KMST ver. 1.2.172 – Maple Now (24.05.16) & Guild System Reorganization (2024)

The latest test server patch was on the smaller side, with the main points being changes to the Guild Skill system, a new type of Cash item called Illusion Rings, and the second half of the 21st anniversary events.

In addition, during the Maple Now stream, Director Changseop stated that they will (finally) be releasing details on the summer showcase on May 27. This year, the showcase will be streamed online as well as in-game for players to watch so they will be testing out that system as well.

Guild System Reorganization

  • To increase the accessibility of Guild Noblesse skills, they have increased the amount of Weekly Mission Points a single character can contribute, increased the base amount of points you get from Flag Race, and changed it so that you can get a fixed amount of points from Sharenian’s Underground Culvert up to the top 15% of guilds. They wanted to make it so that you can enjoy being in a guild with your friends without having to worry about getting strong players to maintain a certain level of guild skills.
  • While you can use guild skills without cooldowns in Practice Mode, a lot of players just want to run the real mode but run into the situation where you have to wait out the cooldowns every time. They have changed the cooldowns of guild skills to be 60 minutes at all levels.
  • They have added a feature where you can use mesos to instantly refresh a guild skill’s cooldown. Although it is a small change, it gives another opportunity to increase the consumption of mesos as they have been working on since the potential reset system was added. The price was set at this level to make it so that hurdle of boss difficulty wasn’t lowered significantly if their uptime was greatly increased.
  • It was annoying to go through the quest list every week to find the G-Potion Support so they removed the quest and moved it into the guild UI. In addition, they have moved the weekly reset for this and all other guild-related content from Sunday to Thursday.

Macro Detection System

  • They are adding a new macro detection system in Meisterville to try and catch those suspected to be macroing. They are constantly working on their security systems to combat them.
  • He said it’s not as hard as it looks when you actually try it (if you’re a real human).

Other Improvements

  • They have removed the cooldowns for the Weapon Tempering skills and stuff like Boss Killer Potions to make it easier to line up with guild skills.
  • They have added job restrictions to equip certain shields because they had many players complain that they couldn’t use their skills after equipping them (and they turn untradable so they became useless and they asked support to make them tradable again).
  • For Suu, they have updated the effects of phase 1’s saw blade pattern and floor mine patterns because they were not very visible, especially for certain jobs like Lara that had a lot of elements along the floor.
  • You can now disassemble up to 30 items at a time.
  • The Quick Move UI has been updated so that it is the same in all towns. It was a bit annoying to go to a town and some things were missing. They also added Maple Admin and the Storage NPCs.
  • They are always working on adding these kinds of changes that players want as soon as possible, but he thinks it’s still a little lacking, especially since almost every time, people think “wow they finally changed it”. They do this in addition to preparing for the bigger content updates.


  • A lot of players found Maple Soccer Online and its related missions to be too hard, while Chipmunk Sweepers was much easier than they intended. For the remaining two minigames (Maple Racing and Return of the Legends), they have adjusted the mission difficulty to match Chipmunk Sweepers.
  • This patch’s Punch King event, the Union Pop Challenge, has been expanded. This time, you’ll gain additional points based on your Union’s Raid Attack Power. This is to incentivize and reward players for the growth of their Union.
  • Maple Racing is a new type of minigame that they developed to recreate the fun of KartRider in MapleStory.
  • In Return of the Legends, they have added the Gunner (F) character from Dungeon Fighter.
  • Similar to the Chew Chew Slushie event, they have added a feature to the temporary stats skill for this anniversary event where you can reroll 3 additional stats with Spiegelmann Medals that drop from monsters. To help these items keep their value longer (since last time, the value dropped very quickly), they have also added another way to consume them where you can spend them to get chairs based on each of the Cards in the Ultimate Collaboration.
  • They know a lot of players have said that there’s not enough Coins given to buy all the items in the shop that they want. There’s a Coin Express event this time too which is a bit more valuable due to the lack of coins.


