Julia F. on LinkedIn: 16 habits that destroy your focus and… (2024)

Julia F.

Global Technologist | International Speaker | Mentor | AWS Community Builder | CNCF Ambassador | KCD NY Organizer

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16 habits that destroy your focus and productivity🔺Multitasking.🔺Comfortable with comfort! This is a slow-growth killer.🔺Chasing perfection.🔺Too less/too much sleep.🔺Comfortable with comfort! This is a slow-growth killer.🔺Chasing perfection.🔺Lack of social activities. Humans are social animals. We work better when socialized.🔺Skipping exercise.🔺Skipping Sunlight.🔺Spending before earning!🔺 Not relaxing.🔺Waiting for perfect timing.🔺Not planning your day the night before.🔺 Engaging in excessive social media use.🔺 Overcommitting and taking on too many responsibilities.🔺 Being resistant to change and unwilling to adapt. Can you relate to any of these habits?



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Student at Shri Shivaji Arts, Commerce & Science, College, Akola.


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their is one thing is I can relate to it

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    Advocate at Pandit & Associates

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    🌟 **The Power of Daily Routines: Your Key to Success**🔹 *Consistency breeds success.* Embrace the magic of a daily routine – your secret weapon to conquer each day. A routine isn't about rigidity; it's about setting intentions, creating habits, and unlocking your potential.🔹 *Start with intention.* Design a routine that suits YOU. Include activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's a morning meditation, exercise, reading, or even a creative outlet, make it yours.🔹 *Fuel your productivity.* A well-structured day breeds efficiency. With a routine in place, you'll find yourself accomplishing more and feeling fulfilled, knowing you've dedicated time to what matters most.🔹 *Prioritize self-care.* Amidst the hustle, don't forget yourself. Your routine should carve out moments for self-care—whether it's a bubble bath, a walk in nature, or simply unplugging and resting.🔹 *Adapt and evolve.* Life isn't static, and neither should your routine be. Embrace change, tweak your schedule as needed, and allow room for spontaneity. Flexibility is key to sustainable routines.🔹 *Celebrate small victories.* Each day you stick to your routine is a win. Celebrate your dedication, acknowledge progress, and keep the momentum going.Remember, a daily routine isn't about perfection—it's about progress. Embrace the power of consistency, and watch as it transforms your life. ✨#DailyRoutines #ConsistencyIsKey #SelfCare #Productivity #Balance #Progress


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    Brand Architect & Business Strategist

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    Regular habits = Regular resultsBut exceptional habits, produce exceptional results.Most people will:- Wake up at 7am- “Work” for 8 hours- Waste weekendsOn the other hand, high achievers:- Wake up at 5am- Work 10-12+ hours daily- Leverage weekends The path most take is fine.And many people are okay with “regular results”. But if you want "exceptional" results, change your habits.Your habits of today will determine the life you live tomorrow. Move accordingly.



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    Founder at Locate Your Look & MY...SELF

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    ✨💪 Need a boost today? Feeling demotivated and drained can really hinder our progress, but fear not! In this post, you'll find effective tips to regain energy and get back on track. Taking care of your well-being and celebrating small victories could be just the refresh you need. These inspiring vibes serve as a powerful reminder that we have the ability to conquer any challenges that come our way! 💫🌟 #RefreshYourVibes#motivation #selfcare #success #mindset #blogpost


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Julia F. on LinkedIn: 16 habits that destroy your focus and… (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.