One Night and Forever - RovakPotter82 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Vacation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Ordinary Life Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43: Tease Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 44 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

TK let out an angry sigh as he checked his phone again. No text from Alex, who was twenty minutes late to their date. Their standard date night that they agreed to to spend more time together. To keep things alive. TK shot off a text to Alex.

Twenty minutes late. That's a new record, even for you.

He put his phone down and gestured to the bar tender for another club soda. He may be pissed at Alex right now, but he wasn't going to let his tardy boyfriend break his sobriety. He took a sip of his new club soda when a delicious sounding voice came to his right. “You look pissed.” TK looked over at the new comer to the bar and got lost in soulful brown eyes. “Hi.”

“Hi,” he said back. “I am pissed. My boyfriend is late for date night.”

“By how much?”

“Twenty minutes and counting. It's a new record for him,” he said and the man chuckled, sending a shiver down his spine. “You're not from here, are you?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Intuition,” TK said. “I'm TK, by the way.”

“Carlos,” he said, offering his hand and TK took it. “So, this boyfriend of yours, is it serious?”

“It's been cooling off for a few months, hence the standard date night we agreed to,” he said. “Not sure if I consider him my boyfriend anymore considering this is like the sixth time he's been late for date night,” he added, checking his phone. Alex still hadn't responded to his text. “What are you in New York for?”

“Police convention,” Carlos said.

“You're a cop?” TK asked and Carlos nodded. “Bummer.”

“Whoa, I thought we were hitting it off,” Carlos said.

“I'm a firefighter, sweetheart,” TK said with a smile.

“No wonder you're so hot,” he said and TK chuckled before smiling wide. “You know if you were my boyfriend, I would not have stood you up to be flirted on by a complete stranger,” Carlos said.

“Oh, this is you flirting?” TK asked and Carlos smiled. “How is your convention going, officer?”

“Well, it's interesting to see what the NYPD has been doing lately. I'm still somewhat new to the force. I joined the police academy in Austin after I graduated college.”

“You went to college and then joined the police academy?” TK asked.

“I felt a calling to become a cop. My dad's a Texas Ranger, so maybe some of it rubbed off,” he said. “What about you?”

“Joined the fire academy right out of high school,” TK said. “Wanted to be a firefighter since I was a kid,” he said.

“In your blood?”

“My dad's fire captain of my house,” he said.

“You work with your dad?” Carlos asked and TK nodded. “Huh. So, uh, I've never been to New York. It's my first time and I've been at the convention for the last few days. It's our first night off and I was wondering if I could get you to show me around,” he said.

“Only if you're comfortable with my New York. None of the touristy stuff, sweetheart. My haunts, my restaurants.”

“I'm up for it, Tiger,” he said with a smile and TK chuckled.

“Okay.” His phone chimed and he picked it up, seeing Alex had finally texted back. He let out a sigh as he read it.

Sorry, babe. Running late, still at work.

“Everything okay?” Carlos asked.

“My evening just opened up. You're in luck,” he said. He finished his club soda, Carlos picking up the bill and they headed out.

The first place TK took Carlos to was his pizza place. “Oh, my God,” Carlos said as he took a bite of his first New York slice.

“You can't tell me that Texas does pizza like this,” TK said and Carlos shook his head.

“No, we do not,” Carlos said as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. “We're more known for our barbecue, but how can a place that has no name, selling a slice for a dollar make such awesome pizza?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“It's New York, baby,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He watched TK take a bite of his slice and moan in delight. “It doesn't matter how many times I've come here, it's still so good,” he said and he felt a thumb brush the side of his lips.

“Sorry, you had some sauce...” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“It's okay.” Carlos licked his thumb clean of the sauce he had just wiped from TK's mouth. He wanted to kiss that mouth. “So you can cross off New York pizza off your bucket list.”

“I don't have a bucket list,” Carlos said and TK smiled.

“You should,” he said. He was having a good time and he wasn't with Alex. He hadn't heard from Alex since the text before he and Carlos left the bar.

“Well, there is one place I always wanted to see,” Carlos said. “The 9/11 Memorial park.” TK grew quiet. “How old were you?”

“Seven,” TK said. “My dad was there.”

“Oh, wow, I didn't even think.”

“He lost his whole fire house that day. He was the only one to get out when the towers came down.” Carlos sighed out. “I lost a lot that day, too. Those men who died that day, they were like uncles to me, some of them a second father when my dad wasn't around. Dad was different after 9/11. He was at Ground Zero practically every day digging out people.”

“I'm sorry. We don't have to go.”

“No, it's okay,” TK said. “I try to visit every now and then, but first, dessert,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “New York has the best chocolate chip cookie as well and you, Carlos Reyes, are going to experience it first hand. Come on.”

The closest Levain Bakery was one that was open late, which TK was thankful for. They also got there after they made a fresh batch of cookies for the night owls. “Oh, my God,” Carlos moaned as he took a bite of his chocolate chip walnut cookie. “Holy...”

“Does Texas do cookies like this?” TK asked.

“Not like this. I have a favorite bakery in Austin. I feel like I cheated,” he said and TK laughed out loud before taking a bite of his cookie. “This is ruining my diet, too.”

“So sorry.”

“I'm going to have to run fifteen miles when I get back to Austin,” Carlos said and TK smiled. Carlos looked to see TK had some chocolate on the side of his mouth. “Oh, you got...” he said, gesturing to where the chocolate was located. TK swiped it with his thumb, but it just spread. Carlos let out a sigh before leaning forward. He heard TK let out a gasp as he licked the smear of chocolate before kissing him. He pulled away, unsure if he overstep, which he was sure he did. “Sorry, I...” Carlos started to say, but TK grabbed the back of his head and held him to kiss him again. The kiss deepened a little and TK let out a soft moan. “I wasn't sure if I overstepped.”

“You did, but I had to kiss you again to be sure,” he said.

“Sure of what?”

“This connection I've had with you since I met you,” he said. Carlos smiled before kissing TK again.

“I don't meet a lot of guys like you in Austin,” he said.

“I'm sure,” TK said. “Texas is very deep south.”

“Austin's the most liberal city in Texas, but it's still hard to meet guys.”

“So you came all the way to New York City to meet a guy?” TK teased and Carlos chuckled. After they finished their cookies, TK hailed a cab and they drove up to the Financial District.

Ground Zero was quiet at night. TK grabbed Carlos' hand as they walked the grounds and pulled him along to one of the fountains that stood in for one of the fallen towers. “Here they are,” he said. He pointed to one section with names. “These guys were my dad's family.”

“It's so real, being here. I was a kid when it happened.”

“You just watched it on TV. I saw the smoke from my bedroom window.”

“Must have been hard for you and your mom, not knowing if your dad was still alive.”

“Took us all day to find out if he was alive,” TK said. “When we heard that House 252 had not checked in, we thought the worst. And then the door opened and he walked in all defeated.” TK leaned forward and placed his hand on a name. “The captain was my dad's mentor. He was the ornery uncle I never had.” Carlos chuckled as TK moved to another name. “Max, he let me slide down the pole over and over whenever I visited and then there was Chef. That was his nickname. He was the cook of the house. He made the best macaroni and cheese you ever tasted.”

“Sounds like a good group of guys.”

“They were.” TK sighed out as he looked over the names of his dad's old crew. “They died heroes that day and people call my dad a hero, too, but he refuses to acknowledge it. The real heroes didn't make it out that day.” Carlos wrapped his arm around TK's shoulder. “I was so angry at them.”


“They died and my dad became a different person. They made him captain of the 252 a few days after 9/11 and he rebuilt the fire house from the ground up. He literally had to start from scratch. A lot of those he hired for the 252 were survivors of other houses and he chose them over his own family some times. Most times. Part of me thought that if his crew hadn't died, he wouldn't have abandoned me like he did.”

“Hey, he still loved you, right?”

“Yeah, he does,” TK said, tears falling from his eyes. “He just was having a hard time and then Mom couldn't take it anymore. She filed for divorce.”

“I'm sure your parents' marriage wasn't the only one that crumbled because of 9/11.” TK let out a sigh as Carlos hugged him from behind. “Okay, let's go somewhere fun next.” TK chuckled.

“You sure about that?” TK asked. “The place I have in mind is wild,” he said.

“Show me your New York, TK. That's what I agreed to.”

“Okay,” TK smiled.

Chapter 2


Disclaimer: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

There is Tarlos smut in this chapter. Enjoy and don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

The night club that TK took him to was definitely more for the colorful side of New York. There weren't many clubs like this in Austin. He knew of a few that he personally went to, but he was sure in New York, there were plenty to chose from. TK was a great dance partner for Carlos. He fit perfectly between his legs when they took a breather at a booth. He learned the back of the club was very private. Private enough that he was sure him and TK could've had sex against the wall. He could tell TK was used to fast and quick against a wall. “Not here,” Carlos said, stopping TK from undoing his pants.

“Where then?”

“Your place?” Carlos suggested.

“My place is all the way out in Brooklyn,” TK answered and Carlos groaned. “What about your hotel room?”

“I don't have anything,” Carlos said as TK kissed his neck.

“That's what 24 hour pharmacies are for,” the New Yorker said. “Where's your hotel?”

“Midtown,” he answered before pulling TK off his neck and devouring his mouth. TK let out a moan as he grasped Carlos' neck. “I have to have you,” he said as he kissed down TK's neck, “but I want to do this right.”

“f*ck, you're not real.”

“I'm real, Tiger,” he said before kissing him again.

Carlos' hotel was the Hilton on Avenue of Americas and luckily for them, there was a 24 hour pharmacy nearby. TK went in there while Carlos went into his hotel to get the room ready. God, he was really doing this. He was going to sleep with someone he met only six hours ago. Only about fifteen minutes went by until there was a soft knock on his door. He looked through the peephole to see TK's smiling face. He opened the door with a roll of his eyes and TK chuckled as he walked in. “I don't do this often,” he confessed.

“What? Have sex?”

“Well, have sex with a stranger I've only met six hours ago.”

“I do it all the time,” TK teased and Carlos backed him up against the wall. He moaned when Carlos captured his mouth in a heated kiss. He dropped the bag from the pharmacy to wrap his arms around Carlos' neck. He wanted this so bad and he was hoping this guy wasn't having second thoughts. “I, uh, didn't know which brand you liked, so I got a mixed box,” he said as Carlos moved his lips along his neck.

“A condom's a condom, baby,” he said and TK moaned out. “Did you get lube? I want you slick,” he said and he moaned as he nodded his head rapidly. “Words.”

“Yes, yes, I got lube,” he said. Carlos bent to get the bag off the floor, allowing TK to remove his jacket and take off his shoes.

“I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind me borrowing you for the night,” Carlos said as he started to unbutton TK's shirt.

“He won't. Hasn't text me all night since telling me he was still at work. Probably doesn't even care where I am right now,” TK said.

“Well, then this is what he gets for standing you up,” Carlos said before kissing him. TK removed the shirt he had just unbuttoned and started to pulled up Carlos' Henley shirt. Carlos slowly guided TK to the bed and got him to lay down on it before getting on top of him. He noticed TK's legs opened as he put his full weight onto him. TK moaned feeling their naked chests meld together. “Just tell me if I do anything you don't like and I'll stop, okay?”

“You won't, but okay,” TK said before pulling him into a kiss. Carlos moaned into the kiss getting the man underneath him to moan. It wasn't like he never did this before, having sex with another man. He had done that before at least and felt pretty comfortable as a top. TK gave all the signs of being a bottom. A very submissive bottom from what he could tell when his legs automatically spread for him. He noticed his arms went above his head too. Carlos was more than happy to pin them there as he kissed him. “Can we move it along please?”

“Take it easy, Tiger. We have the whole night,” Carlos said and he heard TK whimper when he pressed a kiss below his ear. “Did I find a weak spot already?” he asked before kissing the same area. TK let out a gasped moan before whimpering. “I did.” TK groaned when Carlos kissed down his neck and began to pepper kisses all over his body. He gasped out when the Texan licked his left nipple before blowing on it. His nipples were always sensitive.

“f*ck, Carlos,” he gasped out as the man moved to do it to the other one. He kissed down TK's stomach, stopping at the waist band of his pants. “Keep going,” he demanded. Carlos chuckled as he unbuttoned TK's pants to pull them off. He lifted his hips to let Carlos take them and his underwear off.

“Gorgeous.” TK found himself turning a shade of pink under Carlos' gaze. He never had a boyfriend or a man comment on his body. “What? You are.”

“Shut up,” TK quipped before Carlos smirked. He grasped TK's hips and lunged for his co*ck. TK gasped out when Carlos engulfed his co*ck in one fell swoop. “f*ck,” he moaned, his hands immediately going to Carlos' head. “Oh, God, right there, sh*t, f*ck,” he streamed out. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head when felt Carlos' tongue run up the underside of his co*ck in his mouth. “f*ck, Carlos, you're going to make me cum too soon,” he gasped out. Carlos reached underneath and grasped TK's ass. “sh*t, sh*t, I'm going to cum,” he said. He gasped out a moan, seeing stars when he came. “Papi,” he whined as he shot into the police officer's mouth and he groaned feeling him swallow his offering down greedily. Carlos pulled off his co*ck slowly, humming the whole way off. It sent a chill through TK's whole body. “Holy f*ck,” TK exclaimed as Carlos licked his lips.

“You taste good, baby,” Carlos said before capturing TK's lips in a heated kiss. TK moaned tasting himself on Carlos' tongue and lips. “Never had anyone take you all in like that?”

“No, never,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he got off the bed. TK let out a moan as he came down from his org*smic high.

“And that was just a preview,” Carlos said as he undid his jeans and pushed them down. TK slowly licked his lips at the sight of Carlos' co*ck. “Like what you see, Tiger?”

“Yeah, I do,” TK said looking at Carlos. “I heard they grew 'em big down in Texas,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he got the lube from the nightstand. TK rolled onto his stomach and Carlos was treated to the best view in New York City.

“Wow, that is a nice ass you got there, baby,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “So perfect,” he quipped and TK hid himself behind his hands. “What? It's the truth,” he said before getting a pillow to put under TK's hips.

“You going to make me slick for that co*ck of yours or what?” TK asked.

“Patience,” Carlos said.

“Yeah, I don't have that,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he put some lube onto his fingers. TK moaned feeling him run a slick finger along his hole. He moaned, moving his hips with the finger. He gasped out when Carlos spanked him.

“Don't move,” he said into his ear and TK moaned when a finger slowly eased into him. “This will just take a second,” he said and TK wondered what he meant until he felt the finger him crook to the side and he cried out into the pillow he was holding when the finger brushed against his prostate. Alex needed two fingers to find it last time. “There it is,” Carlos teased as he moved his finger in and out of TK, brushing the sweet spot of his lover over and over.

TK was worried he wouldn't get hard again, but with the way Carlos was teasing his prostate, he wasn't going to have to. A second finger entered and scissored him out. He whimpered into the pillow and Carlos chuckled as he eased a third finger into him. “Carlos.”

“I gotcha, baby,” he said as he f*cked TK with his fingers. He cupped TK's balls and soon TK was pushing back on his fingers. “Think you're slick enough for my co*ck?”

“Yes, yes, I am,” TK said, “Please put it in me, Papi.” He whimpered when he felt the fingers leave and felt hands on his hips.

“Turn over for me, Tiger,” he said. He helped TK turn over and then stood up from the bed. He got a condom from the box and ripped it open with his teeth, getting back onto the bed. TK laid there with his legs open and watched him roll the condom onto his co*ck and then lubed it up, fisting himself. “Oh, f*ck, you see what you do to me, Tiger?”

“Yeah, I do, Papi,” he said and Carlos groaned as he got on top of TK. He bent TK's legs to his chest and using one hand, guided himself into the firefighter. “Oh, f*ck, Carlos.” Carlos may have done a good job slicking him up, but Carlos' girth still stretched him.

“You take my co*ck so well, baby,” he said and TK moaned as he eased into him. He moaned as Carlos seated himself into him all the way and waited to allow him to adjust. He had TK wrap his legs around him before pulling back. TK whimpered when he pushed back into him. TK cupped Carlos' head as he started to slowly move in and out of him. “Oh, f*ck, you feel so good,” he said.

“Hm, Papi,” TK moaned before pulling the cop into a kiss. They moaned into the kiss, moving with each other. Carlos grasped TK's hip to hitch it up and TK moaned out. “Your neighbors are going to hear us.”

“I don't care,” Carlos said as he thrust into him.

“Harder,” TK said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, and faster,” TK said. Carlos let out a growl as he changed the angle of his thrusts and began to move harder and faster. “Yes, yes, just like that, Papi,” he said. Moans echoed through the room and Carlos was sure the visiting cops on the either side of his room heard them. He didn't care. “Carlos.”

“TK, oh, f*ck, you're so beautiful.” TK moaned at the endearments coming from the man above him. No one's ever complimented him while making love to him. Carlos said something in Spanish and it caused TK to react in a way he wasn't expecting. He cried out, feeling his co*ck twitch.

“Say that again,” TK said as he moved to grasp the back of Carlos' muscular back. Carlos gazed into TK's green eyes and repeated his term of endearment in Spanish to him and TK moaned.

“You like Spanish, mi amor?” he asked and TK moaned when Carlos kissed his neck. “You going to cum soon, corazon?” he asked and TK moaned, nodding his head.

“Yes, I'm going to cum,” he said.

“Can you cum without me touching you?” he asked as he sharply thrust his hips into him.

“f*ck, I don't...” TK could feel his stomach muscles tightening and he was moaning with each thrust Carlos was giving him. “Papi.”

“You can do it, Tiger. You can cum without touching, yeah?” he asked. TK felt his org*sm burst from that statement and he let out a sharp cry as he came, his co*ck spurting between their bodies. Carlos moaned out feeling TK clench down on his co*ck and he thrust hard a few more times before he came hard in a deep moan.

Both men were breathless as they came down from their org*smic high. “Wow,” TK breathed out and Carlos chuckled. “I've never cum without someone touching me,” he said and Carlos smiled. He let out moan before kissing the New Yorker underneath him.

“Well, if this is how New York treats me every time, I may come here more often,” he said and TK chuckled. They kissed again, moaning softly into the kiss. Suddenly there was a banging on the wall above their heads.

“Some of us are trying to sleep, Reyes!” a voice shouted and Carlos let out a groan, causing TK to giggle. He buried his head in TK's neck.

“Yeah, I'm not going to be able to live that down,” he said and TK chuckled. He slowly pulled out of TK and disposed of the condom. He laid down next to TK who rolled onto his side and cuddled up next to him.

“They're probably drunk and won't even remember it,” he said and Carlos sighed out.

“One can only hope,” he said, turning off the light.

Chapter 3


Wow, you guys really liked the smutty chapter. There are more to follow.

I would like to thank the reader for pointing out that TK was cheating on Alex and I forgot to tag it. And she's right, it may be Alex TK's cheating on, but he's still cheating on him, despite them not being officially broken up, which will happen soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

There's was a lot of Kudos and comments for the last chapter, I'm posting the third chapter a head of schedule.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Carlos moaned out as he came to. He reached around and found himself alone in the bed. No TK. He sat up, looking for him and found him sitting on the couch in his room tying up his shoes. “Hey, I didn't want to wake you.”

“Well, how else am I supposed to get your number?” he asked and TK chuckled. Carlos got out of bed, wrapping the sheet around his waist.

“Well, another thing is I was hoping to get out of here to save you the embarrassment of your neighbors seeing us together.”

“Oh, well.. I guess that would be wise. Not all the cops at this convention know I'm gay,” he said.

“After last night, they probably figure it out,” TK said as he pulled his jacket on. “So, you want my number?” he asked and Carlos nodded. “Only if you give me yours,” he countered and Carlos chuckled. They exchanged numbers, giving each other their phones to put in their number. TK chuckled seeing what Carlos put his contact name under. “Papi?” he asked.

“You called me that a fair number of times last night, Tiger,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Then you should see how I put myself in your phone,” he said and Carlos looked. TK had put himself under the name 'Tiger'. “I had a really nice time last night, Carlos,” he said.

“Me, too,” Carlos said. “Better than any night I would have in Austin,” he said and he kissed TK softly. “You ever find yourself with some free time, don't hesitate to call me and I'll come flying over.”

“Or I could fly to you,” TK said. “Never been to Austin,” he added and Carlos licked his lips. “I should go. I gotta meet my dad for breakfast before he goes on shift.”

“You're not on the same shift?”

“We're on opposite shifts for a while.” Carlos walked TK to the door and opened it. The hotel hall was still quiet, most of the occupants were still sleeping. “You still in town for a while?” he asked.

"Just today. We fly out tomorrow," Carlos said and TK whined. "Hey, we can have dinner somewhere. You pick the place.”

“I'll think about it,” TK said before kissing Carlos again. “Still got a whole box of condoms to use,” he said before walking down the hall and Carlos chuckled as he watched TK walking to the elevator. He waved when TK turned around to glance at him before turning the corner toward the elevators. Carlos let out a sigh, rubbing a hand down his face before going back into his hotel room. He put his phone down and went back to bed for another hour or two.

“Reyes,” a voice called out and he looked up to see a cop from Atlanta coming up to him when he came into the conference room where the work shop he was signed up for was located in.

“Cooper,” Carlos said as he claimed his spot.

“I didn't appreciate the noise fest last night.”

“Sorry about that. We got a little carried away,” Carlos said.

“Yeah, I wasn't counting on a hom*o sex fest last night,” Cooper said.

“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that,” Carlos said. “Sounded like you were making a hom*ophobic comment at a fellow cop.”

“A fa*g will never be a brother to me. If you plan on bringing your boy toy again, I'm lodging a formal complaint with the convention and the hotel.”

"We're in New York, Cooper. What? What did you think you weren't going to have an encounter with a hom*osexual?" he asked.

"Just take your thing elsewhere tonight if you planning on being sinful again," he said before he left Carlos sitting at the table who let out a sigh as he went through the packet for the day.

“He's just jealous you got laid and he didn't,” a voice said and Carlos chuckled. He looked over to see a female cop sit next to him. “Kim Burgess, Chicago PD.”

“Carlos Reyes, Austin PD.”

“So, had some company in your hotel room last night?”

“Are you on the other side of me?” Carlos asked and she nodded causing him to groan. “I am so sorry, but it's been months since I've had decent sex.” Kim chuckled as she opened her packet.

“I get it. It's been months for me, too,” she said. “What's his name?”

“TK. I met him last night after he got stood up by his boyfriend,” Carlos said. “I've never been to New York, so he showed it to me. Or at least he showed me his New York.”

“Austin, Texas?” she asked and he nodded. “You're a long way from home,” she commented.

“So are you,” he said and she shrugged. “You draw the short end of the stick to come here, too?” he asked.

“I did. Seems that you did as well,” Kim said and Carlos chuckled.

“I'm actually here with a Texas Ranger, who also happens to be my father,” Carlos said and she chuckled.

“Carlitos,” a voice said and Carlos glanced up to see his father walking over.

“Hey, Dad. Is that bacon on your plate?” he asked causing his father to look at him.

“Don't tell your mother,” Gabriel said. “Gabriel Reyes, Texas Ranger.”

“Kim Burgess, sir. Chicago PD,” she said, shaking his hand. “You two aren't sharing a room?”

“No, God, no,” Carlos said and Gabriel laughed.

“It was the only way I could convince him to come with me is if I got us separate rooms. The hotel put us on different floors.”

“I'm right next to your son,” she said. “He had fun last night,” she quipped and Carlos groaned.

“You think I don't know. I was in the lobby when he came back to the hotel, with this wide ass grin on his face,” he said and Carlos groaned. “Then fifteen minutes later, this kid with an equally wide grin on his face. With a plastic bag from a pharmacy. It wasn't hard to put two and two together.”

“Oh, God, Dad,” Carlos said as his father chuckled. “He's not a kid. He's my age,” he said.

“Carlitos, what you do on your own time is your business,” Gabriel said.

“Except if it ruins beauty sleep of others,” Kim said and Carlos rolled his eyes. Gabriel looked over at her. “Oh, not me. His other neighbor complained.”

“Surprised I didn't have hotel security at my door last night,” Carlos said getting up. “I'm going to need coffee,” he said before going over to the breakfast buffet. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he got it out. It was TK. Or Tiger according to his phone.

I got a reservation at a restaurant if you're still interested in dinner. We can learn more about each other not involving a bed.

Carlos chuckled as he poured himself some coffee as he replied back.

Sounds good. Just text me what time and what restaurant. I'll be there.

He got some creamer and sugar before heading back to where his dad and Kim were talking. “You guys want to sit together so you can gossip more about me?” Carlos asked as he sat down.

“Just talking shop. Kim's a patrol officer, like you,” Gabriel said. “Wanted to know if you have plans to become a Texas Ranger or a detective.”

“Not at the moment,” Carlos said. “No offense, Dad, but I am happy with being patrol right now.”

"No offense taken, son,” Gabriel said.

TK had texted the name of the restaurant, what time the reservation was and directions to it from the hotel. Turned out it was only a few blocks away from his hotel. He could walk to the restaurant, which he planned to do. He got dressed up because TK told it was a nice restaurant. He was hoping to make it through the lobby without his father seeing him, but he was plum out of luck. “Going to see that TK fella?” Gabriel asked.

“I am,” Carlos said. “The restaurant he's waiting at is just down the street,” he added. “Don't bother waiting up for me, Dad.” Gabriel chuckled as he watched his son leave the lobby and hotel. He sat back down and opened the paper he had to finish reading it.

Carlos laughed as TK regaled him with tale of saving a guy from the 44th floor of the Chrysler Building. “Dude's screaming his head off and I'm dangling just as high.”

“Doesn't even phase you, huh?”

“I wasn't the one with vertigo,” TK said.

“How does someone with vertigo get a window washing job?” Carlos asked and TK shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, I finally got the guy to calm down and got him in. I heard he quit the next day,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“Some guys aren't cut out for certain jobs,” he said.

“What about you? Think you're cut out to be a cop?” TK asked.

“Been doing it for five years now. I've gotten pretty good at it,” he said and TK chuckled. “I imagine you got years of experience as a firefighter.”

“Somewhat,” TK said before chuckling.

“Ever make the FDNY calendar?” he asked and TK smiled.

“Not yet,” he said. “When I do, I'll make sure you get a copy,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “So, where do you want to go next?” he asked. They were finishing up dinner and there was plenty of time.

“Well, I got a complaint from our neighbor last night.”

“Oh, God, I'm sorry,” TK said, burying his hands into his face.

“Don't be. The guy was a jack ass and he was probably jealous that I got laid and he didn't,” Carlos said.

“We have plenty of time to go to my place,” he said.


“Hey, we'll get there a lot quicker than you think,” he said as TK settled the bill.

TK hailed a cab from the corner and gave his address to the driver who seemed to be cheerful at the long fare. “Watch this,” TK said into Carlos' ear. “Can you find the quickest route to my place? I think if you take the Brooklyn Bridge it'll be faster to my apartment. I'm like, right off the first exit on the bridge.”

“Okay, whatever, man.”

“I mean, unless you want us to have sex in the back of your cab,” TK said.

“Oh, uh, no, no, that's okay, sir.” TK smirked at Carlos who chuckled.

“You're a menace,” he said as TK's phone went off. He let out a sigh as he got the phone out of the back of his pocket. “Who is it?”

“It's Alex,” he said.

“Oh, Mr. Late to the Party?” Carlos asked and TK chuckled.

“What do you want Alex?” TK asked and he rolled his eyes at the lame excuse Alex was giving him. “Look, Alex, date night was last night and you were twenty minutes going on thirty minutes late. No, this is my last night before I'm on a 48 and I'm going to have fun.” Carlos picked up TK's hand that was on his thigh as TK talked with his soon to be ex boyfriend from the sound of the conversation. “I don't care if your boss has you running ragged. I'm not going to be available for what you have in mind. Look, Alex, the whole date night thing was good for the first few times, but I think what we need right now is a break from each other,” TK said as Carlos kissed his hand before leaning forward and kissing TK's neck. “That's beside the point, Alex. You've been late to every dinner date we set up and this last time, it was the final straw. You didn't even show up.” He closed his eyes in pleasure when Carlos kissed his weak spot underneath his ear. “Whatever, Alex,” he said before sighing out. “I don't want that. I want a boyfriend who is understanding of my job and of me and you don't have either. You'd rather be at the gym or at work. No, I think a break is just what we need. No, Alex, I don't know for how long,” TK said before hanging up. He turned his head toward Carlos and their mouths connected in a heated kiss.

“That was harsh,” the driver said.

“Hey, don't judge me,” TK said. “At least this one knows what I want and he only met me last night,” he said and Carlos chuckled.


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Chapter 4


I'm sorry some of you can't get passed the cheating TK does, but there's more to the Alex/TK relationship. If you still don't like TK cheating, then don't read it.

Disclaimer: I do not own 9-1-1 characters.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

TK let Carlos pay for the cab fare and he noticed he gave the guy an extra tip before getting out of the cab. “All right, where to now?” he asked.

“First, ice cream,” he said.

“Ice cream?” Carlos asked as TK took his hand and lead him down the street. TK led Carlos through the streets of Brooklyn to a shop called Ample Hills. A quick check of the time told them they had a half hour to spare. “Whatever you do, do not get a plain cone.”

“Okay,” Carlos said.

“You want a pretzel cone,” TK said as he got up to the counter. Carlos ended up getting chocolate milk and cookies while TK got strawberries and cream. They got them in dishes, but got a pretzel cone on top of their dishes. “Thank you,” TK said as they left the building.

“So, you brought me all the way to Brooklyn for ice cream?” Carlos asked.

“Just try it,” TK said and Carlos took a spoonful of his ice cream and put it in his mouth.

“Oh, my God,” he said. “Yeah, my diet's ruined,” he said and TK chuckled as he took a bite of his strawberries and cream. “They were a half hour from closing and the ice cream is still this good?” he asked.

“They don't mince on flavor,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He took a bite of the pretzel cone and moaned. “Huh? What did I say?”

“You were right. The ice cream and the pretzel are awesome together,” he said. The two of them ate their ice cream as they walked the six blocks back to TK's apartment.

“Sorry there's no elevator,” he said tossing his garbage into a bin next to the stairs.

“That's all right,” Carlos said as he did the same. TK's apartment was four flights up and Carlos could feel the calories from the ice cream coming off. “I think I'm sweating the ice cream off,” he joked and TK chuckled as he got his keys out and unlocked his door.

“Come on in,” he said. He stepped to the side to let Carlos into his apartment.

“It's nice,” Carlos said.

“Judge much?” TK asked as he closed the door. Carlos rolled his eyes as he took off his coat and let TK take it to hang it up.

“You live in Brooklyn, but work in Manhattan?” he asked and TK let out a sigh.

“You know how much it is to sublet an apartment in Manhattan?” he asked and Carlos cringed. “Yeah, this place is the cheapest I can afford on my salary and even this is too much,” he said.

“Ouch,” Carlos said as TK took off his coat. “Your neighbors going to complain?”

“My neighbors are two doctors who have been working nights at the Brooklyn Heights hospital for the past few weeks. I have no neighbors,” he said and Carlos groan before capturing TK's mouth in a heated kiss. TK moaned into the kiss and let Carlos move him. He let out a startled moan when his back hit a wall.

“Bedroom?” Carlos asked.

“Down the hall,” TK said, gesturing with his head. Carlos suddenly picked him up and he wrapped his legs around his waist. TK's bed consisted of just a mattress on the floor. “Sorry about the mess,” TK said.

“It's a bed. I don't care,” he said and he deposited TK onto it. TK let out a grunt when he landed on his bed. He started to undress as Carlos did. They kept eye contact with each other as they did. TK squealed when Carlos reached down and pulled off his jeans when he got them down to his knees. He got onto the bed and crawled on top of him. “Anyone ever tell you how gorgeous you are?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“You last night,” TK said before pulling Carlos into a kiss. They both moaned as their bodies melded together. “Anyone ever ride you, cowboy?” TK suddenly asked as Carlos kissed down his body.

“Nope. Wanna be the first, Tiger?” he asked and TK chuckled. The underwear was stripped off and TK moaned as their naked bodies rolled around the mattress before he got on top. “I think I like the view from down here,” he said and TK chuckled as he reached over for a condom. “Still slick from last night, baby?”

“Only one way to find out,” TK said before ripping open the condom and lifting himself onto his knees. He slowly rolled the condom onto Carlos' co*ck and positioned himself over it.

“Easy, Tiger,” Carlos said as he reached and spread TK's ass. TK slowly lowered himself down, moaning as Carlos' co*ck first breached his hole.

“Oh, f*ck,” he moaned. Carlos moaned, trying to refrain himself from thrusting up into TK. Inch by inch, TK eased down and moaned as Carlos' girth spread him.

“You like getting stretched by my co*ck, Tiger?” Carlos asked.

“Yes,” TK moaned, his head nodding up and down. “I like getting stretched,” he gasped out. Carlos grasped TK's hips and suddenly brought him all the way down. “Oh, f*ck.” He clenched on the co*ck inside of him when he got down. “Oh, God, that...”

“Sorry, I...”

“No, it's okay,” he said. “Just caught me by surprise. Let me adjust,” he said before bending down to kiss Carlos. The Texan rose up to get them in a comfortable position. “Hmm, that's...” TK said as Carlos kissed down his neck. He moaned softly as he felt Carlos' hands on his bare ass. “Carlos.”

“Move when you're ready, baby,” Carlos whispered into his ear. He pulled away from him to look into his eyes. “You're so perfect,” he said cupping TK's face and the firefighter swallowed nervously.

“How is someone like you still single?” he asked and Carlos chuckled as TK cupped his face.

“Small dating pool in Texas,” he answered before TK kissed him. TK rose up slightly on his knees before easing back down onto him. “Oh, f*ck, baby,” Carlos muttered into the kiss.

“You like that?” TK asked around the kissing before deepening it as he moved again. Up and down on Carlos' co*ck, clenching as he went up.

“Oh, God, TK.” The firefighter smirked. It was the first time Carlos said his name in the throes of passion since meeting last night. He felt Carlos' hands on his hips as he moved up and down. Carlos laid back down to watch TK's face as he raised himself up and then back down. After a few turns for TK to do it himself, Carlos thrust up as TK was coming down. TK yelped out when he did that and he smirked. He did it again and this time TK bent his head back as he moaned. “Papi,” he moaned and Carlos sat up to gather TK into his arms as they moved together. “f*ck, Papi.”

“Can you cum while on top or I need to change positions?” Carlos asked as he kissed TK's neck.

“Hmm, not sure,” TK moaned and before he could react, Carlos had them flipped over. “Oh, God,” he yelped when Carlos thrust into him hard. His legs wrapped around Carlos' waist and his arms reached down. Carlos moaned into his neck when his fingers dug into his ass cheeks.

“TK, you're so tight and warm,” he groaned before grinding hard into TK. The firefighter started to moan with each thrust as he cupped TK's head, running his fingers through his hair. “So good around my co*ck, baby,” Carlos moaned before kissing him. Their moans and groans echoed through TK's apartment. TK moved his hands from Carlos' ass to his muscular back, grasping on to whatever skin he could find. Carlos groaned when he felt TK's fingernails dig into his back. Yeah, those were going to leave a mark.

“Carlos,” TK moaned when Carlos changed the angle of his thrusts and he was hitting his prostate with each heavy, hard thrust. “f*ck, oh, God, yes, yes, right there,” he streamed out.

“Are you close, baby?”

“Yes, yes,” TK chanted as Carlos f*cked him. He felt Carlos cup his ass with his left hand and run his fingers through his hair with his right.

“Do I need to touch you?”

“Yes, touch me, please,” TK begged as Carlos nipped his collarbone. He gasped out feeling Carlos' hand on his co*ck.

“Like this?” Carlos asked as he gently pulled on TK's co*ck. “Or like this?” he asked as he pulled on TK's co*ck to the timing of his thrusts.

“Carlos,” TK moaned. “Oh, f*ck, I'm going to...” TK didn't get to finish the sentence as his vision went white and he let out a cry of ecstasy as he came, hard. He coated his chest and Carlos' as well as the top's hand. “Oh, God.” Carlos still pulled on him, getting another spurt of sem*n and a desperate moan out of him. Carlos thrust hard up into him a few times before he came in the condom, groaning out loudly before resting on his elbows above TK. “Oh sh*t, that was...”

“Yeah,” Carlos said and they both chuckled. Carlos leaned forward and kissed him softly.

“I'm a mess,” TK said and he chuckled. He slowly pulled out of TK and laid down next to him. “There's wipes in the bathroom,” he said. He felt Carlos get up, hearing him drop the condom in his wastebasket. “If sex with you is like this all the time, you're not going back to Texas,” he said and he heard Carlos laugh in the bathroom.

“I hate to break it to ya, Tiger, but they kind of can't function without me,” he said and TK laughed. He laid still, slowing his breathing as Carlos cleaned him up. He then cleaned himself before getting back on the bed.

“I have to go back to work tomorrow.”

“I go back to Texas tomorrow,” Carlos said and TK whined. “Hey, none of that,” he said. “I'm willing to give this the long distance try.”

“But Texas is so far away,” TK complained.

“Hence it being long distance,” Carlos said as TK curled up beside him. He pulled the covers over them and reached for his phone that fell out of his pocket onto the floor. “What time do you have to be in?”

“Noon,” he said.

“That's when my flight is and I will still have to check out, so 8 am.”

“We can have breakfast and then I can see you off.”

“Sounds perfect,” he said before kissing TK. He let out a sigh as he set his phone alarm for 8 am and then placed it on the floor. “We don't have to worry about your ex walking in on us?”

“No, Alex doesn't have a key,” TK said as he laid his head down on Carlos.

8 am came too soon for them. TK's breakfast consisted of bagels and coffee on their subway ride into the city. Carlos headed up to his room to pack the one bag he had. His dad texted him on their subway ride about their flight being in a few hours and they still had to check out of the hotel. He groaned as he zipped up his bag and made sure he got everything before heading out. TK was down in the lobby, talking with his father. “So this is the one you left me at night for?” Gabriel asked and Carlos rolled his eyes.

“Dad, TK. TK, my dad, Gabriel Reyes.”

“Nice to meet you, officially,” TK said. “Probably weird meeting the guy your son met two nights ago,” he said.

“Well, since you're the first guy of Carlos' I met, I'll consider myself lucky. Wait until his mother finds out,” Gabriel said and TK chuckled. “Son, our flight got pushed to two, so we're lucky.”

“Well, unfortunately for me, my two days off means I must work a 48 hour shift at the firehouse,” TK said. TK walked them to the sidewalk and saw no taxis. “Hang on.”

“Watch this, Dad. It's his super power.” Gabriel chuckled as he watched TK hold out an arm and whistle loudly.

“TAXI!” A yellow cab appeared out of nowhere and TK turned to them.


“It's my super power,” TK said with a smile. The driver helped them load their bags and TK hung around as Gabriel got in first.

“So, you have my number.”

“I have yours,” TK said. “Text me when you land?” he asked and Carlos nodded before kissing TK softly. “I have some time off coming up. I have miles to use up. Maybe I'll fly to Texas,” he said and Carlos smiled as he got into the taxi. TK closed the door and looked at the two Reyes men. “Safe flight,” he said.

“Thank you. Nice meeting you, TK.”

“You, too,” TK said before he stepped away. Carlos let out a sigh as he leaned against the door.

“He's nice. I like him,” Gabriel said as Carlos looked over at him. “But two days? Really, son?” he teased and Carlos groaned.

Chapter 5


I didn't forget yinz. I have gone back to work after being on vacation for 11 days, so updates will be a few days in between possibly more. I will apologize to my Tarlos readers in advance.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Tarlos, or any other 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

Three months. That was how long it had been since he and Carlos had seen each other. Sure, every night since Carlos flew back to Texas they would Facetime with each other. Seeing TK's tired face in the middle of his 48 shift was rough. Especially since it was after a hard call and TK still hadn't showered. TK was thinking about this trip to Austin, Texas for two months. Ever since he got the time off, handing it in and getting the flight booked, TK had been counting down the days until he could actually physically touch Carlos. Carlos in turn was working over time, handing in his time off and changing shifts with coworkers to get the same weekend off that TK would be flying in for. It made no sense for Carlos to be working while his ruggedly handsome boyfriend would be coming to see him.

“Attention, passengers, we're making our final approach into Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Please put your seats and trays in their upright position. Dispose of any trash as the attendants come around. We thank you again for flying American Airlines and we looked forward to seeing you again.” TK sat up in his seat, putting his phone away and making sure his tray was away and his seat up. He tucked in the book he was reading into his bag and put it under his seat. He let out a sigh as he buckled himself in and looked out the window. His leg bouncing up and down with nerves.

“First time to Austin?” a voice asked and he looked over to see his fellow passenger.

“Yeah, it is,” TK answered.

“You'll love it.”

“I'm sure I will. Haven't seen the boyfriend in three months, so a little nervous,” he said.

“Boyfriend? Well, you can't tell these days anymore,” he said and TK chuckled, suddenly very nervous about sitting next to this guy. “Ah, hell, I don't judge,” he said. “Three months?”

“We met in New York. He was there for business and we've been planning to see each other, getting time off and me booking my flight. Long distance is a bitch.”

“How long you in Austin for?”

“Just the weekend,” TK answered. “I fly back on Monday.”

“Have a nice time,” he said.

“Thanks, I will.”

TK sent Carlos a text when he got off the plane that he was heading to the front of the airport. He had no idea which way to go, so his seat buddy, Wayne, led the way. “You know the Texas State Fair's going on,” Wayne said.

“Carlos mentioned it in his last text. He might take me there,” he said and Wayne chuckled.

“There's no might. Tell him you have to go. Best state fair food you'll have,” Wayne said. TK smiled as Wayne led him through the airport and to the front where baggage claim was located. It was where Carlos said he would meet him. “He plan to take you to get some barbecue?”

“He says it's on the agenda. I took him to get the best food in New York. I expect him to do the same here. We're both secret foodies,” he said and Wayne chuckled. TK loved food and so did Carlos. They made it to baggage claim and TK heard Carlos before he saw him.

“TK!!” He and Wayne looked up to see Carlos waving, with a big smile on his face.

“I take it that's Carlos?” Wayne asked and TK chuckled as he nodded. Carlos started over to him as TK did the same.

“Carlos.” Carlos gave him a searing, deep kiss before gathering him up in his arms.

“I've missed you.”

“I noticed,” TK said and they pulled apart hearing Wayne chuckling.

“Glad to see you missed him. His leg was twitching the whole flight here,” he said.

“Oh, Wayne, I'm sorry.”

“No, it's all right. It's nice to see a couple reunite after a long time apart. You just make sure you show him a good time here in Austin,” Wayne said to Carlos.

“I will, sir.”

“And you, have a safe flight back to New York,” Wayne said to TK.

“Thanks, Wayne,” TK said as Carlos took his carry on and wrapped his arm around TK, kissing him on the head. “So, what is on the agenda first Officer Reyes?” TK asked as they walked toward the parking lot.

“Are you hungry?” Carlos asked.

“I'm starving, actually,” TK said as Carlos steered him toward a blue Chevy Camaro. “Wait, is this your car?” he asked and Carlos nodded.

“Unlike you, I actually drive around my city,” Carlos said.

“Hey, there is a reason I don't drive in New York. I have a super power.”

“Yeah, your super power's not going to work here, babe,” Carlos said. “You have to call the taxis here on the phone.”

“That's called an UBER or a LYFT,” TK said as Carlos put his suitcase into the trunk of his car. His boyfriend came back around to open the passenger door for him. He grabbed hold of TK and kissed him again, causing TK to moan.

“I've missed you so much, baby,” Carlos said and TK smiled.

“I've missed you, too, Papi,” he said causing Carlos to groan as he kissed him. “I would show you how much I missed you right now, but I am starving.”

“How about some good 'ol Texas barbecue?”

“I don't care what it is. I just want to eat,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he let TK get into his car and he closed the door. “Feed me!” TK shouted and Carlos rolled eyes at his boyfriend's silliness.

Carlos drove right into the heart of Austin to a place called Micklethwait Craft Meats. “This place is by far the best place to get barbecue,” Carlos said as they stood in line.

“They're only open during the weekend?” TK asked.

“Thursdays through Sundays.”

“That's a four day weekend, babe,” TK said and Carlos chuckled. It was their turn to order and TK got the three meat plate on Carlos' suggestion.

“Brisket, ribs and sausage,” he said when he went to order.

“Do you want to order for me?” he asked and the guy in the food truck chuckled.

“It's his first time, I want to make sure he gets it all,” Carlos said.

“You got it. Are we doing sides?”

“I feel like I should have some coleslaw since it's so much meat,” TK said. Fifteen minutes later TK and Carlos were walking to an empty picnic table and sitting down with their food. “This is a lot of food,” TK said as he took a picture for his Instagram page.

“Today you will need food because as soon as I get you to my place, we're not leaving until tomorrow morning,” he said. “I have a whole agenda planned this weekend.”

“Can't wait.” Once he posted the picture with the subtitle, 'About to have my first taste of Texas BBQ.', TK grabbed his fork and stabbed the brisket. “Oh, it's falling apart,” he said.

“That's what good brisket does,” Carlos said and he watched as TK took his first bite. TK moaned in delight, he was in heaven.

“Oh. My. God.” Carlos chuckled as he watched his boyfriend take another bite. “It's practically melting in my mouth,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“Good, huh?”

“It's great,” TK said as he took a piece of sausage and popped it into his mouth, crunching down on it. “Oh, that snap released all the juices.”

“Yeah, this sausage is the best,” Carlos said, eating his own. “Try the ribs,” he said and TK let out a sigh.

“Hang on. Let me savor the sausage first,” he said before picking up a rib. He took a bite of the rib and moaned at the taste. “Oh, my God, that's good.” Carlos chuckled as he ate his own ribs. “I'm going to lose my diet this weekend,” TK said and Carlos smiled.

“Wait until Sunday, then, when I take you to the State Fair.”

“We are going?”

“Yes, we are. I can't let you come to Texas without going to the State Fair,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “Dallas is like a two hour drive from here anyway. If we leave in the morning, we can get there just in time for lunch.”

“Sounds good. My inner foodie can't wait,” TK said.

After having the best barbecue, Carlos took TK for a drive around Austin. “Wow, this place is awesome,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “I bet there's a place where you can see the stars,” he said.

“There is. I can take you there,” Carlos said and TK smiled. “I'm really happy you're here, TK. I have a night in planned for tonight. I hope you like fish,” he said and TK smiled.

“I'm a secret foodie, Carlos. Of course I like fish.”

“Well, cooking is a passion of mine and I want you to experience it first hand,” Carlos said.

“You cook?” TK asked and Carlos nodded. “I can barely make a grilled cheese sandwich,” he said and the cop chuckled. “I'm serious. I'm hopeless in the kitchen. Why do you think I know all the best places to eat in New York? I had one time cooking for the crew. I am not allowed in the kitchen at Firehouse 252 anymore.”

“Don't you worry, Tiger. I will cook for you whenever you want.”

“Do you deliver to New York?” he asked and Carlos chuckled. “So, where to?”

“I have to get some things from the grocery store and then you get to see my place,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“You have some pretty good self control, Papi. Your boyfriend, whom you haven't seen in three months, flew half way across the country to see you and your delaying taking him home to ravage him.”

“Hey, I want him probably fed tonight. I have to get the red snapper.”

“Is that fish?”

“Yeah, it's fish and you are going to like it when I give it to you,” Carlos said as he pulled up to his HEB store. “Come on. If you see anything you like, put it in the cart and I'll get it.”

“Anything? Will you fit in the cart?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“Come on, Tiger. The sooner we get these groceries, the sooner we'll get to my place and I get you in my bed.”

“Okay, let's do this.”

Chapter 6


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Glad yinz liked the latest chapter. I will continue to try to update as often as I can.

Don't forget to comment! I love to hear from you guys.

Chapter Text

The trip to HEB took longer than expected. TK was having fun grocery shopping with Carlos. “We did a lot of grocery shopping for the firehouse, me and Dad. It was always at Whole Foods, though,” he said. “No processed food was allowed in his kitchen,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he led the way while TK pushed the cart. The seafood counter was an interesting stop. “You guys get lobster?”

“Sometimes,” the guy behind the counter.