  • Since they removed Cubes, they have looked for additional things to add for purchase in the Cash Shop. They want to add meaningful and fun content that players want to buy.
  • In this patch, they have added Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat, which can be opened to get a random Illusion Ring. To make it simple, it’s a ring that lets you transform into a pet. It’s different from regular transformation potions because you can actually move, attack, and fight without the transformation being removed. The Cash Shop team worked very hard at matching all of the actions to each skill.
  • It’s really cute so he wants everyone to try it out.

Other Announcements

  • They have prepared a special gift for the first party to clear Extreme Suu, including certificates and a custom trophy.
  • They have prepared special Suu paper theatres that will be given randomly to 2 of the first 100 players who soloed Extreme Suu. He used one of the minigames they have on the MapleStory homepage to choose the winners on stream.
  • He showed off some of the prizes that they are giving out to the winners of the event he did on stream where he played minigames with players and people had to guess how many points they would get.
  • The prizes include a special Orca Figure (which they wanted to produce more of but the company that did it closed down during Covid so there probably won’t be anymore), a new type of custom acrylic stand that will be made based on your actual characters, and some other Nexon game merchandise like Talesweaver, Kartrider, and a soccer ball signed by a real soccer player Lee Seung-woo.
  • He talked about Nexon’s charity contributions, including those funded in part by MapleStory players through certain events and collaborations. They showed some of them like a special center that they established to support kids and their families that are going through difficult health situations at Seoul National University Hospital.
  • The Summer Showcase will be an online event streamed live on YouTube like usual, but this time, they will also be showing it in-game with players. They want to do interactive events together with the showcase.
  • Since this is something new, they want to test it beforehand, so they have planned a test ‘live quiz event’ that will take place on May 27 at 7 PM. Players can access the map starting from 6PM through the Maple Admin NPC.
  • In addition to this technical test, they will reveal details about the summer showcase on that date.
  • Guild System Reorganization
  • Monster Collection
  • Macro Detection System <Find the Transparent Shape>
  • Improvements
    • Skills
    • Items
    • NPCs
    • Monsters
    • Maps
    • UI
  • Cash
  • Error Fixes
    • Skills
    • Quests
    • Items
    • Monsters
    • Maps
    • UI
  • MapleStory 21st Anniversary Event <Victoria Cup>
    • Victoria Cup Sports Day Mission
    • Union Pop Challenge
    • Maple Racing
    • Fight! Return of the Legends
    • Shadow Hurdle Race
    • Maple Marathon: FEVER
    • The Ultimate Collaboration
    • Goodbye! Victoria Cup

The amount of Weekly Mission Points that each character can contribute has been increased from 5 points to 10 points.

Flag Race’s points acquired from each course have been changed as follows.

