. By halftime the Mustangs had taken the lead by 26-7. Bill Murry, Earl Elsey, Clarence Mackey and Joe Hernandez did the scoring. 100 CHAT.

Hanford Morning Journal from Hanford, California (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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