“Do you want red snapper or lobster, babe?” Carlos asked.

“No, no, the original menu is fine,” he said.

Carlos drove up to a complex of condos and he pulled into the driveway to a really nice condo. “Wow, this is your place?” TK asked getting out of the Camaro.

“Yes, it is,” he said. “And I own, not rent,” he said causing his boyfriend to look at him.

“You own this?”

“Pretty proud of myself, saving up my money and putting a down payment on it,” he said.

“So, you got a mortgage?”

“Yeah, but it's probably less than what you're paying in rent for your apartment,” Carlos said. Gathering the groceries and TK's luggage, they headed in. “I gotta get this food away. The bedroom's up the stairs to the left.”

“Okay,” TK said. He headed up the stairs, and went to the left. Carlos' bedroom was nice. Nicer than his bedroom in Brooklyn. There was an actual bed, a walk in closet and a bathroom. “Wow.” He took some of his shirts out of his suitcase to hang up in Carlos' closet, along with some comfort hoodies. He took his toiletry bag out of the suitcase and headed into the bathroom. His phone buzzed and he cursed. He forgot all about his dad. He told him he would text him when he landed.

Did you land? Hello? Was nice of you to call or text that you're safe!!

TK chuckled hearing his dad's overprotectiveness in the text. He knew his dad followed him on Instagram, so he saw all of his posts.

Yes, Dad, I did. Sorry about not texting you earlier.

He put his phone down to open his bag to put out his toothpaste and toothbrush. He had the bag emptied out onto Carlos' bathroom counter when his phone buzzed again.

Glad you made it safely. Saw your insta with the BBQ. Have fun my little foodie.

TK chuckled as he read his dad's text. Owen Strand could be funny when he wanted to. He put his phone in his pocket and went back into the bedroom to see Carlos standing there. “Oh, sorry. I forgot to text my dad and...” he started to say as Carlos came forward and cut him off with a deep, searing kiss. He moaned into the kiss as Carlos gathered him up in his arms. He put his arms around Carlos' neck and found his legs being opened by a knee. “Not wasting any time, are ya?” he asked.

“Three months, Tiger. Three months without you physically in my arms.” Carlos captured his mouth in a kiss again before he started to unbutton his shirt. TK moaned as Carlos kissed down his neck. “Too f*cking long,” the Texan muttered as he pushed TK's shirt off. He pushed TK onto his bed who landed with a grunt. He pulled off his shirt as TK started to unbutton his pants.

“You have condoms and lube this time?” he asked as Carlos got on top of him.

“Yeah, I do,” Carlos said before kissing him again. Pants weren't too far behind to be pulled off. TK moaned feeling Carlos put his entire weight on him. God he missed that. “I've missed you so much, Tiger,” he said as he kissed down TK's neck. TK let out a groan as Carlos pressed his groin against his and he gasped out when he felt Carlos' hard on. “You feel that, baby?”

“Yes,” TK moaned, his legs spreading. “Carlos.”

“You miss me?”

“I missed you, Papi,” TK said before groaning when Carlos kissed him again. He felt Carlos pushing his underwear down and his legs opened up more. “Oh, f*ck,” TK said when Carlos deep throated his co*ck. “f*ck, oh, God, Papi,” TK moaned out. Carlos hummed around his co*ck before hallowing his cheeks. TK let out a moan when Carlos licked the underside of his co*ck. He moaned feeling him cup his balls. “Papi, I'm going to cum.” Carlos hummed in response to him and he groaned out before shouting out. “Carlos!” His whole body bent back as he came, releasing into Carlo's mouth. He felt Carlos swallow it all down before pulling off of him. “f*ck, that..” he started to say but Carlos chuckled and he looked to see him swipe the side of his mouth with his thumb.

“You taste good, TK,” he said and he chuckled. “You with me, baby?”

“Give me a minute,” TK said as he rolled over onto his stomach.

“God, I missed that,” he said, and smacked TK's ass, causing him to squeal out. Carlos took off his underwear before getting on top of TK. TK let out a moan feeling Carlos brush up against his ass. “You want Papi to put his co*ck in you, baby?”

“Yes, Papi.” Carlos kissed his temple and reached for the lube. One finger slid in easily, getting TK to moan out and spread his legs.

“I'm going to take you just like this, Tiger,” Carlos said as he inserted another finger. TK moaned into the pillow he was currently hugging. God, he missed this so much. Sure he and Carlos had nights where they sexted each other. They Face timed with each other naked and had sex over the phone. TK missed psychically being in bed with Carlos and he let him know that. Carlos added a third finger and he cried out when he brushed up against his prostate.

“f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned as the fingers moved in and out of him. He clenched down on the fingers, moaning out.

“Are you ready for me, Tiger?” he asked and TK nodded his head.

“I'm ready, Papi,” he said and he heard a condom being unwrapped before hearing Carlos groan as he rolled the condom on his co*ck.

“I'm ready, too, baby,” he said before spreading TK's ass cheeks and he guided himself into TK's hole. TK moaned as Carlos slowly eased into him. After three long months, God, Carlos' co*ck felt even better than before. “Oh, f*ck, TK. You feel so good around my co*ck.” TK whimpered when Carlos settled into him all the way and covered his body with his. “I'm going to start out slow, but I will get faster, okay?”

“Okay,” TK moaned before Carlos pulled all the way out and then pushed back into him. “Oh, f*ck, Carlos,” he groaned as the Texan gripped his hips and began to slowly ease in and out of him. Carlos was grunting and moaning with TK as they moved together. Or at least TK tried to move. Every time he moved his hips with Carlos, he got a smack on the ass, which caused him to cry out.

“Don't move, carino,” Carlos warned him. TK moaned as Carlos began to move faster, his legs bent up and open.

“Oh, f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned before clenching down on the co*ck.

“Easy, Tiger,” Carlos said before jutting his hips into TK's ass. TK moaned as he moved with each thrust of Carlos' hips. His co*ck was trapped between his body and the bed. Carlos groaned out as he changed the angle of his thrusts and TK was soon moaning with each thrust.

“Carlos, oh, God, right there, yes, yes,” TK rambled and Carlos smirked. f*ck he missed this and he groaned out when TK clenched on his co*ck.

“Are you close?” he asked and TK moaned out.

“Yes, yes, I'm so close.” He protested when Carlos stopped thrusting into him and suddenly he was turned around onto his back and his legs bent up. “f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned when Carlos thrust back into him.

“Wanna see your face,” Carlos said before getting TK to wrap his legs around his waist and he started to thrust hard and fast into him again. TK moaned, putting his arms around Carlos' neck, but then Carlos grabbed them and put them above his head. He whimpered out, causing Carlos to kiss him. “It's okay, mi amor,” he whispered. He dug his knees into the mattress to f*ck TK into it.

“f*ck, f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned. Carlos intertwined their fingers, holding his hands in place above his head. Carlos kissed TK, moaning into the kiss as he thrust his hips up and fast. TK moaned out, breaking the kiss, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head. “Papi.”

“You going to cum for me, Tiger?” he asked.

“I'm going to cum,” TK said.

“You do it without me touching you,” he said as he thrust harder, getting a desperate moan out of the man underneath him. Carlos suddenly started saying things in Spanish and TK felt himself react to it. The rapid Spanish seemed to make him undone and he let out a shout of ecstasy as he came in between them.

“Oh, f*ck, Papi,” he said as he kept thrusting hard into him. A few more thrusts and Carlos was coming hard before nearly collapsing on top of him. “Carlos, if sex is like that after months apart, I'm staying away more often.” Carlos chuckled as he slowly pulled out of TK and took off the condom. After plopping it into the trash can, Carlos went to get a wash cloth to clean up TK.

“I've been meaning to ask how are things in New York?” he asked.

“Becca, she's friends with me and Alex. She actually set us up. She says that Alex is trying to get me back,” TK said as Carlos cleaned him up.

“He is?”

“Yes, while he's in a relationship with someone from his work,” TK said. “It was why he had been working late all the time and being late to our date nights the last month of our relationship.”

“Ouch,” Carlos said.

“Yeah, that's what Dad said before I left.” Carlos got onto the bed and TK curled up next to him.

“It bother you that you cheated on him?”

“Kind of, but that was before I found out he was cheating on me first,” TK said. “Then it kind of felt justified,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “So, what's next?” he asked.

“We just had sex. Give yourself a breather, Tiger,” Carlos said.

“Where's the fun in that?” TK asked and Carlos chuckled before TK crawled on top of him.

“Okay, you really need to pace yourself, TK,” he said as the firefighter sprawled himself on top of him.

“Are you complaining, Officer Reyes?” he asked.

“No, definitely not, Firefighter Strand,” Carlos said and TK leaned forward to kiss him. Carlos moaned into the kiss, which was unfortunately interrupted. His doorbell rang.

“I hope that's not someone expecting you to go into work.”

“No, my shifts have been covered for the weekend. I put in so much over time the past two months, they didn't want me coming in,” Carlos said as he got out of the bed. He put some sweats on and turned back around to TK. “I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Wasn't planning on it.”

Carlos let out a sigh as he came downstairs, the person at the door repeatedly ringing the doorbell. “Okay, okay, okay.” He got to the door and opened it up. “Hey, chica,” he said with a smile. His best friend Michelle Blake was standing there.

“Hey, Carlos. You busy?” she asked and he chuckled nervously.

Chapter 7


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lone Star characters.

Another chapter done! Still don't know how this is going to end or continue. Playing it by ear and I am grateful to my readers for sticking with me.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

“You work overtime to get a weekend off and don't tell me?” Michelle asked and Carlos chuckled before looking upstairs.

“Um, uh...”

“You going to let me in?” she asked, waving the six pack of beer in front of him.

“I'm busy, Michelle,” he said.

“Doing what?” she asked.

“My boyfriend, whom I haven't seen in over three months,” he answered.

“Oh, you mean the TK kid is upstairs?” she asked and he rolled his eyes and before he could stop her, she walked into the condo.

“Hey, I didn't say come in,” he said.

“I want to meet him.”

“You're going to; tomorrow,” Carlos said. “It's why I asked if we could meet for lunch at the food trucks. So you can meet him. Tonight, it's just me and him.” Michelle sighed out in annoyance. She had been dying to meet this mysterious boyfriend Carlos had been dating long distance. They met in New York while Carlos was out at a police convention with his dad. Even Gabriel has met him. “Please, chica, just wait until tomorrow. I hadn't seen him in three months.”

“All right, but I'm going to hold you to it,” she said and Carlos chuckled as she left the condo. Carlos closed the door behind her and then locked it. He headed back upstairs to find TK under the covers, waiting.

“Who was at the door?”

“My best friend, Michelle. You're meeting her tomorrow,” he said and TK smiled. “So, one more time and then I have to get dinner ready.” Carlos pulled down his underwear and TK smiled as he climbed back into the bed.

TK took a shower after round two and came downstairs to look around Carlos' place. “Your place is really nice,” he said.

“Thanks. It's my first home since graduating college. I've always been living with my parents. Since joining the academy, I knew I had to move out or my mom wouldn't let me leave the house for work,” he said and TK chuckled.

“How did they take it? Your parents, when you came out?” he asked and Carlos let out a sigh.

“I was seventeen when I came out to them. I was nervous the whole day, but Michelle encouraged me to come out. They will love me no matter what and she was right. They may be traditional Christians, but my parents, they hugged me and told me they loved me. They will always love me.”

“My parents couldn't wait to tear off my closet door,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

“Did they throw a coming out party for you?” he asked and TK cackled.

“No way, did they really?”

“They asked me if it was okay to invite family members to tell them about me,” he said. “I said sure. This happened my sophom*ore year of college.”

“How did all your family take it?” TK asked.

“They still love me. My three older sisters, their husbands, kids. My aunts and uncles and cousins, mostly.”

“Mostly?” TK asked.

“I got one uncle, Uncle Javi. He's my dad's brother. He's thinks me being gay is a phase,” he said.

“A phase that's lasted almost ten years?” TK asked and Carlos shrugged.

“He keeps trying to set me up with daughters of his friends,” he said. “He even brought one to Sunday dinner one time, the same time my sister brought me a coworker of hers to meet,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Is Sunday dinner a thing?” he asked.

“Yeah, my dad's sister, my Tia Lucy, holds it every Sunday,” Carlos said. “Obviously I'll be missing it this week,” he said. “Unless you want to come with me and meet my whole family?” he suggested to TK who giggled nervously.

“Meet your whole family after three months of long distance dating? No, thank you.”

“That's fine, but tomorrow night, you are officially meeting Dad and my mom,” he said. “Dad, he wouldn't shut up about you to Mom since we got home that day,” he said and TK chuckled. “The kid with the super power of hailing cabs.”

“Kid?” TK knew he looked younger than he actually was, but seriously, a kid.

“You just look younger than me is all,” he said before kissing TK on the head. “Dinner's almost ready. Why don't you sit down?” he asked. TK went over to the dining room table and sat down. Carlos came over with some wine and TK cringed. Carlos handed him a glass and he noticed TK's hesitation.

“None for me, babe. Sorry,” he said.

“Oh, damn, I should have asked,” Carlos said, flustered at TK's rejection of the wine. “Uh, no worries, I have some mineral water,” he said, taking the wine away and heading over to his refrigerator. “Pellegrino okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, it is,” TK said. Carlos handed him a bottle of water and went back into the kitchen to get dinner out of the oven. He didn't see TK sitting at the table fiddling with his bottle before opening it. He brought over bread, salad and was getting the fish out of the oven when he noticed TK's far off look.

“Hey, you still with me, Tiger?” he asked and TK smiled before clearing his throat. “TK, honey, what's wrong?”

“There's something I wanted to tell you,” TK said as Carlos sat down with the fish. “I've been wondering how to tell you this and I didn't want to do it over the phone.”

“Okay, I'm all ears,” Carlos said as TK took a deep breath.

“I'm an addict,” TK said. “It's substances, but I stay away from alcohol too, because it helps.”

“Oh, God, I am such an idiot. I knew wine was a mistake,” he said.

“It's okay, you didn't know,” he said. “I've been clean and sober for five years.”

“Congratulations?” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“Most guys frown at me being an addict. You can still drink around me, Carlos.”

“Rather go to bed with a clear head,” he said.

“Oh, I bet your fun when you're drunk,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“I don't remember a lot when I'm drunk,” he said and TK chuckled. Carlos plated some red snapper for him and got him some salad. He took his first bite and almost had a food org*sm in his mouth.

“Are you trying to make me have a food org*sm?” he asked and Carlos smiled. “My God, if I knew you cooked like this I wouldn't have let you leave New York.”

“You'd have to kidnap me,” Carlos said with a smile and TK smiled back.

The next day, after the most fluffy pancake breakfast, Carlos took TK out to see Austin. They stuck around downtown, TK taking pictures of the buildings and of a selfie with Carlos outside of the capital building. Austin was beautiful in his opinion. Just like his boyfriend. He dragged TK around the downtown area and the inner shopper woke up inside of him. He had to hit every shop that that was new to him. Which was practically every store in Austin. “You are a shopaholic,” Carlos said as he and TK walked down the street hand in hand. TK chuckled, smiling as they came up to Carlos' car.

“It's from growing up in New York and having a mother like mine,” he said and Carlos chuckled. They put the bags, mostly TK's into the trunk.

“Are you ready to meet my best friend, TK Strand?” he asked.

“Is it lunch time already?” TK asked and Carlos nodded. “If I must,” he added and his boyfriend chuckled as they got into the car.

The food truck scene was an awesome place to meet Michelle. “Carlos!” she called out, waving.

“Hey, chica,” he said with a smile before grabbing TK's hand and dragged him over. “TK Strand, my best friend and partner in crime growing up, Michelle Blake,” Carlos said. “Michelle, this is TK, my New York boyfriend,” he said and TK chuckled, holding out a hand for Michelle to shake.

“It's nice to meet you,” he said. Michelle scoffed before enveloping TK into a hug. “Oh, okay,” he said as Carlos chuckled.

“Let him breathe, chica,” he said and Michelle pulled away.

“It's nice to meet you, too,” she said.

“TK and I are going to grab some food and....” Carlos started.

“Oh, no, I just met him. You are not stealing him away. Not when I have so many juicy questions,” she said.

“It's fine, Carlos. Get me whatever and I'll eat it. You know I will.”

“Are you a foodie, like Carlos?” Michelle asked.

“I may be a bigger foodie than Carlos,” TK said and Michelle scoffed.

“I find that hard to believe,” she said before pulling TK to her picnic table.

“Not too juicy, Michelle. Please, I beg you,” Carlos said before getting in line to his favorite food truck. By the time he got to the table that Michelle had waved him over to, her and TK were laughing hysterically. “Okay, what are you guys laughing about?” he asked as he put some food in front of his boyfriend. TK perked up at the sight of food and kissed Carlos on the cheek before diving into his food.

“You two are so cute together,” Michelle said and Carlos turned red under his best friend's gaze. “You guys get married, I'm your best man, got it?” she told Carlos and he looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“Married? Chica, we've only been dating for three months,” Carlos said and TK laughed around his taco.

“This is the only boyfriend that you're going to introduce to your parents,” she said. “I think this one's going to stick around.”

“I'm going to stick around if he keeps cooking like he did last night,” TK said.

“You should try his mother's tamales,” Michelle said and TK whined, looking over at TK.

“When am I going to make you tamales?” he asked. “We're having dinner with my parents tonight and we're going to be eating state fair food all day tomorrow,” he said and TK pouted. “Next time you are here, or I'm in New York, I will make my mami's tamales.”

“I'm holding you to that,” TK said before going back to his food.

“So cute,” Michelle said.

Chapter 8


I'm trying to stay one chapter ahead when I'm posting. So just to let you know, when I post a new chapter, the next one is already written, but won't be posted until the next one is written.

So far this story has been coming to me easily and I usually get a chapter written in a couple of days.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lone Star characters.

Comments are much appreciative.

Chapter Text

TK moaned as the warm water worked his tired muscles. After lunch with Michelle, Carlos took TK back out to see more of Austin. Took him to Zilker Park, showed him the Museum of the Weird. They didn't stay out too long, though. Carlos took him back to his condo so they could get ready for their dinner date with his parents.

TK wasn't surprised that five minutes after getting into the shower, the bathroom door opened and he looked behind him to see Carlos taking off his clothes. “Was wondering if you were going to join me.” Carlos chuckled as he tossed the last of his clothes onto the floor before getting into the shower. TK let out a moan as his boyfriend pushed him up against the wall.

“I'd be an idiot if I didn't take advantage of my naked boyfriend in a shower,” Carlos said before kissing down TK's neck.

“Are we really going to have sex before the dinner with your parents?” he asked before gasping out when Carlos turned him around to face the wall.

“Put your hands on the wall please, sir,” Carlos said with an authoritative tone that caused a chill to run down TK's spine. He placed his hands on the wall in front of him and moaned when Carlos spread his legs, widening his stance. His boyfriend's hands grasped his hips as Carlos kissed his neck. TK moaned as he moved his head to the side to give him more neck and he gasped out feeling a hand move down his ass. “Spread your legs a little bit more, Tiger,” Carlos said and TK did as he said and felt Carlos move his hand to cup his balls. He moaned out as Carlos fondled his balls, then squealed when a finger entered him.

“f*ck,” he moaned as the finger crook up into him and he gasped out when it found his prostate. “Papi,” he moaned, hanging his head down. Carlos smirked hearing the moans of his boyfriend, echoing through the shower.

“You want another finger?” he asked and TK nodded frantically. “I need to hear you say it, baby,” he said against TK's ear.

“Yes, I want another,” TK gasped out and a second slick finger entered him. He didn't even want to know what Carlos was using as lubricant. He could feel Carlos' hardening co*ck against his thigh. He could see Carlos teasing his co*ck, getting it to leak with pre-cum. “f*ck, Papi, please.”

“Please what?” Carlos asked.

“Please give me your co*ck, Papi,” he said and he heard Carlos chuckle which made him shiver. Carlos reached up and found the condom he had placed in the shower ahead of time and tore it open. He rolled it into his co*ck and pulled on it a few times, groaning before lining up his co*ck to ease right into him.

“Wow, I slide right into you, Tiger.” TK moaned as Carlos bottomed out in him. He gasped out when Carlos brought him up against his back. “Keep your hands on the wall, baby,” he said before pulling back and then thrusting in. TK moaned, bending his head back against Carlos' shoulder.

“Carlos.” The Texan kissed his shoulder as he thrust again, this time a little harder. He got another delicious sounding moan from his boyfriend. “Harder.”

“I know, Tiger. Hang on,” Carlos grunted before pushing him flush up against the wall. TK moaned as Carlos began to snap his hips hard and up against him. All TK could do was try to find some kind of purchase on the wet wall in front of him and gasped out when Carlos' co*ck began to hit his prostate. “Lean your head back again, baby,” Carlos grunted. TK bent his head back moaning, and felt Carlos move his head to the side. He moaned as Carlos captured his lips in a kiss as he pummeled into him. Carlos groaned into their heated kisses and reached around to find TK's hard co*ck. He grasped it tight, getting a startled moan out of TK. He started to pull it in time of his thrusts into the firefighter and got him crying out moans. “You sound so beautiful, baby,” Carlos said.

“Papi,” TK moaned.

“That's right. Papi's got ya,” Carlos smirked before tugging hard on TK's co*ck. TK moaned before crying out as he came, spurting all over the shower wall. Carlos used TK's org*sm, as he clenched down on his co*ck, to chase his own org*sm. A few thrusts later he was cumming hard with a deep, guttural moan against TK's neck.

“Ah! Carlos,” TK cried. In the heat of the moment, Carlos had bit down on TK's shoulder.

“f*ck, I'm sorry,” Carlos breathed out. He kissed the bite mark as TK chuckled.

“Marking your territory?” he asked and Carlos chuckled with him. “If we have any hope of making it to dinner with your parents, you have to take your hand off my co*ck and pull out of me,” he said and Carlos moaned before pulling out of him.

Once they properly showered and Carlos put a band aid on TK's shoulder wound, the two dressed for their dinner with Carlos' parents. Carlos froze when TK came out of his walk in closet, pulling on a dress jacket. “What?” TK asked looking down at himself. “Am I too dressed up?” he asked and Carlos chuckled before shaking his head.

“You're beautiful,” Carlos said and TK let out a chuckle, turning slightly red as he came up to him. He softly kissed TK before licking his lips with his tongue. TK moaned as he opened his mouth and they French kissed for a few seconds before Carlos pulled away. “So perfect.”

“Carlos, we have to have dinner with your parents, or they will make you bring me to Sunday dinner tomorrow and I miss out on state fair food.” Carlos chuckled as he stepped away from TK.

“It's not my fault my boyfriend is incredibly hot,” he said and TK chuckled as he followed Carlos downstairs. “Ready to officially meet Dad and Mom?” he asked.

“Lead the way, Papi.”

The restaurant was Italian. One of TK's favorite things to eat. “Are you sure I look okay, Carlos?” he asked.

“TK, you look fine, all right? At this point, my mother's not going to care how you're dressed,” he said and TK chuckled.

“I'm just nervous. You're the first boyfriend of mine to introduce me to his parents,” he said and Carlos sighed out. “I want to make a good impression.”

“My Dad already likes you,” Carlos said.

“I met him for a few minutes before you two flew home,” TK said and Carlos pulled TK into a corner of the restaurant's lobby.

“They are going to love you, baby. Do not doubt that,” he said before kissing TK's nerves away. He pulled away, grabbing TK's hand to lead him into the restaurant. “I see our party,” he said to the hostess, pointing into the restaurant.

“Carlitos!” He chuckled at his mother's call out to him and he smiled as she and his dad stood up from the table. “Hola, mi hijo,” she said as Carlos hugged her.

“TK, nice to see you again,” Gabriel Reyes said.

“Nice to see you, too, sir,” TK said, shaking his hand.

“My wife is very excited to meet you,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Mama, this is my boyfriend, TK. TK, my mother, Andrea Reyes,” Carlos said.

“Hello, Mrs. Reyes,” TK said. He had started to want to shake her hand, but she enveloped him into a hug. “Oh, okay.”

“Mom is a hugger,” Carlos said before hugging his dad. “Hi, Dad.”

“Hello, son.” They all sat down at the table and ordered drinks before looking over the menu.

“So, TK, tell where in New York do you live?” Andrea asked.

“I live in a borough of New York, Brooklyn. Rent is crazy in New York, but growing up I lived in a high rise in Manhattan,” TK said.

“How the hell did you manage that?” Carlos asked and TK chuckled.

“My mom's a lawyer,” he said. “She has her own law firm.”

“Yet you became a firefighter,” Gabriel said.

“I thought of becoming a lawyer, but I didn't think I could handle law school. Join the fire academy right out of high school. Been working with my dad ever since.”

“He's your captain?” Andrea asked.

“He is. The only one I've worked for. He's the best captain and I'm not saying that because he's my dad.”

“Carlos told me he was there at the trade center on 9/11,” Gabriel said and TK nodded.

“He lost his entire firehouse that day. He rebuilt it from the ground up after,” he said.

“Carlos was a little vague at how you met, TK. Enlighten me,” Andrea said. The waitress took that time to come over to take their orders and TK looked over to Carlos.

“We met at a bar. I was stood up and obviously looking lonely because than he came over and started flirting,” he said and Andrea laughed.

“I'm a good flirt,” Carlos defended and TK rolled his eyes. “It worked, didn't it? I got him to take me around New York, show me the good places,” he said.

“Who stood you up?” Gabriel asked.

“My ex boyfriend,” TK said. “It was supposed to have been our date night, but he was twenty minutes late.”

“So...” Andrea started to say.

“I broke up with him, Mrs. Reyes,” TK said. “It was time to anyway because I found out recently that the reason he had been late, was that he was cheating on me with a coworker.”

“Oh, well, that....” she said, “good for you.”

“Thanks,” he said.

Dinner ran smoothly after that awkward conversation. Carlos' mother didn't need to know that her son caused TK to cheat, even though it was justified in the end. Carlos' parents regaled TK of childhood antics of his boyfriend as a child. TK would glance over at Carlos and see him blushing as his mother told him the embarrassing stories of him running around the ranch naked. “Oh, my God. Mom would you stop please?” he begged her as TK calmed down from laughing.

“It took his three older sisters to chase him down,” Andrea said.

“Mama,” Carlos said.

“You have three older sisters?” TK asked.

“Yes, and they are all very protective of me,” Carlos said. “So for when you do eventually meet the whole family, prepare to be interrogated.”

“Noted,” TK said before sipping his club soda.

“It was so wonderful to meet you, TK,” Andrea said as she hugged him. The dinner had been a success. Both of his parents were in love with TK.

“It was wonderful to meet you, too, Andrea,” he said as he hugged her back.

“Your sisters and aunts will be interrogating us tomorrow,” Gabriel said as he hugged his son. “Your mother wouldn't stop talking about this dinner.”

“I'm sure,” Carlos said. “Give my regards to everyone tomorrow. I think TK and I are going to have too much food at the state fair tomorrow,” he said and Gabriel chuckled.

“Leave it to my son to find a fellow foodie.”

“We love food. Why is that a crime?” Carlos asked. He hugged his mother as TK shook Gabriel's hand.

“When do you fly out again?”

“Monday afternoon,” TK said.

“Have a safe flight, honey,” Andrea said.

“Thanks, Andrea.” Carlos and TK waved to them as they walked to Carlos' car. “Well, I loved them,” he said as Carlos opened the car door for his boyfriend.

“I knew you would,” Carlos said before kissing him softly. “They loved you.”

“I would hope so,” TK said. “I am very lovable,” he added before getting into the car. Carlos chuckled as he closed the door to the car and got in.

“There's no denying that,” he said. “How about we go back home and you show me how lovable you can be?” he suggested and TK chuckled.

Chapter 9


Woohoo! On a roll today! Thank you again for my loyal readers.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

Carlos and TK turned in early that night, because at five am, they were both up and getting ready for the two and a half, three hour drive to Dallas for the state fair. “If we want to get there in time for lunch, we need to leave at around eight, maybe sooner.”

“Okay,” TK said as he rolled away from Carlos. He only had a day and half left with Carlos. He stood up from the bed and headed into the bathroom. On the plus side, TK and Carlos showered together and despite not being able to keep each their hands off each other, they left the condo around 7:45. An hour into the drive, TK was getting on Carlos' nerves. “Are we there yet?”

“No,” Carlos said and TK sighed out. “Babe, I told you, it's going to take us at least three hours to get there.”

“Even though we left early?” TK asked.

“We hit the morning traffic going out of Austin. Just sit back and enjoy the drive. Take a nap, if you want. I know you didn't like getting up early this morning.”

“The showering together was the highlight of this morning's activities,” TK stated and Carlos chuckled.

“Look, it's going to be at least another two hours or so until we get to the fairgrounds. Take a nap.”

“Maybe,” TK said as he got his phone out.

“How's your firehouse been handling the weekend without you?” Carlos asked and TK chuckled.

“They're surviving,” he said.

“Have you talked with your Dad since you text him you survived the flight to Austin?” Carlos asked.

“He's been following me on my journey through Austin on my Instagram,” TK said. “This is odd. He text me late last night after we went to bed. He wants me to call him.”

“Go ahead.” TK tapped his dad's name in the contact's list and waited for him to pick up.

“Hope he's not just getting off a 48 hour shift,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “Dad? Yeah, I just got your message this morning. You text to call you,” he said. “Oh, he did, did he?” he asked as his dad talked with him about something or rather someone came to the firehouse. “Huh, well, did you tell him where I was?” he asked. “Okay, that's odd. I did break things off with him or rather I told him we needed a break from each other, then I found out he cheated on me. That's beside the point, Dad. He cheated on me first,” TK argued and Carlos chuckled. He reached over and grasped TK's hand. “I don't need to tell him where I'm going. We're done. I've blocked his number on my phone and I've blocked from my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts.” TK let out a sigh that caused Carlos to lift his hand up and kiss it gently. “Next time Alex comes to the firehouse looking to win me back, tell the guys to have at him,” he said. “Yeah, we're driving up to the Texas State Fair. Carlos promised me lots and lots of the best carnival food. We will see if it's better than the carnivals I've grown up with. Bye, Dad. Yeah, I love you, too,” he said before hanging up.


“Alex stopped by the firehouse yesterday, looking for me,” TK said. “Apparently he saw on my Instagram that I've moved on,” he said.

“I thought you said you blocked him,” Carlos said.

“I did, but he's still friends with people I am friends with,” he said. “I posted that selfie of us, you know the one that left so many clues as to what we did before we took the selfie.”

“Oh, that one,” Carlos said. TK had taken a selfie of him and Carlos before they had went to bed after they caught up with each other when TK arrived in Austin. They were practically naked, glowing and in bed. It was still appropriate for Instagram and TK put a few filters to cover up some of the nakedness and then posted it. He just wanted his followers to know who the boyfriend was and how happy he made him. “So, he's taking rejection hard?”

“He really thought we would get back together after I found out he was cheating on me the whole time?” he asked and Carlos chuckled. TK shifted in his seat and let out a sigh.

“You need a break?”

“Yeah, can we stretch our legs?” he asked. Lucky for them there was an exit coming up.

Two hours later, TK was looking out of the car window as Carlos pulled into a parking spot at the state fair. “Holy sh*t,” he said. “My first Texas State Fair,” he said and Carlos chuckled. They got out, locked up the car, putting on hats and headed into the fair. “If we're eating first, we're going to have to hold off on some of those rides.”

“I know, so let's get something to eat. I heard your stomach growling an hour ago.”

“Well, next time you put me in a car for three hours, you'll remember to bring snacks,” TK said.

“We stopped at places you could have bought snacks, baby,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Sure, blame me. I told you I suck at road trips,” he said and Carlos laughed as he pulled TK to a vendor. “Whoa, corn dogs?”

“You've never had a corn dog before?” Carlos asked.

“No, they have them in New York,” he said.

“This is where they sold the first corn dog, ever,” Carlos said and TK rolled his eyes. “Don't roll your eyes, Tiger, until you've tried one,” he said and TK chuckled. Carlos grabbed TK's hand and took him over to the Fletcher's Corn Dog stand. There was already a line of people when they got up to it.

“Wow, must be some corn dog,” TK quipped as he and Carlos got into one of the lines.

“Trust me. You will be asking me to get back in line after having one,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

Carlos wasn't wrong. TK let out a delicious sounding moan as he bit into his corn dog. “Hmm, heaven,” he said and Carlos smiled. “So good.”

“Is it better than the corn dogs in New York?” Carlos asked and TK glared at him.

“Yes,” he said, sounding defeated. “They are,” he said. They got some lemonade before walking around the fairgrounds. “This place is awesome,” TK said.

“You haven't tried the best food yet,” Carlos said.

“What could be better than a corn dog?”

“How about a funnel cake queso burger?” he asked causing TK to turn to look at him.

“I'm sorry? A what?” he asked.

TK watched as they made the funnel cake queso burger through the glass. “There is no way that's healthy,” he said.

“It's not,” Carlos said. “Over two hundred calories in it.”

“I'll have a heart attack after eating that,” he said. "Hell, I'm having one just looking at it," he said and Carlos chuckled.

“Not necessarily,” his boyfriend said and TK chuckled. They got their burgers and found a place to sit to eat them. TK used the knife holding it together to cut it in half and took a bite. Carlos watched as his boyfriend had a food org*sm right in front of him. “That's what your fifth food org*sm this weekend?” he teased and TK scowled at him before taking another bite of his burger.

“I'm going to have to run the New York Fire Department Field Course in full gear to work off the calories from this burger alone.”

“Can you do that?”

“In under ten minutes I can,” TK said with a smile. “Beat my dad's course record by a full minute,” he said, proudly.

“So, uh, after today, you're leaving,” Carlos said sorrowfully.

“I know, but my flight isn't until the afternoon tomorrow. We can always cuddle in bed in the morning, have a late brunch before you take me to the airport.”

“And then it's late night texting and calling again for another three months?” he asked. “Why not move out here?”

“Leave New York? I hadn't really thought about it much.”

“Am I enough to make you leave New York?”

“Am I enough to make you leave Austin?” TK countered and Carlos chuckled. “Would you move to New York to be with me?” he asked.

“If the right position in the NYPD opened up. I haven't been with APD long enough to get a good enough recommendation and approval for a transfer. I may even have to go back to police academy in New York.”

“I really don't know. Would AFD accept a broken, foodie, gay addict into one of their houses?”

“The 126 would. They are accepting to everyone and I know, because the one firefighter there, Judd, may act tough, but is very accepting. Trust me, his wife is one of my closet friends. Michelle works for the 126 as a paramedic, too, on the B shift.”

“You're really selling on me moving to Austin, aren't you?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“You don't have to worry about finding a place. You can just live with me.”

“Transferring to the NYPD may not be hard, either, ya know,” TK said and Carlos smiled. “And you can live with me in Brooklyn and help me with the ridiculously high rent of our apartment,” he said and Carlos sighed out. “Best pizza is in New York.”

“Best BBQ is in Austin,” he countered. “And Texas has the best state fair.”

“I beg to differ. We have our fair share of fairs in New York. We got the Winter Village in Bryant Park coming up.”

“When is that?”

“Starts at the end of October and runs to March,” he said. “Best market food in the city," he boasted.

“TK, I'm serious.”

“So am I,” TK said with a smile. He leaned forward and kissed Carlos softly. “In New York, we can do that all the time.”

“You're worried about gay prejudice in Texas?”

“It's Texas and you didn't see the old lady just now scowling at us for kissing,” TK said as Carlos looked around. “I'll think about it.”

“I'll think about it, too.”

Chapter 10


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Thanks again for the wonderful reviews. Another chapter for my loyal readers.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

It was Monday morning before they knew it. Both men were slow to get out of bed. TK moaned before turning around to see Carlos sleeping. He just kept watching him, wanting to keep the image in his mind. There was no telling after having the weekend off what his schedule was going to look like. 48 hour shifts one after another probably. Spending it with Carlos was worth it. “Morning.” TK smiled when he saw that Carlos was up.

“Morning, Papi,” he said. “I don't want to get up,” he said and Carlos drew him close. They were both still naked from last night and TK moaned feeling their naked bodies press up against each other.

“I would like you to get up this morning,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. He kissed the New Yorker who moaned as he rolled them over to be on top. TK wrapped his arms around Carlos as the Texan opened his legs. “You still slick from last night? I don't have to open you up again, do I?”

“No, Papi,” TK said as Carlos reached over to get a condom. He tore it open, keeping eye contact with TK as he did.

“Want to put it on me, Tiger?” he asked and TK took the condom and his hands disappeared underneath the blanket. Carlos gasped out a moan when TK grabbed hold of him and rolled the condom onto his co*ck. “f*ck, TK, ah!” TK smirked when he cupped Carlos' balls with his other hand. “Baby, I'll finish before I can start,” he said. He kissed TK, distracting him as he hitched up TK's left leg up against his hip.

“Carlos,” he moaned as Carlos guided his co*ck into TK. Both were breathing heavily as Carlos pressed his co*ck into him. He put his other leg around Carlos' hip and hooked his ankles together as his boyfriend eased into him. “Make it last, babe. I want to feel you.”

“TK, baby, you feel so good around my co*ck,” Carlos said into his ear as he bottomed out. TK let out a moan as Carlos pulled out until the tip of his co*ck was in, then pushed back in. He got a moan out of the man underneath him. He spoke in Spanish and TK gasped out as Carlos began to slowly move in and out of him. He braced his knees on the bed and slowly kept rhythm as TK grasped onto his back.

“Carlos,” he moaned and he kissed him. They moved together, meeting the other's thrust, moaning into the kiss when it causes friction between the two of them. Carlos groaned as he kissed down TK's neck, hearing the fleeting gasps and moans of his boyfriend. “I love you, TK,” he confessed and TK moaned. He pulled back to look into TK's green eyes. “You don't have to say ...”

“I love you, too,” TK said before pulling Carlos down into a kiss. Carlos thrust harder, but kept to the slow nature of his thrusts, still making love to TK. “Papi,” he moaned when Carlos thrust hard up and against his prostate.

“I gotcha, TK,” Carlos said. He peppered kisses along TK's neck as he moved. TK moaned and he clenched on Carlos' co*ck, getting a groan out of him. “Are you close, baby?” he asked. TK moaned as he nodded. “Words, TK.”

“Yes, I'm close, Papi,” he moaned and Carlos reached down to take a gentle hold on TK's co*ck, wedged between them. “Hmm, Papi, that...” He started to pull it in time with his thrusts and TK moaned out. Between Carlos' co*ck moving in and out of him and his lover's hand on his co*ck pulling on it in time with the thrusts of the co*ck, TK was getting closer and closer. Carlos smirked as he watched TK practically come undone. His moans became louder and louder as he came closer to pure bliss. “Papi,” he moaned.

“Papi's gotcha, baby,” he said. “You gonna cum?” he asked.

“Yes, I'm...” he started to say before gasping out a moan as he came, his co*ck spurting between them. Carlos kept thrusting through TK's org*sm, chasing his own. TK's legs had tightened around his waist and he clenched down on his co*ck.

“f*ck, baby,” Carlos gasped out. He thrust a few times, getting a second org*sm out of TK, who let out a squeal when he did, and Carlos let out a deep moan, crying out as he came. He propped himself up on his elbows and he sighed out. “That was...”

“Yeah, it was,” TK said before chuckling. “It's a good thing I was planning to take a shower,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He stared into TK's eyes before kissing his boyfriend. “So, you love me?” he asked and Carlos smiled.

“I do.”

“After three months?”

“I fell in love with you in New York,” Carlos said. “I was one of those saps who believed in love at first sight,” he said.

“Well, I fell in love with you this weekend,” he said and Carlos smiled. “I really do have to get up and take a shower.” He gasped out when Carlos pulled him up and picked him up out of bed. “Oh, we're going to stay attached until we can't, huh?” TK asked and Carlos chuckled as he carried him to the bathroom.

TK cleared his throat as he packed his bag back up. “Hey, don't forget this,” Carlos said, holding out the stuffed tiger to TK.

“My tiger?”

“Hey, it took me twenty dollars to win that for you,” he said and TK chuckled as he took it from his boyfriend. He put it in his bag and zipped it up. “A tiger for my Tiger,” he said.

“I didn't get you anything,” he said.

“Next time,” he said. TK let out a sigh as Carlos kissed his softly.

“When's that going to be?” he asked.

“I'm not sure,” Carlos said. “I have miles to use up, too. We'll have to plan something like this again,” he said.

“You come to New York next time?” TK asked and Carlos nodded his head.

“I'm sure there's more to New York than what you showed me,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“Oh, there is plenty to New York. We need to get you to a show.”

“Which show?”

“Whichever one is available. It's Broadway.” Carlos kissed him again and helped him with his bag. Their plan was to head out for brunch before Carlos took TK to the airport. Carlos took him to his favorite breakfast place, The Omelettry. TK was in heaven, eating his mushroom omelet. “f*ck, this is so good,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “What a way to send me off,” he said.

“Wanted to make sure you had a full stomach before your flight,” Carlos said and he smiled before sipping his orange juice. “I'm going to miss you, Tiger,” he said and TK whined.

“Me, too,” he said. Carlos reached across the table and took hold of TK's hand. They interlaced their fingers together “We held out pretty well, not seeing each other for three months.”

“You think we can do three months again?” he asked and TK shrugged. “January is three months away. Where could we go in January?”

“We don't have to go anywhere,” TK said. “We could stay in my apartment,” he said and Carlos smiled. “All. Day. Long.”

“Sounds like another weekend is going to be our future, only in New York.”

“I've got a really good place for hot chocolate,” he said.

“Of course, you do,” Carlos said.

There was no way in hell that Carlos was dropping TK off at the white loading zone. He was going to walk him into the airport, right until TK heads off to the gate. They walked hand in hand into the airport, Carlos pulling TK's rolling suitcase behind them. “It's not like this is going to be the last time we're going to see each other,” TK said as he got his things organized.

“Right,” Carlos said. Once inside, TK took his suitcase and headed to the check in desk. Once his bag was checked and his ticket confirmed, he walked over to where Carlos had walked over to. Once TK went up the escalators where the checkpoints were, Carlos couldn't follow. “Okay, so call me when you land,” he said.

“I will,” TK said.

“And then keep calling every day.”

“I will,” TK chuckled before leaning forward. They kissed softly before kissing again. “I have to go, Papi,” he teased.

“If you must. Make sure your dad gets that taffy.”

“I will,” he said

“I'll see you later, Papi,” TK said. He kissed Carlos again before heading towards the escalators.

“Is that a promise?” Carlos asked and TK smiled.

“You bet your ass it is,” he said before getting on the up escalator, waving as he went up. Carlos waved back at him and blew a kiss. “That's corny!” TK shouted and he chuckled. He watched until he couldn't see TK anymore and headed back to the parking lot and his car.

Hours later, he got a call from TK. “I take it you made it safely home?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“I did, Papi,” he said. “Just got into my apartment. It's a little nippy up here.”

“Well, my little New Yorker, it's colder up there this time of year,” Carlos teased.

“You're such a tease,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

“Hey, I got a phone call from my sister,” he said. “My youngest older sister,” he added and TK chuckled. Carlos could hear him pulling his suitcase along the floor of his apartment. “The taffy survive the trip?”

“It did. I'm glad you made me buy three boxes. One for me, one for Dad and one for the firehouse,” he said. “So, what about the call you got from your sister?”

“She said that Uncle Javi showed up with a lady friend and her daughter to Sunday dinner,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“Someone Uncle Javi was hoping to introduce you to?” TK asked.

“She said it led into a really heated argument between Dad and Uncle Javi. The lady friend and daughter didn't seem to understand until Carmen, my sister, told them that the good looking nephew that Uncle Javi wanted to introduce the daughter to was gay.”

“How did they take that?” TK asked and Carlos chuckled.

“Let's just say my Uncle Javier has to find another lady friend,” he said and TK laughed. “How are things on your end?”

“Dad picked up me up at the airport,” he said. “He got his taffy as payment,” he added and Carlos chuckled. “Told me that Alex started snooping around the fire house, again, looking for me,” he said.

“Is he still trying to get back together with you?” Carlos asked.

“Dad told him I had a new boyfriend, from Texas who was a cop,” TK said.

“What did he say to that?”

“Dad said he just walked out, saying he'll talk to me when I get back.” Carlos let out a sigh. He didn't like the way Alex was behaving.

“You promise me you'll be careful when you do, right?”

“Carlos, he's an ex boyfriend. I think I can handle him,” TK said.

“Just promise me, baby,” Carlos said. TK could tell there something in Carlos' voice that he was serious. He let out a sigh.

“I promise to be careful, but you are over reacting, Papi.”

“I'm a cop, TK. I'm allowed to overreact,” Carlos said. “I love you, babe,” he said.

“I love you, too. I'll call tomorrow,” he said.

“Can't wait,” Carlos said. He let out a sigh, hanging up. He hoped he was wrong, but he was having a bad feeling about Alex.

Chapter 11


Another time jump and this time Tarlos is reunited in New York City.


Surprise!! I've started doing chapter summaries to give you guys teasers before you start reading the chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

TK sighed as he came into his dad's office. “Hey, Dad, I'm heading out.”

“Okay, son,” Owen Strand said. “Have a good mini vacation.”

“You still not going to tell me what the hell happened with the schedule?” TK asked. “I never requested this time off. I have three days and no boyfriend to spend it with. Carlos has to work.”

“Not sure what happened, son. I'm sorry Carlos isn't here,” Owen said and TK rolled his eyes. He gaze moved to the engine bay of Firehouse 252 and he gasped out. “Oh, yeah, there's that surprise for you.”

Carlos Reyes was in the engine bay, over night bag slung over his shoulder. “Carlos!” He looked up to see TK running down the stairs.

“Hey, babe,” Carlos casually greeted. TK launched himself at his boyfriend and Carlos caught him laughing.

“Hey, babe?” TK asked. “We talked last week on the phone. You told me you had to work.”

“I lied,” Carlos said. “I was talking with your dad about surprising you. Got my time off in the middle of the week, but Captain Strand, he said he was able to swing your schedule around, with some help from your teammates.”

“Was everybody in on this?” he asked, turning to his teammates.

“Pretty much,” one said.

“Totally,” another said. TK sighed out as Carlos chuckled. “So, you going to introduce us?”

“Guys, this is Carlos Reyes, my boyfriend,” he said and everyone waved 'hi' to him. “I can't believe you're here.”

“You've been unbearable the last three months,” Stephens said. “You need to get laid,” she added and TK chuckled. Just then his phone went off and he groaned.

“What?” Carlos asked as TK got his phone out of his pocket.

“It's that ex of his,” Stephens said causing Carlos to look at TK. “He's been calling him the last month, every day. Right about this time.”

“You said you handled him,” Carlos said.

“I did. He just can't take the hint.” The phone kept ringing and Carlos snatched it from TK. “Hey, Carlos, don't...” It was too late. His boyfriend answered the phone.

“Hello? Oh, sorry, this isn't TK. This is his boyfriend, Carlos,” Carlos said and TK let out a sigh as he watched his boyfriend deal with his ex boyfriend. “No, sorry, you can't talk to him. He's going to be busy the next few days. I plan to not let him leave his bed for the next 24 hours seeing as we haven't seen each other for three months,” he said and TK's teammates cat called and whistled, knowing Alex would hear it. It only made TK blush. “Yeah, oh, and I would appreciate you stop calling my boyfriend non stop every day. He ended things with you months ago. I should also mention that I'm from Texas and what you may or may not have heard about me is true. I'm also a cop and I have some very good friends in the NYPD who owe me a solid and if you don't stop harassing my boyfriend, they can make your life a living hell. Do me a favor and lose this number for good. There is no reason you should still have it,” he said before hanging up and handing it back to TK. “You're welcome,” he said before kissing him on the cheek.

“That was totally hot,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “Do you really have friends in the NYPD?”

“No, but he doesn't know that,” Carlos said. “Let's go.” TK smiled as he took his boyfriend's hand and waved to everyone.

“See you in three days!” he shouted as they left the firehouse.

The door to TK's apartment burst open as TK and Carlos were lip locked with each other. The door closed as bags were dropped to the floor, coats removed and TK groaned out when Carlos backed him into a wall. He moaned as they kissed, hardly coming up for air. “Missed you,” Carlos said as he started unzipping TK's hoodie.