Midday Snowfield
Weekly Best RecordPoints AcquiredWeekly Best RecordPoints Acquired
Less than 44 seconds1,000 PointsLess than 44 seconds1,000 Points
44 seconds~ 46 seconds800 Points44 seconds~ 47 seconds900 Points
46 seconds~ 48 seconds650 Points47 seconds~ 50 seconds800 Points
48 seconds~ 50 seconds550 Points50 seconds~ 53 seconds700 Points
50 seconds~ 52 seconds450 Points53 seconds~ 57 seconds600 Points
52 seconds~ 54 seconds400 Points57 seconds~ 1 minute 1 second500 Points
54 seconds~ 56 seconds350 Points1 minute1 second~ 1 minute5 seconds400 Points
56 seconds~ 58 seconds300 PointsMore than 1 minute5 seconds300 Points
58 seconds~ 1 minute1 second250 Points
1 minute1 second~ 1 minute4 seconds200 Points
More than 1 minute4 seconds100 Points
Sunset Snowfield
Weekly Best RecordPoints AcquiredWeekly Best RecordPoints Acquired
Less than 37 seconds1,000 PointsLess than 37 seconds1,000 Points
37 seconds~ 39 seconds800 Points37 seconds~ 40 seconds900 Points
39 seconds~ 41 seconds650 Points40 seconds~ 43 seconds800 Points
41 seconds~ 43 seconds550 Points43 seconds~ 46 seconds700 Points
43 seconds~ 45 seconds450 Points46 seconds~ 50 seconds600 Points
45 seconds~ 47 seconds400 Points50 seconds~ 54 seconds500 Points
47 seconds~ 49 seconds350 Points54 seconds~ 58 seconds400 Points
49 seconds~ 51 seconds300 PointsMore than 58 seconds300 Points
51 seconds~ 54 seconds250 Points
54 seconds~ 57 seconds200 Points
More than 57 seconds100 Points
Midnight Snowfield
Weekly Best RecordPoints AcquiredWeekly Best RecordPoints Acquired
Less than 50 seconds 1,000 PointsLess than 50 seconds1,000 Points
50 seconds~ 52 seconds800 Points50 seconds~ 53 seconds900 Points
52 seconds~ 54 seconds650 Points53 seconds~ 56 seconds800 Points
54 seconds~ 56 seconds550 Points56 seconds~ 59 seconds700 Points
56 seconds~ 58 seconds450 Points59 seconds~ 1 minute3 seconds600 Points
58 seconds~ 1 minute400 Points1 minute 3 seconds~ 1 minute 7 seconds500 Points
1 minute~ 1 minute2 seconds350 Points1 minute 7 seconds~ 1 minute 11 seconds400 Points
1 minute2 seconds~ 1 minute4 seconds300 PointsMore than 1 minute 11 seconds300 Points
1 minute4 seconds~ 1 minute7 seconds250 Points
1 minute7 seconds~ 1 minute10 seconds200 Points
More than 1 minute10 seconds100 Points

The Noblesse skill points acquired from Sharenian Underground Culvert’s guild ranking and points have been changed as follows.

Culvert Guild RankAcquiredSPCulvert Guild RankAcquiredSP
Rank 140Rank 140
Rank 238Rank 238
Rank 336Rank 336
Rank 4~ Rank 534Rank 4~ Rank 534
Rank 6~ Rank 1032Rank 6~ Rank 1032
Top 5%29Top5%29
Top15%25Top15%or more than 60,000 Ranking Ranking Points25
Top20%23Top20%or more than 40,000 Ranking Points23
Top25%21Top25%or more than 20,000 Ranking Points21
Top30%19Top30%or more than 10,000 Ranking Points19
Top40%17Top40%or more than 5,000 Ranking Points17
Top60%15Top60%or more than 3,000 Ranking Points15
Top80%13Top 80%or more than 1,500 Ranking Points13
More than 500 Ranking Points10More than 500 Ranking Points10

Noblesse Guild Skills’ cooldowns have been changed to be 60 minutes regardless of skill level.

While Noblesse Guild Skills are on cooldown, you can now use mesos to be able to use them again.

  • If you use a skill while it is on cooldown, you can use 30m mesos to use the skill again.

A Regular Support button has been added to the Guild UI.

  • When you press the button, you will receive G Potions and Guild’s Blessings based on the Guild Regular Support skill level. The claimed items will expire at 11:59 PM the following Wednesday.
  • The Deia’s G Potions quest has been removed.
  • The button will be activated every Thursday at midnight.

※ Guild Regular Support items acquired before the patch will be maintained.

Guild Regular Support has been changed to be distributed starting every Thursday at midnight.

The settlement time to acquire Noblesse Guild Skill Points has been changed to Thursday at midnight.

※ When the official server is updated, the Noblesse Guild Skill Points settled on May 20 at midnight will be applied until May 29 at 11:59 PM.

You can now use GP to reset your Noblesse Guild Skill Points.

※ When Noblesse Skills are reset, the usage of Noblesse Guild Skills for all guild members will be restricted for 1 hour.

The time when entry to Flag Race and Sharenian’s Underground Culvert is restricted has been changed to Wednesday at 11:50 PM ~ Thursday at 12:30 AM.