“Missed you, too,” TK said as he pulled out Carlos' sweater to pull it over his head. Their smut video calls weren't enough for TK sometimes. Nothing beats having Carlos there in his apartment, taking off his clothes. Shoes were toed off before Carlos pulled him away from the wall. TK let out a squeal when his boyfriend picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. “Carlos,” TK laughed. He knew didn't need to tell Carlos where his bedroom was located.

“Hey, you got an actual bed,” he said and TK smirked.

“IKEA,” he said before giggling when Carlos tossed him onto the bed. “Put it together myself,” he said proudly as he started to undo his pants. Carlos pulled off his shirt and TK groaned out. “God, I've missed that glorious chest of yours,” he said and Carlos chuckled before grabbing TK's pants and pulling them off. TK pulled off his shirt, Carlos pushed down his pants and then climbed on top of him. “Carlos, about Alex...”

“No, don't talk about him,” he said. “You'll ruin the mood,” he added before capturing TK's mouth in a heated kiss. TK moaned into the kiss as Carlos laid his entire body on top of him. Granted they were the same size, but Carlos was more built, so there was more of him to enjoy. TK loved when Carlos laid himself on top of him. The two of them lapped at each other's mouths. TK moaned, feeling Carlos grinding their co*cks together. “You miss Papi's co*ck, Tiger?”

“Yes, Papi,” TK moaned as Carlos lapped at his collarbone.

“Papi's co*ck has missed you, too,” Carlos said before capturing TK's mouth again in a ravaging kiss. TK moaned into the kiss as Carlos reached down to start pulling his underwear off. He moaned feeling Carlos' hand on his ass for the first time since three months ago in Austin. “Missed the ass, too,” he said and TK chuckled before moaning out when Carlos gave the cheek that was in his hand a squeeze. His underwear slid off and then Carlos pulled off his own underwear. Once their naked bodies were meshed together, they froze.

“Condoms, in the nightstand,” TK gasped out. He shrieked when Carlos suddenly turned him over onto his stomach. He kissed the back of his neck before moving down TK's spine. “Oh, f*ck,” TK gasped out. He felt Carlos smirked against his skin as he kissed lower and lower. Yeah, he took a shower, so he was nice and clean down there. TK moaned out when Carlos licked the crevice of his ass. He felt two hands spread his ass apart and he moaned. “Carlos.” His eyes rolled up into the back of his head as Carlos' talented tongue caressed his puckered hole. “f*ck, Papi, that..” he moaned out. Carlos placed a kiss on each cheek before puffing out air. “Hey!” Carlos chuckled before cupping his hand underneath and TK moaned out, his legs spreading as Carlos continued to eat him out. “Oh, f*ck, Carlos, Papi.” Carlos' hand fondled his balls before spreading his legs.

Carlos reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. TK's supply of condoms and lube greeted him, as well as the nice toy that Carlos had sent him for Christmas. “I see you keep my gift close by.”

“I use it every night, Papi,” he said and Carlos moaned out before biting TK's ass cheek and then licked his way up TK's spine. TK gasped out feeling Carlos's hot breath in his ear.

“Good boy,” he said before kissing his neck. TK gasped out when Carlos pulled his legs apart, keeping them down with his own and reached for a condom and lube. “I'm just going to put a condom on, lube up and just get in ya.” TK moaned, his ass puckering. “I'll take that as a yes,” Carlos said before tearing open the condom and rolling it on. “f*ck, my co*ck is so hard for you right now, Tiger.” TK moaned as he laid out for Carlos, he legs being kept open. He gasped out when he felt the drizzle of his lube on his ass and then heard Carlos moan. Carlos spread his ass cheeks and positioned himself at TK's entrance. He went slow at first, slowly breaching TK's hole.

“f*ck,” TK moaned out as the burning sensation of Carlos' co*ck entering him sent chills through his body. Carlos stopped and he whimpered. “No, don't stop.” Carlos thrust forward and he gasped out as he bottomed out in one fluid thrust. “Oh, God,” he said, clenching the co*ck now seated in him.

“f*ck, you feel so good, TK.”

“Carlos,” TK whimpered out as his boyfriend pulled his hips back slowly, dragging his co*ck out until only the tip was in him before pushing back into him. TK moaned out at the sensation. No prep was done in their haste to be together, but he was okay with that. He didn't care. He blindly reached behind him, wanting to touch Carlos, but he cried out a moan when Carlos grabbed his wrists and held them down onto the mattress after pushing the pillows off the bed. “Please.”

“Please, what, Tiger?” Carlos asked as he dragged his co*ck out again.

“Please, f*ck me, Papi,” TK pleaded. He moaned when Carlos started f*cking him, short, sharp thrusts. Carlos used those wonderful hips of his to thrust deep into TK, pining him to the bed. TK moaned with each thrust of Carlos' hips. He would move if he could, but between Carlos' hands pinning his arms above his head and his legs holding TK's legs open and down, he really couldn't move at all. The only thing he could do was clench down on Carlos' co*ck as it moved in and out of his ass. “Papi,” TK moaned as Carlos f*cked him. Carlos groaned out with each lengthy thrust he pummeled into TK, the firefighter clenching around his co*ck. Each thrust getting more and more sharp and hard. Carlos was able to find TK's prostate with no problem and was soon hitting it with each powerful thrust of his hips.

“f*ck, baby, you feel so good around Papi's co*ck,” he said and TK moaned. His co*ck was trapped beneath him, getting worked and pulled against his sheets and his body. “You gonna cum for Papi?” Carlos asked. “Hmm?”

“Yes, Papi. I'm going to cum,” he said as Carlos jutted his hips hard and fast into him. “Oh, f*ck,” he whimpered. His legs were shaking from the position they were in. He was nearly spread eagle on his bed. “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,” he cried as Carlos was relentless with his thrusts. TK had tears streaming down his face as his boyfriend f*cked him hard and he could feel his org*sm coming closer and closer. “Papi, f*ck,” he moaned before crying out in a sharp moan as he came, his co*ck spurting between him and the bed. He clenched hard on Carlos as he piston into him.

“Oh, f*ck, TK,” Carlos groaned before f*cking harder and then he came in a deep moan as he came inside of TK, the condom doing it's job. “Oh, f*ck.” He let go of TK's wrists as he slowly realized how rough he was with him. “Baby, are you okay?” he asked.

“Hmm, give me a minute,” he said as he came down from his org*smic high. Carlos moaned out as he slowly pulled out of his boyfriend who whined at the lose. He laid down next to him and TK brought his legs into a more comfortable position. “That was awesome,” TK suddenly said and Carlos chuckled as he removed the condom and tossed it. Both lovers were breathless as they laid on their respective sides of the bed. “f*ck, where did that animal come from?”

“I have no idea,” Carlos laughed and TK moaned as he turned to the side. “Oh, that's a mess.”

“No sh*t,” TK gasped out as he rolled and shrieked when he right off the bed.

“Oh, sh*t, TK, are you okay?” he asked and he heard TK giggling on the floor.

“I am just peachy.” Carlos rolled his eyes as he laid back down on the bed. “That comforter's going to need dry cleaning,” TK said from the floor.

“Yeah, most likely,” Carlos said. “You going to come back up here?” he asked.

“Not until we change that comforter,” TK said as he stood up on shaky legs. “My legs feel like jelly,” he said and Carlos chuckled. Together they stripped the bed of the soiled comforter and put a new cleaner one on. They crawled up into the covers after TK went to turn the heat up a little and curled up against each other. “Are you always this naturally warm?” he asked.

“Being raised in Texas made me warm blooded,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Can't believe you're here,” he said and Carlos kissed his hair. “You're not going to disappear when I fall asleep are you?” he asked.

“I would never do that to you,” Carlos said. “Go to sleep, Tiger,” he said before bringing TK closer to him. “Love you.”

“Love you,” TK moaned before Carlos heard his breathing evening out.


Bam!! Two smut chapters in a row!! Figured this was the reunion yinz wanted when TK went to Austin. Decided to do it for this one.

Chapter 12


The morning after......with an uninvited guest at the door.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lone Star characters.

Thank you for all the love of the last chapter. I had fun writing it. I do some of my best writing at night. Of course I have fun writing Tarlos all the time.

Comments are much appreciative. I love seeing what you think of each chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

TK slowly woke up, not knowing where he was until he remembered the surprise of a lifetime. Carlos was in New York for at least three days. He sat up on his elbows with a grunt and discovered he was alone in bed. Carlos' side was cold, but he could still feel some body heat. He was out of bed for a while and he wondered where he could be. “Ow!” TK winched hearing his boyfriend exclaim out in pain. He hurried out of bed, pulling on his underwear and headed into his kitchen.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“Yeah, not used to your small kitchen,” he said as he rubbed his hand. “I burned myself.”

“Run it under some cold water," TK quickly said. "I'll be right back," he added before heading into the bathroom. Carlos turned the cold water on the sink and put his hand underneath the cold water. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little better. TK came back into the kitchen with a first aid kit and opened it. He let out a shout of triumph finding the burn spray. "Here, let me see it," he said. Carlos let TK take hold of his hand and inspect his burn before taking the burn spray and gently sprayed the area on the back of Carlos' hand. "Better?" he asked, looking up into his boyfriend's brown eyes.

“Yeah, thanks,” Carlos said. “Morning,” he added and TK smiled before Carlos kissed his chastely.

“Morning,” he said.

“Look at you playing medic.”

“Well, technically I am one,” he said. “I'm a dual FD medic,” he said. “I keep all my certifications up to date,” he said.

“Look at you, multi taskmaster,” he said and TK smiled as he put the burn spray away. “That's why the sex is so good with you,” he quipped and TK chuckled.

“Whatever you say, Papi,” he said. “What's for breakfast?”

“I got cinnamon rolls in the oven,” Carlos said. “Found everything I needed in your cupboards and pantry.”

“I have an oven?” TK joked and Carlos rolled his eyes. “Cinnamon rolls, huh?” TK asked.

“I was also making hot chocolate." He gestured to the packets of hot chocolate he found in TK's cupboard. He didn't use water when using those. Instead he heated up milk. "The back of my hand hit the pot of milk I was heating up,” he said.

“Poor baby. Who knew you were so accident prone in the kitchen,” TK joked.

“I'm not used to your kitchen. It's so small and weird.”

“I like my kitchen.”

“You barely cook.”

“Which is why I like my kitchen,” TK said. “I get mostly take out and when I do cook, it's from a box,” TK said. “With easy instructions written on the back,” he added and Carlos chuckled as TK poured himself some hot chocolate and sat at the bar area of his kitchen. “So, are your cinnamon rolls life changing?”

“They are,” Carlos said as he mixed together the icing. TK didn't have cream cheese, so plain powder sugar, butter and milk would have to do. Which was fine because Carlos found some vanilla to add to the icing. “Prepare to have your first food org*sm since I got here,” he said and TK chuckled.

Carlos' cinnamon rolls were absolutely delicious and went well some fruit that Carlos cut up. “These are so good. How many food org*sms do you plan on giving me the next three days?”

“As many as I can, Tiger,” Carlos said. “Now for the other kind of org*sm, those will be a plenty, too,” he said and TK chuckled as Carlos leaned forward and kissed him softly. TK moaned into the kiss as Carlos deepened it.

“You're too good to me, Papi,” he said as Carlos kissed down his neck. “Can we stay in today? I don't really want to go anywhere,” he said.

“Sure thing, baby,” Carlos said before kissing him again. A consistence banging on TK's door broke them apart and TK let out a sigh. “Who could that be?”

“I don't know,” he said as he got up from the table and headed over. He unlocked his locks before opening the door. “Seriously?” Standing at his door was his cheating ex boyfriend, Alex. “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked.

“Well, I...” TK rolled his eyes when Alex looked over his nearly naked body. “Wow, I've missed that.”

“Alex..” TK scowled.

“TK, who is it, babe?” Alex heard a voice call. He recognized the voice of TK's new boyfriend from the phone call.

“Is that..?”

“Yeah, that's Carlos. It's Alex!” TK called out and Alex seemed nervous as a very bronze, good looking man came in behind TK, putting a protective arm around his waist. He was equally as naked as TK and he couldn't help looking the man over as well. “Carlos, babe, this is Alex, my no good ex boyfriend who can't seem to take a hint that I'm never going back with him. Alex, this is my cop boyfriend who won't hesitate to make good on his threat if you don't leave me the f*ck alone,” TK said.

“Sorry, I...” Alex started to say.

“Wanted to check up on the competition?” Carlos asked. “Good, now you have and now you can leave because we plan to go back to bed and not leave it again. We have some more catching up to do. Haven't seen this guy in three months and we only have three days to make up for it.”

“Bye,” TK said before slamming the door in Alex's face and locking it. TK giggled as Carlos kissed his shoulder. “So, we're not leaving the bed?” he asked and Carlos groaned against his neck. “Well, we're not in bed.”

“We're having breakfast and then we're going back to bed,” Carlos said and TK moaned as Carlos turned him around to push him up against the door. He moaned loudly, hoping that Alex was still on the other side and listening. Carlos put an arm around his waist and pulling TK flush up against him. “Finish your breakfast and then I'll let you ride me, okay?” he asked and TK nodded before they went back over to the table.

“So, what else are we doing while you're here. Today is all about sex," TK said and Carlos laughed as they sat down.

"Well, things are cold. We're doing warm things," Carlos said.

"Oh, well, I can take you to my hot chocolate place," TK said and Carlos smiled.

"Oh, and I want food. The best food ever," he said.

"Okay," TK said.

"And pizza, again," Carlos added.

"So demanding," TK joked as Carlos brought his chair next to him.

“What if I demand you naked in bed, riding me like a horse?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“That's a demand I can do," he said before kissing him.

Spending the entire day in bed with Carlos was the perfect way to waste a day. Only getting up to get food, TK and Carlos were joined at the hip in his bed. Granted, they didn't spend the entire day having sex. TK had a perfectly good TV in his room and they went through his streaming services from the bed in between rest periods. They were binge watching Vikings at the moment. Only some of the best episodes. “Bjorn Ironside is my favorite Viking,” TK said from his place beside Carlos.

“Ragnar Lothbrok is my favorite,” his boyfriend countered.

“Okay, Travis Fimmel is hot,” TK said," but Alexander Ludwig is gorgeous and hot,” he added and Carlos smiled.

“Since today is spending all day in bed, what are we doing tomorrow?” he asked.

“Oh, we're definitely going to Bryant Park Winter Village my fellow foodie. There are oodles and oodles of food to be eaten there.”

“Good,” Carlos said before kissing him. TK moaned into the kiss, cupping Carlos' head with his right hand. “Ready for round number five?”

“I think it's six,” TK quipped before Carlos moved him to be on top of him.

“Whatever,” Carlos said before reaching for another condom. TK giggled when Carlos cursed in Spanish and found out the supply of condoms was dwindling down. “Only two left,” he said.

“There's a bodega down the block from here, Papi. You can make a quick condom run,” he said.

“I think I should get some lube, too,” Carlos said.

“We don't need it,” TK said as he ripped open the condom. “You've f*cked me enough times, you should just slide right in,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He rolled the condom on and hitched up TK's hips. “Oh, f*ck, Carlos,” TK moaned when he slid right into him. “See?” he gasped. “You slid right in,” he gasped out. He squealed out when Carlos jutted his hips up. “f*ck.”

“Easy, baby.” Carlos slowly moved in and out of him, getting soft fleeting moans from him. TK pulled Carlos into a kiss and they moved and moaned in sync. The firefighter wrapped his legs around the cop's waist and squeezed tight as Carlos made love to him. “Six times and you're still impossibly tight,” he said as TK clenched around his co*ck. “TK,” Carlos gasped out when he wrapped his arms around his neck. “You ever going to tell me what TK stands for?” he asked.

“Seriously? You're asking me that while f*cking me?” TK asked before Carlos leaned down and captured his mouth in a searing kiss. “I hate my name. That's why I go by TK,” he said and then suddenly Carlos stopped thrusting. “What, oh, no don't stop, Papi.”

“I'm not continuing until you tell me your full name,” Carlos said.

“That's blackmail,” TK snapped at him and the cop laughed before kissing TK's neck. “Is this an interrogation technique you Austin cops use?”

“Only on uncooperative boyfriends,” Carlos quipped at him and TK groaned. “You going to give me your name, sir?”

“TK Strand,” TK said defiantly. He moaned out when Carlos jutted his hips into him and pulled his legs from his waist. “Wait, wait, please,” he begged as Carlos started to pull out.


“This is extortion,” TK said before Carlos slowly started to move in and out. “It's Tyler, okay?” he cried.

“There, that wasn't so bad, was it?”

“You're so cruel,” TK said before Carlos started moving in earnest and kissed TK, moaning as they began to move together again. “f*ck, Papi.”

“Tyler.” He moaned hearing his birth name come out of Carlos' mouth and he clenched his co*ck. “Oh, f*ck, Ty,” he gasped out against his neck and TK found himself liking that.

“Okay, so maybe that's not so bad,” he gasped out before Carlos started to f*ck him hard. “Carlos,” he moaned. A hand grasped his co*ck and he moaned out as he felt his org*sm building up. “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,” he cried out before he came hard.

“Ty, I love you. So much,” Carlos gasped out before he came in a deep moan against TK's neck. He laid down on his elbows as they came down from their high.

“I love you, too.” Carlos was giddy hearing his boyfriend telling him he loved him. He brought his head up and stared into his green eyes.

“Any chance I can have the middle name, too?”

“Oh, no you haven't earned that yet, Papi,” he said and they both laughed.


Anyone else notice that I had TK and Carlos eating breakfast in their underwear?

Chapter 13


Carlos meets TK's mom. TK and Carlos talk of the future.


Onto the next chapter before the weekend. I'm taking a break from writing for the weekend. Got company coming over to the house and will not be able to update.

Enjoy the new chapter and re-read the story to keep up.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

Apparently their plan to stay in bed didn't sit well with TK's mother, Gwyn. She called around three and told her son that if he didn't bring his boyfriend to meet her at dinner, which she made reservations for at six thirty, there would be hell to pay. “Are you sure we can't get out of this?” Carlos asked as they showered together.

“You don't know my mother. She will sue us if we don't show up,” he said and Carlos laughed. “You laugh now, but wait until her interrogation starts.” They finished showering and got dressed.

“This is good for meeting your mom?” Carlos asked as he pulled on his dress jacket.

“Yeah, it's good,” he said. A taxi ride to the subway stop, subway ride into Manhattan and another taxi ride later, Carlos and TK were walking into the restaurant hand in hand. They checked their coats before heading in. TK gave his mother's name and the hostess nodded before taking them over.

“TK,” Gwyn Morgan said as TK walked over to her.

“Hi, Mom,” he said before hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. “Mom, this is Carlos. Carlos, my mother, Gwyn Morgan.”

“It's so nice to finally meet you.” Carlos found himself in a hug with TK's mother.

“My mom likes to hug, too,” TK said as they sat down at the table.

“So, I heard you were going to be in town, Carlos. I had to meet you cause I didn't know what your guys' schedule would be like with only three days.”

“Was going to spend the whole day in bed today, Mom,” TK said and Gwyn smiled.

“And we did, babe. Your mother's just making sure we eat.”

“We did eat,” TK argued.

“The Chinese restaurant down the street from your apartment is not adequate food.” TK scowled at his mother before picking up his menu. “Tell me about yourself, Carlos,” Gwyn said and Carlos looked over at his boyfriend.

“The interrogation has begun,” TK quipped.

“Tyler Kennedy Strand,” his mother scolded and Carlos cackled.

“Yes, I didn't have to earn it. Thank you, Mrs. Strand. I've been after him all day to tell me his real name,” he said and Gwyn smiled at Carlos. “Tyler Kennedy.”

“TK,” his boyfriend said. “It's TK if you ever want to have sex with me ever again,” he said.

“Okay, boys, let's order dinner,” she said with a smile.

“A fellow first responder,” Gwyn said. “You are your mother's son, TK,” she quipped and TK rolled his eyes. “Owen, his father, was good looking in a uniform, too,” she said and Carlos laughed.

"He's still good looking in uniform, Mom," TK said, defending his dad.

“How is your crew handling that you're dating a cop?”

“Why would that be an issue?” Carlos asked.

“The NYPD and FDNY have a rivalry,” TK said and Carlos nodded. “Isn't it like that in Austin?”

“Not really,” Carlos said. “We pretty much work together,” he said. “Well, unless you count the softball tournament where APD goes up against AFD.” TK chuckled. “Things can get pretty heated in those games,” he said.

“Yikes, and I thought we played hard ball,” TK said.

The dinner with TK's mom went well. She loved Carlos and gave him a big hug before getting into a taxi. “The night is still young, Tiger,” Carlos said and TK smiled before taking his hand and hailing a taxi for them. They went to his favorite nightclub. TK couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. It wouldn't surprise him if they were. Alex and him came to the same nightclub all the time. “You okay, baby?” Carlos asked as they took a breather in the bathroom.

“I can't help, but feel like we're being watched,” TK said as he splashed water on his face.

“We can get out of here,” Carlos said, moving in close behind his boyfriend, and nibbled on his ear lobe. “Go back to your place,” he said softly and TK moaned, closing his eyes.

“Get a room,” someone snapped causing the two of them to wake up.

“Yes, let's do that,” TK said before grabbing Carlos' hand. After getting their coats from the front of the club, they headed out. “Wow, did it get colder since we went in there?” he asked as Carlos wrapped himself around TK.

“I think it did.” They walked down the street for a while and TK let out a sigh of contentment. “I love you.”

“I love you,” TK said before turning his head and they kissed. “But I'm so cold right now.”

“You did say you would take me for the best hot chocolate in New York,” Carlos said. TK laughed as he checked the time on Carlos' watch.

“You're in luck. They are still open for a few more hours,” he said.

A quick ride on the subway brought them back to Brooklyn and TK grabbed Carlos' hand to drag him down to Henry St. “Are all your good places in Brooklyn?” Carlos asked.

“Pretty much,” TK said as they came up to Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain. They walked into the shop and TK smiled. “Hey, Pete.”

“TK, this is the fifth time you're here this week,” Pete said.

“I can't help it. I have a hot chocolate addiction and yours is my fave,” he said and Pete chuckled. “Can I get two hot chocolates, with toasted fluff, whip cream and powder on top?” he asked and Pete nodded.

“Toasted fluff, whip cream and powder?” Carlos asked and TK rolled his eyes.

“Ignore him, it's his first time,” TK said and Pete chuckled. Once TK paid for their hot chocolate, he and Carlos sat down at a table. TK sighed out as he reached across the table and took a hold of Carlos' hands. “I have been thinking a lot about what you said the last time we were together,” he said.


“About moving to Texas,” TK said, looking at Carlos.

“Seriously?” he asked.

“It's a big step, moving to a new state, but I'm considering it.”

“Wow, what brought this on?” Carlos asked. “Not that I'm not thrilled. I will be more than thrilled if you moved to Austin,” he said. TK sighed as he intertwined their fingers.

“It has to do mainly with Alex,” TK said. “His stalking me has been a lot worse than I've let on. He's turned into one of those super stalker people,” he said. “He keeps calling me every day. It's stopped since you took that phone call and warned him, but I have a feeling when you leave, it's going to start up again. He's always showing up to my haunts and I get that part because they're his haunts, but, I just can't shake the feeling that he's following me.”

“Baby, why didn't you tell me this sooner?”

“I thought I could handle it,” he said. “Most of the time I just let his calls go to voicemail. He's been showing up on my Instagram and Twitter feeds. I've blocked him on both so many times, I've given up on posting things for a few months.”

“TK,” Carlos started to say, but Pete came up to them with their hot chocolate.

“Here you go. Enjoy,” he said setting them down.

“Thanks, Pete,” TK said. Once he left, TK started up the serious conversation again. “Dad's put out feelers for me, to the Austin Fire Department. They haven't gotten back to him yet, but Dad said it's just a formality. I'm more than qualified to transfer to Austin FD and I'm dual certified, so even if there isn't a position for a firefighter open, I can go to work as a paramedic,” he said.

“Wow, my boyfriend's moving to Austin,” Carlos said with a smile and TK blushed as he shook his head.

“It's not official yet, but yeah, I'm moving to Austin,” TK said and Carlos leaned forward and kissed him. “Try your hot chocolate,” he insisted. Carlos took a tentative sip and moaned in delight.

“Wow, that's so good,” Carlos said. “The fluff and the hot chocolate, plus the whip cream.”

“Yeah, I'm going to miss this,” TK said as he sipped his hot chocolate.

“I am going to have to hunt down restaurants that are the best in Austin. Find an ice cream place, hot chocolate place, donut place, pizza place. Everything you love, I will find it in Austin for ya,” he said.

“And that is why I love you,” TK said as he glanced at his watch.

“What?” Carlos asked.

“There's a movie theater not far from here. If we hurry and drink this, we can catch a late movie.”

“Sounds like fun,” Carlos said.

After their fill of hot chocolate, they walked the four and a half blocks to the movie theater. Cobble Hill Cinemas was a favorite of TK's. While it made sure to have the blockbuster movies, it also had the less than stellar movies that most people wouldn't go see, but some, like TK would. “It's Tuesday night, too,” TK said as they came up to the booth. “It's ten dollars all day and night. Oh, they still have Aquaman. I haven't seen that yet,” he said to Carlos.

“A super hero movie?” Carlos asked.

“Two words; Jason Momoa,” TK said before getting out his wallet. “Two for Aquaman, please," he said to the girl at the booth.

“Sure thing,” she said, ringing him up. As TK got the tickets, Carlos seemed to feel what TK had been feeling all night. Someone watching them. He glanced behind them, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

“Everything okay?” TK asked.

“Yeah,” he said, looking around before they went in. “Must be the cop in me, thinking we're being followed,” he said and TK let out a sigh as they got up to the snack bar. “We already had dinner and hot chocolate. You want popcorn?” he asked.

“We're at the movies,” TK said. “A movie theater better be on your place of things to find for me,” he said and Carlos chuckled as they got popcorn and soda.

“You realize that when this movie is over, it's going to be well past midnight.”

“Most likely,” TK said as they walked in and settled into some seats. “Play your cards right, Reyes and you will be getting laid tonight.”

“How exactly am I going to play my cards right?”

“You get to listen to me fawn over Jason Momoa and not disagree with anything I say,” TK said and Carlos smiled as the lights dimmed and the movie started.

Chapter 14


Some Tarlos Smut. TK makes it clear to Alex they are never ever getting back together.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star

Surprise my readers with another chapter day!

Don't forget to comment!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Carlos learned two things after watching a movie with TK. One, Jason Momoa was his boyfriend's favorite actor. Two, watching his favorite actor getting extremely wet on screen made his boyfriend horny. They couldn't keep their hands off each other once leaving the movie theater and they booked it all the way to TK's place in Red Hook. Clothing was stripped off pretty fast as they made their way to TK's bedroom. By the time they made it to the bed, they were naked and joined at the hip. “Oh, God,” TK moaned as Carlos slowly thrust in and out of him. He had him on all fours, bent down at the waist, his ass up in the air.

“Papi will do,” Carlos quipped and TK scowled before clenching on his co*ck. “Oh, f*ck,” he moaned before slapping TK's ass, getting a sharp cry out of him. “Behave or I'm stopping.”

“Please, don't,” TK whimpered before moaning out when Carlos began to move faster. “f*ck, Papi,” he moaned.

“Papi's co*ck feel good in ya?” he asked and TK moaned when Carlos reached around and grasped his hardening co*ck.

“Yes, Papi,” he moaned.

“Papi make you feel good?” Carlos grinned hearing TK muttered something. “Was that Hebrew?” he asked. He knew TK was Jewish on his mother's side and possibly knew some Hebrew.

“Yeah,” TK said before whimpering when Carlos began to tug on his co*ck. “Oh, f*ck,” he moaned, screwing his eyes shut. He began to move with Carlos in an attempt to bring himself off. He was rewarded with another slap on his ass. “Papi,” he cried. “Do that again.” Carlos chuckled wickedly before slapping his ass again. “f*ck.”

“You like to be spanked, Tiger?” he asked.

“Only by you,” he said before crying out when his Papi spanked him again. Carlos' right hand that was clenched around his co*ck began to move it in time with his thrusts. He suddenly switched hands so he could smack the other side of TK's ass. “Ah!”

“You clench when I smack your ass.” He did it again and TK moaned out, clenching down on Carlo's co*ck.

“f*ck,” he stated. “I'm going to cum, Carlos. Oh, f*ck, I'm going to cum,” he moaned. He gasped out when Carlos brought him flush up against his chest, hot breath against TK's ear. He grabbed onto the headboard to keep from falling over as Carlos f*cked him hard and fast. “Carlos, Papi.” His Papi started to say terms of endearment and TK wished he paid more attention in his high school Spanish class. He only got a few words. Adore. Love. Baby. Tiger. If he had his phone he would have turned on his Goggle translate.

“Go ahead and cum, Tiger,” Carlos said and TK let out a deep moan, bending his head back as he came hard, his co*ck spurting all over the sheets and pillows.

“f*ck,” he cried, clenching down on Carlos' co*ck. Carlos groaned against TK's neck as he chased his own org*sm, f*cking TK through his. “f*ck, Papi.”

“I'm getting there, baby,” he said before he cried out a gasped moan as he came. He held up TK so they wouldn't fall in the mess he made of the sheets.

“Changing the sheets before we go to bed,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“And I am going to need to do a pharmacy run because that was our last condom,” Carlos said and TK whined. He slowly pulled out of TK and stood off the bed. He pulled off the condom and tossed it into the garbage. He walked into the bathroom and came back with a wash cloth to find TK now sitting on the bed where it was still clean. He tossed the cloth to TK who chuckled. “Pharmacy run,” he said.

“You go left when you leave the building. Down Wolcott street and it's on the left on Van Brun street, but it's closed,” he said and Carlos groaned. “We'll just strip the bed and put new sheets on. You can run to the pharmacy in the morning.”

“All right, but you gotta keep your hands to yourself when we get back into bed,” he said and Carlos laughed.

Once the bed was stripped and remade with the clean sheets, they put their underwear back on and got in. “I'm so happy that you are moving to Austin,” TK heard Carlos say and he smiled. He was glad, too.

TK sighed as he put his sheets in one of the washing machines downstairs in the laundry room. He added his detergent, closed the lid and started the cycle. He removed some clothes from another washing machine and put them in a dryer. He was down here, he might as well do some laundry that needed done. Carlos had left to gone to the pharmacy before they headed to the Bryant Park. He groaned as he leaned on the washing machine, getting out his phone. He brought up the Winter Village site on his phone to browse their vendors. He was humming softly with the thumping of the dryer, he didn't hear the opening of the laundry room door. He jumped slightly feeling two hands on his hips and chuckled. “Carlos, what....?” He turned to see it was not his boyfriend, but Alex. “Alex, what the hell?” he asked, putting some distance between himself and his ex.

“You used to love me coming up behind you like that,” Alex said.

“When we were dating, ass hole. We're not dating,” he said and Alex scoffed.

“No, we can still date. You have a boyfriend and I have a boyfriend. Now we can cheat together,” he said and TK cackled.

“You're delusional. I love Carlos, Alex. How many times do I have to tell you that?” he asked. “I am never getting back together with you. You were a sh*t ass boyfriend and frankly, Carlos makes me feel loved and safe. Something you never did in the six months we dated. He treats me with respect and frankly compared to you, the sex is SO much better,” TK said.

“So they do grow them bigger in Texas?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, they did when they made Carlos,” TK said. “How in the hell did you even get into my building? Or that I was even down here?” he asked.

“I have my ways,” Alex said. TK sighed out as he folded his arms defensively in front of him. “Who the hell is this guy? You barely know him.”

“That's not true. I know more about Carlos now than I did you in the six months we dated. Hell, I learned more about him in the one night we met.”

“How the hell did you two even meet?”

“We met in a bar when he was in town last year for a convention,” he said. “Six months ago.”

“Six months ago we were dating,” Alex argued and TK laughed. “What?”

“What we were doing was not dating. It was me waiting for your sorry ass on date night while you were f*cking your coworker in your office. Carlos and I may have met when we were still technically together, but I didn't care. I had someone who paid attention to me and showed me how much better I could do than a ignorant boyfriend who was f*cking someone else. I've had a better time in my relationship with Carlos and we've been mostly apart in the six months we've been together.”

“He doesn't know you like I do. The hardcore party guy who likes drugs,” Alex said.

“That's not me anymore,” TK said. “I've been sober and clean for almost five years,” he said proudly.

“We all know that's when it's most dangerous for addicts,” Alex said. “What do you think Carlos is going to do when he finds out the littlest thing can make you relapse?”

“He knows I'm an addict, Alex. I told him three months ago while I was visiting him in Texas. He's proud of me that I'm sober and clean. He even tossed out the wine he was going to drink. He's sober when I'm sober. He supports me where you didn't,” he said. “He even found me a meeting while I was in Texas. He's a good boyfriend where you weren't.”

“TK, look, I....”

“What the hell are you doing here?” a voice asked and Alex turned to see Carlos in the doorway of the laundry room. “Didn't I tell you to leave him alone?”

“You did. I'm leaving.” Alex went to leave, but stopped to talk to Carlos. “It may all be sunshine right now with him, but wait until you see the real TK,” he said. “He's going to relapse and you just won't be able to handle it.”

“Get lost,” Carlos said before shoving Alex out the door. He scoffed as he walked over to TK.

“What did he say?” TK asked as Carlos looked at him.

“Just something stupid,” he said. “I got condoms and lubricant,” he said, holding up the bag. “We're set for the next two days,” he said.

“We're going to the Winter Village today, babe. Remember?” he asked and Carlos groaned out.

“That's right. Oodles and oodles of food,” he said.

“Exactly,” he said with a smile before kissing Carlos on the cheek. “When these loads are done, then we're going.”

“How long until the loads are done?” Carlos asked as he gathered TK up into his arms.

“At least an hour, but I cannot leave my things down here unattended.” Carlos whined as he kissed TK softly.

“Guess I'll take a shower alone,” he said before kissing TK on the cheek. TK let out a sigh as Carlos smiled, not letting him go.

“Seriously, Carlos, what did Alex say before you shoved him out of the room?”

“He said it may be all sunshine, but there will be a day when you relapse and then I'll see the real you,” he said.

“I was a basket case when I met Alex. We weren't dating yet, but my years of sobriety were in jeopardy when I met him,” TK said. “I was close to relapsing, but I stopped myself. It was Alex who helped me stop and I thought...”

“Decent guy? Let's trying dating?” Carlos asked and TK nodded.

“Except every chance he got, he reminded me that he stopped me from relapsing and made it seem like that if I quit on my relationship, I will relapse and he won't be there to stop me,” TK said and Carlos sighed out.

“He's an ass,” Carlos said.

“He lorded that over me all the time. He would not stop telling everyone how he's responsible for me being clean and the person I am today.”

“That's not on him. That's you. You keep yourself clean. So what if he stopped you one time. What about all the other times he wasn't there for you? You kept yourself clean and sober for almost five years, babe. You, not him,” Carlos said.

“f*ck, this is why I love you so much,” he said and Carlos smiled. He captured TK's mouth a kiss and backed him up against the washing machine. They moaned as they kissed. “I love you. This is why I am moving to Texas. To get away from his toxic words and just him.”

“That transfer of yours cannot come sooner,” Carlos said and TK laughed.


It's official!! TK's moving to Texas!!

Chapter 15


Moving day!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lone Star characters.

Whew, after a nice weekend, I am back. Enjoy the new chapter as we head into a new chapter of TK's life.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

One month. One month was all it took for TK's transfer to AFD from FDNY to be approved. TK was right. He was more than qualified to be an Austin firefighter. The deputy chief, Radford, had glowing praise for TK and assured Owen that TK was going to one of the best firehouses. “Wow, I can't believe you're going to be here tomorrow,” Carlos said and TK smiled. He and his dad had packed up Owen's truck and a small trailer with TK's things and have been driving for the last two days to Austin. Owen had taken his vacation time to move TK to Austin. They had a party for TK at the 252 during his last shift. The best part of TK moving was Alex had no freaking clue that he was moving. TK had changed his phone number one last time, didn't give it to anybody in Alex's circle and stayed off his social media pages.

“Tomorrow morning, maybe early afternoon,” TK said as he heard his dad get done in the bathroom. “Dad's about ready to come to bed, so I will be hanging up soon. I love you and I can wait to see you.”

“I can't wait to see you. Mama is flipping out and she and Dad are going to be here to help you move in.”

“It'll be nice to see them again,” TK said.

“And Grace said that Judd might stop by too. He's part of the 126,” Carlos said, mentioning TK's new firehouse in Austin.

“It'll be nice to meet him,” TK said.

“Famous last words. Judd Ryder is every bit Texan, Ty. He will take you under his wing and make you into a Texan firefighter.”

“I'm sure he will,” TK said. “I love you, 'Los. I will see tomorrow,” he said.

“I'll see you tomorrow, Tiger,” he said and TK smiled as he hung up the phone.

Tomorrow came sooner than TK expected and he found himself recognizing street names as he directed his dad to Carlos' condo. No, their condo. Carlos made it very clear that his condo was as much as TK's now that he was moving in. Pulling up to the side of the street in front of it, TK and Owen got out of the truck. “That's a nice condo,” Owen mentioned and TK smiled. He closed the door as he opened the back to get some bags.

“TK!” His head shot up hearing Carlos' voice and he smiled.

“Carlos!” he shouted before running to leap into his boyfriend's arms. Carlos twirled him around as they laughed and they kissed softly before the kiss turned passionate and TK wrapped his arms around Carlos' neck.

“I cannot believe you're here,” he said, putting him down on the ground. “For good,” he said and his smile got bigger. He kissed him again as Owen came around the front of the truck.

“All right, I know it's been a month since you've seen him, but please stop. We have some unpacking to do.” They both pulled away laughing and TK picked up the bags he had dropped. “Hello, Carlos.”

“Captain Strand,” Owen said.

“Owen,” he corrected. “I am entrusting you with the life of my son. Up for the task?” he asked.

“I am, sir.” Carlos winked at TK who smiled.

“Yeah, I'm not worried,” Owen quipped.

"At least I can't get pregnant, Dad,” TK said and Owen chuckled before putting his arm around his son.

“Let's get you moved in,” he said.

“Your Mom and Dad here yet?” TK asked looking for Gabriel and Andrea.

“Uh, my Abuela fell down at her nursing home this morning," Carlos said causing TK to gasp out. "They're with her at the hospital."

“I hope your grandmother gets better,” TK said and Carlos smiled, giving him a kiss.

"Thanks, babe," he said before heading to Owen's truck to get a box.

Grace Ryder was more than happy to drive with Michelle to Carlos' condo to help with moving Carlos' boyfriend, TK in. She had been wanting to meet the man who captured Carlos' heart for months. Ever since he came back from the cop convention and he basically told her and Michelle that he was in love. She was bummed that she was working the weekend TK had come to Austin to visit Carlos. She didn't get a chance to meet him. Michelle did, though and was instantly taken with the cutie from New York that their best friend had fallen in love with. “He's cute,” Grace had said when they got together for a drink. Michelle had proudly shown her the selfie she had taken with TK at the food truck lot.

“The selfie doesn't do him justice,” Michelle had said. “He's much cuter in person and seeing him and Carlos together, completely in love,” she said.

The two of them came up to the condo as Carlos was carrying a box from the truck. “Hey, chicas,” he said with a smile.

“Hey, Carlos. I hear that pretty boyfriend of yours arrived,” Grace said.

“Come on in,” he said with a smile and walked the two women into the condo. “Baby, someone I want you to meet,” he said putting the box down. TK came in the front from the kitchen and smiled seeing Michelle.

“Hey, Michelle,” he said with a smile.

“Hey,” Michelle said. “TK, this is Grace Ryder.”

“Grace is another good friend of mine and she's a 911 dispatcher here in Austin,” Carlos said.

“Oh, it's nice to meet you,” TK said.

“No, it's nice to finally meet you after hearing so much about you, sweetie,” Grace said. “And I don't handshake. I hug,” she said.

“Okay,” TK said as he and Grace hug.

“Carlos told me he fell in love at first sight when he met you and I can see why,” she said and TK chuckled, blushing a bit. “Oh, honey, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.”

“It's fine. This one's made me blush plenty of times,” TK said, gesturing to Carlos.

“So, do you boys need help moving some boxes?” Grace asked. “I may not look it, but I can carry some weight,” she said.

“We got boxes in the trailer yet,” Carlos said.

“TK, I hope Carlos has room for your exercise bike,” Owen said as he came into the condo with some clothes. “Oh, sorry, company.”

“It's okay, Dad. They're friends of Carlos. Grace, Michelle, this is my dad, Owen.”

“Hello,” Michelle said, holding out her hand. TK took the clothes from his dad and headed upstairs to hang them in Carlos' closet.

“Owen's a captain for the FDNY,” Carlos said.

“Oh, my husband's firefighter,” Grace said.

“Really?” Owen asked.

“Yes and he's actually at the firehouse that TK had been transferred to, the 126. Judd will no doubt take your boy under his wing and turn him into a Texan firefighter,” Grace said.

“I'm sure he will. TK's used to skyscraper rescues.”

“The 126 will whip him into shape,” Grace said. “All of them are real friendly and they will make him feel at home,” she added.

“I'm glad he's in good hands,” Owen said. “Deputy Chief Radford said he put him at the best house,” he said.

“Well, the 126 is just that,” Grace said with a smile.

Across the street from Carlos' condo, Judd Ryder and his three closest brothers, Cole Garrity, Jake Harkes and Chuck Parkland sat in his truck. Since hearing of their new replacement of Billy Tyson was in town and moving in with his boyfriend, they had to skedaddle over to see how he would shape up. Judd knew it was a bad idea, but he had to see how much this guy was going to measure up to Billy Tyson. “Is that him?” Jake asked, seeing someone coming out.

“That's Carlos, Gracie's friend,” Judd said and the others chuckled. “That's him,” Judd said seeing someone in a FDNY shirt coming out behind Carlos. The two of them were going up into the trailer.

“He seems scrawny,” Cole said. “We sure he's a fireman?”

“He's from New York,” Chuck said. “It's not like they grew 'em big in New York like we do here,” he said. They watched Carlos and TK shimmy down the ramp of the trailer as they carried an exercise bike on each end and hustled into the house.

“Looks like he's stronger than he looks," Jake said.

“Who cares?” Judd asked. “This guy is replacing Billy. We know nothing about him,” he said.

“The chief gave Cap his file.”

“That's him as a firefighter in New York. This is Texas. This kid isn't going to know the first thing about being a Texas firefighter,” he said.

“Than we teach him,” Chuck said. “We don't have to teach him to be a firefighter, Judd. Just have to teach him the Texan way,” he said.

“Uh-oh, I think we've been spotted,” Jake said. Judd looked across the street to see his wife staring down at them.

“Aw, hell,” he muttered as she started to walk across the street.

Grace could not believe her eyes. “I do not believe my eyes,” she said, looking across the street.

“What?” Michelle asked.

“Look who's across the street,” she said and Michelle looked over. She saw the tale red pickup truck of Judd Ryder.

“Oh, he's in trouble,” she singed before heading in with a box. Grace firmly walked over to her husband's truck and scowled at him.

“Juddson Ryder I know you're not sitting out here across the street spying on your new firefighter while he moves in,” Grace said and Judd cleared his throat.


“Don't 'Gracie' me, Judd.”

“We don't know a thing about him. That's why we came here to...” he started to explain.

“To spy on him?” Grace asked and he shut his mouth. “You know what? After spending only a few minutes with him, I can tell you this, TK Strand is a wonderful, kind young man who just up and left everything he knew, to come move halfway across the country to be with the man he loves. He's nervous and scared about being in a new state and a new firehouse. He knows how to be a firefighter, guys. You just have to treat him like one and get him up to speed to be one in Texas. Now you are going to march that butt of yours over there, introduce yourself to him and help with this move. All right?”

“All right,” Judd said as he got out of the truck. “Come on, guys. Let's meet our new brother.”

TK was in the back of his dad's truck getting the last of his bags when he heard Grace clear her throat. “TK, sweetie. Someone I want you to meet,” she said and he straightened up, putting his sunglasses up onto his forehead. She had a rather tall man with her, at least 6'4” with her. Much taller than him. “TK, this is my husband, Judd.”

“Oh, hi,” he said putting his bags down. “Nice to meet you. I guess we're going to be working together,” he said and Judd nodded.

“Uh, yeah, nice to meet you, TK,” Judd said, holding out his hand. “Me and the boys, well some of the boys, we thought you could use a hand moving in.”

“Thanks,” TK said, shaking Judd's hand. “I realize this must be a change for you. Grace told me I was replacing someone after they went on leave,” he said.

“Yeah, we're not sure if he's coming back,” Judd said.

“Grace said you'd take me under your wing. Show me the ropes of being a Texan firefighter,” he said.

“I hope I don't have to show you, too much,” Judd said. “Your file from New York has you being the best.”

“I try,” TK quipped and Judd chuckled. Maybe this guy wouldn't be so bad.

Chapter 16


TK and his dad say goodbye.


Some readers have voiced concern about TK being with the 126 before the big explosion. Yinz really think I would do that to Tarlos?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

TK groaned as he looked around at all his stuff in Carlos' place. “You okay?” Judd asked.

“I have a lot of stuff,” he said and Judd chuckled.

“Don't worry, babe. We'll get it all to fit,” Carlos said.

“I like your safe, TK,” Jake said. “That's state of the art. You can tell you're a firefighter from your safe,” he said.

“Thanks,” he said. He was very proud of his fireproof safe. It was his first major purchase. Deep and big enough for all his important papers, passport, birth certificate, insurance and to his embarrassment, his baby book his mother gave him.

“I have a safe,” Carlos said.

“This one's fireproof, babe. We're moving your important papers into that one,” he said, gesturing to his safe.

“All right, I do believe this is the last of it,” Owen said carrying in a box with a bow.

“Dad, what is that?” TK asked as he Owen dropped it in front of him. “I don't remember packing this box.”

“Well, your Mom and I wanted to get you something. It's a house warming present from me and her,” his dad said.

“You guys didn't have to do that,” TK said, smiling.

“You know your Mom,” Owen said and TK nodded his head. His mother was having a hard time with her only son moving halfway across the country. “She's still having separation issues with this one,” he said to Chuck who chuckled.

“A mama's boy,” Cory said.

“You have no idea,” Owen said as TK rolled his tongue against his cheek. “Come on, open it.” TK let out a sigh as he opened the box and gasped out.

“Oh, my God,” he exclaimed as he pulled out a blender. “Please tell me this isn't Marlon Blendo,” he said to his dad. His new coworkers chuckled.

“It's Marlon Blendo, Jr.” TK chuckled as he got the other part. “It's brand new, fresh out of the box.”

“This is too much. I could have gotten a blender here,” he said.

“Not like Marlon Blendo. This is the exact brand and model as him, so your peanut butter and banana smoothies will be perfect. Cause there's no way I'm coming to Texas every morning to make them for you.”

“My dad makes killer smoothies,” he announced as he took the blender to the kitchen.

“My only kid deserves the best,” Owen announced.

“Wait, you let your only kid move halfway across the country to live with his boyfriend?” Judd asked.

“I wasn't going to argue. TK's an adult and he can make his own decisions,” Owen said. “Besides, New York was getting too restricted for him,” he said as TK crossed his arms and glared at his dad. “What? He's stopped calling you, hasn't he?”

“Yeah,” TK said. “Shouldn't you be getting on the road, Dad?” he asked and Owen pointed at him, looking at Judd.

“He can't wait to get rid of me,” he said and Judd chuckled. “Judd, it was a pleasure to meet you and the boys.”

“Honor's all mine, sir,” Judd said, shaking Owen's hand.

“Tell your captain, I don't want any phone calls about him in the hospital for at least four months,” he said, gesturing to his son.

“Dad,” TK scolded.

“I'm just warning them ahead of time, TK. Kid's a danger magnet. It finds him, even when he's not on duty,” he warned them.

“Noted,” Cole said. “Danger magnet, huh?” he asked TK

“Don't listen to him,” TK said.

“You've had more hospital trips and injuries while on the job than you were a kid,” Owen said.