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New monsters and a Cube Chair have been added to Monster Collection.

The following monsters have been added to Monster Collection.

  • Grandis
    • Plague Trace
    • Plague Consciousness
    • Plague Devotee
    • Plague Judge
    • Scattered Plague
    • Defilement Trace
    • Defilement Consciousness
    • Defilement Devotee
    • Defilement Judge
    • Defilement Rage
    • Fear Trace
    • Fear Consciousness
    • Fear Devotee
    • Feaer Judge
    • Fear Rage
    • Sticky Abyss
    • Rushing Glutton
    • Rushing Frenzy
    • Scattered Defilement
    • Scattered Fear
    • Tynus
    • Separated Plague Tynus
    • Separated Defilement Tynus
    • Separated Fear Tynus
    • Tynus’ Fragment

A new Cube Chair has been added.

  • Mitra’s Cube Chair

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The Macro Detection System <Find the Transparent Shape> has been added.

  • <Find the Transparent Shape> is a lie detector system that automatically activates on players suspected of macroing at Meisterville’s harvesting farm.
  • When the minigame starts, the coloured shape in the middle of the screen moves and gradually becomes transparent.
  • You must move your mouse to keep the cursor within the moving shape.
  • Success/Failure is decided based on the time that the mouse cursor remains in the shape.
  • If you fail repeatedly, your game usage may be restricted in accordance with the operating policy regarding repeated lie detector detection.

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  • The following skills’ cooldowns have been removed.
    • Weapon Tempering
    • Advanced Weapon Tempering
  • It has been improved so that if Ring Activation is registered in a quickslot, the Continuous Ring’s preparation time will now be displayed.

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The following items’ cooldowns have been removed.

  • Boss Killer Potion
  • Grand Hero Potion
  • Penetration Potion
  • Grand Blessing Potion
  • Advanced Boss Killer Potion
  • Advanced Grand Hero Potion
  • Advanced Penetration Potion
  • Advanced Grand Blessing Potion

Class restrictions on equipping certain shield items have been added. It has been improved so that these shields can only be equipped by classes that can use skills with them equipped.

  • Timeless Kite Shield
  • Timeless Prelude
  • Timeless List
  • Fearless Kite Shield
  • Fearless Prelude
  • Fearless List
  • Deimos Warrior Shield
  • Deimos Sage Shield
  • Deimos Darkness Shield

The maximum number of items that can be held in 1 inventory slot has been increased to 9999 for the following items.

  • Monster Park REBORN Ticket
  • Special Type Energy Core (S Rank)
  • Basic Type Energy Core (A Rank)
  • Faint Stigma Soul Stone
  • Twisted Stigma Soul Stone
  • Arcane River Droplet Stone
  • Butterfly Wing Droplet Stone
  • Cobweb Droplet Stone
  • Primal Droplet Stone

The maximum number of Extreme Growth Potions purchased from the Stamp Exchange that can be held in 1 inventory slot has been increased to 999.

Character Slot Expansion Coupons can now be used consecutively.

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Suu’s appearance during the ‘Suu in Darkness’ quest has been changed.

The NPC Orca’s standing illustration has been replaced.

The NPC Gelimer’s standing illustration has been replaced.

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Suu (Story/Normal/Hard/Extreme)

  • In Phase 1, the Saw Blade pattern’s effect has been changed.
  • In Phase 1, the Self-Destructing Land Mine pattern’s effect has been changed.
  • In Phase 1, fixed an issue where the Land Mine pattern was covered by the Saw Blade pattern’s effect.
  • In Phase 3, certain hidden portals’ locations and linked portals have been changed.

Chosen Seren (Normal/Hard/Extreme)

  • In Phase 2, Seren will no longer use attack patterns right before the Authority of the Sun.

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You can no longer use the Magic Paper Airplane skill on the bottom floor of the <Victoria Cup: Main Stadium>.

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In the Coin Exchange UI, it has been improved so that when you register a Coin, the entire quantity of items in that slot will be registered.