“That's cause Mom had me in a protective bubble until I turned 18.” TK let out a sigh, rolling his eyes.

“I am entrusting you guys with my kid. He's my boy,” Owen said to the four firefighters that would be his son's brothers. “You watch his back out there. Keep him safe,” he said.

“Dad...” TK said.

“Will do, sir,” Judd said right away. “We'll take care of your boy,” he added.

"Sure thing, Captain Strand," Jake said as Cory and Chuck nodded in agreement.

“I can take care of myself,” TK said.

“Don't listen to him,” Owen said as they walked out of the condo. “Danger magnet,” he reminded them. They made sure the trailer was secured before father and son walked to the car. They hugged tightly and TK found himself tearing up.

“I love you, Dad,” he whispered.

“I love you, too, son.” Owen let out a sigh before grabbing his son's head and kissing him on the temple. “You be safe, listen to your captain and your crew.”

“Yes, sir.” TK stepped back as Owen got into his truck. “Don't worry about me, Dad. I'll be fine,” he said.

“I know you will. It's Texas I'm worried about,” he said and TK chuckled, rolling his eyes. “I love you, son.”

“Love you, too, Dad. Drive safe,” TK said as Owen started up the truck. He waved to his son and everyone else behind before pulling away. TK waved when Owen honked his horn. Carlos came up behind TK and wrapped his arms around him.

“Just you and me, babe,” Carlos said and TK smiled as he watched his dad drive around a corner. “You are officially on you're own.” TK laughed as they turned around.

“I'm freaking out on the inside,” he said as they walked into the condo.

“Papi's gotcha,” he said softly before kissing TK's temple.

“Are you guys going to be like this all the time?” Jake asked. “You're worse than Grace and Judd,” he added and TK laughed when Grace hit Jake on the arm.

“Come on, guys,” Grace said. “We should let TK get settled,” she said. "It was nice to meet you, TK," she added before hugging him.

“We will see you bright and early Monday morning,” Judd said, holding up his fist.

“Can't wait,” TK said, bumping his fist with Judd's. He did the same with Jake, Cole and Chuck.

Once they left, Carlos and TK began the tedious task of unpacking his boxes. “I'm so hungry,” TK stated as they went through boxes.

“Dinner is already taken care of, babe,” Carlos said. “I ordered pizza,” he added.

“What kind of pizza?”

“Pepperoni,” Carlos said.

“It's not crazy Texas pizza, is it?” TK asked.

“No, Ty. There's a place called Home Slice Pizza. They serve pizza, New York style. I thought I'd order and see if it came close to your dollar slices.”

“We'll see,” TK said as he found his records to go with his record player. “Nothing beats vinyl,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “Where can I put this, Papi?” he asked and Carlos wrapped his arms around TK's waist.

“Anywhere you want, baby,” he said before kissing his neck.

“Don't start something you can't finish, Papi,” he said. “My so called New York style pizza isn't even here yet.”

“Trust me,” Carlos said before pulling away. “At least let me get this over there for you,” he said, pointing to the window alcove.

“Okay,” he said. Carlos picked up TK's record player to put it on the table in the window alcove. He plugged it in and gestured to it.

“Play whatever you want, baby,” he said. TK took his box of records over and fingered through them before making a selection. Frank Sinatra was soon flowing through the condo. “You would pick Sinatra.”

“Frank's the best,” TK said and Carlos laughed. “He is,” he argued and Carlos gathered him up in his arms and before TK could react, the two of them were dancing. “Carlos Reyes, are you trying to be romantic?” he asked.

“Why yes I am, Tyler...”

“Don't,” TK warned and Carlos chuckled before kissing him. TK moaned into the kiss, reaching down, ready to start taking Carlos' pants off when the doorbell rang.

“Oh, that's dinner, probably,” Carlos said before pulling away from his boyfriend and went over to the door. It was indeed dinner and after Carlos paid and tipped the guy, they were eating in the dining room.

“Okay, it folds like New York pizza,” TK said after folding it up. Carlos watched as his boyfriend took a bite of the pepperoni pizza and moaned. “Okay, that's really good. I mean, it's not like 2 Bros Pizza, but it'll do,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“Well, I got the pizza place down,” he said smugly before eating his own slice. “Hmm, it is good,” he said and TK smirked. “Sorry your first meal as a Texan isn't more extravagant,” Carlos said and TK waved him off. “Mom had planned to make her tamales for anyone who came to help move, but things changed when Abuela fell.”

“Is she better?” TK asked.

“My last update from Dad said she was lucky that the fall didn't break her hip. It's only fractured. She'll be out of the hospital by Sunday dinner.”

“We should go visit her,” TK said causing Carlos to look at him. “What?”

“You want to go to my family home during Sunday dinner?” he asked.

“I do,” TK said. “The way I see it, it'll be a year, this coming June that we met and I'm moved in with ya. I should meet your family,” he said. “Even if it is Sunday dinner.”

“You going to be ready to meet my three overprotective older sisters?” Carlos asked.

“Sure.” Carlos let out a sigh as he got another slice. “What?”

“My uncle, Javier will probably be there,” he said.

“So? He's just going to have to face facts that his nephew is gay and is in a relationship with a man,” TK said.

“You're lucky you don't have a big family,” Carlos said.

“I don't have a big family because my mother and father were both only children and my grandparents are already dead,” TK said and Carlos sighed.

“I'm sorry.”

“It's okay. Your family can just become my family.” Carlos leaned forward and kissed him. “Is your mom making her tamales for Sunday dinner?”

“She is,” Carlos said.

“Yes, then count me in,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

Chapter 17


Meeting the Reyes family.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Enjoy this new chapter in TK and Carlos' life together in Austin.

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

Through out the four days since TK moved to Austin, he had been exchanging texts with Judd, having gotten the Texan's phone number the day he met him. He got the other guys' numbers, but it was Judd who started texting him. He made plans to pick up TK for his first day of work on Monday morning. TK's first shift was going to be a 24 hour shift, so he wouldn't see Carlos for at least a day. First things first though.

Sunday dinner at Tia Lucy's.

Carlos pulled up to his Tia Lucy's house and looked over at TK. “You ready to meet the Reyes family?” he asked and TK let out a sigh.

“I'm about as ready as I can be,” TK said. Carlos gave him a kiss on the cheek before they got out of the car.

“I'm going to warn you in advance, your cheeks are going to hurt after today,” Carlos said. “My aunts are the pinching cheeks kind of aunts,” he said and TK chuckled. They walked up the steps holding hands and Carlos knocked on the door before going in. “Hola, familia!!” he shouted before pulling TK into the house, who was balancing a dish Carlos made. “Mama!” Carlos shouted. “We're here!!”

“Kitchen, mi hijo,” he heard his mother say and he pulled TK down a hall to the kitchen.

“Oh, something smells really good,” his boyfriend said and Carlos chuckled. “What is that?”

“My mother's tamales,” Carlos said and TK made a joyful noise that caused him to chuckle. He pulled TK into the kitchen and Andrea beamed at her son's boyfriend.

“Hola, TK,” she said before making an exclamation in Spanish, wrapping up TK into a hug, completely ignoring her own son.

"I am right here, Mami," Carlos said.

"I know, Carlitos, but I missed seeing him," Andrea said and Carlos sighed out as his sisters laughed at him.

“It's nice to see you, too, Mrs. Reyes,” TK said. “Carlos made it, but I wanted to at least feel like I did something for the dinner. I carried it in,” he said and she chuckled. “How's your mother in law?”

“She is doing well, now. We have her out on the patio. She just dislocated her hip,” she said. “She's not happy not being able to do something for the dinner, but I told her that Lucy and I had it handled,” she said and TK chuckled.

“TK, babe, come here,” he said. TK walked over to where Carlos was and he wrapped his arms around him. “My sisters; Elena, Isabella and Carmen. Girls, this is my boyfriend, TK.”

“What does the TK stand for?” Elena asked and Carlos sighed out. “What?”

“I said that was a question you don't ask,” he said and his sisters chuckled. “I told you my sisters are very protective of me. Be prepared to answer several questions about our love life,” he said.

“You guys use protection, right?” Isabella asked.

“Izzy!” Carlos shouted and his sisters giggled. “No, no, none of that,” he said, dragging his boyfriend away from his sisters. “This is my Tia Lucy, my dad's sister.”

“Hi, it's nice to meet you,” TK said, holding out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, carino,” she said as she hugged him and TK blushed. “Oh, he blushes so easily, Carlitos,” she said and Carlos sighed out.

“How about we go outside and I introduce you to my abuela?” he asked.

“Sure,” TK said with a smile.

His grandmother, Imelda, brightened seeing Carlos coming onto the patio. “Abuela, como estas?” he asked.

“Bien, Carlitos. Introduce me,” she said, seeing TK behind Carlos.

“Abuela, this is TK, my boyfriend, novio,” he said, saying it in Spanish, too.

“So, wonderful to meet you,” she said as TK and Carlos sat down next to her.

“I'm glad you're feeling better,” TK said. She smiled and made a sound of endearment as she placed her hand on TK's arm.

“I like this one,” she said and Carlos laughed at his grandmother.

“I love him, Abuela,” he said and TK looked over at him.

“I love you, too,” he said and Carlos kissed him.

“Uncle Javi isn't here yet, is he?” he asked his grandmother

“Hmm, not yet,” she said. “He's going to be late,” she added.

“Please don't tell me that he's bringing another girl to the dinner to meet me,” Carlos said and Imelda forced a smile. “Great.” Carlos buried his face in his hands and TK put an arm around his boyfriend.

“It is going to be fine,” TK said and Carlos let out a sigh. TK always looked at the positive side of things.

“I love him,” Imelda said and Carlos let out a sigh. “Go introduce him to the boys,” she said and Carlos stood up, taking TK with him.

“I'm glad you're feeling better, Abuela,” he said before kissing her on the cheek.

Carlos introduced TK to his sisters' husbands, Luka, Hector and Frankie. They all loved him and all of Carlos' nephews and nieces loved him, too. Carlos left TK in the hands of his nephews and nieces and headed back into the house to help with dinner. “It seems everyone loves him,” Andrea said, watching TK kicking a soccer ball with Miguel, her oldest grandson.

“Who is this woman that Uncle Javier is bringing to meet me?” Carlos asked, knowing he could get some answers out of his aunt and mother.

“She's a daughter of another friend from his church,” Lucy said.

“Why is he doing this?” Carlos asked. “Is he hoping that one day I just not be gay anymore?” he asked. “Hasn't Dad talked with him?” he asked his mother.

“He has,” Andrea said as Carlos chopped vegetables. “He just can't get through to him.”

“If he is rude or improper to TK in any way, Mami, I'm afraid we may leave before dinner is over,” Carlos said and Andrea sighed. “Maybe we should stop having him over for dinner. It's impossible to get through to him,” he said. Carmen rubbed his back as he finished his part for dinner. “TK's been wanting to try your tamales since I told him about them. He should at least eat one,” he said.

“One? Carlitos, that boy is so skinny. He's eating five,” Lucy said and Carlos chuckled.

Javier Reyes groaned seeing his older brother sitting on the porch as he pulled up. “Who's that?” Rosa asked from the back seat. Her mother sitting in the front looked at Javier.

“That's my brother, Gabriel. He's Carlos' father,” he said, putting the car in park.

“Oh, meeting the father of my potential boyfriend before meeting the potential boyfriend,” Rosa said. They got out of the car and headed toward the house.

“If this is your sad attempt to convert my son, you might as well turn around and go back home, Javier,” Gabriel said.

“Gabe, what he is living is a sin,” Javier said. “How can you be okay with that? With the way we were raised? How can you be okay with him being what he is?”

“Because he's my son and I love him,” Gabriel said. “I'm sorry my brother brought y'all out here for nothing. My son has no interest in your daughter.”

“He hasn't met her yet,” Rose's mother said.

“They can meet, but I can already tell you it's not going to go anywhere,” Gabriel said. “You're welcome to stay for dinner, but one ignorant, rude word to my son and his guest, Lucy says you're out of her home,” he said before letting them into the house.

The first thing Javier saw was his nephew in the kitchen with his mother and aunt. The second thing he saw was a young man he didn't recognize wheeling his mother into the house and up to the dinner table. He seemed to check to make sure she had enough room before heading into the kitchen. He talked with Carlos who kissed him chastely on the lips and gave him a dish to put on the table. So he was Carlos' boyfriend. “Carlitos,” he called out once the boyfriend was in the dining room.

“Uncle Javier,” he said as he cleaned up the counter. “Who's this?” he asked.

“This is Rosa, she's Jenny's daughter. From my church.”

“Nice to meet you,” Carlos said. “Sorry my uncle wasted your time.”

“He didn't,” Rosa said with a smile. “Nice to meet you,” she said, holding out her hand. She seemed disappointed when he just shook it before grabbing another dish.

“Dinner's ready,” Carlos said.

Javier wished he had taken a look at the seating arrangements. He wanted Rosa and Carlos to sit next to each other, but apparently Carlos had other plans. Carlos and TK, as he learned his name, sat next to each other. Carmen sat next to TK's left, with his mother sitting on Carlos' right. At least he got Rosa to sit across from Carlos. Though about halfway through the dinner, he wasn't sure it was a good idea. Watching his nephew with his boyfriend was not something he was enjoying. Carlos was attentive to TK, making sure he had enough food on his plate, watching him react as he took his first bite of his sister in law's tamales. “Oh, my God, Mrs. Reyes, these are fantastic,” he said.

“Take two more,” Andrea said.

“Mama, he's already got three on his plate,” Carlos said and everyone laughed.

“So, TK, are you nervous about tomorrow?” Gabriel asked.

“Some, but it's nothing I can't handle,” TK said.

“TK starts his new job in Austin FD tomorrow. New firehouse,” Carlos said when he saw his uncle's confusion.

“You're a firefighter?” Javier asked TK.

“Yes, I am. I'd been with the FDNY for almost six years,” he said.

“You moved from New York to Austin?” Rosa asked. “Why?”

“Him,” TK said, gesturing with his head to Carlos. “The long distance was driving me crazy. Wanted to be closer to him,” he said with a smile and she forced a chuckle. She watched Carlos take hold of TK's hand and she then glared over at Javier.

“Which house are you going to?” Carmen asked.

“The 126,” TK said. “I've already met some of my new crew. They came to the condo to help with moving me in,” he said. “I've been texting with one of them a lot. He's picking me up in the morning for my first shift.”

“Why?” Rosa asked.

“To be nice,” TK said, “and plus I don't have a car,” he said.

“And I start my shift the same time and will be using my car. We really need to get you a driver's license, babe,” he said and TK chuckled.

“I have to learn how to drive first,” TK said.

“You don't have a license?” Izzy asked.

“I grew up in New York City. I just hailed a cab,” TK said. “No sense in having a driver's license when I don't have a car. I just have an ID card.”

“Looks like I'm teaching you to drive, baby,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“As long as it's your car,” he said.

“Oh, no, you're not learning to drive in my car,” Carlos said and everyone chuckled.

“Carlos is very protective of his car,” Elena said. “He doesn't let anyone drive it.”

“So, who's car am I learning to drive in?” TK asked.

“You can use mine,” Luka said.

“That gas guzzler SUV?” Carlos asked. “No, TK's learning to drive in a small easy to maneuver car.”

“Doesn't he drive a fire truck?” Sophie, Elena's four year old asked.

“I'm a firefighter, but I don't drive the truck,” TK said. “Not yet, anyway,” he added and everyone laughed.

Chapter 18


Wow, did I seriously wait more than one day to post a new chapter? I am sorry for the delay. Just for the record, I have no idea where this story is going. I am writing it out as I post.

DISCLIAMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh as he entered the condo with Carlos right behind him. “Well, aside from your uncle trying to play matchmaker, I call that introduction of me to your family a success,” he said taking off his coat.

“Sure,” Carlos said as he closed the door.

“What?” TK asked as his boyfriend locked the door. “Everyone loved me,” he said.

“Except Javier,” Carlos said.

“So one person didn't like me. He behaved, didn't he?” he asked. “Not one word against me or you. Rosa and her mother though, they seemed embarrassed for him.”

“Well, Rosa and her mother were probably hoping to walk away from the dinner with me as her boyfriend, but even if you weren't there, it wouldn't have happened,” Carlos said. “He's just embarrassing himself.”

“Maybe it will get around at his church to stop going with him to Sunday dinner with their daughters,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

“I doubt it.” TK wrapped his arms around Carlos' neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was taken by surprise, but recovered and backed TK into the wall. “What was that for?”

“My last free night. My first shift is a twenty four hour shift. I need to have sex with my boyfriend if I'm going to be in a firehouse with fellow firefighters for that long of a time.”

“Okay,” Carlos said before picking up TK in his arms and carried him up the stairs. TK giggled as they got to the bedroom and nearly tripped over boxes they were still unpacking.

“I'm sorry I have so much stuff, Papi,” he said and Carlos smiled as he laid him onto the bed

“It's okay, Tiger. I told you we would find room for it. If not, we will just have to find a bigger place.”

“Okay,” TK said before Carlos kissed him. He moaned into the kiss as Carlos started to unbutton his shirt. He pushed is off Carlos' shoulders before taking off his own shirt. Carlos unbuckled his pants and he giggled as his boyfriend struggled to get them down.

“Stop moving,” Carlos said. TK yelped out when Carlos turned him over and pinned him down. “Does my little tiger want to be f*cked?” he asked and TK moaned out.

“Yes, Papi,” TK moaned as Carlos kissed his neck, right in his weak spot. “Oh, f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned. Carlos let out a chuckle before reaching for his own belt. He got off of TK and took of his pants and underwear before getting TK to lift his hips and pulling off his underwear. TK was going to be on a 24 hour shift while Carlos was just on a twelve. By the time TK would be off, Carlos would be on another twelve hour shift. TK moaned feeling Carlos lick up his spine, feeling his co*ck wedged against his ass. “f*ck, I want that in me,” he said.

“Do you?” Carlos teased kissing his neck.

“Yes,” TK moaned before crying out when Carlos turned his head. They moaned as they kissed while Carlos reached for a condom.

“Want it hard and fast, Tiger?” he asked and TK nodded, moaning. “Words,” he said.

“Yes, Papi. Hard and fast, Papi,” TK moaned. Carlos ripped open the condom, lubed up his co*ck and TK's hole before spreading his cheeks. “Oh, f*ck,” he moaned as Carlos thrust into him, not stopping until he was up to the hilt. Both moaned when Carlos bottomed out in him and he felt his legs open more as Carlos began to f*ck him, hard and fast.

“f*ck, Ty, you feel so good on my co*ck,” he stated and TK moaned, clenching on the co*ck. “Oh, f*ck,” he groaned before slapping TK's ass. It got a sharp moan out of the firefighter underneath him and he clenched again.

“Papi, I want to see you,” he said. Carlos moaned as he pulled out of TK and he turned over. TK opened his legs and Carlos pushed them up. “Oh, f*ck,” he moaned when Carlos thrust back into him in one fluid movement. He grunted as Carlos readjusted his legs and hips before thrusting hard and fast. “Papi,” he moaned.

“Papi's gotcha,” Carlos said as he thrust hard and fast into his boyfriend. “So good around my co*ck, baby,” he moaned. TK wrapped his legs tight around Carlos' waist as he thrust into him. Carlos groaned as he kissed TK's neck. “Clench me all you want, Tiger,” he said and TK moaned when Carlos thrust hard up into him.

“f*ck me, Papi,” he pleaded. TK felt Carlos grab his ass thrusting in and out of him. “Papi.”

“I gotcha,” his Papi said before kissing him. They moved together, moaned together. They f*cked, made love, as if they weren't going to see each other in months. TK grasped onto Carlos shoulders, his fingers digging into his muscles. “f*ck you feel so good,” Carlos said and TK let out a moan. “The 126's new big strong firefighter is a little girly bottom,” he teased.

“That's damn right,” TK gasped out. “You're so good, Papi,” he moaned as Carlos kissed his neck. He moaned feeling Carlos change the angle of his thrusts and he gasped out when his boyfriend found his prostate with his co*ck. “Oh, f*ck, right there. That's the spot.” Carlos lifted his head from TK's neck and kissed him. They moved together, moaned together until TK let out a sharp cry as he came unexpectedly. “Oh, sh*t, I'm coming.”

“Oh, so beautiful,” Carlos groaned as thrust into TK, chasing his own org*sm through his and he let out a deep guttural groan as he came. “Oh, f*ck,” he groaned. TK let out a moan of content as Carlos lifted himself up onto his elbows to look into his green eyes. “Wow, that..”

“Yeah,” he agreed and they both laughed. Carlos leaned down and kissed him. TK moaned into the kiss as he pulled out of him and laid down next to him. “I love that you're in Austin now, but the next week is going to be hell.” The way their schedules were, they hardly aligned together. TK was going to be on a 24 for his first shift with the 126. Carlos worked mainly 12, but every now and then he'd pull a 24 shift. He pulled plenty of those when he was working toward getting free time for when TK came to Austin and then when he flew to New York to surprise him.

“I know,” TK said as he rolled over onto his side. Carlos took off the condom and tossed it into the wastebasket next to his beg. “What are you making for breakfast in the morning?” he asked. Both of them started their shifts at ten.

“You did so well for Papi tonight. How about some pancakes?” Carlos suggested and TK chuckled as he curled up against him. TK would be gone until the next day and Carlos would be back at night. With an empty bed.

“I hate that you're going to come home to an empty bed,” TK said and Carlos let out a sigh.

“We'll deal with it. At least until we get into a rhythm,” he said. “We could always sexted each other,” he said and TK laughed.

“No, I'm not sexting with my boyfriend during my first night at my new fire house,” he said. “I'll wait until they get broken in first,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“You're nervous, baby, I can tell,” he said before kissing TK's forehead.

“I'm going to be the newbie at the station. That hasn't happened in six years,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “I should tell them.” He looked down at him, not really sure want he was talking about.

“Tell them what?” he asked.

“That I'm an addict.”

“Only when you're ready, babe,” Carlos said.

“I am right to tell them. They're going to be my brothers. They need to know.”

“Ty, stop stressing over it,” he said. “You will tell them when you're ready,” he added and TK sighed as Carlos gathered him in his arms. “Try to get some sleep,” he said and TK let out a sigh as he laid his head on Carlos' chest. He fell asleep listening to his boyfriend's heart beat.

Throughout the weekend, TK and Judd had been conversing, mostly through texts. The Texan offered to pick TK up in the morning and take him to work. Show him the firehouse. Show him the ropes of being a Texan firefighter. Judd could tell that TK needed someone to have his back in Austin. Carlos was the only person TK knew personally in Austin. Judd had decided to that person for TK after meeting the guy. He had three older brothers. Judd needed someone to look after. “You okay, baby?” Grace asked as Judd put his phone down.

“Uh, yeah, just texting with TK all weekend. He's excited and nervous about starting,” Judd said.

“The poor thing. Starting over in a new fire house, let alone a new state can't be easy,” she said as she crawled into bed.

“No, it ain't,” Judd said as he put an arm around his wife. “I'm going to be his big brother,” he said and she chuckled. “What? I ain't ever had a little brother. TK is perfect and the kid's only child. He needs a brother,” he said.

“I'm sure you will be more than happy to provide,” Grace said. “Just remember, don't be you too much,” she said and Judd chuckled.

“He's really taking it by the horns. Most newbies would shudder at the thought of being on a 24, but TK's taking everything in.”

“That's cause TK's not a newbie. He's a firefighter. You just have to teach him to be one in Texas,” she said and Judd nodded.

“I know that,” he said and his wife glanced at him. “I do!” he argued and she chuckled.

“Judd Ryder, you're going to have a little brother to take care of,” she said affectionately.

“I already called Captain Braxton that I would take TK under my wing,” Judd said. “He said have at it,” he added.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Grace asked.

“TK's out as gay. It was in his interview with Deputy Chief Radford. He thinks that the Austin Fire Department needs to be more diverse, so TK was given the green light to transfer.”

“So, the AFD's using TK as a prop?” Grace asked. “Does TK know that?”

“I will have to enlighten him when I get him to work.”

“TK's the first out firefighter is Austin?”

“Actually I think he's the first out gay firefighter in Texas,” Judd said. Grace let out a sigh as she sunk into the bed.

“You are going to protect him, right?” Grace asked. “There's probably going to be news crews at all of your calls.”

“Yeah, there probably will be,” Judd said. “I think me, Jake, Garrity and Chuck have taken a liking to him, being as we were the first to meet him.”

“I meant from Braxton,” Grace said. “I know how he is and so do you.”

“Yeah, I do,” Judd said. His captain, God love him, was the best captain he's had to work under, but the man was not shy about voicing his opinion. "Hearing him talk of this new guy from New York the last week and then finding out he was gay. He took a hard left turn,” he said.

“I didn't take Captain Braxton to be hom*ophobic,” Grace said.

“I didn't either,” Judd said. “TK's going to have his work cut out for him,” he said.

“With you helping him, I'm sure he can handle it.”

Chapter 19


TK's first at the 126.


I love it when I have a day off from work and I have time to write.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

TK groaned when he heard the alarm going off. “Turn it off,” he whined as he turned over. Carlos chuckled as he did, but he kept a hold on TK. He heard the suppressed whine when he pulled him up into a sitting position. “You are violating the dead,” TK stated and Carlos chuckled.

“Let's get up, shower and then I will make you pancakes,” he said before kissing TK. He got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. TK let out a sigh as he got up and followed his boyfriend into the bathroom. After a surprisingly lifting shower, TK and Carlos got dressed, TK making sure he had everything in his duffle bag before they headed downstairs.

Carlos' pancakes were awesome. He had at least three helpings of them. “Thank you for breakfast, Papi,” he said and Carlos smiled. He gathered the dishes, rinsing them off and put them into the dishwasher.

“Okay, so first day at 126.”

“Yeah,” TK said as he checked the time. Judd said he was going to be at the condo around nine thirty. It was close to that and he grabbed his bag. Carlos grabbed his own bag and they headed out. No sooner did TK and Carlos walk out of the condo, the red truck of Judd Ryder. He honked his horn seeing TK and he smiled. “Be safe.” TK and Carlos kissed before the policeman headed to his car.

“You, too, Tiger,” he said and TK sighed out as he walked over to the truck.

“Man, you guys are worse than me and Grace,” Judd said as TK got into the truck.

“Just shut up and drive.” Judd chuckled as he headed down the road. “So, have you completely unpacked yet?” he asked.

“A few boxes remain up in the hallway upstairs. I can deal with them later,” TK said.

“How'd the family dinner go yesterday?”

“Everyone loves me,” TK said with a proud smile. “Well, except for his Uncle Javier.”

“Yeah, I've heard about Uncle Javi when Carlos would complain to Grace. Did he bring another girl to hook him up with?” Judd asked and TK chuckled.

“Yep. Should have seen her reaction when I turned out to not be a friend of Carlos',” he said and Judd cackled.

“So, you met Jake, Cole and Chuck. There's the captain,” Judd said and TK nodded.

“Captain Braxon?” TK asked and Judd nodded. “He a fair captain?” TK was worried about getting along with his new captain. The only captain he ever worked under was his dad.

“In some ways,” Judd said. “He's not open minded,” he added.

“He's hom*ophobic?” he asked and Judd groaned.

“You prove yourself as a firefighter, he won't mind the gay part,” Judd said and TK nodded. “At least you have that down. You're just behind on Texas calls.”

“Any crazy ones that you've handled?” TK asked.

“I've had my share fair. We got corn silo rescues, tornadoes.”

“Texas get a lot of tornadoes?” he asked.

“Some of the rural areas get them mostly. We rarely get them in the city,” Judd said. “Captain Braxton most likely has already had a nice conversation with your dad. There's the lieutenant, Mac Carter. We call him Lou. He's the captain when Braxton is away,” he said and TK nodded. “You got Emma Stokes, Larry Jones, Otis. They'll all introduce themselves to ya when we get there,” he said and TK nodded.

Getting to the firehouse, Judd parked in the lot away from the doors and led TK in. “TK, what's up, man?” Jake asked.

“Hey, Jake,” TK said with a smile.

“You ready to start your career as a Texan firefighter?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“I am.”

“Come up to the locker rooms and we'll get ya squared away,” Judd said. TK followed Judd to the locker room. He changed into his new APD uniform before Judd led him to Captain Braxton's office. “Hey, Cap. TK Strand is here,” he said. “Transfer from FDNY,” he added.

“Oh, send him in.” Judd stepped aside to let TK in and patted him on the back before leaving TK alone with his new captain.

“TK Strand,” Braxton said as TK came to the front of his desk. “I've never seen a transfer go through so quickly here,” he said and TK shrugged. “Dad has deep pockets,” he quipped.

“My dad didn't bribe anyone, sir,” he said.

“Still, he has a long reach from New York,” Braxton said. TK nervously cleared his throat. “Have a seat.” He sat down on one of the chairs in front of his desk and tried to get comfortable. He felt like he was in an interrogation. “On the plus side, you're not a newbie. So, there's that,” he said and TK chuckled. “You have nearly six years of experience, certifications in practically every field. Dual certified FD medic. You and Emma are my paramedics until the real ones come to the scene.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I run a tight ship, Strand. This isn't your Daddy's house. This is my house and I expect the best out of my firefighters.”

“I will give you my best, sir,” TK said. Braxton grunted as he looked over TK's file.

“I hope you know this position at 126 is only temporary, for like a year. Just until my firefighter gets back from his leave,” he said.

“I understand, sir.”

“Good,” Braxton said. “Ryder seems to have taken you under his wing already. Stick with him and try to stay out of trouble,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” he said.

Judd looked up when he saw TK coming out of the captain's office. “Everything good?”

“Yeah,” TK said. “I have a feeling he's not a fan of mine. Seeing as my dad pulled strings to have my transfer expedited.”

“Well, since Cap is like that, then you show him you are the best damn firefighter he got in AFD's history.”

“I take it he and Billy Tyson were friends,” TK said.

“Yeah, Billy and him were good friends and helped build this house the way it is,” Jake said.

“Why?” Garrity asked.

“I don't think I'm going to be in this house for long,” he said. “At least, not in his eyes.”

“Billy never said why he was taking the leave,” Chuck said. “We don't know how long he's going to be gone,” he said. “Personal reasons,” he added.

“Well, no matter. Put me to work,” TK said. Judd slapped his back with a chuckled.

“That's the spirit.”

The first call TK went out with his new crew was a car accident. Nothing too major. The victims had gotten out of the car before it caught fire. TK was on the hose with Judd as they worked to get the car to go out.

The second call they got was a house fire. Braxton kept TK from going in the house, working the hose from the outside on the ladder.

“I think Braxton's just afraid of your dad,” Jake had said when they got back from yet another house fire call. TK was kept away from the danger, yet again, not allowed to go into the burning house.

“Doesn't want me to hurt myself,” TK said. “I can go into the burning building just like you guys and not get hurt,” he said.

“He's just getting a feel for ya, that's all,” Judd said as they headed to the showers. TK let out a sigh as he double backed to the bunk room. He found his phone and text Carlos.

New captain's afraid of sending me into the danger zone.

He's afraid of your dad then.

Yeah, he is.

Don't worry, Tiger. Prove yourself, but don't run into the burning building without his approval.

TK chuckled before sending off a heart emoji and then put the phone down and headed to the showers. At least he's still a firefighter.

The latest call had them responding to another car accident. This one was hanging from an overpass bridge with a river underneath it. The only thing keeping it from going into the river was the hitch of a trailer the car had hit. The teen in the car was crying, afraid to move. “Harkes, you have aerial training.”

“So does, TK. I think he should go,” Jake said, taking a stand for his new teammate. TK's head snapped up from where he was helping Emma with the other passengers from the other car. Braxton was about to argue until Judd spoke up.

“He's a good firefighter, Cap. He should be able to show you that,” Judd said. By then a news crew came and passerby citizens were hanging over the bridge, taking videos and selfies. He let out a sigh looking at his men. None of them seem to want to go, wanting their new brother to prove himself.

“Strand, suit up!” Braxton shouted. Emma gave TK a pat on the back as he headed over. “Ryder, Parkland, secure the vehicle!”

The teen's car was slowly giving way. The bumper would only hold for so long. TK was harnessed up and then lowered from the truck to get her out. “Hey, I'm TK. I'm going to get you out. What's your name?”

“Katie,” she said. “My parents are going to kill me. I wasn't supposed to take out the car,” she said as TK tried the door. He couldn't get it out.

“Cap, I'm going to need the Jaws of Life down here,” he said.

“Copy that,” Braxton said.

“I think you're parents will just be glad you're okay,” TK said. A few minutes went by until the tool TK requested came down. He gently cut the door away and he watched it fall down into the river. “Okay, you're next,” he said.

“I can't get my seat belt undone,” she said. TK grunted as he pulled himself into the car and it groaned and creaked. It jerked down and Katie cried out.

“It's okay. I gotcha,” he said as he cut the seat belt. “Put your arms around me,” he said. She did and he slowly got her out of the car.

“TK, the struts are giving way. Get her out of there,” Judd said over the radio. No sooner did he say that the car let out a groan and jerked away from them. Katie screamed as the car nearly pulled her down, but TK kept a hold on her and the car fell into the river. “TK?”

“I got her! Pull us up!” he said into the radio. Katie had a death grip on TK as they were pulled the safety. Her parents were there, having seen the news and recognizing her car on TV.

“Mom, Dad!” she shouted as they got her into the ambulance.

“Hell of a save, Strand,” Carter said.

“Thanks,” TK said as he got out of the harness.

“Good job, Strand,” Braxton said.

“Thank you, sir,” he said before the captain walked away.

“See? I told ya,” Jake said and TK chuckled.

By the time they had gotten back to the firehouse, TK's rescue had gone viral.

Chapter 20


The team finds out about Alex and how TK and Carlos met.

TK reconnects with a friend.


Thank you for my loyal readers. I love hearing from you guys.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 characters.

Chapter Text

It had been a month since TK's rescue of the teen from her dangling car. He had settled nicely in a routine with the 126. Mostly with Judd, Cole, Chuck and Jake. Captain Braxton stopped walking on eggshells around him. TK found himself doing more things on calls than just staying by the truck. “I have to ask,” Jake said, causing TK to look up at him from the weight bench. “How'd you and Carlos meet?” TK let out a sigh as he laid down, Judd spotting him and started pressing.

“Carlos was in New York for a cop convention with his dad. I met him at a bar,” he said, “after I was stood up by my then boyfriend at the time for our date night.”

“Whoa,” Judd said, keeping his arms still on the weight bar, keeping TK from continuing to press. “You met Carlos while you were still with someone else?” he asked.

“Yes, I did. Don't judge me, Ryder,” he said, shaking his hands off the bar. “My ex was twenty minutes late to our date night and I was pissed. Carlos approached, he flirted, I flirted back and we spent the night together,” he said in between lifts with his arms. “Biblically,” he added and Judd chuckled.

“You cheated?” Chuck asked. TK let out a sigh as he put the weight bar back and stood up from the bench.

“I don't expect you guys to understand. My ex was already cheating on me at the time, but I didn't know it. I only found out after I broke up with him the next day to be with Carlos,” he said.

“But it was date night,” Gerrity countered as he got onto the bench and they laughed.

“Yes, it was the fourth date night Alex was late to by more than five minutes and the reason he gave was he was stuck at work. We had been trying to spice things back up,” he said as he went over to the smaller weights.

“Hence the date night, trying to get things back in motion,” Judd said.

“Exactly,” TK said as he grabbed a weight. “Except while I was waiting for him like a love sick puppy, he was at the office, banging a coworker,” he said. “It had been happening months before I even met Carlos,” he said.

“Still, you cheated,” Judd said. “Don't tell Gracie,” he added and TK rolled his eyes.

“I realize that I cheated, but I was vindicated when I found out Alex was cheating on me first, months before I did, and then he went stalker on me after I broke things off,” TK said.

“Oh, that's the 'he' your dad was talking about on moving day,” Jake said and TK nodded. “How many times you change your number?”

“Too many,” TK said. “Had to stop posting on social media, too, because even though I blocked him, Alex would get on his friends' pages, who were friends with me, to see where I was,” TK said as he lifted the weight. He worked out best when he was pissed. “Moving to Austin seemed logical when Alex started coming to the 252, showing up on calls, my apartment, our old haunts.”

“Stalker,” Cole singed.

“Yeah, no sh*t. Carlos even threatened him once with his NYPD friends to get him to back off when he was in New York with me last,” TK said. “Of course, Carlos doesn't have any NYPD friends,” he added with a smirk as he put the weight back.

“Did it work?” Judd asked.

“Alex showed up the next morning after Carlos and I caught up with each other,” he said and the guys chuckled, causing him to roll his eyes. “Apparently he wanted to see Carlos for himself,” he added.

“Check out the competition,” Chuck said and TK pointed at him.

“Exactly,” he said. “Alex is tall, yes, but he's gangly. He's a stick,” he said and the guys laughed. “Carlos could bench press him. Judd could probably kill him with a love tap,” he said and they laughed harder.

“I will gladly do that if he finds his way down here,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Well, Austin is Carlos' territory. Even if he did get down here, he might not last long. I think Carlos had his picture sent around to all the cop precincts in an attempt to wrangle him if he sets foot in Austin.”

“I guess it pays to date a cop,” Jake said and TK shrugged.

“That and the handcuffs,” he said and the guys cat called at him causing him to roll his eyes.

“I told the guys about Alex,” TK said as he and Carlos shopped for food.

“Did they ask about him?”

“Jake asked how we met,” he confessed and Carlos chuckled.

“How'd they take it?” he asked as they went down the pasta aisle.

“Surprisingly well, though Judd said not to mention to Grace that I cheated on my boyfriend at the time,” TK said as Carlos looked at the pasta sauces.

“Too late,” he quipped and he groaned. “Grace asked and she's one of my best friends, so...”

“You told her.”

“I did tell her about Alex cheating first and then going stalker on you after you broke things off,” Carlos said. “She seemed to settle down after that, but expect a stern talking to at the barbecue this weekend,” he said and TK groaned as Carlos put two bottles of sauce into the cart. It was pasta night for them.

“What are we bringing again?”

“I'm just making a side dish,” Carlos said as they came across the boxes of pasta. “All right. What does my little firefighter want for his pasta tonight?” he asked and TK chuckled. He looked over the boxes of pasta, knowing that whatever he picked, Carlos would turn it into something amazing. “It's not rocket science, Tiger. It's pasta,” he said and TK scoffed, rolling his eyes. He picked a box of rigatoni and put it into the cart. “Better get another box if you're hoping for what I think you're wishing for,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“If you're thinking your four cheese sausage rigatoni, then yes it is,” TK said and Carlos smiled before kissing his foodie boyfriend. Rarely does he get to cook for TK, being that his schedule at the 126 clashes with his shifts at the precinct. Now seeing TK work on calls was exciting. His patrol areas were in the same areas that the 126 handles and recently they had been at scenes together. Carlos being a first responder, he was usually first on scene for most the 126 rescues. He always hoped that dispatch would send the 126 when he requested fire and rescue.

Carlos also grabbed some farfalle pasta, planning to make a cold pasta salad as he side dish for the barbecue. “I should tell them,” TK suddenly say.

“Tell them what?” Carlos asked.

“That I'm an addict,” TK said. “The team, they should know,” he said and Carlos nodded.

“Only when you're ready is when you should tell them,” he said.

“I should tell Braxton first, right?” he asked and Carlos sighed out. “I shouldn't?”

“Well, from the way you've been telling me about how Braxton first treated you, keeping you away from the good part of the rescue, maybe you should hold off for a while.”

“Right,” TK said.

“You should tell Judd, though. The guy's like your older brother,” he said. “Aside from me , your mom and dad, you text the most with Judd. Even when you guys are on duty.”

“What?” TK asked.

“I talk with Michelle and Grace, babe. They are my best friends in this town. Grace is always telling me you're calling and texting with Judd when he's off. Michelle's telling me that even though you two are in the same fire house, you're still texting. He'll be in the gym, you'll be in the bunk room or kitchen.”

“That's not...” TK stopped seeing Carlos glare at him. “Fine, okay. I like Judd and yes, he's a big brother for me. I've never had siblings to look out for me like he does. I was an only child and I didn't have any cousins close by,” he said. “You know, he's promising me to name me godfather of his first born child.”

“Wait, Grace is pregnant?”

“Not yet,” TK said and Carlos rolled his tongue in his cheek. “What?”

“Grace said I could be godfather of her first born.”

“Oh, well, perhaps we could have a conversation about that,” TK said.

“Actually, I think Grace and Judd are going to have to have a conversation about it,” Carlos said and TK laughed as they turned down another aisle.

Carlos was meticulous about his meat, so TK was leaning on the cart while Carlos looked over the ground beef selections, playing on his phone. He casually took a picture of his boyfriend and posted it on his new Instagram page. 'Boyfriend can't decide between two packets of the same kind of ground beef, but he looks hot doing it.' was the headline of the photo. He cleared his throat as he checked his other posts and those he followed. A friend request showed up and he chuckled. “What's up?” Carlos asked, putting the meat into the cart.

“You remember my friend, Becca? We ran into her at the Bryant Park Winter Festival?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Carlos said, vaguely remembering a red head who hugged TK while they were in line for lunch. “Why?”

“She found me on Insta,” he said and Carlos laughed. Becca was TK's favorites of his friends. The problem was, she was friends with Alex, too. Meaning that if he accepted her following him, Alex could see him. “She wants to follow me,” he said.

“Why the hesitation, Tiger?” Carlos asked.

“She's friends with Alex, too,” he said. “She was actually the one who introduced us. She was friends with him first,” he added.

“Then you should tell her what he had been doing to you that prompted you to move to Texas,” he said. TK let out a sigh as he contemplated accepting her request. “Look, she probably already knows what an ass her friend is and what he did to his boyfriend, whom she introduced to.”

“She was his friend first,” TK said again. “I cut all ties with our friends when I moved because of it. They were his friends first and who knows what the hell he told them. For all I know, he told them I was the cheater and he seek solace with his coworker as a result.”

“You won't know that until you talk with her,” Carlos said and he let out a sigh. “Look, accept her friend request or not, you'll know who she's loyal to when you talk with her,” he said and TK knew his boyfriend was right. He allowed Becca to follow him and the first thing she did was message him. She gave him her cellphone number. Of course she wanted to talk with him. He let out a sigh as he pushed the cart, following Carlos along the meat case. He dialed the number, waiting for her to answer.

“So, I have to find out you moved to Texas when a coworker of mine shows me a video of some bad ass firefighter in Austin save a girl from her falling car?” she asked and he chuckled. “This is not funny, TK.”

“I'm sorry, Becks.”

“You're sorry?” she asked. “What the hell, TK? I thought we were friends. Why haven't I heard a thing about you moving to Texas?”

“We are friends, Becks, but you're also friends with Alex,” he said as Carlos took the cart from him. Apparently he had run into his ankles. He let out a sigh as Becca rambled on about how him and Alex were great together. “Becks, you even know what happened between me and Alex?”

“I know you cheated on him,” she said and he scoffed at that, rolling his eyes.

“So did he,” TK said.

“No, not my Alex.”

“Seriously? Of course you believe him. He'd only been your best friend since third grade.”

“What the hell are you talking about, TK?” she asked.

“Alex was already cheating on me when I met Carlos,” he said. “All those late nights he was pulling at work, he was in his office, banging a coworker. The standard date night was a good idea, Becks, but only for the first few times,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I met Carlos on a date night. Alex was twenty minutes late, which had been becoming a habit. He was in his office with someone else, I went out with Carlos and the night progressed from there. I broke up with him the next night because it was back to the relationship lacking commitment, from his part. I was the one who was trying to fix the relationship, Becks, by showing up to date night. He gave up on the relationship a long time before Carlos even came into the picture.”

“TK, I had no idea.”

“No, and then what else happened was that he started stalking me, Becks,” he said. “On Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. He was calling every day, hanging up. Showing up at my work and whenever I was with Carlos when he came to visit. I had to cut everyone off to get away from him when I moved, so he doesn't know where I am.”

“TK, I'm sorry I've been a terrible friend,” Becca said and TK sighed out. “Alex, he's really hellbent on getting you back. He's been trying to get your dad or your mom to tell him where he is."

“I have no desire to be back with that two timing ex of mine and I'm sorry for that. I know he's your best friend.”

“Ex best friend,” she said suddenly. “Can't believe I fell for his teary eyed performance when he found out you moved away."

"Yeah, he was the drama class in school," TK said and Becks chuckled. "I bet it was tears streaming down his face, wishing to see me before I had left," he said.

"Somewhere around there," she said. "Well, things are going to get interesting with this new found information. Going to make for a good confrontation when I talk to him about his cheating and stalking."

“Yeah?” he asked. “Think you can video that for me?” he asked and she chuckled. Well, at least he had one friend from New York back.

Chapter 21


OMG, two chapters in one day!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment! I love knowing what you think!!

Chapter Text

The conversation with Becca enlightened TK with the possibility of reconnecting with more of his old friends. He had a feeling Alex would be lacking in that department when his friends found out just exactly how he treated TK. Cheating at every corner.

TK moaned as he put another bite of rigatoni in his mouth. “Oh, God this tastes so good,” he said and Carlos smiled. “Sorry, I just had a food org*sm,” he added.

“I plan to give you the other kind of org*sm later,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“I am counting on it,” he said. Carlos watched TK eat another bite of his pasta, making the deliciously sounding moans again and he stood up, moving closer to him. “What?” TK asked, watching him move around the table.

“I can't sit across the table when you're making noises like that,” he said and TK chuckled as Carlos used his legs to bring his chair closer to him. “I have to kiss you right now,” he stated before leaning in. TK smiled as Carlos's lips closed in on his and let out a moan as the policeman deepened the kiss. He reached up with his hand to cup Carlos' head as Carlos reached up to cup his face gently.

“I can't eat if you keep kissing me, Papi,” TK said and Carlos chuckled before pulling back. He took the fork out of his hand and scooped some pasta in it before holding it up for TK. “Seriously?” he asked.

“Papi knows you perform better on a full stomach,” Carlos said and TK laughed before opening his mouth. Slowly, Carlos placed the bite of food into his mouth and TK closed his lips around the fork. Carlos pulled it back and TK chewed the food before swallowing it. “Take some salad, too,” he said and held some of it up to his mouth. TK took it, keeping eye contact with his boyfriend. “Do you have to look at me like that?”

“You're the one who started it,” he said, taking a bite of his bread before taking a sip of his water.

“I intend to finish,” Carlos said before kissing him again. TK moaned into the kiss before pulling away. “Another bite?”

“No, I want you in bed,” TK said as he stood up.

“No, we're going to finish dinner first,” Carlos said as TK walked over to the stairs.

“We can reheat it,” he said. “Just FYI, by the time I get up to the bedroom, I'll be naked,” he said and hurried up the stairs. Carlos sighed out and then chuckled when a shirt was tossed down and landed on the floor. “Pants are next!” TK shouted from upstairs.

“You're lucky we don't have a dog!” he shouted back as he hurried after his boyfriend.

TK wasn't kidding. When Carlos got up to the bedroom, he was naked on the bed. Carlos groaned looking down at himself, still fully clothed. “Overdressed there, Papi,” he said and he quickly took off his clothes.

“You're killing me, Tiger,” he said. “I slaved over the stove to make you that Rigatoni and it's sitting down there while we're up here, f*cking.”

“We're not f*cking yet. You're complaining while your naked boyfriend waits impatiently for him to get his act together.” Carlos let out a primal growl before getting on the bed and capturing TK's lips in a heated kiss. TK moaned into the kiss, putting his arms around Carlos. Apparently Carlos wasn't having it, because he grabbed his hands putting them above his head. “Carlos,” he moaned as he kissed down his neck. He moaned when Carlos ground his co*ck against his. “f*ck, baby, that's...” He gasped out when Carlos spread open his legs, bringing his left leg up over his shoulder. “Babe,” he moaned.

“No arguing. You wanted to f*ck,” Carlos said and TK nodded.

“Yes, I want to f*ck, Papi.” Carlos reached for a condom from their nightstand stash and tore it open. “You don't have to prep me,” TK said. He rolled the condom on and reached down. TK moaned feeling Carlos spread his cheeks. “f*ck, Papi.” Carlos slowly eased into him, stretching his girth. “f*ck, f*ck,” he cried out.