It has been improved so that when you login to the game, you can now click on the Event Alert and Mileage icons on the left side of the screen even while they are blinking.

The Item Disassembly window has been improved.

  • An Additional Potential filter has been added to the Equip Bulk Register filter.
  • The maximum number of items that can be disassembled at one time has been increased from 10 to 30.
  • When you hover over the item icons in the disassembly results window, the item tooltips will now be displayed.

The Quick Move feature has been improved.

  • The Quick Move menu, which previously was different for each town, has been unified so that the same convenience features can be used in any town. However, continental transfer stations and taxis can only be used in certain towns.
  • The Quick Move feature will now be available in certain towns where it previously was not.
  • The Storage and Maple Admin NPCs have been added to the Quick Move.

The following event achievements (claim) duration have been changed to June 19 at 11:59 PM.

  • [Victoria Cup] Winning Contract
  • [Victoria Cup] Cleaned Up Squirrels
  • [Victoria Cup] Fast and Furious

A button to check Character Info has been added to the menu when you right-click the name of an online character in the Buddy, Party, or My Alliance/Guild Member List UIs.

In the Maple Auction Preview window, when you click the area outside of the menu while clicking the Weapon Motion Selection menu, the menu will now be closed.

In the Cash Shop, when an item’s product list is updated or there is a probability rate increase event in progress, an image will be displayed around the item icon to show the changed information.

The instructions and procedures for creating and resetting 2nd passwords has been improved.

  • It has been improved so that you are shown the password creation rules before entering a password.
  • When going to the web authentication page to change your 2nd password, the convenience has been improved so that the authentication pop-up in the client displays a pop-up that states your 2nd password has been changed immediately after web authentication.

The Display Case Chair UI has been improved when there are no Ornaments that you can place on a chair.

[Back to Overview]

New Cash items will be on sale.

  • Sale Duration: May 23, 2024 after the maintenance ~ July 17 at 11:59 PM
  • Sale Items:
    • Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat: Pet
    • Spiegelmann’s Giant Magic Hat: Pet
  • When you use a Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat, you will acquire a random Illusion Ring based on set rates. The Illusion Ring is an item that uses magical power to transform your character into a different appearance.
  • When you use a Spiegelmann’s Giant Magic Hat, you will acquire a random Illusion Ring (L) based on set rates. The Illusion Ring (L) can transform you into a giant appearance.

Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat: Pet Acquired Items and Acquisition Rates:

RankAcquired ItemAcquisition Rate
NormalIllusion Ring:Brown Cat6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Black Cat6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Puppy6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Husky6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Pig6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Mini Kargo6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Pink Bunny6.6667%
Illusion Ring: White Bunny6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Monkey6.6667%
RareIllusion Ring:Lace Cap Brown Cat3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Lace Cap Black Cat3.3333%
Illusion Ring: Hat Puppy3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Gentleman Husky3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon Pig3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Lace Cap Mini Kargo3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon Pink Bunny3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon White Bunny3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Hat Monkey3.3333%
SpecialIllusion Ring:Bell Ribbon Brown Cat1.1111%
Illusion Ring: Bell Ribbon Black Cat1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Panda Bear Puppy1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Bunny Husky1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Orange Mushroom Pig1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Wing Mini Kargo1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Scarf Pink Bunny1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Scarf White Bunny1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Bundle Monkey1.1111%

Spiegelmann’s Giant Magic Hat: Pet Acquired Items and Acquisition Rates:

RankAcquired ItemAcquisition Rate
NormalIllusion Ring:Brown Cat (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Black Cat (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Puppy (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Husky (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Pig (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Mini Kargo (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Pink Bunny (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring: White Bunny (L)6.6667%
Illusion Ring:Monkey (L)6.6667%
RareIllusion Ring:Lace Cap Brown Cat (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Lace Cap Black Cat (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring: Hat Puppy (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Gentleman Husky (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon Pig (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Lace Cap Mini Kargo (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon Pink Bunny (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Ribbon White Bunny (L)3.3333%
Illusion Ring:Hat Monkey (L)3.3333%
SpecialIllusion Ring:Bell Ribbon Brown Cat (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring: Bell Ribbon Black Cat (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Panda Bear Puppy (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Bunny Husky (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Orange Mushroom Pig (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Wing Mini Kargo (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Scarf Pink Bunny (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Scarf White Bunny (L)1.1111%
Illusion Ring:Bundle Monkey (L)1.1111%

※ If you buy a Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat or Giant Magic Hat with Nexon Cash, the item you acquire from the Magic Hat can be traded 1 time (except in Reboot World).

※ The Illusion Rings acquired from the Spiegelmann’s Magic Hat and Giant Magic Hat cannot be paid back in the Cash Storage.

[Back to Overview]



  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Continuous Ring’s effect was not activated.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the consecutive usage cooldown was not applied when using certain skills. The changed skills are as follows.
    • Common Thief – Ready to Die
    • Paladin – Sacrosanctity
    • Bishop – Holy Blood, Vengeance of Angels
    • Aran – Blizzard Tempest
    • Mercedes – Royal Knights
    • Blaster – Afterimage Shock
    • Kaiser – Dragon Blaze
    • Kain – Thanatos Descent
    • Adele – Nobility, Grave, Storm
    • Khali – Desert Veil


  • Fixed an issue where after activating the Silhouette Mirage Enhancement HEXA Core, Flash Mirage could not be activated with Silhouette Mirage.

Soul Master

  • Fixed an issue where some of Soul Eclipse’s effects sometimes looked awkward.

Flame Wizard

  • Fixed an issue where if you hung on a rope or ladder immediately ater using Orbital Flame VI, the Giant Flame would not be activated.


  • Fixed an issue where the stolen Cannon Shooter’s Oak Barrel Roulette skill could not be used.


  • Fixed an issue where if you used Spirit Frenzy again while Spirit Flow’s final damage enhanced Advent of the Fox God’s Spirit Frenzy was summoned, Advent of the Fox God’s Spirit Frenzy would not apply the final damage boost effect.

Wild Hunter

  • Fixed an issue where Automatic Shooting Device’s skill icon looked awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where Assistant Hunting Unit’s skill icon looked awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where Flurry’s skill icon looked awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where Summon Jaguar – Enhance’s skill icon looked awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where Summon Jaguar – Reinforce’s skill icon looked awkward.
  • Fixed an issue where Summon Jaguar – Cooltime Reduce’s skill icon looked awkward.


  • Fixed an issue where Grave’s Mark of Death effect sometimes looked awkward.


  • Fixed an issue where Hoyoung’s ears and tail were not visible when using Transform: Thousand Ton Stone or Sage: Dream of Shangri-La.
  • Fixed an issue where Sage: Clone Rampage’s skill icon looked awkward.

[Back to Overview]


Fixed an issue where characters below level 190 could not challenge Story Mode Suu boss battle.

Fixed an issue where the Shadow Merchant daily quests did not update even when the date changed.

Fixed an issue where the [Mileage] Defeat Extreme Suu and Golden Honor quest did not reset.

Fixed an issue where Artifact Missions were not completed when using cross-world content.

[Back to Overview]


The Annihilation Weapon Suuroid’s Android Voice has been changed from a female voice to a male voice.

Fixed an issue where if you equipped an item that could be traded within the world 1 time, it would change to untradable but still appear as though it could be traded within the world.

Fixed an issue where expired titles inside a Title Wallet could not be used.

Fixed an issue where if you used a Giant Potion with certain Cash effects equipped, the Cash effect would not disappear and be displayed as-is.

Fixed an issue where certain effects with fixed directions did not disappear even when using Chairs that did not display effects. Fixed an issue where if you used certain skills where the character disappears, the effect image would still be displayed.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction when claiming items where items with different tradability properties could be combined into a single slot.

[Back to Overview]


Hilla (Normal/Hard)

  • Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Spear Knight’s monster sound effects were not played.