“It's okay. Papi's gotcha,” Carlos whispered before kissing TK. He moaned softly into the kiss as Carlos moved into him more. “f*ck, you're always so tight for Papi.”

“Only for you,” TK said and Carlos moaned against his neck as he settled into him. He remained still for TK to adjust and he wrapped his legs around his waist. They were both breathing heavily as they got into a comfortable position to start moving together. TK reached up and cupped Carlos' face. “f*ck me, Papi,” he pleaded.

Carlos started to move slowly in and out of him, kissing TK. They moved together, meeting each the other's thrusts. TK was always vocal in bed with Carlos. That was a fact the first night they spent together. Each thrust of Carlos' hips procured a haughty moan from the firefighter underneath him. “So, Tiger,” Carlos commented between thrusts. TK could only moan as Carlos pummeled into him.

“Papi,” he moaned and he clenched around Carlos' co*ck. The cop groaned against his neck and he tightened the hold of his legs around the waist. Carlos reached in between them to find TK's hard co*ck and grasped it tight. “Ah! Papi!” he cried. Carlos pulled the co*ck in time with his thrusts, which were getting harder and faster.

“So good around my co*ck. Couldn't let your co*ck get neglected.” TK groaned, feeling his stomach muscles tighten. “You gonna cum for Papi?” he asked and TK nodded, moaning as Carlos f*cked him hard.

“Papi, I'm gonna cum,” TK moaned before gasping out a cry of ecstasy. His co*ck spurted between them, covering Carlos' hands and their stomachs.

“Oh, f*ck,” Carlos gasped out when TK's org*sm had him clenching tight around his co*ck. He chased his own org*sm through TK's and he gasped out his own shout of ecstasy as he came in the condom. TK moaned when his boyfriend fell on top of him.

“Wow, I think that goes into our top ten,” he quipped and Carlos chuckled as he sat up on his elbows.

“Whatever you say, Tiger,” he said before kissing him. TK moaned into the kiss, basking in the afterglow of their quick tryst. “I'm still hungry.”

“For me or food?”

“Food,” he said before pulling out of him.

They cleaned themselves up before heading back down to finish dinner. “A forty eight hour shift,” Carlos said. “I'm not going to see you for at least three days.”

“Hey, we'll have Saturday,” TK said, mentioning the barbecue at Judd and Grace's. “It's not my first 48 shift,” he said. "And you could always be there on calls. It's not like you'll go the whole three days without seeing me," he added.

“I know,” Carlos said. They cleaned up their dinner dishes, putting left overs in the fridge before heading over to the couch. “Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat?” Carlos asked, turning on the gaming system.

“Mortal Kombat,” TK said and Carlos groaned. TK did better with Mortal Kombat. He knew the characters better in that game while Carlos did better with Street Fighter. “Wish they made a game where Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter characters battle each other,” TK said.

“Oh, that would be fun,” Carlos said as he handed TK his controller. “So, how'd that conversation with Becca go?” he asked.

“It went fine,” he said, choosing Cassie Cage as his characters. She was bad ass and he loved her fatality move where she shot up her opponent before kicking them in the balls to separate them from their spine. “She seemed pissed at Alex for cheating on me first. Wanted to know everything. Did you know the date night was her idea?” he asked.

“Really?” Carlos asked as he chose Sub-Zero. He was the only the characters who's moves he knew by heart.

“Yeah and well, after hearing my version of what happened and how things went down after I broke up with Alex, she wasn't happy.”

“Didn't you say they were like best friends since grade school?” Carlos asked as he chose the arena.

“Third grade,” TK stated. “Becca's going to keep my contact information from him and not show my Instagram to him. There's this little group of friends that I inherited when I started dating him. She's going to rally them together,” he said.

“And what? Rebel against him?” he asked and TK shrugged. “She introduced you two, didn't she?”

“She met me when I came to her work place to save a coworker. I was playing medic that day.”

“She thought you two would be good together,” Carlos said and TK nodded as they started fighting.

“She was right, for about six months. That was when things started simmering between me and Alex,” he said. “Take that,” he quipped as Cassie round house kicked Sub-Zero. “She recommended a standard date night, not knowing that Alex was banging his coworker at the office.”

“She confronting him about that?” Carlos asked as he made Sub-Zero double punch then uppercut Cassie, which she blocked.

“She promises video of it,” TK said with a smile and Carlos chuckled. “Seriously, are you even trying to kill me?” he asked as he did a combo of punches, kicks that got him closer to winning.

“I am, but you are just too good, sweetheart,” Carlos said and TK smiled at the term of endearment. “Ow, hey,” he complained when TK won the first round with him distracted. “All right, it's going to be like that,” he said and TK chuckled as the competitiveness came out in his boyfriend.

It was game on like Donkey Kong.

Carlos groaned as TK stood up from the sofa victorious. “Ouch, Papi.” Carlos had tossed his controller in defeat.

“I can't lose to you anymore,” he said.

“We can play Street Fighter,” TK said.

“Why don't you pick up where you left off from the tournament of the game?” Carlos asked. TK let out a sigh as he went into his account and resumed play from the last bracket he left off of. “We don't have to worry about Alex coming here do we?”

“Becks assured me that she will not be telling Alex where I moved to or will be giving him my contact information. Besides, even if he did come down here, he has to contend with not only the guys at my firehouse, but the fellow cops of yours at the precinct.”

“Yeah, I did show a picture of Alex to all I work with. My partner, my sergeant, my captain.”

“I get it, but it's not like I can't take care of myself,” he said.

“I realize that you can take care of yourself, babe,” Carlos said. “Just Alex was becoming a bit of a problem for you to handle. I just want to get the upper hand in case Alex has any ideas about coming here,” he said. “I mean, he knows I'm from Texas.”

“He does,” TK said.

“He knows I'm a cop,” Carlos said.

“He does,” TK said in agreement. “He doesn't know you're from Austin. I'm hoping the size of Texas has him give up on finding you if he starts trying.”

“Right,” Carlos said. “I would give up, too if I'm trying to find my ex boyfriend in the biggest state of the country,” he said. “For the sole purpose of stalking him into going back to me. That has to be the most stupid thing he's done.”

“Aside from cheating on me with his coworker?” TK asked.

“He won't find ya, babe,” he said.

“It may take a while, but he will if he's persistent enough,” TK said.

“I make good on my threat like in New York, only it's with APD cops and we're a bit crazier than NYPD.” TK chuckled as he leaned over and kissed Carlos. “Oh, babe, watch out,” he said. TK groaned when he was killed in the game.

“Great. Now I have to start over,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

Chapter 22


The 126 find out how much of a danger magnet TK is.


Please don't hurt me for this chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 characters.

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Chapter Text

The first 24 hours of House 126's 48 hour shift was uneventful. Car accidents, small fires, a cat trapped in a tree. TK couldn't stop smiling seeing Judd up a tree trying to get the cat down. “Maybe I should have gone up,” he said to Jake who chuckled.

“Yeah, that might have been better,” he said.

It was at the start of the next 24 hours that things took a turn. TK thought himself to be lucky in the two months since he started at the 126. His 'danger magnet' as his dad called it stayed away. The house they pulled up to in the early hours of the morning was mostly engulfed in flames. They started on working getting the fire controlled when the couple who owned the house started talking about their daughter. “She's still in there,” the woman cried. “My husband couldn't find her!” she shouted. TK and Judd suited up and headed into to find her. “Her name's Ruby!”

“Ruby! Fire Department!” Judd called out. “TK, head upstairs. See if she's in her room. Be careful! The floors could give any second!”

“Copy!” TK said into his radio before heading upstairs. “Ruby! Call out! Fire Department!” He went to the left to get to her room. It was mostly smokey, the fire not reaching upstairs yet.

“TK, she's not down here!” he heard Judd over the radio. “Cap says we have to call it!”

“I'm not leaving until I find her!” TK called over the radio.

“Dammit, Strand, abort! The whole place is going up like a tinder box!” Braxton shouted. A tiny cough caught TK's attention and he found her underneath her bed.

“I got her!” he shouted. He pulled off his mask and looked at her. “Hey, Ruby, I'm TK. I'm going to get you out of here, okay?” he asked and she nodded. She couldn't have been more than four years old. She grabbed her stuffed dog and came out from under the bed. “I've got her, coming out!” TK pulled his mask and helmet back on before picking her up and carrying her out of her room. He was making his way to the stairs when he heard splintering and looked around. He took another step and suddenly the floor gave way. The little girl in his arms screamed as they fell down to the lower level. TK brought his arms around her and flattened himself out. They landed on the floor together, TK straight on his back and the little girl on top of him.

“TK!” Judd shouted. “Cap, TK and the little girl just fell through the floor!” Judd announced.

“Sending Gerrity in!” Cole came in to gather the little girl up and Judd saw TK was unconscious.

“TK, hey, wake up!” he shouted, pulling off his mask. He pulled TK up and over his shoulder and carried him outside of the house.

“TK!” Carlos shouted. He had been first on the scene of the fire and was controlling the crowd when he saw Judd carrying his unconscious boyfriend out of the house. Judd put him onto a gurney and Michelle was quick to assess him. “He's alive,” she reassured him. “Let's get all of this off of him,” she said. They took his oxygen tanks off and his turnout gear before Michelle looked for any injures. He was bruised in the rib area. “He might have internal injuries. We have to get him to the hospital,” she said. “Carlos, stay here, finish your job.”

“Right, okay, take care of him, chica,” he said.

“I will,” she said before climbing in.

TK groaned hearing the distinct beeping of a heart monitor and concluded that he was in the hospital. So much for his dad's four month deadline. “TK? You with us, pal?” He recognized Judd's voice, but he felt like he had a hangover.

“Not so loud,” he whined. Judd was quick to turn off the lights above his bed. He hit the call button for the nurse.

“You know where you are?”

“Hospital?” TK asked.

“You asking or telling?” Judd asked, a little too loud and TK groaned again.

“Telling, hospital,” he whined. The last thing he remembered was getting Ruby out of her bedroom, then everything went black. “Oh, God, the little girl, Ruby? Is she...?”

“She's fine. Not a scratch on her,” Judd said. “You actually broke her fall,” he added and TK groaned.

“My chest hurts,” TK said.

“Broken ribs. You two fell through the floor when you came out of her bedroom. She may have been tiny, but she broke two of your ribs in front, while the fall on your back with your O2 tank, broke two more in the back,” Judd said. “You also have a concussion and your right knee was twisted up.”

“It's not broken, is it?”

“Just twisted,” Judd said and TK let out a sigh.

“My dad's going to kill me,” he groaned.

“I think he's going to kill Braxton. He's been on the phone with your dad for the last hour,” Judd said as he looked back out in the waiting area. “He's sweating,” he quipped and TK chuckled before groaning.

“Oh, God, don't make me laugh, Judd,” he said. “Carlos was at the scene. How'd he take it?”

“Kept himself pretty composed when I carried you out of the house. He tried to get in the ambulance, but Michelle told him to stay put. He just text me that he was on his way up,” Judd said.

“Hey, it's sleeping beauty,” Jake said as he came in with balloons. Chuck, Cole, Emma and Lou crammed into the room.

“Aw, you guys shouldn't have,” TK said as Jake put the balloons by the window.

“Well, any guy who puts himself between a little girl and a floor deserves balloons,” Jake said.

“And flowers,” Emma said, putting the flowers on his tray. TK chuckled before groaning.

“Don't make him laugh,” Judd said. “Kid's got four broken bones, two on each side.”

“Yeah, those will hurt for a while,” Carter said. “Glad to see you're okay,” he said.

“Thanks, Lou,” TK said. Cole held out a card to TK which looked handmade. “What's this?” TK asked as he took it.

“Little girl, Ruby, she made ya a card,” he said. TK smiled as he looked a the front of the card. Ruby may have been four, but she wrote pretty well. GET WELL SOON was in bold letters with purple crayon and there were flowers on the front. He opened it and nearly teared up seeing what she wrote. 'Thank u for saving me.' She had drawn what looked like TK carrying her to safety, had they not fallen through the floor. “Wow, that's...” TK was caught off guard when a pain shot through his front when he breathed in sharply. “Ow, that hurts,” he said.

It was at that time the nurse made her way in with a smile. “Okay, a little space please for my patient,” she demanded, her accent cutting through the room. Judd stayed by TK's bedside while the nurse came up to check on TK. “Mr. Strand, I'm Julie.”

“TK,” he corrected. “Mr. Strand is my father,” he said and Judd chuckled.

“TK, how's your pain level? The hospital gave you a shot of morphine when you came in and no doubt it's probably running it's course.”

“I'm fine,” TK said.

“Dude, all you've been complaining about is the pain,” Chuck said and TK let out a sigh. He had worse up in New York. The last thing he wanted to do was take painkillers. He would be fine without the opioids, but he had told the crew he was a recovering addict. No way he was going to get through this pain without at least something.

“What's your pain? Scale of one to ten?” Julie asked as she checked his IV and made sure everything was flowing nicely.

“It's a six right, now, but it's fine. I don't need anything right now,” he said. He would wait until Carlos got here to have him tell the nurse non opioid based medications.

“No, he needs something now,” Judd said. “Every time he breathes in he's winching,” he said. TK went to protest, but his ribs had him groaning out. “See? Just like that,” he said.

“TK, don't make me going over you head and get your doctor in here,” Julie said. “Broken bones are serious.”

“I know,” TK said. “I can't have anything opioid based. I'm in recovery,” he said to her, not making eye contact with any of his crew.

“Okay, I'll make a note in your chart for non opioid based medication and discuss with your doctor about getting you on a pain regimen,” she said with a smile. She made sure he was comfortable before leaving the room. TK looked around the room to see his crew staring at him in disbelief.

“Yeah, that was not how I wanted to tell you guys,” he joked.

“How long?” Judd asked.

“Since I've been an addict? I was nineteen when I popped my first pill. I've been sober for five years.”

“Congratulations,” Cole said in an up beat tone that made Emma smack him. “What? That's good, right?”

“It is, after you consider that last time I relapsed I OD, so yeah,” he casually said.

“You OD?” Lou asked and TK nodded.

“My Mom and her boyfriend found me,” he said. “Got me to the hospital, then rehab. Been sober ever since,” he said.

“See, congratulations,” Cole said and TK chuckled.

Carlos found his boyfriend's hospital room from the arguing he could hear from TK. “I don't need anything stronger. Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Naproxen,” he said. “If it starts with an O, P or V I don't want it!”

“What's going on?” Carlos asked Judd when he got into the waiting room area.

“Doctor wants to give him something stronger to help him sleep,” Judd said.

“Mr. Strand, you have broken ribs. You're breathing is irregular and you could develop pneumonia,” the doctor stated. “I would feel better if I give you something stronger to help you rest.”

“I can do that without the opioid medication. I'm not throwing five years of sobriety down the toilet because you say I need it. I don't want it.” Carlos came up to TK's bed side.

“Hey, take it easy, Tiger,” he said, taking TK's hand.

“You are?” the doctor asked.

“I'm the boyfriend and I'm his next of kin, Carlos Reyes,” he said. The nurse looked at the chart and nodded.

“Good, maybe you can convince him,” the doctor said. “Between his concussion and the four broken ribs, he is in a lot of pain. He needs something stronger than Advil, Aleve or Tylenol,” he said and Carlos sighed out.

“He's a recovering addict. Doesn't that mean anything to you?” Carlos asked.

“Not right now,” TK quipped.

“It's one Percocet, Mr. Strand.”

“Which has OxyContin in it,” TK said. “It was one Oxy that got me hooked in the first place,” he said.

“Just regular pain medication,” Carlos said, standing up for his boyfriend.

“Mr. Strand...”

“If you keep pushing, Doc, I'm gonna take this IV out and sign myself out, AMA,” he threatened.

“Whoa, babe, a little strong there.”

“I don't care. I know my pain limit now, having done this with regular pain medication. I do not need anything stronger than two Advil or Aleve if you have it,” he stated before laying back down.

“Nurse, get two Naproxen for the patient. If you are not resting or still after twenty minutes of taking it, I will have to intervene with your health care.”

“You're wasting your breath,” TK said. Carlos rubbed his arm soothingly. “I can do this, Carlos,” he said.

“I know you can,” he said before kissing his temple.

Chapter 23


Owen makes it to Austin to see his son.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Thank you for sticking with me my faithful readers! Still don't know how long this story is going to be. We are actually a few chapters away from the start of the Season 1 opening scene. Stay tuned.

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

The nurse came back in with two blue pills, which TK knew was Naproxen. He downed them with water and let out a sigh. Carlos sat by his side, letting TK squeeze his hand whenever the pain got too much. To his astonishment, after fifteen minutes of taking the Naproxen, TK stopped squeezing his hand. “Feeling better, Ty?” he asked and TK nodded.

“Yeah, my head stopped throbbing,” he said.

“What about your ribs?” he asked.

“I can still feel them, but it's not as bad as it was before.”

“Good. Try to get some sleep,” he said. He kissed TK on the temple and gently ran his fingers through his hair. Between Carlos' fingers going through his hair and the Naproxen working on his pain, TK fell asleep within the next ten minutes. Carlos gave a smug grin to the doctor when he came in to check on him.

“That's incredible,” Judd whispered.

“What is?” Carlos asked quietly.

“He's actually asleep,” Judd said and Carlos smiled. “If that was me, I wouldn't be able to sleep on just regular painkillers.”

“I think he's had practice over the years to get his body acclimated.” Judd chuckled as he watched Carlos rub TK's arm and hold his hand.

“His dad's coming,” Judd said and Carlos nodded.

“Captain Strand text me before his flight took off. Apparently as soon as he heard of TK's accident, he grabbed his go bag from the 252 station and headed to the airport.”

“Wow, that's a father who loves his son,” he said. Judd seemed to want to say something else and Carlos looked up at him.


“TK told us how you two met,” he said and Carlos nodded. “Did it bother you that he had a boyfriend when you met?”

“It's going to sound weird, but not as much as I thought. I can't describe it, but when I met him, there was this thing between us. We hit it off so well and before I could stop it, the evening took it's course. He took me for some pizza, we went to see the memorial park at One World Trade Center because I've been wanting to see it. He opened up that night. His dad was a firefighter and he was there at the twin towers that day.”

“His dad survived 9/11?” Carlos nodded.

“His dad lost his entire fire house that day. Owen was the only survivor and it took him the whole day to get back to his wife and kid. TK was home sick and he said he saw the smoke from his bedroom window and his mom was crying all day.”

“Man, that's rough,” Judd said as Carlos watched TK sleep.

“He told me some stories about the guys he considered a second father or uncle. He opened up that night. After seeing the memorial park, we went dancing. He took me to his haunt and we had a really good time. One thing led to another and we ended up back at my hotel room. I just wanted to be with him.”

“Don't tell Grace you helped him cheat.”

“She already knows,” Carlos said. “She doesn't like the fact that TK cheated on his boyfriend, but once it came out that Alex was already cheating on TK before I met him, well, let's just say she let it slide a little,” he said.

“Alex isn't going to find him here, right?” Judd asked and Carlos let out a sigh. “Carlos?”

“I hope not,” he said. “TK recently reconnected with a friend from New York. She promises not to tell him.”

“Just how bad was the stalking?”

“Nuclear bad,” Carlos answered. “Alex better hope he doesn't set foot in Austin,” he said and Judd chuckled.

Owen knew it was late when he landed in Austin. To his surprise, someone from TK's fire house was there to pick him up. “Lieutenant Carter of the 126, Captain Strand,” he said.

“Lieutenant.” He led Owen to his car and they drove straight to the hospital. “Give it to me straight. How's my boy?”

“He's tough,” Carter said. “Kid's got four broken ribs, concussion and a hyper extended knee, but he's asleep.”


“From the basis of Judd's last text, he fought tooth and nail to have no opioids. The nurse gave him two Naproxen and he's fast asleep with Carlos by his side,” Carter said and Owen chuckled.

“That's my boy,” Owen said. “Which knee?” he asked.

“The right one,” Carter said and Owen nodded. “What?”

“He tore his ACL in that knee in high school during a track and field meet his senior year. Ended his track and field career, but it got him thinking about a life without college,” Owen said.

“TK was going to go to college?”

“Harvard University, on a track and field scholarship. When he busted his knee during his javelin throw, the university pulled the scholarship.”


“Yeah, his mom was not happy with the school,” he said. “How's the little girl TK saved?”

“Not a scratch on her,” Carter said and Owen chuckled. “The oxygen tank on TK's back broke two ribs in the back. The little girl landing on top of him broke the two in the front.”

“Ouch,” Owen quipped.

At the hospital, Owen greeted all of TK's crew. “Did I not tell you guys?” he asked. “Danger magnet,” he quipped and they chuckled. He put his bag down and headed into the room.

“Captain Strand,” Carlos said, sitting up, but keeping his hand in TK's.

“Owen,” he corrected and Carlos chuckled. “How's he doing?”

“He's resting. He fell asleep about a couple of hours ago. Breathing evened out. I'm supposed to wake him up in a few minutes. Concussion protocol.”

“Right,” Owen said as Carlos stood up and gently shook TK's shoulder.

“Babe, wake up,” he said and TK groaned as he was jostled awake. “Ty, sweetie, it's been a few hours. I gotta wake you up. Concussion,” he said and TK slowly came to.

“Hey, Papi,” he said with a smile and Carlos chuckled. “What?”

“Your dad is here,” he said.

“Dad?” he asked, looked over. “Dad.”

“Hey, son,” Owen said as Carlos let father and son visit.

“I'm going to get some coffee. I'll be right back,” he said and TK nodded.

“Dad, I'm sorry,” TK said and Owen chuckled.

“Don't apologize for doing your job, TK. You saved a little girl,” he said and TK chuckled.

“It hasn't even been four months. Your deadline,” he said and Owen groaned.

“That wasn't a real deadline, TK. It was a joke. I knew you were going to get hurt before the four months was up. Danger magnet,” he quipped and TK groaned.

“I hate you,” he dead panned.

“You love me,” Owen said. “I'd hug ya, but I don't want to jostle you with your broken ribs,” he said. “I'm proud of ya, TK,” he said and TK smiled. “The team saw the viral video from a few months back,” he said and TK groaned. “They're going around calling you a Instagram celebrity now.”

“I don't need that right now,” he said.

“Well, apparently there's video of you getting carried out of the house by Judd, after Gerrity carried out the little girl.”

“Great, a damsel in distress video,” TK quipped and Owen chuckled.

“Nothing like that,” he said. “News broke out how you went through the floor with the little girl and put yourself between her and the floor. You basically became her rescue bag.”

“She was scared and I promised her I'd get her out,” he said. “She made me a card,” he added, gesturing to the card still on his tray.

“That was nice of her.”

“Chuck Parkland's daughter, Annabelle made me a card, too,” he said, gesturing to the yellow one on the bedside table with a stuffed animal.

“Well aren't you just the popular kid in the hospital,” he said and TK chuckled, before wincing. “Oh, God, sorry.”

“No, it doesn't hurt that much anymore,” TK said. “The Aleve is helping, but...”

“You sure you don't want something stronger?” Owen asked.

“I'm sure, Dad. I had this same argument with the doctor,” he said and Owen grunted.

“I take it you won?”

“Of course,” TK said, trying to lighten the mood and Owen chuckled.

“Well, I'm glad you're all right, son.”

“Does that mean you're going to leave then?” TK asked and Owen chuckled.

“I'm here for at least until you're discharged and maybe a few days after that,” he said. “Chief Maddox told me to take a week. Make sure you're back on your feet until I come back.”

“Dad, I'm not here by myself, ya know?”

“I do.”

“I have Carlos, my brothers at 126 and Andrea. Carlos apparently already called her about my accident and she's going to be on stand by to be here when he can't. She's going to be at the condo when I get discharged.”

“She is?” Owen asked.

“Yeah, don't be surprised if they know you're here because Carlos is probably calling them and telling them you'll need a place to stay,” TK said and Owen looked at his son. “Carlos isn't getting coffee this late in the day, Dad. He's talking with his mom and dad about getting you a place to stay so you don't have to get a hotel room,” he said.

“Well, I am starting to like this guy more and more,” Owen said and TK smiled.

“I like him, too, Dad,” Tk said.

“Just like?”

“I love him, Dad.” Owen let out a sigh of contentment as he patted his son's arm. “I don't think I've ever been this happy. The last few months living with Carlos has been pure bliss.”

“That's all I want for you, TK. To be happy,” he said and TK let out a smile.

“I am, Dad.”

Chapter 24


TK is released from the hospital. Owen has lunch with Carlos.


DICLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Another chapter is in the bag! I have had a few chapters more come out of my head today and an unexpected twist that I hope you guys don't hate me for later.

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

TK was released from the hospital a few days later. Owen was indeed staying at Carlos' parents' house, making sure TK was following his doctor's orders. Carlos had a very attentive mother and she had practice with loved being released from the hospital. Her husband was a Texas Ranger and her son was a cop. It never occurred to TK that Carlos could have been shot prior to him meeting him. Andrea assured him that was not the case. “Comfortable?” Owen asked. TK was on the couch, pillows under and around him, leg elevated to keep his knee resting.

“Help me,” TK pleaded.

“I am not getting in the way of Andrea,” his father said and TK groaned before whining. He wished Carlos was home instead of pulling a double shift.

“I made soup for lunch, TK,” Andrea said from the kitchen.

“Okay,” he called out to her as he shifted into a better position on the couch. Andrea made good soup.

“Owen, are you staying for lunch?” she asked as she came into the living room.

“I wish I could, but I am having lunch with AFD brass today. The deputy chief found out I was in town and called me up.”

“Wow,” TK said.

“Just wants to meet me in person,” he said. “Andrea, make sure he eats,” he added and she nodded.

“Take me with you?” TK asked.

“Not getting in the way," he said again. "Andrea, go easy on him. He's injured,” he reminded her.

“I'll try,” she said sternly before handing him a bowl of tortellini soup. TK smiled weakly as he took it from her.

Carlos was nervous. He didn't think he'd be this nervous meeting Owen. He looked up seeing him walking into the diner and stood up. “Captain.....” he started to say. “Owen,” he corrected himself.

“See? You're learning,” he said and Carlos chuckled. They sat down and the waitress came for their order. They got drinks, ordered lunch before getting down to business.

“Where does TK think you are?” Carlos asked.

“Lunch with AFD brass.”

“Oh, that's quite an excuse,” he said and Owen chuckled.

“So, what was so important that we had to meet on your lunch during your patrol?”

“Uh, I wanted to talk to you about TK,” Carlos said. “I plan to propose to him and I wanted to get your blessing.”

“Carlos,” Owen said with a smile. “You don't need my blessing. I see how TK is with you. He's happy and that is all I care about. My son's happiness. He's a completely different person since meeting you.”

“It's not too soon? To be asking him?” Carlos asked.

“It hasn't even been a year yet, but I will say this. You're not going to have to worry about what he's going to say.”

“I don't?” Carlos asked.

“My son loves you. He told me so himself,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “You have a ring, right?”

“I went shopping with Michelle and Grace a few weeks back. I had to special order it because the jeweler didn't have it in stock.” He took out his phone, searched for the picture he took of the ring and showed it to Owen.

“It's a beautiful ring,” Owen said.

“Think he'll like it?” Carlos asked.

“He'll love it.” Carlos laughed as he put his phone away. “I'm glad TK found someone to be happy with. I really didn't expect him to move halfway across the country for that someone, but I'm glad he found you, Carlos Reyes and it would be my honor to give you my blessing to marry my son,” he said.

“Thank you, Owen,” Carlos said with a smile. “That makes me very happy to hear you say that,” he said.

Owen came back to the house to find TK asleep on the couch with The Office playing on the TV. Andrea was in the kitchen cleaning and from the looks of it, already cooking dinner. “How'd the lunch go with Carlos?” she asked quietly.

“I think we're going to have a wedding on our hands in the near future,” Owen said and Andrea squealed a little before hugging Owen.

“I'm so happy that the boys found each other,” she said.

“Me, too,” Owen said.

Judd could not figure out for the life of him why his wife was so happy. She had a smile on her face the last couple of weeks, that only got bigger when she saw Carlos and TK together. “All right, what the hell is going on?” he asked, cornering her in the kitchen.

“What?” she asked. It was Saturday, the day of the 126 barbecue and Grace was all smiles seeing Carlos doting on TK. He was healing, but still on the mend. Broken ribs took a while to heal, so Carlos sat TK down in a lounge chair, with extra pillows and did the running around for him. Right now TK had Annabelle Parkland in the lounge chair with him and they were playing a game on TK's phone.

“You have been all smiles since those two got here and I've just about had it. You know something and it's killing me.”

“Okay, I do, but you can't say anything,” she said.

“Oh, Grace, you know I don't keep secrets well.”

“Well, then I won't tell you,” she said with a smile before going about the kitchen.

“No, okay, tell me, what is going on,” he said and she let out a sigh.

“I went shopping with Michelle and Carlos a few weeks back.”

“Shopping? For what?”

“Ring shopping,” she said and Judd looked up to Carlos and TK before looking back at her. “Carlos is going to propose to TK,” she said, filling in the blanks.

“No way,” he said in disbelief. “It ain't even been a year yet,” he added.

“Who cares?” Grace asked. “Now, granted, how they got together was a little unorthodox, but those two are the real deal.”

“When's he popping the question?”

“It ain't going to be for a while. Carlos had to special order the ring he wanted cause the store didn't have it in stock. It's going to be a couple of months til the ring gets here,” she said and Judd sighed out before smirking. “What?”

“Well, not one to brag, but ya know who's going to best man at TK's side?” he asked. “This guy,” he said, pointing to himself and Grace groaned.

“Just keep it on the down low and don't tell anyone else. I know how fast gossip goes around the fire house.”

“I won't say a word,” he said. “Promise,” he added.

“Grace was looking at us the whole night,” TK said as Carlos drove home.

“She was?” he asked.

“Yeah, and with a weird, happy smile,” he said, looking over at him. “Like she knew something was happening, soon,” he said.

“I have no idea what has her so happy,” Carlos said. “Maybe Judd and her are trying something new.”

“What does that have to do with us?” TK asked and Carlos shrugged. “I know something is going on and I'm going to find out what,” he said.

“Nothing is going on,” he said.

“Really? Can you explain to me why my dad was extra clingy when he hugged me good bye at the airport yesterday?” he asked.

“Babe, you were in an accident. You fell through the floor and broke ribs.” TK let out a sigh as Carlos pulled into their driveway. “You are his only son and you almost died.”

“I didn't almost die,” TK said. “I broke four ribs, hyper extended my knee and got a concussion. I was barely out of it.”

“You lost consciousness for ten hours, Ty,” Carlos said and TK let out a sigh.

“I hate you,” he said, trying to open the door.

“Stop, I'm coming around,” he said before getting out of the car. Carlos opened the passenger side door to get TK out.

“Your mom's been extra clingy too,” he said.

“You're dating her son, Tiger,” Carlos said before kissing TK on the cheek. “You're her favorite,” he added.

“I am?” TK asked and Carlos gave him a quick peck on the lips before closing the door. “Seriously?” TK asked.

“I think you're tired. I should get you to bed,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“Doctors said no strenuous activities for at least a month,” TK said.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Tiger. I meant just in bed to sleep,” Carlos said and TK smiled.

TK didn't realize how tired he was until Carlos gave him some extra strength Tylenol and he fell asleep ten minutes later. Carlos slowly got into bed with him and got out his phone. He shot a quick text to Grace.

You wanna stop looking at us with the goofy happy grin every time you see us. You're going to give me away.


Carlos chuckled as he put his phone on silent and sat it on the nightstand. He curled up behind TK and carefully put an arm around him. “I love you,” he whispered before kissing his cheek.

Chapter 25


Plot twist!


The plot twist that I didn't even see coming when I was writing this. I still don't know how this is going to end. It may never end.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Comments are very much appreciative!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

TK slowly made his way into the 126, holding his side gently. It had been three weeks since his accident while saving the little girl Ruby from her house. The ribs were healing nicely, his doctor's said, but it was still going to be another month or two, until he was ready for active duty. At least another few weeks before he could go on light duty, which is just him hanging around the fire house doing nothing. “Hey, TK!” Of course Jake was the first to see him.

“Hey, Jake,” he said as he embraced him. Jake took care of his condition and didn't hug him too tight.

“How are the ribs?” he asked.

“Still healing,” TK said. “It's not so bad to breath anymore. “I've got a follow up visit in two weeks to see how they're doing.”

“What brings you here?”

“My bag's still here, up in the bunk room. I came to get it.”

“Carlos bring you?”

“No, I took an UBER,” TK said. “I can get around in New York, I can get around here,” he said and Jake chuckled. “Any excitement happening while I'm gone?”

“Just the same,” he said.

“TK?” Judd asked, seeing him from the back of the fire house.

“Hey, I forgot my bag that I usually bring with me. It's still in the bunk room.”

“Oh, I can get it,” he said.

“No, no, I'm not an invalid. I can get it,” he said. He slowly made it way through the fire house to the steps leading up to the living quarters where the showers, lockers and bunk room were located. TK headed through the bunk room to his locker and found the bag he left in his locker. “Perfect,” he said as he looked through the bag. “Ah, there you are,” he said, finding his comfort hoodie. It was Carlos' APD hoodie that he sometimes wore to help him sleep. He didn't need it much since he was home on medical leave and Carlos came home from his shifts.

“Hey, TK,” Lt. Carter said.

“Hey, Lou,” he said, zipping the bag shut.

“There's some guy downstairs, asking for ya,” he said.

“Who is it?” he asked and Lou shrugged. "He didn't tell you his name?" he asked.

“Just that he knew you from New York," he said.

“Huh.” TK grabbed his bag and followed Carter. Becca had been telling their friends more and more about what happened between him and Alex. He was getting more friends on his side. Friends that Alex knew for years were shutting his out of their lives. “I've got friends from New York reaching out to me.”

“That's nice,” Carter said. “You leave New York without saying good bye to them?”

“I had an ex boyfriend problem in New York. Someone who couldn't take 'no' for an answer,” TK said. “Wanted to cheat together since we were both seeing other people. He was doing hang ups on me and showing up to calls that my old firehouse would answer.”

“How the hell did he do that?”

“He had an app on his phone that had the radio dispatch of New York on it. He knew my old firehouse number, so he could listen for it on there,” he said.

“Wow, psycho ex boyfriend.”

“Yeah, even showed up at my apartment when Carlos was in town to check out the competition,” he said and Carter laughed as they slowly made their way down the stairs. “I'm just glad I never have to see his face again,” he said. TK and Carter walked through the kitchen and came around the end of the engine truck and TK stopped short. “No f*cking way,” he snipped out.

“What?” Carter asked. “That's him?”

“Yeah,” TK sighed out, rolling his tongue in cheek.

Standing the bay of the 126 was his no good for nothing ex, Alex. “TK, baby!” he called out. It drew the attention of all the 126 firefighters.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” he asked, putting his bag on a bench.

“Oh, come on, is that anyway to treat an old friend?” Alex asked and TK scoffed.

“You and I were never friends. We were barely a couple,” he said.

“Wait, is this thee Alex?” Judd asked. “Your stalker Alex?”

“Yeah, Stalker Alex.”

“Babe,” Alex laughed.

“No, you don't get to call me 'Babe' anymore,” TK seethed. “How the hell did you even find me? Becca was only telling friends she trusted.”

“Rudy,” Alex said with a smirk and TK rolled his eyes, scoffing.

“Yeah, well, Rudy could never keep a secret,” he said. "Especially when he was drunk."

“Got a few drinks in him and he sung like a canary. Mentioned your viral video from a few months back. You always were an attention seeker,” Alex said and TK groaned.

“You're an ass,” he said. “You think stalking me to Austin is going to change anything? This is Carlos' turf.”

“Hey, just seeing a friendly face.”

“I am far from friendly. If I didn't have broken ribs right now, I'd punch you in face,” TK said.

“I'll hold him,” Jake quipped.

“Hey, whoa, guys. TK and I go way back,” Alex said with a smile.

“Alex, you seriously think coming here is going to make me change my mind about us?” TK asked. “I don't love you. I love Carlos and I don't plan on messing that up!” he shouted before grimacing, clutching his chest.

“Okay, that's enough," Judd said seeing his little brother in pain. "You need go, right now,” he said, getting in Alex' face.

“Or what?” Alex asked.

“You don't want to know, City Boy,” he warned. “Go. Now.” Alex could see he was losing a battle when TK's crew gathered in front of him, arms crossed. He cleared his throat before leaving the 126.

“Wow, he's a piece of work,” Cole said.

“Yeah,” TK groaned. “Oh, that hurt,” he added before taking in a slow breath.

“All right, you need to go home. How did you get here?” Carter asked.

“I, uh, got an UBER.”

“Judd, take him home,” Carter ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Judd said. “TK, come on.” TK went to grab his bag, but Judd stopped him and took it from the bench.

Outside, TK followed Judd to his truck when he heard Alex again. “I'm not going anywhere, TK!” Alex shouted. “I'm not leaving Austin without you!” Before TK could respond, Judd dropped his bag and turned around.

“Get in the truck,” he said to TK before getting in Alex's face. “I wanna make something very clear to you,” he said as TK got into his truck. He was several inches taller than Alex who had to incline his head up. “You and TK, never going to happen again. He and Carlos are very much in love and it's really stupid for you to be here. You're gonna get your ass back in your little rental there and go to the airport and fly your ass back to New York.”

“Are you going to make me?” Alex asked, crossing his arms.

“Me, plus about eight other men in that firehouse who have the pleasure of calling TK a brother. You will get a beat down so hard your mama will feel it. If you're stupid enough to stay here, than you better pray Officer Carlos Reyes or his daddy, who's a Texas Ranger, by the way, don't find out.”


“Cause they won't find ya,” Judd said. “Go. Now.” Alex scoffed at him before taking a look at TK in the truck before heading to his rental and heading down the street. Judd headed back to his truck, picking up TK's bag and got in it. “You are going to tell Carlos about this, right?”

“Of course,” TK said in a tone that had Judd glaring at him. “I am, okay? Promise,” he said. Judd let out a sigh as he started up his truck and drove down the street, in the opposite direction of way Alex drove off.

The first thing TK did after Judd got him settled at the condo was call Carlos. “He's here in Austin?” his boyfriend asked.

“Yeah, he showed up at the firehouse,” TK said as he carried his bag upstairs to the bedroom.

“Why were you at the firehouse?” Carlos asked.

“I had to get my go bag, babe. Your APD sweatshirt was in it,” he said getting it out.

“I've been wondering where that went,” Carlos quipped and TK laughed.

“If I can't sleep on a 24 hour shift, I put it on. It smells like you, but not right now it doesn't,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “I am putting it in the laundry.”

“Alex say how long he's going to be in town?”

“He said he's not leaving without me,” TK said. “Judd told me to get into the truck when he was going to take me home and he went back to talk to Alex.”

“Did he say what he said to him?” he asked.

“No, he didn't. He just wanted me to make sure I called you to tell you Alex was in town,” he said. “Carlos, he's scaring me,” he said.

“Who? Judd?”

“No, Alex. He said he's not giving up on me. He's not leaving Austin without me. I'm scared.”

“What's Alex's full name?”

“Carlos, no, don't do anything stupid,” TK said. “I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“Just give me his last name,” Carlos said.

“It's Harper,” TK said. “Carlos....”

“Hey, I love you, Ty.”

“I love you, too,” he said.

“Make sure the doors are locked before you go to bed and set the alarm,” he said and TK nodded before sniffling. “Hey, baby, you're safe, okay?”

“Okay,” he said as he locked the door and set the alarm.

“My shift doesn't end for another few hours, but I'm going to see if I can get someone to cover me so I can home early,” he said.


“I love you,” he said again.

“I love you, too,” TK said.


Please don't hate me!!

Chapter 26


The plot thickens!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star

I do apologize for the plot twist and for the lack of smut. TK is injured and Carlos is waiting for him to be fully healed, but we have to deal with Alex first. That's going to take a few chapters. Sorry. Again.

Comments appreciated!!

Chapter Text

Carlos let out a sigh as he hung up with his boyfriend and put his phone down on his desk. “What?” his partner asked.

“TK's ex is in Austin,” Carlos said.

“As in the same one who went stalker mode on him in New York?”

“Yeah, and he's even more stalker than before. TK said he came to the 126 firehouse and practically told TK he wasn't leaving Austin without him.”

“Wait, is he going to kidnap him? What are you still doing here? You should go home to TK, like right now.”

“I need to do something first,” Carlos said. “I'll be right back.”

Prue Holiday was the best IT tech the APD had, well as least at Carlos' precinct she was and she did magic with a keyboard. “What this guy's name?” she asked.

“Alex Harper. I need you to check incoming flights, hotel reservations and car rentals in the past 48 hours,” he said. “Maybe 72. I'm not sure when he flew in,” Carlos said. Alex could have flown in a week or two ago, searched for TK the scary way he did in New York and only just made his presence aware today.

“I'll check back a week. This is the psycho stalker ex of your boo, right?” she asked and he chuckled before nodding. “Knowing stalking behavior, he probably flew in last week,” she said, typing away on her computer.

“Thanks for doing this again, Prue,” he said. “I really appreciate it.”

“It's a slow IT day,” she said. “Just remember I only take jewelry, cash or gift cards,” she said and Carlos chuckled. It only took a few minutes typing away on her keyboard to find something. “Ha, I was right. An Alex Harper flew into Austin from JFK last Sunday.”

“Dammit.” Alex had been in Austin for a week and he didn't even know it. “Can you find...?” he started to ask.

“His hotel and rental agreement?” she asked. “What do you take me for?” she teased before writing it down on a bright pink post it note. “I take it you want it?” she asked, holding it out between her fingers.

“Yes,” Carlos said, taking the post it note from her fingers. “Thanks, chica,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

Alex Harper was a dead man. Carlos was definitely going to kill him if he saw him. Which was why Carlos was taking his partner along. “You sure this is a good idea?” Pete asked.

“No, but it's the only one I've got right now,” he said before knocking on the door. “Alex Harper, APD!” he shouted. The door unlocked and a smug looking Alex opened the door.

“Hey, Carlos,” he said. “What brings you here?”

“You know why I'm here,” Carlos said. “You seriously think stalking TK all the way to Austin is going to change his mind about you? You just hit the creep o meter passed ten.”

“Who's this?” Alex asked, pointing to his partner.

“Right now, he's the only thing that's keeping me from strangling you.” Alex chuckled, smirking. “I know Judd gave you a talk, but so am I. TK wants nothing to do with you. Why do you think he moved all the way out here? To get away from you.”

“And look where that's got him. Clearly being in Austin is more dangerous for him. Poor thing could barely move earlier,” Alex said. “He was safer in New York, with me.”

“You're turning his accident into an excuse to come get him,” Carlos said. “TK's a firefighter. He could get injured any day.”

“And yet he didn't until he moved to Austin. He may not know it yet, but he does love me. I'm taking him back to New York, one way or another,” Alex said. “You get in the way of our love, and things won't end well for you.”

“That sounded like a threat to me, didn't Officer Reyes?” Pete asked.

“It sure did,” Carlos said before kicking his way into Alex's hotel room.

“Hey! What the hell?!” Carlos shoved Alex back and he landed on the bed before bouncing off and landing on the floor. “I will sue you!”

“You just threatened a police officer,” Carlos said. “I'm giving you one warning. You don't leave by tomorrow, I will make your stay in Austin a living hell. You think my threat of NYPD was a joke, you're in my city now. Every single cop in my precinct knows who you are, and it will only be a matter of time before all the precincts know who you are. I have your rental car agreement, so I know what kind of car you drive. Every day, it'll be a different traffic violation if you do not leave Austin and stay away for good. TK and I are together. He will never go back to you,” Carlos said. “My only warning.” Carlos and Pete left the hotel room and Alex huffed.

TK let out a sigh of relief when Carlos came home. “Oh, thank God, you're home,” he said as Carlos turned off the alarm. “I...” Carlos looked over to see him tearing up.

“Hey, hey, you're okay,” Carlos said as he gathered a crying TK into his arms. “Papi's gotcha,” he whispered and TK cried. He really thought he had gotten away from Alex. “Take it easy on the crying, okay, Tiger? We don't want to aggravate your ribs.”

“I'm scared, Carlos,” he cried.

“I know, baby, but let me worry about Alex, okay?” he asked and TK sniffled before nodding his head. “Have you eaten yet?” he asked, rubbing his shoulders.

“No, I've been worrying too much,” he said and Carlos pulled him to the kitchen. “Can we get take out?”

“My thoughts exactly. How about the Thai place you like so much?” he asked and TK smiled. Carlos kissed his temple and found their favorite take out menu. He knew what TK liked and sat him down on the couch as he got his phone out.

Carlos let out a sigh as TK finally fell asleep. He had been restless all through dinner. Carlos' CO gave him the next day off when he found out what was happening, but he knew it wasn't going to end in one day. Alex was planning something and he had a week to plan it. Not knowing what it was was killing Carlos on the inside. Carlos picked up his phone and called his CI on the street. “Lupe, it's Carlos, I know this is not your thing, but I need you to do something for me. My boyfriend's ex is in town, threatening him. He's picking up his stalking where he left off in New York and I'm worried about TK. He's recovering from an accident at work and is in no condition to fight him back. I need you to put out some feelers for me and find out what Alex Harper, the ex is planning. Call me back to get details about him.”

It didn't take long for Lupe to call him back and said she'd check places around Alex's hotel.

Morning came early for Carlos. He couldn't sleep, knowing there was his boyfriend's psycho stalking ex out there and he couldn't do anything about it. Stalking was very hard to prove and if TK couldn't get anything done in New York, then he certainly was going to have a hard time in Austin. The APD had a division in their detective squad that dealt with cases like stalking and he was friends with a detective in it. He had called her after Lupe called him early in the morning about her night recon.

“So, what did Lupe say?” Maddie asked.

“She found Alex at a dingy bar with locals, he was inquiring about hiring people,” he said. “She knew he was gay, but she tried to flirt information out of him. Told him she had a brother who was a specialist.”

“For what?”

“Kidnapping,” Carlos said. “He's going to kidnap TK and take him back to New York.”

“You don't know that,” she said.

“Maddie, TK's is scared. He knows how Alex thinks. Lupe recorded the conversation she had with Alex on her phone. She wants to meet me ASAP so I can hear it,” he said.

“TK's scared of being alone. Who's going to watch him while you're out?”

“Judd, his big brother,” Carlos said with a smile. Judd didn't even hesitate when he called. In fact, both him and Grace were coming over for the morning and afternoon.

“Okay, let me know,” Maddie said.

“You are my next stop after I talk with Lupe,” he said before hanging up.

There was a small knock on the door and Carlos checked out the window first before opening it. “Hey, chica,” he said to Grace and she hugged him. “Judd,” he added, fist bumping him.

“How's our boy?” Grace asked.

“Still sleeping. He'll be due for a Tylenol or two. He didn't take any last night and he's going to be hungry,” Carlos said as he grabbed his keys and his off duty piece, holstering it to his ankle.

“Then I had better see what you have available in your kitchen,” Grace said, putting down her purse and headed into it. Judd waited until Grace was out of ear shot.

“What the hell is going on?” Judd asked.

“TK's ex didn't leave town and I'm worried for his safety in his injured condition. I had a CI of mine poke around the hotel where Alex was staying at and she followed him to a dingy bar. He was looking for locals with certain skills. He wants to kidnap TK and take him back to New York.”

“That bastard. I'mma kill 'im,” Judd said.

“I need you and Grace to watch TK, make sure he eats while I go meet my CI. She has something she wants me to hear,” he said.

“Okay, just be careful.”

“I always am. I'm gonna head up and check on TK before I leave,” he said before heading upstairs. TK was still asleep when Carlos came up into the bedroom. He let out a sigh as he covered him back up, making sure he was comfortable.

“Los?” TK asked, waking up.

“Hey, I didn't want to wake you,” he said, sitting on the bed.

“You going somewhere?” he asked seeing Carlos dressed to go outside.

“I gotta meet someone real quick.”

“I don't want to be alone,” he said.

“Grace and Judd are here. They're downstairs if you need anything, okay, baby?” TK nodded and Carlos leaned forward to kiss him softly. “I'll be back in a few hours.”

“Okay, Papi,” he said. Carlos waited for him to fall back to sleep before leaving the bed and headed downstairs.

“He's still asleep, but he could be up in another hour,” Carlos said as he pulled on his jacket. "Pancakes are his favorite breakfast," he said to Grace who smiled.

“You be careful out there and not worry about TK. We'll take care of him,” she said as she found Carlos' pancake bowl.

“Thanks, again, guys,” Carlos said before heading out the door.

“I really hope he's not going to do anything stupid,” she said.

“Me, too,” Judd said.

Chapter 27


The plot twist thickens. Plus a special surprise at the end.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Story taking another turn I did not see. I'm glad my readers are loving this.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

Lupe was a former drug addict that Carlos helped get clean. He met her a few years back when he was first starting to patrol on his own. She was a good investigator for him. She was sitting at their usual table waiting for him when he got to the food trucks. “Hey, Lups,” he said in his normal greeting. She smiled seeing him and stood up. They hugged before sitting back down. “What ya got for me?”

“This guy is definitely psycho,” she said. “You weren't kidding,” she said, pulling out a USB drive. “I made a copy for ya, but you're going to want to hear this yourself,” she said getting her phone out and handing him her ear buds. Carlos put the ear bud she handed to him in his ear and hit play. The conversation started out fun as Lupe tried to put out a feeler with Alex. Alex's voice was plain as day on the tape, talking about how TK cheated on him with some outside from Texas and he was there to get him back. TK kept denying the connection they had and once he got him back to New York, he was going to make him understand. Lupe asked him how would he do that. Alex told her to mind her own business if she wasn't going to help him.

'I got a brother with special skills for ya.'


'What kind of specialist are you looking for?'

'I need to get TK back to New York and he's being stubborn as always. I need someone to collect him for me.'

'Like kidnapping?' There was a sigh on the tape.

'Yeah, I need someone to kidnap him for me, but it isn't going to be easy. This guy he's with, he's in the way, a thorn in my side, if you will. He will need to be taken care of.'

'The boyfriend? You want him dead?' Lupe seemed shocked on the tape and Carlos did too as he listened to it. 'Why?'

'Because he stole him from me, that's why.'

'So you need someone to take out the boyfriend and kidnap your ex.'

'Is your brother that kind of specialist? Can he do it for me?'

'As long as you pay good money. Let me call him and we can arrange a meet later. Give me your number, boo.'

Carlos stopped the tape and looked at his CI. “He wants me dead?”

“Yeah, he does. He thinks you stole TK from him. Is that right?"

"Well," Carlos started to say and Lupe gasped out. "In my defense, TK was really hot that night and Alex stood him up. Plus their relationship was failing to begin with. TK broke up with him the next day," Carlos said.

"Well, he has a different story in his mind. Let me know what you want to do. I don't have a brother, by the way," she added. Carlos gave her a fifty and kissed her on the cheek.

"Lunch is on me, chica," he said before taking the USB drive and heading back to the precinct.

TK woke up an hour after Carlos left and came down to find Grace and Judd in the kitchen. “Hey, sweetie, you okay?” Grace asked.

“Yeah, I'm just sore,” he said as he sat down on the dining table. Judd came over with two Tylenol and some water. “Thanks,” he said, taking it. “Where's Carlos?”

“Out,” Judd said. “Had to run to the precinct for something, I think,” he said. TK looked up at Judd who was biting his lip.

“You are a horrible liar,” he said.

“What?” Judd asked as Grace laughed from the kitchen. “What?”

“Every time you lie, you bite your lip,” TK said and Judd let out a sigh. “Where's Carlos?”

“He's out, like I said. He's being safe and careful, okay? Trust me,” he said, taking the glass of water from him.

“Only because it's you,” TK said. “Did he say how long he's going to be gone? I think he did when he was upstairs, but I can't remember,” he said.

“Couple of hours,” Grace said. “You hungry? I made pancakes,” she singed as she brought them over.

“Sounds good,” TK said, not wanting to pass up food. "I love pancakes. Did Carlos tell you that before he left?" he asked.

"He may have," Grace said as Judd sat down, reaching for pancakes in front of TK. "What do you think you are doing?" she asked her husband, making him stop.

"Eating breakfast?" Judd asked.

"Not this batch, you aren't," Grace said and TK snickered, hiding it back behind his hand, causing Judd to roll his tongue in his cheek. "Those are TK's pancakes. Yours are in the next batch."

"I hate you," Judd said.

"Now you know what it feels like to be a big brother," TK said before taking a bite of pancake.

Detective Maddie Creed sighed out as she listened to the copy of the taped conversation between Carlos' CI and their suspect. “He stupid or something?” she asked, her thick Texan accent streaming through her voice.

“He's delusional,” Carlos said. “He's talking about killing me, a cop.”

“I know,” she said.

“Just because he thinks I stole him from him.”

“How long were they dating when you and TK met?”

“Six months,” Carlos answered. “They were still technically together when TK and I met,” he confessed.

“So you did steal him?" Maddie asked and Carlos let out a sigh.

"Okay, no, this is.. his and TK's relationship was simmering when I met TK. He was stood up on date night and I moved in," Carlos said and Maddie chuckled. "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"A little bit," Maddie said. "However, this doesn't change the fact that this Alex guy to plotting to murder a police officer of Austin. I will not stand for that and we need to get an undercover in as soon as possible," she said. "Is Lupe up to going in with a UC as her brother?"

“Considering she doesn't have one, yes, she it," Carlos said, "and she told me so," he added.

“All right. We'll get our undercover in as her brother and get this Alex Harper on tape arranging the kidnapping of TK and the murder of you. We can get him put away for at least twenty years, maybe more,” Maddie said.

“I hope so,” Carlos said as he called Lupe.

After an afternoon planning the sting with the undercover, Maddie's partner, Andy, he headed back to his condo. He let out a sigh as he entered and saw TK at the dining room table. “You said a few hours,” TK said and he let out a sigh as he put his bag down on the floor. "It's been all afternoon," he said. Judd and Grace were not his babysitters now. It was Chuck and Jake.

“I'm so sorry, baby. Things took a turn,” he said. “Thanks for taking over for Grace and Judd, guys.”

“No problem. Now, I know you said he's on a certain food diet, but you didn't say this thing needs to eat every two hours,” Jake said, gesturing to TK who stuck his tongue out at him. “We ordered pizza,” he said.

“From my favorite place,” TK said and Carlos chuckled. Home Slice Pizza became TK's favorite place for pizza since that first day he ate it. It was a nice substitute for his dollar slices back in New York.

“Do you want us to stay?” Jake asked.

“No, you guys go ahead,” Carlos said. “I got it from here,” he said and the two firefighters left the condo after saying good bye to TK. “Okay, so before dinner gets here, I have to tell you something,” Carlos said.

“What is it?”

“It's Alex. He's still here in Austin,” Carlos said and TK sighed out.

“Why does that not surprise me?” he asked. “What does he want?”

“You, obviously, back in New York with him,” Carlos said as he reached across the table. “And me, dead.”

“What?” TK asked.

“I had a CI of mine find Alex, which she did and she recorded their conversation on the phone. Alex is looking for someone to kidnap you and kill me.”

“That's...” TK started to say. “Why can't he leave me alone?”

“I don't know, but we're taking care of this. We've got a sting set up. Lupe, my CI, she's taking an undercover back with her to introduce him to Alex as her brother with special skills. They're going to get Alex to arrange the hit out on me and kidnapping you on tape. We'll get him out of your hair,” he said and TK sniffled. “Hey, I promise, it's going to be okay, baby,” he said.

“You can't promise that,” he said tears falling down his face.

“I can promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe,” Carlos said. “I love you,” he said and TK smiled.

“I love you, too,” he said.

“I love you so much, Ty, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Carlos said and TK chuckled before Carlos got up from his chair and walked to be in front of TK. He suddenly went down on one knee and TK gasped out.

“Carlos,” he laughed.

“I had this whole thing planned out, romantic dinner, walk through the park and I'd have a ring, but it's coming out now. Tyler Kennedy Strand, you are it for me,” he said and TK cried, not being able to stop the tears. “Will you marry me?” he asked with a smile.

“You better believe it, Papi,” he chuckled before leaning forward and kissing Carlos. His fiancé smiled into the kiss and they pulled away. “So, there's no ring yet?”

“It's on it's way,” he said. “When this is all over, I can take you to the jeweler when it comes and make sure it fits.”

“Okay,” TK said before kissing him again.

After having dinner, Carlos helped TK undress to take a shower. “Where would we have the wedding?” TK asked.

“Hm, that's an easy one. My family's ranch,” he said, holding him from behind. “Dad would most likely want to officiate.”

“He may have to fight my dad for that,” TK said with a smile and Carlos chuckled. “Judd's my best man,” he added and Carlos smiled.

“Michelle's threatened to disown me as her best friend if she isn't mine,” he said and TK laughed before grimacing. “Oh, sorry, Ty,” he said.

“No, it's okay,” he laughed. “So, what's going to happen at this sting? Are you going to be there?” he asked.

“I'll be in the service van, listening in on it.”

“The undercover detective is good?” he asked.

“Maddie's partner is really good,” Carlos said. “Hopefully by tomorrow, this will be over.”

“I hope you're right,” TK said.

Chapter 28


Let the sting begin and Carlos gets a chewing out from his father.


Another chapter in the bag. Don't forget to comment. Keep them coming!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star

By the way, anyone else see Ronen in the American Horror Stories Episode Five Ba'al? Holy sh*t was that a good episode. It inspired an idea in my head.

Chapter Text

Before Detective Andy Sacks and Lupe got to the diner where they were meeting Alex, he did a mic check. “Can you read me in the wonderful service van?” he asked, checking back to the telephone van their back up was listening in.

“Loud and clear, partner,” Maddie said.

“Oh, sorry, this wonderful beauty next to me is my partner at the moment,” Andy said and Lupe chuckled. Both her and Andy were wearing mics and button cameras. “Are you ready, sis?”

“Ready, bro,” Lupe said. Carlos was a friend of hers and she wanted to get this creep off the streets for him. And for TK. Andy opened the door for her and she walked in. Looking around, she found Alex sitting in a booth. “He came alone, like he was to,” she said.

“Good,” Andy said. “Remember my name?”

“Luis,” she said before they walked to the back of the diner where Alex was located. “Hola, Alex,” she said and he nodded to her. “This is my brother, Luis,” she said before sliding into the booth.

Carlos was watching as Alex shook hands with Andy and then the UC slid into the booth. “Lupe says you got a job?” he asked.

“I do, well, two jobs, if it isn't too much,” Alex said as he added sugar to his coffee.

“Is he really going to plot a murder and kidnapping over coffee?” Maddie asked.

“Looks like it,” Carlos said and she sighed out. Alex really was a psycho.

“You guys want some coffee, or maybe some breakfast?” their suspect asked.

“None for us,” Andy said. “So what's this job?”

“Well, it's complicated. I was dating this guy last year and he cheated on me, dumped me to start a new relationship and then he moved half way across the country to be with the guy he cheated on me with.”

“Sounds like a normal relationship to me,” Andy said.

“No, this guy, he was just a tourist. TK doesn't date tourists. This guy, Carlos, he stole TK from me. Convinced him to dump me after one night and then after months of dating, he convinced him to move to Texas. TK was brainwashed. I'm saving him from this guy who is all wrong for him,” Alex said. Carlos looked over at Maddie with made the crazy motion next to her head.

“So, you're doing him a favor,” Lupe stated.

“Exactly and he thinks he loves this guy that he's dating, but I know in my heart he really loves me. This guy, Carlos, is all wrong for him. I know TK. He belongs in New York, not Texas. No offense to your home state,” he said.

“So you want me to kidnap him and kill this Carlos guy?” Andy asked and Alex nodded his head.

“I can pay cash.”

“How much?” Andy asked and Carlos watched Alex pull something out of his coat.

“Fifty thou, half now and half when you deliver TK and give me proof of death on the other part,” he said. “Pictures of them are in the folder. I had been following them for a week, since flying in last Sunday.” Andy opened the envelope to see cash, making sure the camera on his button saw it and then pulled out two pictures.

“Whoa, this guy's a cop?” Andy asked, seeing the picture of Carlos in his uniform.

“Is that going to be a problem?” Alex asked.

“Um, yeah, killing a cop carries the death penalty here in Texas,” he said.

“So, make it look like an accident,” Alex said. “I just want him dead so TK can move on and forget him.”

“TK looks injured,” Lupe said. The picture of TK shows him holding his side as he got out of a car.

“He's got broken ribs, but that was three weeks ago.”

“You want him in one piece we're going to have to do this differently,” Andy said.

“I don't care how you kidnap him. Just get him to my hotel room by Monday morning. We have a plane to catch.”

“How do you want proof of the cop's demise?”

“You can bring him too, when you collect the second half of your fee,” Alex said. He stood up from the booth and walked away from them.

“Do we have enough?” Carlos asked Maddie.

“We'll see what our DA says,” she said. Carlos nodded as he watched Alex leave the diner and get into his car. “We may have to stage your murder to really get him,” she said.

“I'm down for that,” Carlos said as he watched Alex drive away from the diner. Lupe and Andy came out soon after Alex drove off and headed down the street and across to get into the van.

“Man, Carlos, you were not kidding about him,” Andy said. “There's 25k in this envelope,” he said. “From a bank in New York,” he said. “How does a guy like this have money for something like this?” he asked.

“TK says he was a trust fund baby, plus he's a lawyer,” Carlos said as they put the envelope and money into an evidence bag. Carlos looked at the two pictures, one of him in his full police uniform and the other of TK, getting out of his mother's car.

“Hopefully the DA has enough to charge him with soliciting a murder of a cop and a kidnapping,” Maddie said. “We might need Carlos to delve into his Shakespeare roots,” she said and Lupe chuckled.

“It was one play in high school, Mads,” he said, giving her the pictures. “Can't believe I was an idiot, thinking this guy was going to go away. It's my fault.”

“How is this your fault?” Lupe asked.

“I encouraged TK to accept the friend request from Becca, the mutual friend between him and Alex.”

“You couldn't have known this was going happen, man,” Andy said as he helped Lupe take off her wire.

“No, but I feel like I should have. Becca tells one friend where TK is, but don't tell Alex. Alex knew his friends knew where TK was and he singled out the weak one, got him drunk and he spilled. All Alex needed to was see the viral video of TK saving that girl his first day and he took it from there. It's scary how fast he found him.”

“Did he find TK's new Instagram page?” Maddie asked.

“TK's been watching it carefully, but he can't tell.”

Dropping off Lupe at her work for her shift, the three police head off back to the station. As Carlos gathered evidence, there was a commotion of loud shouting. He recognized the raised voice of his father. “I don't care if it's being handled, Jackson! I had to find out that someone is planning the murder of my son through the grapevine!” Gabriel Reyes shouted. “Where is my son?”

“Dad!” Carlos called out. Gabriel turned to see his son and let out a sigh of relief.

“Mi hijo, there you are. You want to tell me what the hell this is all about?” Gabriel asked. Carlos nodded, handing evidence to Maddie.

“Come on, let's go talk somewhere else,” he said before leading his father to a break room.

“Carlitos,” Gabriel said. “Who the hell is trying to have you killed?”

“TK's psycho ex boyfriend, Alex. He's here in Austin.”

“What's happening? Why hasn't he been arrested?”

“Dad, we're just getting started. We did the sting, getting him on tape and Detective Creed is heading to the DA with what we have to see if they can get an arrest warrant.”

“This guy, who's after TK. Why does he want to kill you?”

“Well, he's got this state of mind that I stole TK from him while they were dating. He wants me dead for it,” Carlos said.

“Have you told TK about this?”

“Of course, Dad. We have it under control, okay?”

“Okay? A man wants to murder my son. Everything is not okay. Who's the detective in charge?”

“Madison Creed. She's with the TAU, Dad. She handles cases like these all the time,” he said and Gabriel let out a sigh.

“I want to talk with her,” he said, leaving the break room and Carlos let out a sigh as he followed him.

“Okay,” he said before following his dad.

TK looked up hearing the door open. Carlos came in, and to his surprise, Gabriel. “Hey, babe,” he said as he stood up from the sofa. “Mr. Reyes, what are you doing here?”

“I found out today that my son is on someone's hit list,” Gabriel said and TK chuckled as Carlos shook his head. “You are not out of the dog house for not telling me, Carlitos,” Gabriel said.

“Dad, we have it handled, okay?” Carlos asked. “I'm going to make some dinner. Keep TK company,” he said, taking the bag of groceries from his father. TK acknowledged Gabriel as he took off his coat.

“I'm heading up to use your bathroom. I'll be down in a minute,” he said before heading upstairs. TK walked over to the kitchen as Carlos got everything out of the bags.

“Hey, how'd the sting go?”

“I can't talk about an ongoing investigation, babe,” Carlos said. “Were you alone for long?” he asked.

“No, Chuck and his wife left a few minutes before you got here with your dad.”

“He's pissed,” Carlos said.

“You're dad?” he asked and Carlos nodded.

“He found out about Alex wanting me dead through the police grapevine and not me,” he said and TK nodded.

“Yeah, I would be pissed at you, too,” TK said and Carlos chuckled. “Is he staying for dinner?”

“Yeah, and Mom is joining us, so set the table for four,” he said before kissing TK. “How'd your doctor's appointment go?” he asked.

“Oh, uh, better. Another few weeks and I can go back on active duty,” TK said as he got four plates. "That is if my PT appointment goes well tomorrow," he said.

“That's great,” Carlos said as he preheated the oven for his chicken dinner. TK got the dishes out of the cupboards as he heard Gabriel come down from the bathroom. “Dad, everything okay?”

“I don't know, Carlitos. There's a man out there who wants my son dead because he wants his boyfriend all to himself back in New York,” Gabriel said and Carlos let out a sigh as he seasoned the chicken. “Then I find out not from my son, but from my partner, asking me if I heard about the hit out on my son,” he said.

“Yeah, you're not coming back from that, babe,” TK said as he set the table. “I'm sorry about my crazy ex boyfriend, Mr. Reyes,” he said to his fiancé's father.

“I don't blame you, TK.”

“You blame me?” Carlos asked.

“Did you plan at all to tell me or your mother about this?” he asked and Carlos let out a sigh. “I didn't think so,” he said. “This is going to be a long, awkward dinner, TK. Fair warning.”

“Duly noted.”

Chapter 29


Chapters are coming out faster than I can write them! Thanks for sticking with me, guys!

I might have an ending figured out for this story. Still a work in progress and I promise the smut will be coming back.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gabriel wasn't wrong. Dinner was awkward and long. Carlos tried his best to get on his parents' good side, but failed miserably. “Take it easy on Carlos, please?” TK asked them as they settled in the living room while Carlos cleaned up after dinner. “I'm the one who has to live with him,” he said and they chuckled.

“Who is this boy who wants my son dead?” Andrea asked and TK let out a sigh.

“He's an ex boyfriend of mine who has psychological issues and is apparently off his meds,” he sighed and his future in laws chuckled. “I was technically still with him when I met Carlos,” he said. Carlos' parents deserved to know the truth. “We had a really nice time together and I felt a strong connection with your son the night I met him. I broke up with Alex the next night, while out with Carlos a second time. He didn't take it well,” TK said.

“Is that when the stalking started?” Gabriel asked.

“Not until a month after I broke up with him, did Alex start calling me about getting back together, but I knew he was still with his coworker he was cheating with, so I said no. It wasn't until after I got back from Austin that he started doing the hang up calls and listening to a police scanner to find where my fire house was going to be. Showing up at the fire house. Showing up at my apartment. I had to change the locks on my apartment door twice because he some how gotten a hold of my keys and made copies.”

“That sounds scary,” Andrea said.

“It was scary. He wouldn't leave me alone and the NYPD couldn't do anything because he hadn't physically done anything to me.”

“Hmm, it's the same way here for stalking victims. We can't really do anything, but get restraining orders and stalkers always find loop holes,” Gabriel said and TK let out a sigh as he looked back at Carlos.

“In Alex's mind, Carlos stole me from him. That's why he wants him dead. I'm property to him,” he said and Andrea let out a sigh. “Carlos blames himself, actually,” he said.

“For what?” she asked.

“For Alex finding me here in Austin,” TK said. “Most of my friends in New York are friends with Alex. I basically cut myself off from them when I moved here, hoping that would keep Alex from following me. And it did,” he said.

“Until you went viral,” Gabriel said and TK nodded, letting out a sigh.

“A mutual friend between me and Alex, who actually introduced us, found my new Instagram page and wanted to follow me. Carlos encouraged me to reconnect with her and some of my friends,” he said. “It was one of those friends who split the beans,” he said.

“It wasn't his fault, TK,” Carlos said from the kitchen. “Alex got him drunk and started asking questions about ya,” he said and TK nodded.

“He has since apologized after I called Becca to tell her about Alex being here,” he said.

“Has Detective Creed called about any plans of arrest?” Gabriel asked Carlos.

“Not yet,” he said. “She had been meeting with the DA since we had the sting this morning,” he said. “She's optimistic, but there may be some play acting, on my part,” he said and at TK's confusion he explained further. “I may have to play dead.”

“Oh, uh, how is that going to work?”

“Well, my death may have to staged for full charges to be brought on by Alex, but it's only the next step if the DA thinks there isn't enough evidence.”

“There is a taped arrangement and exchanging of money, mijo. What more evidence do they need?” he asked.

“We do have good news to share,” TK said, getting Andrea's attention. “Carlos asked me to marry him and I said yes,” he said with a smile and Andrea was the first to hug him. She was jubilant as she hugged her future son in law, rapidly speaking in Spanish. He caught only a few words of it, still trying to pick up the language with help from Carlos.

“I am so happy,” she said and TK let out a smile.

“Thank you, Mrs. Reyes,” he said.

“It's Andrea from now on. None of that Mrs. stuff,” she said and he chuckled.

“I'm happy for ya, son,” Gabriel said before hugging Carlos. “I'm still mad at ya,” he added.

“I know,” Carlos said. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I will from now on,” he said.

“Where is his ring, mijo?” Andrea asked and Carlos sighed out. “You proposed without a ring?”

“No, the ring just didn't get here yet. I had to special order it from the jeweler,” he said, getting out his phone. “I do have a picture of what it will look like,” he said.

“No, I don't want to see it until it's going on my finger,” TK said before closing his eyes. He heard Andrea make a sound of excitement and she gave her approval for the ring.

“It's beautiful, Carlitos,” she said.

“Yes, TK, that's going to look nice on your finger,” Gabriel said and he chuckled.

“You can open your eyes now,” Carlos said and he did.

“When does it get here?” his mother asked.

“I ordered it a couple of weeks ago and the jeweler said a month, so probably another couple of weeks,” Carlos said. “It'll be here when TK goes back to active duty.”

“Like I'm going to wear it on my finger at work. That ring's going on a chain around my neck.” Andrea chuckled before kissing TK on the cheek.

“Made any plans yet?” she asked.

“Mom, I just proposed yesterday,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“So?” his mother asked, causing him to groan.

The next morning he went in to find Detective Madison Creed smiling at her desk. “I hope that smile means you have good news.”

“The DA is pressing charges on Alex Harper for the soliciting of a murder of a police officer,” she said and Carlos pumped his fist. “She's also tacking on attempted kidnapping, too,” she add and Carlos let out a grunt.

“Yes, oh, thank you. You just made me the happiest man on Earth,” he said and she chuckled.

“And I'm a woman. How about that?” she asked and he laughed.

“So, what's our next step?”

“A judge is issuing the arrest warrant as we speak and we're heading to his hotel as soon as it comes through,” she said. “Would you like to tag along?”

“I'll get changed in fifteen minutes,” he said.

Alex Harper was about to have a bad day. He didn't know it yet, but he was going to be arrested for soliciting the murder of a police officer and kidnapping of a firefighter. He was worried about not getting texts from Lupe about how her brother planned to do the deed. He wished he to be there, but he had to give himself an alibi for both the murder and the kidnapping. And he had to be back in New York on Monday. He borrowed his father's firm's plane and could only use it for the week. He had already kept it longer than usually. His father was screaming at him to return it. Alex managed to call his father and say he would be back by Monday. It was Friday morning now and hopefully the weekend will bring him his love back to him and the man responsible for taking him away would be dead in a ditch somewhere.

A knock on the door brought him out of his day dream of TK, thinking he would be thrilled back with Alex. He let out an annoyed sigh as he walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Luis. What the hell was he doing here? He wrenched open the door. “What the hell are you doing here? I can't be seen with you,” he snapped.

“Oh, I'm here to arrest you,” 'Luis' said, holding up his police badge. “Alex Harper, you are under arrest for soliciting the murder of a police officer and attempted kidnapping.”

“What?” Alex asked before Carlos in full police uniform and gear came up behind Lupe's brother. “What the hell is he doing here?”

“Arresting you,” Carlos said, taking his cuffs out. “Put your hands behind your back, sir,” he said.

“I want a lawyer,” Alex said as Carlos came around to cuff him.

“You have that right. You also have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I read them to you?” Andy asked.

“I do. Who the hell are you?”

“Detective Andy Sacks,” he said with a smirk. “The woman you were with, she works for him,” he said, pointing to Carlos. A third person came into the room. “She's my partner and in charge of everything.”

“She can take you from here,” Carlos said before handing Alex off to Maddie.

Alex was given a nice perp walk through the precinct. Co workers of Carlos glaring at the man who was looking to hire someone to kill one of their own. They stuck him a holding cell while he yelled for a lawyer, his father. “My father's going to sue this whole precinct for entrapment!” he screamed as Maddie and Carlos walked away. “I'll own this department, Reyes and you will be out of a job!”

“Is he bonkers?” she asked and Carlos sighed out.

“Obviously,” he said as he sat down at his desk. “We're going to have to let him have his one phone call to get his dad down here,” he said.

“Why don't you get out of here? Go tell TK the good news before you start your actual shift,” she said and he chuckled.

TK opened the door to see Carlos, in full uniform and gear. “Seriously?” he asked. “You had to come here looking like that?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“Sorry?” he asked and TK chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Wanted to let you know, babe, that we arrested Alex.”

“You did?” TK asked, letting Carlos into the condo.

“Put the cuffs on him myself,” he said and TK wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. “You're safe, baby,” he said and TK cried.

“I love you,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“I love you, too.” TK kissed him, getting a groan out of him. “I do have to go back to work, Tiger,” he said and TK whined. “You have a doctor's appointment to go to, if I'm not mistaken, to get your knee looked at,” he said and TK nodded.

“Your mom's coming to get me,” he said.

“Tell her I said hi, and sorry that I missed her,” he said. Carlos kissed TK again before leaving the condo.

TK waited for his father to pick up as he waited for Andrea on the front sidewalk outside of his and Carlos' place. “Dad? Yeah, it's me. Who else calls you Dad?” he asked before chuckling. “Uh, listen, Alex followed me down here. No, it's okay, he's out of my hair for good.” He let out a sigh as his dad asked why. “He tried to hire someone to kidnap me and murder Carlos. Yeah, he's in jail right now. Carlos was part of the arresting officers. Put the cuffs on him himself. I can finally breathe, Dad,” he said before smiling. He saw Andrea's car coming down the street. “I have some PT for my knee. My ride's coming down the street. Oh, there's something else, Dad. Uh, Carlos proposed yesterday and I said yes,” he said with a smile as Andrea pulled up to the sidewalk. “I know, he said he asked you when you were here. He doesn't have a ring yet, Dad. I'm so excited. Okay, Dad, my ride's here for my PT appointment. I gotta go. I love you, too, Dad,” he said before getting into the car.

“Everything okay?” Andrea asked as TK put on his seat belt.

“Yeah, it is,” he said.


Woohoo!! The last of Alex, I promise!!

Chapter 30


Things fall into place for TK.


Another new chapter in the bag!! Yinz have been such troopers hanging in there. I think I have an idea how I'm ending the story. Hang in there!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star

Comments are appreciative.

Chapter Text

Things were finally coming into place. Alex was in jail and from the looks of things, he was going to be there for a long time. TK and Carlos were giddy. It was the day that the ring finally came in and they were going to pick it up today. “I'm really excited,” TK said as Carlos opened the door to the jewelry store.

“Me, too,” Carlos said, kissing him. The clerk who helped Carlos order the ring was working that day and she beamed seeing him and TK.

“Carlos, I take it this is TK?” she asked.

“It is,” Carlos said. “Ty, this is April, she helped me in choosing the ring and helped me order it,” he said.

“It's gorgeous,” she said. “Let me go in the back and get it for ya'll,” she said with a smile and headed to the back of the store.

“Wow, officially engaged and I will be returning to work in two days. This is the best day, ever,” TK said and Carlos smiled.

“Is the 126 ready to have you back?”

“They missed me, I know it. I'll be stopping by with my approved paper work to return to active duty in two days for Captain Braxton,” he said. TK had been pulling shifts at the firehouse, but it was light duty only. He took stock of what equipment needed maintenance and helped around the kitchen. He always made sure there was a hot meal for the crew when they came back from a call, with Carlos' help or with Door Dash.

“Can't wait to get back?”

“I'm dying to get back into the action. They're in a middle of a double shift, so I can't join them yet. They'll be off tomorrow morning and then the next day and then I am back with them,” he said and Carlos chuckled. TK loved being a fireman and he was miserable not being able to go out on calls with them.

April came from the back office with a smile and a box. “I haven't even opened it yet. You got here quick after I called.”

“Blame him,” Carlos said, nodding his head to TK.

“I blame you for proposing with no ring,” TK said and April chuckled as she opened the box and a blue velvet box was placed on the counter.

“Has he seen the picture of it yet?” April asked.

“He didn't want to see it until it was going to go on his finger,” Carlos said and April smiled. Carlos took hold of the box and looked to TK. “So, this is your engagement ring. It's up to you whether we get another ring for you for the wedding.”

“Depends on how extravagant this ring is,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He opened the box and TK's jaw drop. “Wow, Papi you've really out done yourself,” he said and April smiled before leaving the two of them. The band was white gold and there was a simple diamond in the middle of the band. “I love it,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“So, with this ring, I ask you again, Tyler Kennedy Strand, will you marry me?”

“Yes,” TK said and Carlos slipped the ring onto his finger. Carlos kissed TK before a clearing of the throat pulled them apart.

“Sorry, but we need to set up the payment plan now that the ring is on his finger,” April said and they laughed.

“It's gorgeous, Papi,” TK said as they drove down the street. “I've got chills, having it on my finger,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He took TK's hand and brought it up to his lips. A quick kiss had his boyfriend blushing.

“I love you,” he said and TK smiled.

“I love you, too,” he said.

“So, I have a shift and you...”

“I need to give my papers to Captain Braxton clearing me for active duty,” he said.

“Perfect, I can drop you off. You okay getting home by yourself?” Carlos asked and TK nodded.

“I got around New York without you just fine, Papi.”

“Just checking, Tiger,” Carlos quipped before pulling into the parking lot of the 126. TK got out of the blue Camaro and Carlos honked as he pulled away.

“TK!” Judd shouted out.

“Hey, Judd!” he said. Judd came down from on top of the engine and hugged his little brother.

“You good?” he asked as they all came around him.

“I'm good,” TK said. “So good, in fact, I have papers for Captain Braxton that have cleared me for active duty,” he said, bringing his bag around.

“Hot dog!” Corey shouted. “New York is back!” The whole fire house let out a shout as he opened his bag. Emma was the one who saw it first and she gasped out.

“Holy sh*t, Strand!” She grabbed his left hand and held it out for the rest of the crew to see. “What the hell is this?”

“Oh, my,” Jack quipped and Judd had a thousand watt smile on his face.

“My engagement ring,” TK said. “Carlos asked me to marry him,” he said and Emma squealed out as she hugged TK tight. “Oh, Emma, don't re crack my ribs, please.”

“Oh, sorry, oh, my God, TK! You're getting married,” she said with a smile on her face as the rest of the brothers wrapped TK into a group hug.

“Don't re crack the ribs, guys, come on,” TK said as they hugged him one by one. Judd practically lifted him up, squeezed him and set him down. “Ow, watch it, cowboy,” he joked.

“It seems early, huh? I thought he'd wait at least....” Judd started to say.

“Wait, you knew?” Carter asked Judd.

“Uh, Grace went ring shopping with Carlos, so yeah I knew,” Judd said as everyone chuckled. “Plus, Grace couldn't stop smiling at these two when they was at the BBQ after TK got hurt. She kept smiling at how doting Carlos was to him the whole time they was there,” he said.

“The ring came today, so Carlos and I went there to get it and, it's the perfect size. We didn't have to resize it or anything.”

“So when's the big day?” Chuck asked.

“I literally just got engaged, Chuck. Take it down a peg,” TK said and everyone chuckled.

“We're not going to have to go to New York for this thing, are we?” Jake asked.

“You're not willing to go to New York to see me get married to the love of my life, Harkes?” TK asked.

“No, I mean, I'll go, only if you want me there,” he said and everyone chuckled.

“Well, rest assured, we're going to get married here in Austin,” he said and Jake let out a yip, causing TK to roll his eyes. “Carlos' parents have a ranch, so we're probably going to get married there,” he said.

“Whoa, that's completely deep south roots. Getting married on a ranch?”

“You going to be able to handle that, best man?” TK asked and Judd got the widest grin on his face.

“Hell yea, I can handle that, TK,” he said before hugging his little brother again. “Whew, I knew it. Best man, right here, ya'll,” he said, pointing to himself. TK chuckled as he headed into Captain Braxton's office.

“Hey, Cap,” TK said, knocking on the door.

“Strand, what's all the commotion going on out there?”

“Just the guys horsing around,” TK said. “I got engaged.” Braxton looked up from the paper work on his desk to see the ring on TK's finger. “Anyway, um, there's the paper work you wanted. Doctors say I can go back to full active duty my next shift,” he said.

“Okay,” he said, taking it with him. “Your next shift will be the next one for A shift, after this one's done. A lovely 48 shift.”

“I expect nothing less, Cap,” he said.

“Dismissed,” Braxton said as he went back to his paper work. TK nodded before starting towards the door. “Congratulations, TK,” he said and TK turned around. “Looking forward to the wedding,” he added and TK smiled.

“Thanks, Cap,” he said before heading out.

TK took a picture of his engagement ring and sent it to Becca. 'I have a best man, but I need a best woman.' went with the picture. It didn't take long for her to reply and she didn't do it with a text. He chuckled as his phone rang out and he answered it. “I take it that's a yes?” he asked.

“Oh, my God!! My best friend's getting married!!” TK cringed when he pulled the phone back from his ear and the UBER driver chuckled.

“Becks, take it down a notch,” he said and she laughed. “I need two people standing up there with me, Becks. Can you be my second?”

“You bet your ass I will,” she said. “You just name the time and place and I'll be there with bells on.”

“Just a dress and a smile, please,” he said and she chuckled.

“Hey, uh, what's going on with Alex?” she asked. "I haven't heard anything."

“He's in jail, Becks. The whole arranging the murder of a cop is taken pretty serious down here in Texas,” TK said.

“You bet your ass it is,” the UBER driver said and TK glared at him. “What? I can hear ya,” he said. He pulled the car over and TK got out at Whole Foods.

“Sorry about that, Becks,” he said.

“No problem,” she said. “So, when's the big day?” she asked.

“Well, I just got engaged, Becks. It's going to be a while,” he said and she giggled through the phone. “How's Rudy? I know he's kicking himself about the whole blabbing to Alex where I was.”

“He's fine. He's kicking himself for letting Alex manipulate him like that,” she said.

“It's not his fault,” TK said.

“Is there going to be a trial?” Becca asked.

“I don't know yet. I think his daddy's lawyers are trying to figure out all the evidence first. I really hope there isn't,” TK said.

“When do you go back on active duty?”

“Next shift is in forty eight hours,” he said, proudly. “The A team as I like to call them are on shift right now. Then they rest for 24 before getting called back in for another 48. That's when I join them.”

“I don't think I would cut it to be a firefighter,” Becca said and TK chuckled.

“I gotta go. I'm going to attempt to cook dinner for Carlos when he gets home from his shift,” he said.

“Okay,” she said. “Don't burn down the condo,” she said and he chuckled.

“I'm a firefighter. That's never going to happen,” he said with a laugh.

Chapter 31


The smut I promised has come!


Bear with me guys. I feel like I can get this is under fifty chapters. Not sure yet. Hang in there!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

TK was quite proud of himself. A meal kit proved easy for him and he was right. Sitting in front of him was the perfect dinner. It wasn't something that Carlos would make, but TK did pretty good for being rusty. He smiled hearing a key in the lock and watched his fiancé walk in and his head perked up.

Carlos smelled dinner when he walked into the condo. “Wow, something smells good,” he said. “Did you cook?”

“Yes, I did,” TK said with a wide smile. “And look, I didn't burn the house down,” he joked and Carlos chuckled.

“No, seriously, you cooked?” Carlos asked as he put his work bag down. “You said you can only make things from a box.”

“I found a meal kit at Whole Foods. Thought I'd try it. Something with steak,” he said.

“Smells good, my little chef,” he said before kissing TK. “I'll wash up,” he stated before washing his hands at the sink in the kitchen. “You'll be happy to know that Alex's lawyers convinced him to take a plea deal,” he said.


“Twenty years for the murder for hire and kidnapping,” Carlos said. “He'll probably get out in ten with good behavior,” he said and TK nodded.

“Twenty years is better than nothing,” he said. He and Carlos sat down at the table and Carlos dove into his food. “Is it okay?” he asked.

“Wow, this is so good,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“That just means that I followed the instructions right,” he said. Carlos watched him take a bite and make a face. Yeah, his fiancé just had a food org*sm.

“It's good, Ty. Don't doubt yourself,” he said. “Maybe with us getting married now, we can get you some cooking lessons with your future mother in law.”

“Oh, no I don't want to ruin that kitchen of hers,” he said.

“It doesn't matter. All of her kids know how to make her tamales. She will be teaching you to cook them as well.” TK let out a sigh as Carlos continued to eat his dinner. “You've already proven you can cook, so long as you're given proper instructions. My mom is good at giving instructions.”

“I bet she is,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

After dinner, Carlos cleaned up and did the dishes while TK locked up for the night. He was double checking the door when Carlos came up behind him. He smiled feeling his fiancé's arms wrap around his middle and then Carlos began kissing his neck. “I thought you were doing the dishes,” he said. Carlos smirked into a kiss and TK felt it against his neck.

“If you have been cleared for full duty at the fire house, you've been cleared for full duty in the bedroom,” Carlos said and TK laughed before shrieking when the policeman turned him around and slung him over his shoulder.

“Carlos,” he laughed as he went up the stairs and into the bed. He let out a grunt when he was tossed onto the bed.

“Clothes. Off.” TK pulled off his hoodie as Carlos pulled off his shirt. They kept eye contact with each other as they removed their clothing. Carlos yanked off TK's pants and TK chuckled as his fiancé climbed on top of him. “God, I've missed this,” he stated before capturing TK's lips in a heated, passionate kiss. TK moaned into the kiss as Carlos used his knees to separate his legs.

“Papi,” he moaned when Carlos ran kisses down his neck. Carlos let out a moan when he did that. He missed hearing TK say it in bed. “Oh, f*ck,” he moaned as Carlos didn't stop kissing as he went down on him. TK's eyes rolled up into the back of his head when Carlos took his co*ck with his mouth. “Carlos,” he whimpered. Carlos hummed and his hips jerked up, causing him to put his hands on TK's hips. “f*ck, of God, I'm going to cum if you keep that up,” he said. He cried out when Carlos hummed again. His hands curled into Carlos' curls, keeping his head between his legs. Carlos hummed again and TK moaned, licking his lips. God he missed this. “Carlos.” He whined when stopped sucking his co*ck and kissed his way back up his body. He moaned into the kiss when Carlos captured his lips. “Papi,” he whimpered as Carlos looked at him.

“Papi's gotcha,” he stated before turning TK over onto his stomach. “f*ck, I missed this, Tiger,” he said, lightly tapping TK's ass. TK felt himself opening up and he gasped feeling lube drizzle down his crack. “I'm going to open you up because it's been months, baby,” Carlos said into TK's ear. TK let out a moan as he felt a finger encircle his puckered entrance before it slowly breached the muscled hole.

“f*ck, Papi.”

“Papi will get to that soon,” Carlos said with a chuckle. “Just a little bit to the right,” he said and TK cried out when Carlos arched his finger inside of him to brush his prostate.

“f*ck, f*ck, Carlos.” Two fingers, then three entered him and began to pump in and out of him. “Ah, Carlos, please.”

“Please what?”

“Please, f*ck me,” TK moaned and Carlos made a sound that had TK's co*ck twitching.

“I don't think so. No, I'm going to make sweet, slow love to you tonight, baby,” he said and TK moaned when the fingers were removed from him. TK whimpered as Carlos turned him back over onto his back and hitched his hips up before getting a condom. He kept his eyes on TK's green eyes as he opened the condom and reached down to roll it onto his co*ck. “I'm making it last, Tiger. Once you go back onto active duty, I don't know when we'll get the chance,” he said as he guided himself into TK.

TK gasped out as Carlos' co*ck breached him. It was slow and agonizing. “Papi,” he gasped out as Carlos bottomed out in him. Carlos got him to wrap his legs around his waist and he slowly pulled out before pushing back in. A moan escaped TK and he smirked.

“Don't hold back, Tiger. I wanna hear all of ya,” he said before kissing him. TK moaned into the kissing as Carlos began a slow and steady pace. He made love to him. TK moaned as Carlos made love to him. He grasped onto his back as he thrust slow and sharp into him. “That's it, baby,” Carlos said as TK moaned at each thrust, clenching down on his co*ck.

“f*ck, Carlos,” he said and Carlos chuckled. TK's hands splayed out on his back and he moaned feeling his nails dig into his skin.

“f*ck, Tiger, you're marking me,” he said. TK moaned as he made love to him. “You feel so good around my co*ck, baby,” he said and TK moaned, his head bending back. Carlos' mouth immediately attached to his exposed neck.

“Papi,” he moaned, clenching. He moaned as he dug his knees into the mattress and began to thrust harder. So much for nice and slow. “Faster, Papi,” TK moaned. Carlos groaned as he f*cked harder and harder. TK wasn't sure what it was, but making love and f*cking Carlos became more intense and pleasurable. Perhaps it was because they were engaged. “Oh, f*ck, Papi.”

“Are you close, baby?” Carlos grunted and he nodded. “Want my hand?”

“Yes, please,” TK groaned before crying out when Carlos began to thrust up into his prostate. “f*ck, Papi!” Carlos smirked as he reached between them and found TK's hard, leaking co*ck. He was sure that a few tugs will have his beautiful fiancé coming in no time.

“Bet you're really close to coming that all I have to do is pump ya a few times,” he said and TK whimpered as he took a hold of him. One hand pump, a squeeze and TK gasped out when Carlos thrust up at the same time. “One more time?” he asked and TK moaned when Carlos thrust up again and pulled on his co*ck. TK came in a strangled groan, his co*ck spurting between them. “So beautiful when you come, TK,” Carlos said as he started to thrust hard, chasing his own org*sm as TK was having his. “f*ck, baby,” he said.

“Carlos,” TK whimpered before moaning and a second spurt of his co*ck had him clenching down on his co*ck. Carlos let out a deep moan as he thrust hard into TK and he came in a deep guttural groan against TK's neck. His co*ck spent inside the condom and he let out a sigh as he kept his weight from falling on TK, elbows up. “f*ck, that was...”

“Yeah,” Carlos said. “Is it me, or is the sex better now that we're engaged?” he asked and TK laughed.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he said and Carlos laughed before kissing his fiancé.

“I can't wait to get married,” he said and TK smiled.

TK was in a blissful sleep when he heard his phone ring at three in the morning. He groaned as Carlos rolled over in his sleep as he reached for the offending item. He looked through closed eye lids to see who was calling him at this god awful hour. He gasped out, shooting upright in bed. “Babe, who is it?” Carlos asked as sleep began to leave him.

“It's Grace,” he said and that caused Carlos to sit up. “Grace? Whoa, whoa, slow down. I can't...” Grace sounded hysterical on the other end and Carlos could tell something was wrong. He turned the bedside lamp on as TK listened to Grace crying on the other end. “What? No, no, it's going to be okay. I'm on my way to the hospital,” he said. He hung up before getting out of bed.

“What's going on?” Carlos asked now more wide awake than he was before.

“There was an accident at some plant where the crew answered a call,” TK said as he pulled on some pants. “Judd's in the hospital.”

“What about the rest of the crew?” he asked as he started to get dressed as well.

“She didn't say. I gotta get to Austin Memorial and try to get her to calm down. She wasn't making any sense.”

Carlos and TK made it to Austin Memorial in record time. Nurses directed them to the right floor and waiting room and there they found Grace sitting in her work clothes, crying. “Grace,” TK said and she gasped out a cry seeing her husband's brother. “Hey, what's going on?” he asked and before he could react, he had Grace in his arms and she was crying.

“I was on the phone with them when it happened, TK,” she cried. “It's really bad,” she said.

“Grace, where's Judd?”

“He's in surgery.”

“What about the rest of 126?” Carlos asked and Grace gasped out.

“Grace, what happened?” TK asked.

“They're gone, TK,” she cried.

“Wait, all of them?”

“There was an explosion at the plant where the fire was that they responded. There was ammonium nitrate stored there,” she said and TK closed his eyes in resolve. “I tried to warm them to get them out. Judd was running back toward the danger when it happened.”

“Grace, are any of them alive?” TK asked and she shook her head.

“They're all dead, TK. As far as I know, Judd's the only survivor,” she said and TK gasped out.

"No," he said. Carlos could tell he was going to be crying and then Grace started crying again and all TK could do was gather her up in his arms and hold her tight. Carlos was at a lose what to do, so he he just took them both into his arms.

Chapter 32


I have made it a goal to get this story done in fifty chapters. It may happen in less. Gotta give myself a deadline with these other stories I have going on.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh as he and Carlos walked into the condo. TK wore his dress uniform and he started to immediately unbutton it. It was Chuck Parkland's funeral today and TK was drained. He was going to be even more drained tomorrow when he went to Emma's funeral in the morning and then a twelve hour shift as a temporary paramedic fill in at the 226 while one of their regular paramedics went on medical leave. “You going to be able to make it to Lieutenant Carter's funeral on Saturday?”

“They'd have to chain me to the 226 firehouse. Nancy'll get me there," he said, speaking of a paramedic who had been on the B shift of the 126.

“It's nice that your temporary family has taken you under their wings,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “Any idea as to when they'll open the 126 back up?”

“How? The whole fire crew has been killed, save for the one who wasn't on duty yet and the one who was...” TK trailed and Carlos gathered him in his arms to hug him. It was a miracle that Judd survived. Had he been any closer than across the street, he most likely would have been killed with his brothers.

“How's Judd doing?” Carlos asked and TK let out a sigh.

“He's having a hard time with this. I've tried to talking to him, but he says I don't get to feel the way he does right now,” TK said.

“What?” Carlos asked as TK walked away, taking off his dress coat.

“Do I even have the right to have survivor's guilt?” he asked and Carlos scoffed.

“Babe, of course, you do. They were your crew,” he said.

“Yeah, for all of three months, most of which I had spent injured for being me,” he said. “Judd's right. I hadn't been there long enough to...”

“TK, stop!” Carlos snapped and TK looked up at him. Carlos immediately felt guilty snapping at his fiancé like that. Tears had welled up in TK's eyes and now they were streaming down his face. “I'm sorry, but you were spiraling,” he said. “TK, you have every right to feel guilty for surviving.”

“Do I?”

“Yes, and you also have every right to mourn them,” Carlos said. “Those firefighters took you in, TK. You moved halfway across the country, transferred to a new city, firehouse, that was completely different from how you were trained. They taught you to be a firefighter in Austin.”

“I loved them, Carlos. Every single one of those guys,” he said. “Now they're gone,” he added. “I think I now know how Dad felt on 9/11.”

“Come here,” Carlos said and he gathered TK up into his arms again. Three straight days of funerals for TK was starting to take it's toll on him. Captain Braxton's funeral was next week. All of the families were planning the funerals around each other so that they didn't clash. TK cried softly as Carlos held him. He sure hoped he would make it through tomorrow.