Suu (Common)

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players would move to the next map without any waiting time immediately after Suu’s death.
  • Fixed an issue in Phase 1 where sometimes the Platform Electrocution pattern’s warning effect was not visible.
  • Fixed an issue in Phase 3 where you would take higher damage if you were hit by the Dark Energy pattern if you were stunned by patterns other than the Omnidirectional Gravity Restraint pattern.
  • Fixed an issue in Phase 3 where the stun applied when hit by the Omnidirectional Gravity Restraint pattern would persist if you were hit by another pattern that applied stuns.

Suu (Story)

  • Fixed an issue in Phase 1 where the Saw Blade pattern still stunned you if you were hit by it.

Suu (Normal/Hard/Extreme)

  • Fixed an issue where certain skills could pass through the Horizontal Bombardment pattern’s barriers.
  • Fixed an issue where you could pass through the Horizontal Bombardment pattern’s barriers if you were knocked back by Suu’s patterns.

Suu (Normal)

  • Fixed an issue in Phase 3 where the Horizontal Bombardment, Electric Field Install, and Upper Bombardment patterns’ cooldowns were applied to all party members.

Watcher Kalos (Chaos/Extreme)

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes enhanced patterns would be cast if you released a structure as soon as 3 structures were occupied.

Kaling (Easy/Normal/Hard/Extreme)

  • Fixed an issue in Phase 3 where the Absolute Bind status effect’s cooldown icon remained even after defeating the boss.

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Fixed an issue in Dunkel (Normal/Hard)’s Reward Phase where hitting Dunkel’s Treasure Box would not display your Damage Skin to other characters.

Fixed an issue in Beach Thicket 3 where certain objects were placed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue in Sahel Area 3 where certain areas were not visible on the minimap.

Fixed an issue in Spectre Mine Area where the map background was awkward.

Fixed an issue in Calm Beach 1 where the number of monsters that appeared was not correct.

Fixed an issue in Calm Beach 1 where certain rope images were awkward.

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Fixed an issue where if you completed a Victoria Cup minigame related acheivement, the Completed Achievement alert would appear continuously.

Fixed an issue where mesos acquired through the ‘Small Change Stands Out’ Guild Skill were not included in achievements related to meso acquisition.

Fixed a grammatical error in the ‘[Suu] Complete Under Control, You’re Mine!’ achievement.

Fixed an issue in the Character Info UI’s ignore elemental resistance value where the decimal notation was not reflected properly.

Fixed an issue in the Character Info UI where certain elements’ locations were displayed awkwardly.

Fixed an issue where equipment item tooltips’ damage range increase number images appeared broken when the number was more than 8 digits.

Fixed an issue where Riding Coupon item tooltips displayed Riding skills whose durations had already ended as ‘in possession’.

If an item in the 2nd or 3rd Equipment Preset disappears, it has been changed so that you can wear the equipment from the 1st Preset by double-clicking without changing presets.

When applying an empty Link Skill preset in a Character Preset, the currently applied Link Skills will no longer be removed.

Fixed an issue for Zero Alpha where cosmetic rings would not be replacd and equipped by double-clicking.

Fixed an issue where using the Automatic Flight to move maps would close the World Map window but the Add Favourites or Delete Confirmation window would remain.

Fixed an issue in the Cash Shop where the left side of the screen’s Event/Game tabs’ detailed lists were displayed in an awkward location.

Fixed an issue where after completing Towards Black Heaven – Special Mission 1, sometimes the effect and world message were displayed late.

Fixed an issue in Notes and Guild BBS where line breaks did not occur.

Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where 5% Clean Slate Scrolls could not be purchased in bulk.

Fixed an error in the Cash Shop item search window where entering too many characters would cause the search results to be displayed awkardly.

UI locations will now be saved for each resolution. When you change your resolution, the UI will now be displayed at the previously saved locations.

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KMST ver. 1.2.172 – Maple Now (24.05.16) & Guild System Reorganization (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.