Carlos let out a sigh as he finally got TK to calm down enough to eat something and then take a shower before he collapsed on the bed. He was determined to have TK get at least eight hours of sleep before his full day. A funeral in the morning and then a 12 hour shift that started a few hours later, and then another funeral the next day while he was on duty. TK was determined to go to every funeral of his fallen crew, since Judd was still hospital bound. There was only one funeral Judd was going to be able to go to. Jake Harkes. His funeral was the last to scheduled and Judd would be in attendance. He just hoped Judd would be in his best behavior when he and TK got there.

TK let out a sigh as he pulled on his paramedic outfit for the 226. “You okay, Tiger?” Carlos asked. TK was a wreck at Emma's funeral. She was dual certificated in medical training like him and when he first started at the 126, he worked mainly with her when Braxton started keeping him out of harm's way. She got him into Game of Thrones and Harry Potter. They had started binge watching Game of Thrones when he was injured and she'd been on TK duty during the whole Alex fiasco. Her parents were there, along with her boyfriend, Tony. He had an engagement ring for her, but he never got to ask her. He assured Tony that she would have said yes a thousand times over. Tony promised to stay in touch, giving TK his number if they ever felt like talking about Emma.

“I'm good. Had a good cry in the bathroom. Now I am ready to get to work,” he said. “Hey, did your mom call me? I got a message from her on my phone.”

“She did. She's got wedding venues to run by ya.”

“Why? We're getting married at the ranch,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“I think she wants to try to distract you from the last couple of days,” he said and TK smiled as he pulled on his watch. “You want me to drive ya to the 226?”

“No, I'm good. I've got an UBER.”

“I seriously need to teach you to drive,” Carlos said.

“In what? You won't let me drive your Camaro and everyone else has a vehicle too big by your standards.”

“Because I want my boyfriend, who's never driven before in his life, to be able to maneuver a car through the streets of Austin. I'm thinking, a little Chevy Spark or a Chevy Sonic.”

“I can't get a car until I get a license,” TK quipped back as he grabbed everything and stuffed it into his bag.

“Got everything?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Babe, you know, it's not going to make a difference if you're a firefighter or a paramedic. You won't betray them if you go to another firehouse as a firefighter.”

“I told you there were no openings for a firefighter in any other house. Chief Radford's just using my dual certification to cover paramedic slots until they decide what to do,” TK said.

“They can't keep it closed forever,” Carlos said. “There's a whole neighborhood that's not covered by a firehouse for miles because the 126 is closed.”

“It's hard, Carlos. They don't want to make any decisions until all the funerals are done. That's when Radford said they were going to have a meeting about it.” Carlos nodded.

“I drove by the other day, on the way from work. The memorial space got bigger.” TK sighed as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

“I'll see you later tonight,” TK said before kissing Carlos.

“I'll have dinner ready,” he said and TK smiled before heading out.

To TK's surprise, Michelle was at the 226. “Michelle?”

“TK, are you covering for Aden?” she asked.

“Just until he gets better,” he said. “I heard his knee gave out on a scene.”

“He twisted it,” Nancy said from the back and TK's face lit up seeing Nancy, one of the B shift paramedics from the 126 house. “Nice to meet ya, TK.”

“Nice to see ya, too, Nancy,” he said.

“How ya doing? I heard Emma's funeral was today," she said and he sighed out.

“It was simple, like her. Her parents didn't want anything over the top because she was a firefighter. I helped carry the casket.”

“TK, you've done that with every single one of them so far,” Michelle said. “You gotta take a step back.”

“I can't. I feel like it's the least I owe to them. I wasn't there with them, Michelle. I have to make it up to them.” Michelle let out a sigh as TK headed to the locker room to put his bag away.

“He is going to beat himself up these next few weeks, isn't he?” Nancy asked and Michelle let out a sigh.

“We just have to be there to make sure he doesn't over do it. Maybe him working a twelve hour shift was a bad idea,” she said.

“Actually, a work shift might just what he needs to distract him,” Nancy said.

“I hope you're right. I promised Carlos updates on his boy's condition throughout the shift.” Nancy smiled as Michelle got her phone out to text Carlos that TK made it to the firehouse.

Tk's day was slow and steady. Nancy did the driving, TK did the assisting Michelle in the back. “Ever think of making the permanent jump to paramedic?” she asked as they finished loading their stuff back into their ambulance after dropping off their latest patient.

“I'll admit, I liked it when we got to a scene in New York and I was able to help the victim before the paramedics showed up.” Michelle smiled as TK climbed into the back to help restock. “I miss being a firefighter,” he said and she smiled. “You know anybody with a small car?”


“Carlos wants to teach me to drive,” he said.

“Wait, you don't know how to drive?” she asked and he groaned.

“Why is that such a big deal here?” he asked. “I grew up in New York. I stuck my arm out and hailed a cab everywhere I needed to go. I had the subway. I didn't need to drive.”

“Well, here we don't have taxis or subways,” Michelle said.

“I've been getting around fine since I got here,” he said.

“UBER and LYFT aren't always reliable,” Nancy said from the front.

“They are to me,” TK retorted causing her to scoff. “Scoff all you want.”

“Do you even want to learn to drive?” Michelle asked.

“And get saddled with car insurance and a monthly payment?” TK asked.

“No, then,” Michelle said.

“I love Carlos, but I don't think he can teach me to drive,” he said.

“Well, he's got one thing going for him.”

“What's that?” TK asked, stuffing some gauze into a bag.

“Carlos is a cop. He's going to know the driving laws like the back of his hand,” she said and TK chuckled. “You should learn to drive if you ever want to take a shot behind the wheel of the ambulance.”

“That hurts, Michelle,” he said and she chuckled. “So, did he ask you yet?”

“Ask me what?” Michelle asked. TK let out a sigh and pulled out the engagement ring he wore on a chain. “Oh, that. He did,” she said with a smirk. “He actually asked me and Grace, since he found out you asked someone in New York and Judd.”

“I'm surprised he didn't ask one of his sisters to be up with him.”

“You've met them. Would you want either of them standing up there with you two?” TK stopped what he was doing before going back to packing the bag up.

“Nope,” he said and Michelle chuckled. She headed to the side of the ambulance to let send a text off to Carlos.

Carlos jerked up at the sound of his phone. It was Michelle's text ringtone. He opened the text and smiled. 'He's feeling better.'

Chapter 33


And cue another plot twist you will probably hate me for.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Sorry to pull another plot twist out of left field. This is what happens when I write on the fly while on vacation.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh of frustration. “Relax, babe,” Carlos said as TK glanced at the church where Jake Harkes' funeral service was going to be. “It's the last one,” he said.

“Yeah, and then it will be real.”


“Them dead,” TK said. “This last funeral will be make it all real,” he said and Carlos sighed out. TK didn't seem to want to get out of the car.

“The funeral's gonna start even if you don't show up,” he said and TK let out a sigh before getting out of the car. Again in his dress uniform for Jake's funeral, he put on his cap and he and Carlos walked up the steps.

“Jake was always joking about his grandmother saying I would burst into flames if I set foot in her church,” TK said before they entered the church. “Ta-da,” he said quietly and Carlos chuckled as TK took off his cap. He walked over to the book to sign his name while Carlos stood behind him.

“Babe, Judd and Grace are here,” he said. TK turned around to see Grace and Judd coming into the church.

“TK,” Grace said and she hugged him. Carlos nodded to Judd who nodded back with a smile. “I heard you've been to all the funerals.”

“Every single one,” TK said. “This is the last one. Hey, Judd.”

“Hey, TK. I'm, uh, glad you're here.”

“Me, too,” he said and before he could react, he was pulled into a Judd Ryder bear hug. “Oh, don't squeeze so tight,” TK said and Judd chuckled.

“I'm sorry for what I said when you first came to visit me in the hospital,” Judd said.

“You were in shock and grieving. It's fine,” TK said.

“No, it wasn't. I shouldn't have said what I said,” he said.

“Thanks, Judd,” he said.

“You have your dress uniform on,” he said.

“Uh, Jake's mom asked me last night if I could be a pallbearer. She wasn't sure if I'd be up for it,” he said.

“Why not?” Judd asked as he watched Grace hug Carlos before signing the book.

“I've been a pallbearer at everyone's funeral,” TK said and Judd looked at his little brother.

“Are you kidding me?” Judd asked and TK shook his head.

“I feel like I owe it to them,” he said. “Since I wasn't there,” he added, and Judd saw tears forming in TK's eyes, “it feels like the only thing I can do for them.”

“Hey, you cannot be blaming yourself for not being there, TK.” TK let out a sigh as Judd put an arm around his shoulders and brought him into the church. “On the plus side, you didn't burst into flames when you came in here,” he said and TK chuckled.

“Yeah, I was telling Carlos that before we came in here,” he said. “Carlos didn't burst out in flames either,” he added and Judd chuckled. “I have to go to the bathroom. Give me a minute,” he said.

“Okay,” he said.

TK let out a sigh as he found a bathroom and managed to lock himself into it. He took a deep breath, putting water on his face and drying it. Reaching into the inside of his pocket he found a simple white pill. He gazed at himself in the mirror, hating himself for this. It wasn't until he started working again, eight hour, twelve hour shifts that he needed something to make him numb during a funeral. He found it scary how easy it was for him to find a dealer selling Oxy. He never took anything if he was working a shift. That only happened with two funerals. Taking the Oxy just before the funeral, it was enough of a high to get him through the funeral. He took a deep breath before taking the pill, cupping his hand to get some water to swallow it down. He let out a sigh as he grabbed his cap and headed out.

The funeral last several hours and TK was glad he took the Oxy when he did. He looked dazed to Carlos, who felt he was just feeling more than just the brunt of several funerals in several days. He noticed TK seemed off and God forbid, he looked high. “Is he all right?” Judd asked as they watched TK walk to the car.

“I was just about to ask you that,” Carlos said. “He looks high.”

“No, no way. He wouldn't relapse over something like this,” Judd said.

“Addicts are good at hiding things,” Carlos said. “I just, I have been noticing things with TK. Since he started working again, he's not sleeping and he's been attending every funeral of everyone from the 126. He's run down and he sleeps after the funeral. I just...”

“You think he's relapsed,” Grace said. They watched TK get into the car, slowly. “You need to keep an eye on him,” she said and Carlos nodded.

“Keep him safe. He's the last brother I have left,” Judd said and Carlos let out a sigh as he walked to the car. TK jerked awake when Carlos opened the door to the car and sat down in the driver's side.

“Ty, are you okay?”

“I wish everybody would stop asking me that,” he said as he fixed his cap on his lap. “I'm fine,” he said.

“You look tired,” he said.

“I've been working eight hour, twelve hour shifts and going to funerals on my days off, Carlos. Of course, I'm tired,” he said and Carlos let out a sigh as he started up the car. “Where are we going?”

“We're going home. You need to sleep,” he said.

“I'm off tomorrow. I can sleep then,” TK said.

“No, you have a twelve hour shift starting at eight in the morning tomorrow,” Carlos said and TK looked over at him.

“I do?” he asked.

“Yes, you do,” his fiancé said. “I am taking you home, getting you into the shower and putting you to bed,” he said.

“Just put me to bed,” TK said.

“No, you need a shower,” Carlos argued.

They got home and TK found himself being pulled upstairs to the bedroom. They had argued in the car. Again. Carlos accused him of looking high. He scoffed when Carlos searched his pockets. “Seriously?” he asked as Carlos tossed his dress jacket onto the bed.

“Take it off,” Carlos ordered and TK sighed out.

“A strip search? Really?”

“Really. Clothes, off.” TK took off his shoes, turning them around to show nothing in them and then took off his socks.

“This is ridiculous.”

“You're high, TK! I'm a cop and I know the signs! How many did you take?”

“I didn't take anything!” TK shouted back. He angrily stripped in front of Carlos and smirked seeing the disappointed look on his face when he saw nothing on TK's person.

“So, whatever you had, you took at the church then,” he said and TK scoffed.

“I'm taking a shower and going to bed. You can sleep on the couch tonight,” TK said before going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

Carlos let out a sigh as he went downstairs. He knew TK was high. Not overly high, but enough where he wasn't himself. He may have taken something before the funeral. Perhaps just one pill. Carlos caught himself wondering where TK would have gotten Oxy, but TK's been an addict since he was a teen. He knew where to call and go. Even in Austin where he never bought before. He pulled out his phone and called Lupe. “Hey, C,” Lupe said.

“Hey, Lu, got a hypothetical for ya,” Carlos said.

“Okay,” she said.

“Back when you were using, where would you hide your stash?” he asked.

“I'm sorry, what?” Lupe asked. “Why are you asking this?” she asked.

“I think TK's using again since the start of the funerals of his former crew. I think their deaths hit him harder than I thought.”

“Well, since he lives with a cop, he would have to hide it where you wouldn't look,” she said. Carlos let out a sigh as he looked around. He practically went every where in the condo. “He got a corner of that place that's his?”

“Not really,” he said. “I mean, maybe in the bathroom. He's got his own side of the vanity and he's got a....” Carlos trailed off when his eyes fixed on the fire proof safe under the stairs.

“He's got a what?”

“He's got a fireproof safe,” Carlos said.

“Well, is it his or yours?” she asked.

“I mean, it's ours, because he made me move my personal and important papers into it when he moved in.”

“So, you know the combination?” she asked.

“Well, yeah, I put my gun and badge in there when I'm done with a shift,” he said.

“Then he may have to get smart with his hiding his drugs. I would probably hide them in plain sight, like as vitamins,” she said. “I hope your wrong about TK, Carlos. I mean, having a relapse after being five years sober, he may not be able to handle it.”

“What do you mean?”

“One pill may not be enough for him. He'll find out that he missed the feeling he gets when he's on Oxy and before you know it he'll overdose.”

“I need to find those drugs,” Carlos said. “Before he does that to himself,” he added.

Carlos found TK fast asleep on the bed when he came upstairs. He went into the bathroom and searched the vanity on TK's side. He found the usual face cream TK used and his deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush. He found a bottle of pills, but it was Tylenol. He opened it up to be sure, and he was right. Tylenol was on them. Not Oxy. He let out a sigh, thinking he was going to give up when he saw something under the sink. It was a travel case and he picked it up. It rattled. Carlos was dreading to find out what was in it. He opened it, hoping it was another bottle of Tylenol. It was wishful thinking. It was an old prescription bottle, the label pulled off. Carlos took a seminar on identifying opioids. He opened the lid and poured some out onto his hand. He let out a soft, sad sigh.

It was Oxycontin laying in his hand. TK had relapsed right in front of him and he didn't noticed until it was too late. He zipped the bag back up and put the pills back into the bottle. He'll let him sleep before confronting him about them. He put the bag back underneath the sink before putting the bottle in his pocket.

TK had shifted in his sleep and was now on his stomach. He was snoring softly and Carlos smiled. He loved TK, even if he had relapsed. He was going to get him through this. He leaned down and kissed TK on the head before heading back downstairs to start a game plan.

Chapter 34


TK's intervention and recovery.


Sorry for the long delay between posts folks. I had hit a wall in writing. Hope you enjoy this new chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

TK felt wide awake and fresh after sleeping off his Oxy. “Carlos?”

“Downstairs,” Carlos called out. “I've got dinner ready,” he said and TK smiled at the prospect of dinner with his fiancé. He cleared his throat as he came down and stopped at the bottom.

“Oh, hey, everybody,” TK said, seeing Carlos, Grace, Judd, Michelle and Nancy sitting in the living room.

“TK, sit down,” Carlos said. TK seemed confused as he came around and sat down on a chair.

“This has intervention vibes. What's...?” He trailed off when Carlos lifted the pill bottle. “Where did you get that? Did you go through my things?”

“I did,” Carlos said. “Because I knew something was off with you,” he said. “I was right. You're using again,” he said and TK sighed out, scratching the back of his head.

“Please tell me you're not high when you're working,” Michelle said and his head snapped up to look at his boss.

“No! I would never do that!” TK said. “I only took before a funeral,” he said and Judd let out a sigh.

“Carter's funeral was during a work shift,” Grace said.

“I didn't take one for that funeral. Michelle, I would never take anything while on the job,” TK said.

“How long has this been going on, Ty?” Carlos asked and TK let out a sigh.

“Since the first funeral was over. It was too much, all the pomp and circ*mstance. The horns and bells. It was too much,” he said. “I needed something to take the edge off. I only took one pill before the funeral started and it helped so much,” he cried and Carlos came over in front of him. “I hate myself for relapsing, but I couldn't go through with everything without something.”

“TK, why didn't you say anything?” Grace asked.

“I didn't want to seem weak in front of ya,” TK sniffed as Carlos gathered his hands up. “I'm sorry.”

“We just have to be a little more vigilant around ya,” Judd said. “We called your dad.” TK groaned causing Carlos to chuckle.

“Seriously?” TK asked. “Please tell me he's not on a plane to Austin,” he said.

“He's not, but we've been instructed to do tough love,” Carlos said.

“Great,” TK quipped.

“TK, this is serious. We need to do this before it gets out of hand,” Carlos said. “Last thing you will want to do is overdose.”

“I've already done that,” TK coldly said.

“What?” Nancy asked.

“I've overdosed before, when I was twenty. It was bad and it scared me straight.”

“Apparently not straight enough,” Judd said and TK sighed out. “You know those folks whose funerals you attended high are rolling in their graves,” he said. He was right. If Emma were here, she would have smacked him upside the back of the head. Jake would have out right called him stupid and moron while flushing his pills down the toilet. Lieutenant Carter would have gotten him into an AA meeting, while also getting him a therapist.

“Something your dad suggested, too,” Carlos said and TK looked at him. “A therapist.”

“I've been going to a shrink since I was ten. I don't need one,” TK snapped.

“Which is exactly why you're going to one,” Grace said.

“Lupe's got an AA group that she goes to. She'd be more than happy to take ya with her,” Carlos said.

“And I have a recommendation for the therapist,” Michelle said. TK let out a sigh and Carlos saw tears forming in his eyes.

“Baby, there are so many people who want you to succeed in this. We can help you get clean and stay clean.”

“We can't have you relapsing when you're on shift.”

“I am never high on shift,” TK snapped and Carlos pulled at his hands to get him to look at him.

“Not yet, but we can't take that chance. Ty, we are going to do this together, okay?” Carlos asked and TK nodded his head, crying.

“I'm sorry,” he cried before Carlos pulled him into a hug. “I'm so sorry.”

“I know, baby. Papi's gotcha. It's going to be okay,” Carlos said and TK cried on his shoulder.

Getting TK into an AA meeting wasn't hard. Turned out Lupe's meeting was the same meeting TK went to last year when he visited Carlos in Austin. Carlos watched TK give Lupe a hug when they came out of the church and he smiled. TK came walking back to the car and got into the passenger seat. “So, you like it?” Carlos asked and TK chuckled.

“I do. Turns out they're way more hip here than in New York,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “I'm starving for some BBQ.”

“You're in luck that they are open.”

“It's Friday. Of course they're open,” TK said. “Take me to the best BBQ in Austin, please.” Carlos shook his head and started up the engine of the Camaro. They headed into the heart of the city to Micklethwait Craft Meats.

“You okay?”

“I'm better than I was a few weeks ago,” he said and Carlos put an arm around him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he said and TK smiled as his fiancé` kissed his temple. “Let's get some food in ya,” he said.

“Please,” TK exaggerated and Carlos chuckled. His fiancé` was coming back to him bit by bit. It was an off day for both of them. Both of them having the day off was rare. “So, after some late lunch, what are we going to do?”

“We're going to veg in front of the TV with some Netflix.”

“Oh, that sounds nice,” TK said with a smile before kissing Carlos. “I also like the sound of just a weekend to forget everything,” he said and Carlos smiled. “You're planning something, aren't you?”

“Not going to happen for at least a couple of months, but yes, I am planning something,” he said with a smile.

“Can you tell me what that is?” TK asked and Carlos smirked. “What?”

“You don't like surprises,” he said.

“I, well, the proposal was a nice surprise,” he said. “Can you tell me what the surprise is?”

“A weekend with your handsome fiancé,” Carlos said.

“Where?” TK asked and Carlos let out a sigh. “Let me guess,” he said as they got their food and found a table. “Are we going to a hotel?”

“We are,” Carlos said.

“Here in Austin?” TK guessed and Carlos shook his head and he groaned.

“We're still going to be in Texas,” he said and TK let out a sigh as he took a piece of brisket with a roll.

“Another city,” TK stated. “Been to Dallas already, even if it was just for the state fair.”

“Try again,” Carlos said and TK sighed out as he thought it out. “Tick tock.”

“Shut up,” he snapped and Carlos chuckled. “San Antonio? Houston?”

“Nope,” he said putting some steak into his mouth.

“I'm dying here, Los, please tell me,” he said and Carlos sighed at his boyfriend's drama.

“You are so dramatic, baby,” he said and TK sighed out, putting his head on the table. “Galveston,” he said and TK's head snapped up.

“Galveston? Really?” he asked, smiling.

“Yep. One of my buddies at the precinct has a house down there. He rents it out as an AirBNB and I was able to get it for a weekend.”


“Not for another few months,” he said. “I already handled it with Michelle, your temporary captain. She and Nancy are working around things to get you that weekend off and I have been working extra shifts the last few weeks to get the approved off time. I have vacation time use up too.”

“I love you so much,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

“You are feeling better, right?” he asked and TK sighed out.

“Getting clean cold turkey worked out best for me,” he said. “Thank you for getting concerned enough to go through my things to stage an intervention,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“Anything for you, Tiger,” he said.

“Been a while since you called me that,” TK said with a smile and Carlos saw a blush come over TK's face.

“I still have you in my phone as Tiger,” he said and TK chuckled.

“I still have you in mine as Papi, Papi,” he said and Carlos chuckled, rolling his tongue in his cheek.

“I get so hot and bothered when you call me that,” he said and TK smirked.

“Whatcha going to do about it, Papi?” he asked.

“You had to get sexy while we're eating?” Carlos asked and TK smiled, his tongue rolling over his teeth.

“I can eat fast,” he said.

“No, your stomach gets upset when you eat too fast,” Carlos said before standing up. “I gotta get more to drink. Do you need another?”

“No, I'm good,” he said.

Carlos was gone for two minutes when someone came to the table. “TK?” TK looked up to see the guy he bought the Oxy from.

“Matt, uh, hi,” he said.

“I thought that was you,” he said with a smile. “You interested?” he asked, showing a small bag with Oxy in it. “I know you just bought from me last month, but...”

“No, I'm good and I'm done. I don't need anymore,” he said, looking to see Carlos coming back to the table.

“You sure?” he asked.

“I'm sure,” TK said.

“Ty, babe, who is this?” Carlos asked. Matt turned to see Carlos, the police boyfriend TK had told him about and immediately put the small bag of Oxy into his pocket.

“I'm just a friend,” Matt fibbed and TK rolled his cheek into his tongue. “If you change your mind, TK, let me know.”

“I won't,” TK said before Matt chuckled before leaving the two of them.

“That was your dealer, wasn't it?” Carlos asked.

“I told him no and I said I was done,” TK said. “I didn't buy anything from him, but yes, that was the guy who sold me Oxy.”

“I should chase him down and arrest him,” Carlos said.

“You're off duty,” TK said and Carlos sighed. “What? You are,” he said and he chuckled.

Chapter 35: Vacation


TK and Carlos take a much needed break.


Happy October, everybody!! TK and Carlos smut!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment!

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh as he and Carlos walked into their home for the weekend. “Oh, wow,” TK said and Carlos smiled. “It's so peaceful here,” TK said. He let out a sigh a contentment when Carlos wrapped his arms around him from behind him. “We needed this,” he said as his fiancé kissed his neck.

“Yeah, we did,” he said and TK let out a moan, moving his head to the side to give Carlos better access to his neck. “Want to break in the bed upstairs?” he asked.

“You don't mean actually breaking it, do you?” TK asked. “Because I don't think you're buddy will appreciate it if we break the master bedroom bed at his Airbnb.”

“You know what I mean,” Carlos teased before turning TK around in his arms. “I have you to myself for three days. You remember what happened last time I had you alone for three days?”

“Yeah, you f*cked me into my mattress while I was spread eagle on my bed,” TK said and Carlos groaned before kissing him. TK moaned into the kiss and he groaned when he felt the wall against his back. “Carlos,” he moaned as the cop kissed down his neck. “f*ck, Papi. We need a bed, fast,” he said and Carlos chuckled as he pulled away. He grabbed TK's hand and took him upstairs. They got into the master bedroom and TK eyed the huge bed. “Wow, that's a pretty big bed, Papi.”

“Room enough for me to spread you wide and f*ck you good and hard.”

“Good, cause I need that right now. We can eat later,” TK said before Carlos captured his mouth again. He moaned into the kiss as Carlos undid the buttons of his shirt. He shoved off TK's shirt and began to take off his own. The kiss broke when Carlos' hands went to TK's ass and he kissed down his neck. “f*ck, Papi,” TK whimpered.

“You want Papi to take care of ya?” Carlos asked softly into his ear.

“Yes, Papi,” he moaned. He gasped out when Carlos suddenly pushed him and he landed on the bed. TK shifted himself up as Carlos took off his pants and shoes. TK toed off his shoes and started to undo his pants.

“Stop,” Carlos suddenly said and it caused a shiver to go up his spine. “Just lay there, baby.” Carlos got onto the bed, on top of TK and reached for his pants. He undid the button and zipper and prompted TK to lift his lips. He did and Carlos took off his pants, leaving his underwear on, like him.

“Carlos,” TK whimpered as Carlos tossed the pants and began to pepper kisses on TK's stomach. He trailed his lips around TK's front. He licked the left nipple and blew on it, getting TK to gasp out a moan. His nipples were always sensitive. “Babe.”

“Shh, I gotcha, Tiger,” he said. He put his entire weight onto TK who moaned feeling Carlos pressed against him. His legs automatically opened up for him and Carlos settled in between
3 them. They both moaned feeling the other hardness. “So hard for me already, Tiger?” Carlos quipped as he kissed down TK's neck.

“Yes, Papi,” TK moaned as Carlos nipped at his collarbone. “Right there,” he gasped out as Carlos ground his hips against him. “f*ck, Carlos.”

“You want Papi's co*ck?” Carlos asked into his ear.

“Yes, yes, Papi.” Carlos let out a growl before sitting up on his knees. He reached up and pulled down TK's underwear.

“f*ck, you're so beautiful,” he said, getting TK to blush. He pushed his own underwear down and TK licked his lips at the sight of his fiancé's co*ck.

“So are you,” he said. “I want that in me,” he said gesturing to the appendage.

“What ever you want, Tiger,” he said before reaching for lube and a condom in the bedside table.

“Seriously? Your friend did some stocking for you?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“He said as long as we clean the sheets, we can do what ever we wanted,” he said and TK chuckled. “Turn over,” he said and TK turned onto his stomach. Carlos put a pillow under his hips to make sure he was comfortable. “Gonna open ya up for my co*ck, Tiger.” TK moaned out feeling Carlos' hand on his ass. He opened up his legs feeling Carlos get between them.

“Don't spend too long opening me up, Papi,” TK quipped and Carlos rolled his tongue in his cheek as he put lube onto his fingers.

“I don't plan to,” Carlos said as he drizzled lube onto TK's puckered entrance, getting a sharp moan from him.

“Oh, God, that's really cold,” he said and Carlos chuckled. He slowly moved his lubed finger down the crack of TK's ass before slowly pushing it in. “Oh, God, babe, that...” The rest of TK's sentence ended in a groan as he felt himself loosen to accept to finger.

“Don't worry,” Carlos said as he crook his finger to the side and TK let out a cry, his hips jerking when Carlos' lone finger found his prostate. Like always.

“f*ck, I love that you can do that,” TK said and Carlos smirked. He crooked his finger again and TK let out another cry out ecstasy. “f*ck!” Another finger was slowly added, then another. Three of Carlos' fingers moved in and out of him. “Oh, f*ck.” He rested his head against a pillow, moan as Carlos rolled his fingers around.

“Can you take a fourth? We've never done that before.”

“f*ck, please,” TK said. A fourth finger went in and Carlos was so glad he clipped his nails before their weekend getaway. “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,” TK chanted as he pumped them in and out of him.

“Think you're spread out enough for my co*ck?” he asked in his ear.

“Yes, yes, yes, please, Papi.”

“Oh, my little Tiger. So impatient,” he quipped. TK cried out at the lost of the fingers. He looked over his shoulder to see Carlos ripping open the condom and rolling it on. “I got something to make you feel all better,” he said as he lubed up his co*ck. TK gasped out when Carlos moved his legs to spread open.

“Oh, f*ck me,” he gasped out.

“I plan to,” Carlos said as he pulled open TK's cheeks and guided himself into his cavern. Both men moaned as Carlos eased into him. His girth made TK hiss out, but then moan as he eased into him. “f*ck, it was like you were made for my co*ck, carino,” he said and TK moaned out. Carlos pulled his hips back and thrust slowly back into him.

“Carlos,” TK whined against the pillows. Carlos didn't let up after that. He kept a slow, steady pace as he made love to TK. “Oh, God, you said you were going to f*ck me.”

“Haven't you ever heard of a slow build?” Carlos asked as he thrust harder into his fiancé. TK gasped out and clenched around Carlos' co*ck, causing him to groan. He suddenly slapped TK's ass and he cried out.

“f*ck, Carlos,” TK whimpered as his fiancé began to get faster and faster. “Oh, Papi.”

“Easy, Tiger,” Carlos said before groaning when TK clenched. “Oh, you little minx,” he said before slapping TK's ass again. TK gasped out, clenching down on Carlos' co*ck again. “You like getting smacked by your Papi?”

“Yes, Papi,” TK said as Carlos sped up his thrusts and changed the angle of them. Soon he was hitting the little bundle of nerves with every thrust of his hips. “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, oh, sh*t,” he said.

“Such a dirty mouth,” Carlos grunted as he f*cked TK into the mattress. Each thrust procured a moan from him and caused him to clench around Carlos' co*ck. “Oh, f*ck, baby.”

“Now who has the dirty mouth?” TK asked before gasping out when Carlos thrust into him relentlessly. “Papi.”

“Please tell me you're close, Tiger,” Carlos groaned out as he f*cked his boyfriend into the bed.

“Yes, yes, I'm so close,” TK moaned, raising his hips up. Carlos groaned out as he reached under TK and grasped his co*ck. “Carlos,” he moaned.

A few tugs brought TK undone and Carlos was right behind him. They both moaned out as they came off their high. “Wow, Los,” TK said as Carlos slowly pulled out of him.

“Yeah, wow,” he said. “I love you,” he added.

“I love you, too,” TK said. He rolled around and laid next to him. Carlos let out a sigh as he pulled off the condom and tossed it into the trash. “Your friend knows what we plan to do this weekend, right?” he asked and Carlos chuckled.

“I promised to do the sheets before we leave,” he said and TK chuckled. “This is a time for us to catch up with each other.”

“Renew our relationship,” TK said and he pulled him into a hug. “I'm sorry for relapsing,” he said.

“It's behind us now,” Carlos said before kissing TK on the top of the head. “I'm actually kicking myself for not seeing it.”

“It's not your fault,” TK said. “I kept it from you.”

“I should have seen the signs though,” Carlos said. “I'm a cop. I can tell when people are high or drunk.”

“I've had years of practice, plus, I only took one pill. It wasn't like I was downing them like candies,” he said and Carlos let out a sigh. “I'm getting better,” he stated.

“You are,” Carlos said. “I love you,” he added.

“I love you, too,” he said.

TK groaned as he rolled over in bed. He reached out with his hand and there was nothing there. “Carlos?” he called out before sitting up. He pulled on some underwear before heading out to the kitchen. Just as he suspected, he found his fiancé in the kitchen, making breakfast. “There you are,” he said and Carlos turned around.

“Damn, I was hoping to have this done before you woke up,” he said and TK smiled.

“I could always go back upstairs,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“It's fine. Sit down. Breakfast's about ready,” he said.

“Okay,” TK said as he walked into the kitchen more and sat at the table. Carlos put a plate of eggs, bacon and waffles in front of TK. “Wow, this looks delicious,” he said and Carlos smiled. He took a bite and moaned. “Oh, God, it's delicious, too,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “So, what are we doing today?” he asked.

“Well, we could either spend the day in bed, or I could show you around Galveston,” Carlos said.

“As much as staying in bed sounds good, I've never been to Galveston,” he said.

“Galveston Historic Pier here we come,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” he said.

After breakfast, the two drove down to the pier, or as TK found out it was called the Galveston Historic Pleasure Pier. “Pleasure Pier?” TK asked.

“It's not what you think,” Carlos said as TK and him walked onto the pier. It was more like a mini state fair on a pier.

“I like this,” TK said as they roamed the pier for a while, getting a feel for it. “Do you come to Galveston often?”

“We used to vacation here when I was a kid, but it's been years since I've been here,” he said and TK smiled.

“It's nice,” TK said. “State fair food, yeah, I'm down,” he said and Carlos pulled him along. They rode a few rides before getting something to eat. “Oh, my God, this is awesome,” TK said with his mouth full.

“Sorry, not sure if I understood that,” Carlos laughed. TK rolled his eyes and finished eating his food before looking at his fiancé.

“I said it's awesome,” he said and Carlos smiled. “Okay, sorry I talked with my mouth full. I'm a foodie, okay?”

“I love that you're a fellow foodie,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “I'll love you no matter what, Tiger,” he said and TK smiled.

“I'll love you no matter what,” TK said and it was Carlos' turn to smile. TK's life was heading in the right direction. Now all they needed was for the 126 to reopen.

That was if the AFD had decided to reopen the station.

Chapter 36


TK has a very important meeting with Deputy Chief Radford.


Happy November, everyone!! Another chapter in the bag. Thank you so much for sticking with me.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment and a little plug on my new story based on Dune characters after watching the movie. It's called The Past Finds Us and it's part of a series called The Detective and the Anthropologist.

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh as he sat in the office of Deputy Chief Radford. He came in full uniform because he wasn't sure what the deputy chief wanted to talk to him about. The door opened and TK straightened up in his seat when Radford came into his office. “TK, how are you today?”

“I'm good,” he said as the chief sat down with a sigh.

“Sorry we haven't been able to find you a permanent home since the 126 closed down,” Radford said and TK waved him off.

“I've been good with bouncing around, sir,” he said.

“There's a reason for that.”


“TK, I'm going to be blunt. The AFD has a problem,” he said.

“It does?”

“Most of the houses, if you have noticed, aren't as diverse as they should be during these times,” Radford said. TK nodded, seeing for himself that almost every house he had covered a paramedic shift in was mostly white, straight homeboys from Texas. “We are aiming to fix that,” he stated.


“You were the start of that.”

“I was?” TK asked.

“TK, you were the first open gay firefighter in Austin, probably in the whole state of Texas,” Radford said. “You started the process of getting the AFD to be more diverse,” he said. “This problem is so bad the DOD is getting involved,” he stated.

“Wow, I hadn't realized,” TK said.

“You've gotten numerous appraisals from the captains of the houses you've gone to. It's opened them up to the idea of diversity in the AFD. We are going to open the 126 back up,” he said.

“You are?” TK asked.

“I know you and Ryder have been anxious about it being closed all these months, but we needed to take in everything. We don't want the 126 to become another typical Texas firehouse. The 126 is going to be the first firehouse with an all diverse crew,” Radford said and TK smiled. “And we want your father to run it,” he stated.

“My dad?”

“TK, your dad did the near impossible after 9/11. He rebuilt a firehouse from the ground up and he has the most diverse crew in New York City. We think he can do the same here in Austin,” he said.

“Wow, that's...” TK trailed off and Radford picked up on it.

“Something wrong?”

“My dad loves New York,” he said. “I don't think he'd go for it,” he added.

“I was hoping you could convince him,” Radford said. “I'm going to be honest, there are plenty of other captains I can pick here in Austin, but not one of them are ideal for what should be planned for the 126. The firefighter you were filling in for when your transfer went through, Billy Tyson, he wants to run the 126 when we reopen it, but his opinions are not what we want for it.”


“I was wondering if you'd be willing to fly to New York with me and our DOD rep to try to convince your dad to run 126.”

“Absolutely, sir,” TK said.

“They're going to reopen 126?” Judd asked when TK visited.

“Yeah, and they want my dad to rebuild it,” he said.

“Your dad? From New York?” he asked and TK nodded as he sat down.

“Judd, Deputy Chief Radford told that there is a diversity problem in the Austin FD,” he said and Judd let out a sigh. He knew first hand that the Austin FD was not at diverse as most states. It was Texas. Every firefighter he'd come across in Texas since he was 18 was a redneck, white male. Sometimes a woman came across. Radford wasn't wrong. “It's so bad, the DOD is getting involved,” he said.


“Yeah, and I'm flying to New York with Radford to convince my dad to take the job,” he said and Judd chuckled.

“Man, Billy Tyson's going to be pissed if they give the job to your dad,” Judd said and TK let out a sigh. “I understand where they're coming from though,” he said. “The AFD does have a diversity problem and if they think your dad can fix it, then I saw it's an awesome idea,” he said.

“Radford said that I was the start of the diversity movement in the AFD. First out gay firefighter in Austin,” TK said.

“Probably Texas,” Judd quipped and TK nodded. “Well, if anyone can fix the diversity problem, it's your dad. I've met him and he seems like a decent guy.”

“I just hope I can convince him to leave New York behind and come to Texas.”

“You think he won't?”

“I think he will just to keep a better eye on me,” TK said and Judd chuckled. “How are you doing, Judd?” he asked and his friend let out a sigh. “Grace says you're not sleeping,” he stated.

“It's just...” Judd groaned as he leaned his head back. “Every time I close my eyes, I'm back there at the factory,” he said. “I watched them die, TK. I can't stop seeing it in my head, over and over.”

“Judd, are you seeing someone for it? These nightmares.”

“They are not nightmares,” Judd snapped.

“They sound like nightmares,” TK said. Judd grunted as he stood up and headed over to the kitchen. “You're deflecting,” he stated.

“Oh, so going to a therapist makes you an expert on being one?” Judd asked as he got a beer from the fridge.

“Judd, I know my dad. If he takes this job he isn't just going to take you back because you're physically okay,” he said. “He wants his firefighters to be mentally stable, too. You have to start going to the therapist the department set you up with,” he said.

“I'm fine!”

“You don't sound fine!” TK snapped back. “I may have been high at Jake's funeral, but you were on edge the whole time. You jumped at the gun salute,” he said.

“So did everybody else,” Judd argued.

“Not like you did,” TK said. TK had watched Judd practically jump off his chair when they did the gun salute at Jake's funeral. “If you want to be back to being a firefighter, under my dad's command, you are going to have to start going to a therapist. Trust me, they work wonders,” he said. “If not the one the department went, but mine. She's awesome,” he stated. “I'll be out of town for a few days, so you won't be able to reach me,” he said picking up his bag.

“TK, I'm sorry,” he said, causing him to pause. “I'm broken, man. I don't know if I want to come back,” he said.

“Judd, I know you. You do want to come back. You just have to do the work to be able to come back,” he said. “Tell Grace I said hi,” he said before leaving the house.

Carlos let out a sigh as he helped TK pack. “You think you're going to be able to talk your dad in to coming to Austin?” he asked.

“I don't know,” he said.

“He grew up in New York, right?”

“Uh, actually he's from California,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.


“Yeah, he came to New York to go to school, he never left.”

“Which university?”

“Either NYU or Colombia. Wasn't sure which. He never told me why he became a firefighter,” he said.

“Sounds like something you should ask him while you're there,” he said and TK chuckled as he zipped up his bag. “I am going to miss you so bad, Tiger,” Carlos said as he gathered TK up into his arms.

“It's only for a few days, Papi,” TK said.

“It'll be an eternity,” Carlos said before capturing TK's mouth in a soft kiss. “You going to be able to see your mom?”

“Radford said I could take a day to see her after we see Dad.”

“She keeps texting me to see the ring,” Carlos said.

“I'm the one wearing it,” he said, holding his hand up and Carlos chuckled.

“I know,” he laughed.

“I'll call when I land and don't say anything to Dad. I want to surprise him,” he stated and Carlos nodded.

“You will definitely surprise him,” Carlos said. TK smiled as he took his bag and they headed downstairs. TK wouldn't be leaving until the morning, but he wanted to be prepared. “Is Radford sending a car?”

“He's coming to pick me up himself,” TK said and Carlos raised his eyebrows. “He thinks I can be the only one to convince my dad to come here,” he said. “I have a feeling he will,” he added.


“His only son is here. I relapsed a few months ago. I was surprised he didn't transfer when he found out I relapsed.”

“I talked him out of it. I promised I'd help you,” Carlos said.

“Babe,” TK said before Carlos gathered him into his arms. “I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too.”

“I'm going to be gone for at least three days, maybe more. You need to take me upstairs and show me how much you love me,” he said and Carlos chuckled before crouching down and picking TK up, throwing him over his shoulder. “Carlos,” TK giggled as he climbed the stairs to their bedroom. He let out a shriek when Carlos tossed him onto the bed.

“Three days? Maybe more?”

“I might stay longer to be with Mom,” he stated as he pulled off his shirt. Carlos pulled off his shirt and crawled on top of his fiancé.

“Then I better make this last,” Carlos said before kissing TK. TK moaned into the kiss as he reached down to undo Carlos' pants. “I'm going to f*ck you so hard, you're going to feel it for days,” he said and TK moaned out.

Carlos had stripped, then stripped TK before turning him over onto his stomach. TK felt lubed up fingers ease into him and he moaned, his legs spreading out. “Oh, f*ck,” he groaned against the pillow he was holding. “Carlos,” he moaned before gasping out when Carlos' finger found his prostate. “Oh, f*ck,” he groaned again.

“I always love that sound you make when I find it, Tiger,” Carlos said before bending his finger again and TK gasped out again. “I could do this to ya all night, baby,” he said and TK moaned feeling a third finger enter him and start pumping in and out of him.

“Oh, f*ck, Papi,” he moaned.

“But I promised to f*ck you hard, didn't I?” he asked.

“Yes, Papi. Please f*ck me,” TK said. Carlos rolled a condom onto his co*ck and slowly eased into his fiancé. “Oh, God, not that slow.”

“Don't worry,” Carlos said. “Remember how I f*ck ya when we had those three days in the middle of week to ourselves?” TK groaned as Carlos saddled up in him. “Or that weekend in Galveston?” he asked. “That is how hard I am going to f*ck you.”

“Please, Papi,” TK said as Carlos pulled back his hips, putting TK's hands above his head. TK moaned feeling his legs being spread and then Carlos went to town on him. "Oh, God, Carlos," he moaned as the police officer pummeled his hips into his and gripped his tight. He kept TK immobile. He couldn't even move to make himself get off.

"So, tight. Tiger, you feel so good," Carlos groaned out. He felt TK squeeze around him and he groaned. "Oh, God, I love when you do that," he said before changing the angle of his thrusts and f*cked him hard. Each thrust procured a moan from TK and he gasped out, feeling his co*ck getting harder and harder.

"Carlos, I'm going to come," TK cried and moaned when Carlos pulled out. "No, no." He was turned over onto his back and his legs pressed up and open to let Carlos ease back into hi. "f*ck," TK moaned as Carlos bottomed out into him. They moved together now as Carlos thrust hard and fast. They kissed harder than they did before and TK moaned feeling Carlos' hand around his co*ck.

"You going to come for your Papi?" Carlos asked as he kissed down TK's neck.

"Yes, yes, Papi," he moaned. Carlos pumped his co*ck several times and then felt everything around him tighten. TK's legs around his waist and his muscles clenching around his co*ck.

"Oh, f*ck, Tiger," he said as TK came hard, his co*ck spurting in his hand and onto his stomach.

"Carlos," TK moaned as Carlos chased his own org*sm as TK came down him his and he let out a deep groan as he came hard into the condom. "Oh, f*ck, that..."

"Yeah," he stated. Both lovers were breathless as Carlos laid on top of TK. "I'm going to miss you, Tiger."

"Me, too," he said.

The next day, Carlos took TK to the airport where Radford and a lady from the DOD was waiting on him. “Be safe,” Carlos said before kissing TK.

“Three days will go by fast,” TK said.

“Not if you stay longer,” Carlos quipped.

“I'm coming back, and whether on what my dad says, he may be coming with me,” he said before kissing Carlos again and taking his bag to head into the airport.

Chapter 37


TK arrives in New York to try to convince his dad to run the 126.


Happy December, readers. This will probably be the last update for the year. I will be extremely busy with work and home stuff for Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lonestar characters.

Don't forget to comment!

Can't wait for the new season of Lonestar, January 3!!!

Chapter Text

Owen Strand looked up at the knock on his door and he smiled. “TK!” he shouted. TK laughed as his father got up from his desk and gave his only son a big hug. “Oh, son, what are you doing here?”

“I need an excuse to see my dad?” he asked. Owen pulled back to see his son was in uniform.

“Well, seeing as you're in full uniform, I'd say this isn't a social call,” he said and TK chuckled.

“It's not,” he said.

“Captain Strand,” a new voice said. Owen looked up to see a face he'd only seen in a video call.

“Chief Radford,” Owen said. “What do I owe this visit?” he asked.

“Can we talk in your office?” Radford asked and he nodded. A third person came into view and Owen could tell this was serious.

“Of course,” he said.

Once they were all settled, Radford got down to business. “I'm sure your son has told you of our tragedy in Austin.”

“He did.” Owen was sure he shed enough tears, not only for his son's coworkers, but also because his son was not there at the tragedy. “I am sorry for the loss of your men, Chief.”

“Dad, AFD wants to reopen the 126,” TK said, “and they want you to run it.”


“You have most diverse crew in New York,” the woman said. “I'm from the DOD. The diversity in the AFD is so bad, we're getting involved.”

“The start of the AFD becoming more diverse was the hiring of your son, Captain Strand,” Radford said. “He's the first gay firefighter out in the AFD.”

“Pretty sure the whole of Texas,” TK said with a shrug. “Dad, you're the only one who can bring the most diverse crew to Texas. Judd's on board and so am I.”

“Judd fit for duty?” Owen asked.

“Let me worry about him. Me and Grace are working on that,” TK said.

“I don't know,” Owen said. “Leaving New York?”

“I did it,” TK said.

“We'll, uh, let you two talk,” Radford said before he and the DOD agent stood up and left Owen's office.


“TK, you're asking a lot.”

“The AFD needs you. The 126 needs someone like you to help them rebuild from scratch.”

“Why me, TK?” Owen asked and TK let out a sigh.

“Honest answer?” he suggested. “The candidates that are available in Austin are not ideal for what Radford wants for the 126. There's one guy, he was who I replaced at the 126 when I moved and frankly, his ideas of diversity are just not what the AFD brass want for the 126.” Owen let out a sigh as he leaned back on his chair. “Dad, you have the most diverse crew here in New York. You should be the guy who runs the first diverse crew in Austin, hell, in Texas.”

“I don't know.”

“Think of it as a challenge for yourself,” TK said. “Plus, you'll get to keep an eye on me more,” he stated and Owen chuckled.

“You're not wrong about that,” he said. In truth, there was something he had been wanting to talk to TK about. “There's something I have to tell you, TK.”

“What is it, Dad?” TK asked. Owen let out a sigh as he leaned forward on his desk.

“I have cancer,” he said and it hit TK like a lead brick. “They caught it early and the doctor is optimistic,” he said.


“Lung cancer, to be specific. 9/11 finally caught up with me,” he said and TK let out a sigh as he laid back on his chair. “I've been doing some research on the best cancer hospitals. There's a really good one in Austin.”

“I still can't believe it though,” TK said. “How long have you known?”

“I just got a call from the doctor yesterday,” he said. “I was trying to figure out how to tell you,” he added and TK nodded. “I wasn't hiding it from you.”

“I didn't say you were,” TK said. “Okay, so, you have cancer and there's a good cancer research facility in Austin. Does that mean you're taking the job?” he asked.

“It does mean I am taking the job,” Owen said and TK smiled.

“That's awesome,” he said and Owen chuckled.

“You going to see your mother while you're here?” he asked and TK nodded.

“Was planning on it,” he said when he nodded to Radford. Radford and the DOD lady came back into the office. “My son is very convincing, Deputy Chief Radford,” Owen said and Radford smiled before holding out his hand.

“I look forward to working with you, Captain Strand,” he said.

“Thank you, Chief,” Owen said.

TK rolled over on the bed his dad made up for him. Radford had offered to pay for a hotel room for him, but he said he could just bunk with his dad. His phone vibrated and he reached for it. “Hey,” he said.

“sh*t, did I wake you up?” Carlos asked and TK smiled. Ever the concerned fiancé.

“No, you didn't. Can't fall asleep.”

“So, what did your dad say?”

“Dad's going to run the 126,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“You're dad's going to live in Texas?”

“That's right,” he said. “I'm going to help him pick out candidates to build up the new team,” he said. "There's something else he told me. One of the reasons I can't sleep," he said.

"What is it?" Carlos asked.

"Dad has cancer," TK said softly.

"What? How?"

"9/11 finally caught up with him," he said and Carlos groaned inwardly. He had heard of the 9/11 survivors dropping like flies twenty years later now from cancers that have developed over the years. Now his fiancé's dad was part of that list. "This isn't going to mean he's down for the count. My dad will beat this cancer."

"Absolutely," Carlos said. "There's a really good cancer facility here in Austin," he said.

"That's part of the reason why Dad said he would take the job and build up this new team," TK said.

“Judd going to be a part of that team?”

“Of course, if he's going to his counseling sessions,” TK said and Carlos let out a sigh. “What?”

“Grace called me. He's resistant,” he said and TK groaned out. “He's stubborn,” he stated.

“No, sh*t,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“I miss you,” he said and TK moaned.

“I know. I miss you, too,” he said. “Couple more days, Papi and then I will be back in your bed,” he stated.

“Can't wait, Tiger,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “You should feel how hard I am right now,” he said and TK let out a moan.

“What a coincidence. So am I,” he said and his Papi chuckled.

“Been a while since we had phone sex,” he said and TK whined as he took hold of his co*ck. “You hard for Papi?”

“Yes, Papi,” TK moaned as he slowly pumped his co*ck. He heard Carlos's moan on the other end of the line and he felt his co*ck twitch. “f*ck, Carlos.”

“If I was there right now with you, I'd have you spread eagle on the bed,” Carlos said and TK moaned. “I know how much you love to feel during sex, baby. I would slowly press into you,” he said and TK groaned. “Phone on speaker, Tiger and tug with both hands,” he said.

“f*ck,” TK moaned before doing what he said. He couldn't be too loud though. “Dad will hear me.”

“Then you have to be quiet, Tiger,” Carlos said. He heard TK moan softly and he moaned as he brought two hands to his co*ck. “After I'm in you all the way, Tiger, I would slowly make love to you, making you feel it.”

“Oh, f*ck, Papi,” he moaned. “I wanna cum now, please,” he gasped out.

“Stroke yourself faster,” Carlos demanded and TK moaned. Carlos could hear the slapping of TK's hands on his own skin. “Oh, take it easy, Tiger. Not too fast,” he said.

“Oh, f*ck,” TK moaned.

“I'd be starting to f*ck you harder and faster right about now, Tiger,” Carlos said and TK whined as he stroked his co*ck faster. “You there yet, baby?”

“Almost,” TK cried.

“Remember, you don't want your dad to hear ya,” Carlos gasped out as he too started to stroke his co*ck faster. “f*ck, Tiger. I'm so close,” he said and TK gasped out. He came rather suddenly and Carlos groaned out. “Oh, God, you sound beautiful when you cum,” he said before finishing himself off with a gasped moan.

“Papi,” TK moaned and Carlos smiled.

“You going to be able to sleep now?” he asked and TK let out a sigh.

“Yeah, I am,” he said.

“Good. When you get home, I'll do what I said I would during this little conversation,” Carlos said and TK moaned. “I love you, Tiger.”

“I love you, Papi,” TK said before ending their phone call.

“Morning,” TK said as he walked into his dad's kitchen.

“Morning,” Owen said. “Sleep well?” he asked as TK got some coffee.

“Yeah,” TK said with a yawn.

“Did I hear your phone go off last night?” his dad asked and his froze. God, did he hear the phone sex he had with Carlos?

“Uh, yeah, he was calling with an update.”

“On whom?”

“Judd. He's not doing great with the mandatory therapy that was assigned to him,” TK said as he sat down at the table.

“I've heard Judd is a good firefighter. I would hate for this thing to keep him away from returning,” he said.

“I'll have to smack some sense into him when I get back,” TK said and Owen chuckled.

“Oh, TK, next time Carlos and you want to have phone sex, keep it down,” he said and TK groaned, turning red as his dad left the kitchen. He wasn't going to live that down.

Chapter 38


My first post of 2022. Watched the 9-1-1 Lonestar premiere last night and well, things for Tarlos look iffy. That will not happen in this canon.

Chapter Text

TK smiled seeing Carlos at the airport to pick him up. They casually kissed before heading to his fiancé's car. “How's your mom?” Carlos asked and TK smiled.

“Mom's great,” he said and Carlos smiled. “She's going on a business trip for her law firm,” he said.

“That's awesome,” he said.

“Dad heard us have phone sex,” TK stated as he put his bag into the trunk.

“Oh, God,” Carlos groaned. “I am not going to be able to look at him when he gets here,” he said and TK chuckled. “When does your dad get here?” he asked.

“He's gotta get his affairs in order in New York. Find a suitable replacement for himself at the 252 before coming here,” TK said. “Probably a couple of weeks yet,” he said.

“You're excited about your dad coming here, aren't ya?” Carlos asked. His fiancé smiled widely.

“Yeah, I am,” he said. “Hey, can we swing by Judd's? I wanna see him and tell him the good news,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“Sure thing,” Carlos said.

TK smiled when Judd opened the door to his house. “Hey, Judd,” he said.

“Hey, TK, how was New York?” Judd asked.

“Can I come in first?” TK asked and his firefighter brother stepped aside to let him in. “Hey, Grace,” TK said, seeing her in the kitchen as Carlos came in behind him.

“Hey, it's my two favorite people in the whole world,” Grace said causing Judd to make a sound as he closed the door.

“What the hell am I? Chopped liver?” he asked and Grace chuckled as she came to hug TK.

“So glad you are back. This guy was miserable and a pain to deal with,” she said, gesturing to Carlos getting a chuckle from TK as his fiancé rolled his eyes.


“Okay, so I missed my fiancé,” Carlos said as they sat down.

“He was coming by here every day,” Judd said and TK chuckled. “So, what's going on?”

“The 126 is officially going to reopen, with my dad at the helm,” TK said.

“Are you serious?” Judd asked.

“In a couple of weeks, he's going to be here to start overseeing the renovations to the house,” TK said.

“Renovations?” Judd asked. “It's fine the way it is,” he said and TK let out a sigh.

“Judd, the firehouse has been shuttered since the accident, and frankly, it's in need of an update. Plus, Dad, he's got a way of running things and he's got the backing of the fire chief,” TK said. “He wants you to be a part of the new team, Judd, but there are stipulations,” he said and Judd groaned.

“Such as?” Grace asked.

“He needs to start going to the mandated therapy before my dad gets here,” TK said and Judd groaned. “I know you haven't even started one session, Judd. You want to come back to the 126 under my dad's captaincy, you need to do things his way.”

“I hate therapy,” Judd stated.

“So do I, but you don't see me complaining about it,” TK said. “Therapy's one of the reasons I haven't touched a pill again,” he said. “It's also helped me with my grief and it could help with yours.”

“I don't need help, TK!” Judd shouted at him.

“Why, Judd? Because you're some big, burly Texan? Everybody needs help,” TK said. “Dad has made it clear; you will not come back to the 126 unless your head is on straight. He needs to be able to trust you out in the field.”

“He can,” Judd said.

“Without you having a panic attack when a loud bang or flash happens?” TK asked and Judd groaned. “Thought so. If he has any hope of being back at the 126, he needs to start with that mandated therapy,” he said to Grace and she nodded.

“Nah, uh, Grace?” Judd asked before looking over at Carlos. “Carlos?”

“Why do you think I've been over here every day since TK's been in New York. I was checking up on you,” he said.

“TK's right, Judd. You need to start seeing a therapist,” Grace said and Judd chuckled. “You haven't been the same since the accident,” she said.

“News flash, Grace. I lost my entire team right in front of me,” Judd said. “Except for City Boy here who had the dumb luck of being injured and not back on team yet,” he said.

“Judd,” TK groaned. “We have been through this so many times,” he said.

“I don't want to hear your excuses,” Judd said.

“I don't have excuses, Judd. Braxton could have put me on shift that day when I got back, but he didn't. I don't know why, other than it being SOP after a cleared for work order. I was back on the roster for next shift.”

“TK,” Judd said.

“Judd, you think you'd feel better if I was there that night with y'all?”

“No, I... I'm having nightmares for different reasons,” he said.

“About what?” TK said.

“I thought I had lost you, too, but I didn't,” Judd said with tears in his eyes. Grace put an arm around his shoulders. “My first thought when I woke up wasn't about my brothers who were with me. It was my brother who wasn't there,” he said. “I haven't been feeling how I should because all I can think about was how relieved I was you weren't there that night.”

“Judd,” Grace said softly as her husband finally let go of everything he was holding in since the day he woke up in the hospital.

“I felt no guilt in thinking that. That's when the nightmares of you being there at the accident that night started. No matter what scenario I play out with you there, you still perish along with everyone else. No matter what I do in each scenario.”

“Hey, I'm still here, Judd. We both are and together, the two of us can help my dad rebuild the 126 into the best firehouse in Austin.”

“You're damn right, it will be,” Judd said and he stood up, prompting the three of them to stand as well. “I'll do it. The mandated therapy and by the time your dad gets here, I can help with the rebuild.”

“This means a lot, Judd,” TK said. Before he could react, his brother pulled him into a hug. “Oh, Judd, ribs,” he said and they all chuckled.

TK let out a sigh as Carlos drove back to the condo. “You okay over there, Tiger?” he asked.

“He's having nightmares of me being there that night,” he said.

“I know. Things will get better,” he said.

“Will they?” TK asked.

“They will when your dad gets here to rebuilds 126,” he said.

“I just hope Judd can keep his head on straight,” TK said and Carlos nodded.

“Me, too. I think he's driving Grace crazy and Michelle and I have to hear about it,” he said and TK chuckled. “So, what do you say to a quiet dinner at home?” he asked.

“Sounds good,” TK said before giving Carlos a kiss.

“I'm driving,” the policeman said and TK chuckled.

“Does it look like I care?” he asked. Carlos let out a sigh as he gently pushed his fiance away.

“You will if we get into a car accident.” TK let out a sigh as he sat back into the passenger side seat. “So, you free next weekend?” Carlos asked.

“For what?”

“Mom has some ideas for the wedding,” Carlos said with a smile.

“We've already decided to have it at the ranch,” he said and his Texan nodded.

“I know. She wants us to wear white,” he said.

“Why? We're not virgins and the ranch is not ideal for white suits,” TK said with a laugh.

“Good. Glad we're on the same page,” Carlos said.

“We could just go casual formal,” TK said. “Just whatever we're comfortable in,” he added.

“That sounds nice, but you are not wearing a hoodie to our wedding,” Carlos said and TK laughed out.

“I love you too much to do that,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“I love you, too,” he said.

When they got home, Carlos didn't give TK time to react as he picked him up and carried him over his shoulder up to the bedroom. “I was only gone for three days,” TK stated before shrieking out when Carlos tossed him onto the bed.

“So?” Carlos asked before pulling off his shirt and tossed it behind him.

“Wow, okay, never mind. I missed that.”

“You were only gone for three days, Tiger.”

“I take it back,” TK said as he undressed himself. Carlos chuckled as he crawled his way onto the bed and captured TK's mouth with a heated kiss. TK moaned underneath and he put his weight on top of the firefighter.

“I love how your legs open for me when I get on top of ya,” Carlos said as he peppered kisses on his neck. TK groaned not realizing that he was doing just that and then moaned when Carlos settled in between them. “You feel that, Tiger?” he asked, grinding his groin against TK's.

“Yes,” TK moaned before pulling Carlos into a kiss again. They moaned into each other's mouths as Carlos began to undo TK's pants.

TK and Carlos didn't get out of bed until the next afternoon.

Chapter 39


The rebuilding of the 126 starts now.


Holy fudge! I am still recovering from the first four episodes of 9-1-1 Lone Star Season 3. A lot of Tarlos feels.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star. If I did, Tarlos would have never broken up.

Don't forget to comment, guys! I always love it when you do!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

TK let out a sigh as he got out of the car. The 126 looked just the same as it did when he last saw it. Before shuttering it, the AFD let him go in to get what he had left in his locker. He had offered to everyone's family to do the same, but they had already done it. The only other locker he cleaned out was Judd's, at Grace's request. “Wow, nobody's even cleaned up the dead flowers yet,” Carlos said as he got out.

“No,” TK said.

“When does your dad get here?” he asked and TK looked at his watch.

“He should be getting here soon,” he said. A horn honked and TK looked up to see his dad pulling into the parking area. His smile brightened as Owen pulled the car up to him and rolled down the window.

“Someone order a new captain?” he asked and TK chuckled.

“Hey, Dad,” he said as he got out. Father and son hugged before Owen pulled his future son in law into a hug.

“You feeling okay, Captain Strand?”

“Owen, and yes, I do, Carlos. Thanks for asking,” he said.

“When do you start treatment?”

“Not for another month. I had a phone meeting with the doctor here, but I still have to go into her office and meet with her directly.”

“Are you sure you don't want to tell anybody else?” TK asked.

“Not until I get a bead on how aggressive this cancer is. AFD will just pull me off duty and get someone else,” Owen said. “Got the keys?” TK pulled the keys out of his pocket and handed them to his dad. A horn honked and the three of them looked up to see the red pickup of Judd Ryder.

“Judd!” TK shouted as Judd pulled into a spot. “I didn't think you'd make it,” he said.

“Yeah, well, can't let an empty firehouse get the better of me, brother,” Judd said as he climbed out. TK gave him a side hug and walked up to the front entrance with him.

“Judd,” Owen said.

“Captain Strand,” Judd said. “Thanks for taking up the mantle here,” he added.

“TK was very convincing,” Owen said. “You ready? You haven't been in here since they shuttered it.”

“I am,” Judd said. Owen headed over to the door and opened it up, before pushing in the code to open the firehouse door. “Wow, looks like a haunted house,” he said as they walked in. “We had just finished up dinner for the night when we got the call.” TK picked up a mug he knew that belonged to Chuck. It was still filled with the tea his wife had been trying to get him to drink more of than coffee. Once his dad turned on the lights, he looked at the residue closer.

“Hey, Judd, wasn't Chuck supposed to be drinking tea at night instead of coffee, per his wife and doctor?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Judd said as he came over to TK.

“What does that smell like to you?” TK asked, holding out the cup. Judd took a small whiff and raised his eyebrows. He looked over at TK who nodded.

“Coffee,” they both said together.

“Well, I won't tell Colleen if you won't,” Judd said.

“Right back at ya,” TK said. He took the mug to the kitchen and put it in the sink. “Looks like someone cleaned up,” he said.

“Yeah, uh, Radford had the food cleaned up and what not. Anything that would spoil. Other than that, it looks how it did when we left for the call,” Judd said. TK watched Judd sit down on the weight bench and let out a sigh.

“Judd, you okay?”

“Being back here, it's bringing back memories.” TK chuckled as he sat down next to his brother. “Remember us interrogating you while working out?”

“Yeah, I do,” TK said. “It's the first time I told them how we met,” he told Carlos.

“We didn't judge,” Judd said.

“Excuse me? You were the first to bring it up that I was still with Alex when I met Carlos,” TK said and Judd chuckled.

“It was Chuck who said you cheated first,” Judd said.

“Maybe we should tell Colleen about the coffee,” TK said and Judd chuckled.

“So, uh, Captain Strand, TK said something about a remodel.”

“Yeah, going to get some light into this place,” Owen said.

“Oh, Dad, please, don't go too overboard,” TK said.

“Don't worry about me. I'm subtle,” he said and TK sighed out as his dad headed into the station.

“Why do I get the feeling he's joking?” Judd asked and TK chuckled.

“He's not subtle. This place is going to be a whole new firehouse when he's done,” he said.

“How new?” Judd asked.

“You have a sledgehammer handy?” TK asked.

“I have two,” Judd said with a smirk.

Renovations were in full swing the next few days. TK and Judd were both on hand to hit walls with a sledgehammer. "Is this all in the budget?" Radford asked when he came in to see the progress.

"Money shouldn't come between the comfort of my men, Chief," Owen said.

"Here are the candidates I put together for you to interview," he said.

"I thought I was picking the candidates." He looked over the files and every single one was a pure Texas born and bred man. "I appreciate the help, Chief, but if you want the 126 to be the most diverse firehouse, you have to have a more open mind," he said. He noticed the kid at the chief's truck.

"Oh, that's Chavez. He's a little slow, but a good worker. I keep him on as my driver," he said.

"I'll take his file," Owen said and Radford nodded.

“So, while things are progressing at the firehouse, the three of us are going to interview candidates,” Owen said.

“What about the men Chief Radford brought to ya?” Judd asked.

“Uh, well, if he wants diverse, he's going to have to be more diverse,” he said. Owen handed TK a file and he opened it.

“Wait, this chick?” he asked. “I know her. Carlos and I follow her on Insta,” he said, showing the file to Judd.

“Firefox?” Judd asked seeing her moniker. “Oh, she's that firefighter from Miami who's a little crazy,” he said and TK chuckled.

“She'd also be the first Muslim woman firefighter in Texas,” Owen said. “She already accepted my call to come over for an interview,” he said.

“She did?” they both asked.

“Relax, okay. She won't bite,” Owen said. TK turned to the next candidate that his father was itching to interview.

“This guy?” TK asked. “Dad, you bring this guy down here people will go nuts,” he said.

“What's the big deal?” Judd asked as they poured over more resumes.

“He's trans,” Owen said.

“He won't have a problem with me,” Judd said.

“Yeah, but the Texan people might,” TK said.

“They didn't have a problem with you,” Judd said and TK sighed. “Him being gay didn't stop the ladies from hitting on him while we was out on calls,” he said to Owen who chuckled at his son's discomfort.

“They are both coming here for interviews. I want you both there,” Owen said.

“Okay,” they said together.

“Wait, are you interviewing the Chavez kid too?” Judd asked, seeing his file.

“Yeah, I am,” Owen said.

“Okay,” TK said. “So, what next?”

“Lunch. Taco trucks do vegan?” he asked as he walked past them. TK groaned as he rolled his eyes as Judd chuckled.

TK groaned as he entered the condo. Carlos looked up from his work in the kitchen. “Hey, babe,” he said.

“Hey,” TK said as he put his bag on the floor, closing the door with his foot.

“How are the renovations going?” he asked.

“Work in progress. Think Dad went a little overboard, but hey, this is Owen Strand we're talking about,” TK said as he toed his shoes off and Carlos chuckled. “God, I am so exhausted and we haven't even started interviewing candidates,” he said.

“I made lasagna,” Carlos said and TK moaned.

“I love you so much,” he said and his fiancé chuckled. “Seriously. You keep cooking like this, I will never ask for a divorce,” he said.

“Good to know,” Carlos chuckled as he got the lasagna out of the oven.

“Oh, heaven,” TK said, smelling it. “I am making it official. Every night I have a food org*sm, you, Officer Reyes, are getting laid.”

“Seriously?” Carlos asked. “I cook and you sleep with me?”

“Hey, if that's how you're taking it,” TK said as he sat down.

“The only thing I will be taking is you in our bed,” Carlos said before kissing TK. “After dinner,” he stated and TK groaned. “After dinner,” he reiterated,” he said.

“Fine,” TK said and Carlos chuckled, kissing his temple.

“I'm engaged to a sex maniac,” he said before getting the salad.

“You love it,” TK said and Carlos let out a sigh as he sat down. Carlos hated to admit it, but he did love it.

End of Chapter Thirty-Nine


For those who liked Pregnant & Scared, I am in the process of starting a sequel.

Chapter 40


A wonderful smut chapter for my wonderful readers.


This chapter is purely smut. I enjoyed writing it and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment.

Chapter Text

TK let out a moan as Carlos backed him up against the wall. Dinner was good, but TK wanted to get to the entertainment afterwards. Their hips rubbed against each other. “You were such a tease,” Carlos said as he licked down TK's neck. All through dinner, TK kept running his foot up and down Carlos' leg.

“It got you riled up, didn't it?” TK asked before gasping out when Carlos pulled him away from the wall and over to the bed. He pushed him roughly and he landed on the bed with a grunt.

“It did,” Carlos said before removing his shirt.

“f*ck, I never get tired of that,” he said, seeing Carlos' naked chest. Carlos kept eye contact with him as he crawled on top of him. His half naked body laid down on top of him and TK let out a groan. He reached down and began to unbuckle Carlos' belt. He felt Carlos' hands stop his and bring them above his head. He whined in protest as Carlos kissed down his neck. “Carlos,” he moaned.

“You're okay, Tiger,” he said before reaching to pull off TK's shirt. He peppered kisses all over TK's naked chest. He got little, fleeting moans out of his fiancé. He stopped at TK's belt and looked up at him. “You still with me?”

“Yes, keep going,” TK said and Carlos chuckled as he began to undo the belt keeping him from his prize. TK lifted his hips to allow Carlos to pull off his pants. He stood at the end of the bed and began to pull off his own pants. TK laid there sitting up on his elbows, watching the man he loved strip in front of him. He licked his lips as his fiancé stood stark naked in front of him. “Are you going to have your way with me or just stand there?” he asked and Carlos chuckled as he crossed his arms.

“Thought I'd stand here for a few minutes,” Carlos said. “Let you take it all in,” he added and TK chuckled as he reached down to pull of his own underwear.

“Then I should do the same for you,” he said, tossing his underwear at Carlos. He caught it with a chuckle and threw it to the floor. “How do you want me?” he asked.

“On your stomach,” he stated and TK let out a nervous breath as he rolled over onto his stomach. He sat on his elbows and felt the bed dip as Carlos got onto it. “God, this view,” he said. His hands roamed up his thighs and he moaned in anticipation as he felt Carlos spread his legs open a little bit more. “Let's get you comfortable,” he said as he reached for their bedside drawer, where they kept their supplies. He grabbed the lubricant, their favorite kind, and popped the lid. “You ever think of doing this bare back?” he asked.

“Seriously?” TK asked as he felt a drizzle of lube drop on his ass. He gasped out feeling Carlos' finger run over his hole.

“Seriously,” Carlos said as he kissed his temple. “We only sleep with each other. It's been over a year since we've been together. We're going to get married and just be with each other,” Carlos said. TK gasped out as a finger was inserted into him.

“Oh, f*ck, Carlos,” TK moaned.

“All we have to do is get tested for STDs and other things. We could go bare back every single time,” he said and TK moaned feeling Carlos' finger graze his prostate nerves.

“f*ck, Carlos,” he moaned.

“Would you like that?” he asked and TK moaned as a second finger joined the first. He nodded his head, eyes rolling up into his eyelids. “Use your words, Tiger,” he said.

“Yes, Papi, I want to go bare back. Some day,” he said and Carlos smirked as he entered a third finger into his fiancé's ass. He smiled seeing TK's legs open up more as he pumped his fingers in and out of his fiancé's ass, spreading him open for his co*ck. “f*ck,” TK gasped out.

“That's it, baby,” Carlos said as TK began to move his hips with his fingers. “Hmm, you ready for my co*ck, Tiger?” he asked.

“Yes, Papi,” he moaned feeling Carlos move up to kiss his neck.

“Beg me for it,” Carlos commanded and TK moaned when he twisted his fingers around.

“Please, Papi, give me your co*ck. I'm ready for it. I want it,” he moaned.

“Are you sure?” he asked and TK moaned.

“Yes, yes, I want it, Papi. Please give me your co*ck,” he begged. He let out a whine when Carlos took out his fingers from his ass. Carlos groaned as he tore open a condom and rolled it onto his co*ck. He took some lube and rubbed it onto his hardening co*ck.

“Papi's so hard for you, Tiger.” TK moaned feeling Carlos spread his ass. He sat up on his elbows, bringing his ass up. “f*ck, yeah, baby.” TK moaned out, feeling Carlos' co*ck at his entrance. He pressed forward, feeling TK's resistance at first, but he coaxed him to relax and he slowly slid into his fiancé.

“Carlos,” he whimpered as Carlos bottomed out into him. The policeman gave his ass a little love tap before pulling out of him all the way, getting a whine from him. He smirked, feeling TK's squeeze around his tip before thrusting back into him. He got a moan out of his lover. Carlos thrust slow and steady in and out of him. He grasped TK's waist as he snapped his hips into him. He felt TK clench around him and he groaned out, smacking TK's ass.

“Behave, Tiger,” he commanded and TK let out a groan. He rested on his elbows, moaning as Carlos thrust into him.

“Carlos,” he moaned. “Faster, please.”

“No, no, I am having my way with you,” Carlos said as he brought himself up onto his knees and TK moaned when he was bent at the waist. TK groaned as he felt Carlos's arm underneath him. He was brought up onto his knees too. Flush up against Carlos' front. “Keep yourself up,” Carlos said as he put his arm around TK to keep him against him. TK's hands met the wall as Carlos began to thrust into him. His other hand rested on TK's left thigh. It held him in place as his fiancé thrust into him. TK's head rested against his shoulder and he kissed his neck. Each thrust he did brought out a moan from TK's lips.

“Carlos, Papi,” he moaned before turning his head. Their lips met in a heated kiss as Carlos began to thrust harder and faster. “Carlos,” he whined into the kiss and his fiancé groaned into the kiss as well. “f*ck me, Papi,” he moaned and Carlos snarled at him before thrusting harder and faster.

“Like this?” he asked and TK moaned, nodding his head.

“Yes, Papi.” Both moaned, groaned and moved together. TK reached back and grabbed hold of Carlos' ass, getting a deep groan from him. The hand that was on his hip moved to the wall to brace them as he moved faster and harder. “f*ck, Carlos.”

“Are you close?” he asked.

“Yes, Papi,” TK moaned as Carlos jutted his hips harder into his ass. “Carlos,” he whimpered, prompting to bring his hand up to grasp his neck slightly. He moaned as Carlos moved his head to captured TK's lips into a heated kiss. TK reached up to grasp Carlos by his curls as their love making got rough. “Make me cum, Papi,” TK groaned. Carlos moved his hand that was against the wall and grasped TK's co*ck. He pulled on it, continuing to thrust into TK. TK whimpered out his moans as he got closer and closer. “Carlos.”

“Cum for Papi, Tiger,” Carlos said as he pumped the co*ck in his hand. TK groaned out as he clenched around the co*ck inside of him and Carlos growled against his neck. “That's it, baby,” Carlos whispered before grunting out. TK whimpered, his head hanging down to see Carlos' hand wrapped around his co*ck, pumping it in time with his thrusts. He let out a moan before crying out his org*sm. His co*ck spurted in Carlos' hand. He managed to collect most of the sem*n that shot out in his hand, put some leaked out onto the bedding.

“f*ck, Carlos,” he groaned as he clenched down on his co*ck. Carlos grunted at the clench that TK did around his co*ck and he thrust hard and fast into him. He felt TK's co*ck spurt again in his hand, knowing that the bedding will have to be changed before they go down for the night. He thrust a few more times before crying out his org*sm. He gasped out as he came into the condom.

“Oh, wow, that was...”

“You're really good at that,” TK quipped and Carlos chuckled before smacking him on the ass. TK moaned at the smack, his ass still sensitive from the pounding Carlos just gave him. “f*ck, Papi.”

“Easy, Tiger,” Carlos said as he pulled out of TK. He pulled off the condom and tossed it into a wastebasket. He let TK lay back on the bed that wasn't soiled and went into the bathroom. TK was giddy.

“Am I crazy or is our sex better since we got engaged?” TK asked and he heard Carlos chuckled from the bathroom.

“You're not crazy,” he said as he came in with a towel wrapped around his waist and a washcloth. He wiped TK's stomach off and tossed it back into the bathroom. He worked on getting the soiled pillows that TK leaked onto. “Give me a couple of minutes to change these covers out,” he said before kissing him softly.

“I'm fine like this,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

Once the pillows and comforter were changed out, they were settled into bed. “Did I tell you?” TK asked causing Carlos to look over at him.


“Dad somehow got Firefox to come over for an interview,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“You're kidding,” he said and TK shook his head. “Wow, she's an Instagram celebrity,” he said.

“I know, we follow her on Instagram,” TK said. “I think she might even follow us,” he added and Carlos chuckled. The two of them had started an Instagram page together. They posted life events and selfies together. They had posted their first post after getting engaged, once the ring was in and Alex was out of their lives forever. The man was recently sentenced to fifteen years to life.

“Wow, you are going to have to get a selfie with her and post it on our Insta,” he said and TK chuckled. “It may put us up to one million followers,” he said.

“It's not a competition,” he said and Carlos chuckled. They kissed softly before TK curled up to Carlos. “I hate that you're off tomorrow and I'm not,” he said.

“You are interviewing candidates with your dad and Judd,” he said.

“I know, but I'd rather spend the day with you,” TK said. “Let Dad and Judd handle the interviews,” he said.

“Well, I have the day off, but that doesn't mean I will be resting.”

“Oh, yeah, you're going to be with your mom all day, planning the wedding,” he said and Carlos let out a sigh. “Sorry, babe,” he added.

“We are not making life and death wedding decisions without you, okay? We're narrowing down our side of the guest lists, making lists for wedding venues,” he said.

“No big wedding venue. The ranch is fine, I told you that the other day,” he said.

“I don't see a city slicker boy like you getting married on a ranch,” Carlos said causing TK to sit up and lay on his chest.

“Where do you see me getting married?” he asked. “That isn't a church,” he added.

“Somewhere that isn't outdoors,” he said and TK chuckled.

“I don't care where I get married, so long as my husband to be shows up,” he said. “We could always elope at the courthouse,” he suggested.

“No, no, my mother would kill me,” Carlos said and TK chuckled. “It's bad enough I can't give her a church wedding. I want her to have a wedding that's as nice as I can give her,” he said.

“She'll love whatever we plan,” he said and Carlos chuckled. “Since it's a ranch wedding, we're not going to do full tuxedos, are we?” he asked.

“Elena's the only one with fashion sense and Grace. They will not let us look bad,” he said and TK chuckled. “Wow, we're actually into the physical preparing of our wedding,” he said and TK smiled. “This summer, Tiger, we are going to be married,” he said and TK laid down on top of him.

“I can't wait for that,” he said before kissing underneath Carlos' chin.

“Me neither,” Carlos said before kissing him softly. “Get some sleep,” he added.

“Okay, Papi,” TK said before settling his head onto Carlos' chest and slowly fell asleep.

Chapter 41


Carlos spends time with his mother, sisters and grandmother for wedding plans while TK meets an Instagram celebrity after interviewing her.


I know, I know. I added more chapters. I realized fifty wasn't going to be enough with how I wanted to end the story, so more chapters added for my faithful readers.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment and give lots of kudos. And check out my new Tarlos story 'Thank You For Your Service'.

Chapter Text

Carlos let out a sigh as he entered his mother and father's house on the ranch. “Mama?” he called out as he shut the door.

“Living room!” his mother called out. Carlos let out a sigh as he took off his coat before heading to the living room.

“Mom, please promise me we are not going to go too wild today with wedding plans without TK here,” he said as he rounded the corner. “Whoa, what the...?” Sitting in the living room was his mother, abuela and his sisters. “Mami, I thought you said it was just going to be me and you today,” he said.

“You try keeping your abuela and sisters away from wedding planning,” she said and he let out a groan.

“I don't want to make a lot of decisions today without TK,” he said.

“I know. We're just narrowing down our side of the guest list,” Andrea said as Carlos sat down on the couch with his grandmother. She smiled as she hugged him.

“Where is TK?”

“He had to work today, Abuela,” he said and she smiled. He looked at the papers in front of him. “Is this our guest list?” he asked.

“Well...” his mother started to say and Carlos let out a sigh. “It's a rough draft,” she said.

“I know we said we're having the wedding on the ranch, but I think TK wants it as small as possible, Mom. Maybe only 100 guests. He doesn't have a whole lot of family in New York,” Carlos said.

“What about his grandparents?” she asked.

“From what I hear, his mother's parents are dead and the only grandparent on his dad's side alive is a grandmother in California, but she's got Alzheimer's. Both of his parents are single parents, so he has no uncles, aunts or cousins. At least not immediate,” he stated.

“What about his firehouse family?”

“I think he was only close with a few of them,” Carlos said. He reached into his jacket and produced TK's guest list. “He is insistent that we invite the family members of his 126 family who perished in the explosion last year,” he said. “Pretty sure that Mable Parkland has been slated to be flower girl,” he said and Andrea chuckled.

“I'm sure,” she said.

“She's also slated to make the best chocolate chip cookies, ever for the reception,” Carlos said. “There's no negotiation,” he added, looking at his mother, his sisters and his grandmother.

“Okay, then who's doing the cake?” Andrea asked and Carlos let out a sigh.

He and TK had gone to several bakeries around Austin, looking for the perfect one to make the cake. When they went to Sugar Mama's Bakeshop, they fell in love with the idea of cupcakes, not a whole cake. “Cupcakes?” Andrea asked him.

“We'll still have a mini cake to cut into, Mami, but we just loved the idea of cupcakes,” Carlos said. “We settled on the succulents, being that we're getting married at the ranch. Floral and succulents,” he said.

“Do you at least have pictures?” she asked.

“Just of the pictures from their book.” Carlos got out his phone and looked through his pictures. “We went with succulents because they look beautiful,” he said as he brought it up. Andrea gasped seeing the cupcakes that would be the focal point of their dessert. “And of course, TK wanted a cake to cut, so we chose the White Chocolate Mocha. He loves his coffee.” Andrea chuckled as he scrolled through the cupcakes. “We're getting vanilla and chocolate, along with red velvet.”

“So the cake and cupcakes are settled?” Carmen asked.

“Yes, so no, Carmen, you're not making it.”


“I've tasted your cakes and so has TK,” Carlos said. “They can be a bit dry,” he bluntly said and they chuckled.

“Seriously?” Carmen asked her mother.

“Carlos speaks the truth, mija,” she stated and Carlos chuckled at his twin sister's face.

“Fine, I will not baked anymore,” Carmen said.

“Well, don't stop baking, Carmen. Just try to not make your cakes dry,” Carlos said. “Your cookies are okay,” he said.

“Yet I am not the one making the kick ass chocolate chip cookies,” Carmen said and Carlos let out a sigh.

“Carmen,” he groaned. “This isn't your wedding,” he stated.

“I know that,” she said.

“TK wants Mable involved. I am not taking that from him or her,” Carlos said.

“I wouldn't either,” Carmen said. Carlos let out a sigh.

“Can we just get to what I came here for?” he asked. “Getting our side's guest list done,” he said.

“Of course, mijo,” Andrea said before patting him on the back.

About an hour, Carlos felt that something was accomplished. They narrowed down the Reyes side of the guest list to about a hundred people.

Meanwhile, TK, Judd and Owen were at the renovating 126 firehouse, interviewing new candidates for the team. “He seems good,” Judd said of a firefighter he knew from last year.

“Hey, Dad, look who's here,” TK said, gesturing with his head. Standing in the bay doors was Marjan Marwani, from Miami, Florida.

“Firefighter Marwani, welcome to Texas,” Owen said, stepping up to her. He extended his hand out to her and she took it with a smile.

“Captain Strand, uh, Marjan is fine,” she said.

“My son, TK Strand and my lieutenant, Judd Ryder.”

“Lieutenant,” Marjan said as she shook Judd's hand.

“News to me,” Judd said and Owen shrugged.

“I have no idea about being a Texan firefighter. Had to make one my lieutenant,” he said and TK chuckled as he sat down with Judd. “Plus, I told his wife I'd keep him out of trouble,” he stated and TK snorted causing Judd to punch him in the arm.

“Ow,” TK quipped.

The interview with Marjan went all right. She confessed she only came to Austin to check out South By Southwest, but Owen persuaded her in a way TK knew only his dad could. He appealed to her being the first Muslim woman firefighter in Austin, Texas. “You know, TK made history when he came here last year.”

“You did?” Marjan asked him.

“I became the first out gay firefighter in Austin.”

“Pretty sure you were the first out gay firefighter in the whole of Texas, TK,” Judd said and TK let out a sigh.

“Wow, I mean, I saw that rescue you did of that girl with her car hanging over a bridge.”

“It was touchy. She got cut pretty good when I pulled her out of her car, but other than that,” TK said with a shrug.

“You went viral, dude,” Marjan said and TK chuckled. “Crap, I knew I recognized when I first came here. You're on Insta, with your really hot boyfriend.”

“Fiancé, and yes, Carlos is very hot,” TK said.

“When's the wedding?” she asked.

“We're shooting for the summer,” he said with a smile.

“Yeah, I follow you on Insta,” she said.

“I know.”

“Should we leave you two along?” Judd asked causing TK to shove at his brother.

In the end, Marjan accepted Owen's offer to move to Texas and become part of the new 126 crew. TK got his selfie with her for his own Instagram page and the Tarlos Instagram page. “Carlos is going to flip when he finds out I got a selfie with you,” TK said and she chuckled.

“Well, when I officially move to Texas, I will have to get a selfie with him as well,” she said.

“He would love that,” TK said.

“Is he a firefighter too?”

“No, Carlos is a police officer with the APD.”

“Interesting. A firefighter engaged to a cop,” she said and he chuckled.

“Yeah, my former co workers in New York thought I was crazy for moving here to be with him, but I love him and in the summer, he will make an honest man out of me,” he said and she chuckled. “I look forward to working with you, Marjan.”

“Me, too. See you in a couple of weeks,” she said before heading to her rental.

Carlos looked up to see TK enter the condo after a long day of interviews. “Hey, babe,” he said as TK put his bag down. “How was your day?”

“I met FireFox, so it was good,” he said.

“Yeah, I saw the selfie on our page,” Carlos said as he put food on the table. “And then on her page,” he added.

“She promises a selfie with you when she officially gets here, okay?” TK asked. “Don't be mad.”

“I'm not, at you. My family.”

“Uh-oh. The guest list. What's the final count on your side?”

“A whopping 98,” Carlos said as TK let out a sigh, sitting down.

“Wow, that's...”

“I know, it's a lot and we add your guest list, it puts us over the limit we put ourselves into,” he said. He sat down across from TK and watched his fiancé mull over it.

“That's a lot of people,” TK said and Carlos nodded. “Are you sure we can't elope?”

“Yes, I'm sure,” Carlos said and TK chuckled.

“It's just, that's a lot of people. Maybe we should cut down our guest lists even more and have something intimate for immediate family only,” he said.

“Are you sure?”

“I'm not, but...”

“Let's eat dinner and then talk it over,” Carlos said and TK nodded. Carlos knew the much bigger guest list from his side of the family would be too much for TK. He had a bigger family than TK did. It was what happened when both of your parents had brothers and sisters and your fiancé's parents were only children. Just like the man he was marrying. “We'll figure it out,” he said and TK nodded.

Chapter 42: Ordinary Life


The new station is up and running. TK and Carlos must choose their wedding invitation.


Whoo!!!!! Finally got down to finishing a chapter. This is what happens when I have writer's block. I go months without finishing a chapter and then suddenly, BOOM, it hits me. Enjoy, readers.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 911 Lone Star characters.

Don't forget to comment and leave kudos.

Chapter Text

TK sighed out as he walked into the newly open and renovated 126. He paused to look at the memorial wall that his dad had set up to remember his old team. “I heard you knew all of them,” a voice said and he turned to see their transplant from Chicago, Paul.

“Yeah, I worked with them for at least three months or so before I was injured in a house fire.”

“Oh, right, you fell with the little girl in your arms. You broke her fall.”

“And she broke my ribs,” TK quipped and Paul chuckled. “She sent me a sympathy card after the tragedy. She's six now,” he said, getting his phone out. Paul chuckled seeing the selfie TK took at her sixth birthday party.

“Her parents must have told her about your old house,” he said.

“I could have been there with them,” TK said and Paul let out a sigh.

“Really?” Paul asked and he nodded.

“I was just cleared to come back that day,” he said, “but SOP states that I had to wait for next shift and they were in the middle of one,” he said. “The factory fire happened that night,” he added.

“Still, it must have hurt a lot,” Paul said as they walked up the locker room. “They took you in.”

“Yeah, I moved here from New York, to be with Carlos,” he said and Paul chuckled. “They were the best crew I could have asked for, even if my transfer was a stunt,” TK said as he took his shoulder bag off.

“What?” Paul asked.

“I was the first openly gay firefighter in Austin, no, probably Texas,” he said. “AFD made sure it was known I was gay and out.”

“Wow, that was...”

“I just wanted to be a firefighter and live my life with Carlos,” TK said. “I only went viral after that car rescue,” he said and Paul chuckled. “I'll leave the going viral to Marjan,” he said.

“Did you at least get a selfie with her to put on your Instagram?” he asked.

“I did, I think it boosted our numbers a bit,” TK said.

“A bit?” Marjan asked as she came up to them. “You are friends with Firefox now. You are going to pass 2million followers in no time,” she said with a smile and TK chuckled as she headed off to the women's side of the locker room.

“So, things were good when you moved here?” Paul asked and TK nodded.

“For a while. After my accident, the little girl breaking my ribs,” he said and Paul chuckled, “my ex found me,” he said. “I moved to get away from him,” he added.

“What happened?”

“He showed up here, stating that he wasn't going to leave without me,” TK said. “I was scared to say the least. All them had my back, especially Judd. He took me home that day, basically told Alex to go home back to New York or the whole house was going to bury him,” he said.

“Not that it did any good,” Judd said as he came into the locker room.

“He stayed?” Paul asked.

“Man wouldn't take no for an answer,” Judd said. “We all had to take turns babysittin' this one while Carlos went out to play hero,” he said, putting his arm around TK's shoulders.

“All he did was set up a sting for Alex to confess he wanted to kidnap me and take me back to New York,” TK said as he pulled on his AFD shirt.

“Uh, you're forgetting the little part where he was hiring an undercover cop to murder Carlos to get him out of the way,” Judd said.

“Whoa,” Paul said. “Please tell me this dude is in jail,” he said.

“Where he belongs,” TK said. “The whole murder for hire caught on tape kind of locked it up for us,” he said.

“Man sounded crazy,” Paul said.

“Oh, he was, but team Tarlos lived on and they are getting married,” Judd said. “I'll put in a few good words for ya, seeing as I am the best man and all,” he said and Paul chuckled as TK closed his locker.

“Don't make me regret it,” he said before heading off to work.

“How's the new team working out?” Carlos asked and TK let out a sigh.

“It's only our second shift together,” he said. “Hopefully it's not as wild as that baby in the tree call,” he added and Carlos chuckled. TK cuddled up beside him on the couch.

“Would it be a good time to ask about what we're going to wear at the wedding?” he asked and TK groaned. “I'm sorry, baby, but Mom is asking.”

“I don't know. We're going to be on a ranch. I don't want to wear something hot and stifling,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“We'll think of something. It can get hot in June,” he said.

“Not full tuxedos, and I don't think I can pull off the cowboy look,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“Guests will most likely want to dress cool being that it's going to be outside.”

“Oh, we can do fans for them to wave at themselves,” TK said and Carlos chuckled.

“We could,” he said as he put an arm around TK's shoulders. He took out the wedding planner and looked through their checklist.

“What do we have to do yet?” he asked and Carlos let out a sigh as he looked over.

“We got the cake already ordered, we have a DJ, decorations are being made my Mom and my sisters, God help us,” he said and TK chuckled. “Would you want anything Jewish done for the ceremony, since your mom is coming?” he asked.

“Well, we could do the whole stepping on a glass and yelling out Mazel Tov,” TK said and Carlos smiled. “Your mom's cooking, right?”

“Babe, I think the whole family is cooking,” he said and TK chuckled. “You know what we can do?” he asked getting his tablet out. “We should pick out our invitations and save the date cards,” he said and TK cleared his throat as Carlos turned on his tablet and went to a site. “Wedding Paper Divas?” he asked.

“Seems like they're a little pricey,” TK said.

“Well, that only depends on how many people we're inviting and we whittled it down to a hundred and twenty five people,” he said and TK let out a sigh. Most of that was Carlos' side. “We could try to whittle it down to a hundred,” he suggested.

“No, no, a hundred and twenty five is fine,” he said. Carlos softly kissed him.

“We can hold off a little while more,” he said.

“Carlos, let's just see what they have, okay?” TK asked and he nodded. They snuggled up on the bed as Carlos brought up the filtering process.

“So, nothing too fancy,” he said and TK nodded.

Carlos let out a sigh seeing TK had fallen asleep on him while in the processing of going through invitations. He kissed him on the head before putting away his computer. He carefully got TK to lay down onto the bed and got in under the covers with him. Automatically, TK rolled over and snuggled up against Carlos.

“Who knew there were so many options for save the date cards,” TK said. “We don't even need them because everyone knows we are getting married,” he said.

“Did you tell him that?” Marjan asked and TK let out a sigh. “I'll take that as a no.”

“His family's excited. They want to do everything. Wedding invitations, save the date cards, something blue, something old, something new. The whole of it,” TK said. “My mom's on board, as much as she can be and my dad, well, he's lending his expertise, being that he's been married twice,” he said and Marjan chuckled.

“I don't think you can call that expertise,” she said.

“He does,” TK said as they finished rolling the hose up. “I don't see what the big deal is. I just want to stand up with Carlos and get married. That's all I want to do,” he said.

“Then just let Carlos and his family plan it,” she said.

“I am, but Carlos wants me involved,” he said and Marjan gave him a comforting pat on the back.

“When is the official day?” she asked.

“June 20th,” he said.

“Of this year?” she asked and TK nodded.

“Sweet, count me in,” Marjan said. “I'll help Jude keep you in line,” she added and TK chuckled.

“I'm not going to run away,” he said.

“I know. Judd is your best man. He will glue you to your spot,” he said.

“You make it sound like Carlos is walking down the aisle to me,” TK said.

“Which one is walking down the aisle?” she asked.

“We both are,” a voice said and TK turned to see Carlos walking into the firehouse in full uniform.

“Wow,” Marjan muttered under her breath, causing TK to smack her playfully.

“What are you doing here?” TK asked as he walked over to his fiance.

“I can't visit my future husband?” Carlos asked and TK chuckled before kissing him.

“Of course you can, but you've never come to the station before,” TK said. “Especially in uniform,” he added. Carlos chuckled. “So, why are you really here?” he asked.

“Lunch?” Carlos asked, holding up a bag of take out from their favorite place.

“Sure,” he said with a smile.

TK took them around to the sitting area outside that had a picnic table. “So, how's the team?” Carlos asked.

“They're good. I love Marjan,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“You only like her because she boosted our followers,” he said and TK chuckled with a smile.

“It's only half the reason I love her,” he confessed and his fiance chuckled. “I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night. Picking out the invitations,” he said.

“It's fine,” Carlos said.

“No, it's not. I want to be involved, but I just want to stand up in front of our family and friends and get married.”

“I understand, which is why I narrowed the invitation choices to two after you fell asleep,” he said, pulling out his phone and TK smiled. “This one, or this one,” he said. TK took Carlos' phone to look at the two designs.

“Oh, I like this one,” TK said, turning Carlos' phone to him. It was blue and white with firefly lights on it.

“I liked this one too,” he said with a smile. “So, we got our invitation,” he added.

“It looks like it,” Carlos said with a smile before kissing TK. Suddenly the alarm bell went off and they had to pull apart.

“Gotta go,” TK said getting up.

“Be safe,” he said and they kissed again before TK rushed into the station.

Chapter 43: Tease


TK is a tease.


Happy early Valentine's Day to my readers!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own 9-1-1 Lonestar characters.

Don't forget to comment!!

Chapter Text

TK let out a gleeful sound when he saw the box on their porch. It had the Wedding Paper Divas logo on it and he picked it up. It was their invitations, envelopes and seals that they ordered. Hopefully the return address labels were in there too. Carlos was still at work, so TK got to open the box himself. He carefully opened it and smiled, seeing their invitations and the silver envelopes they came with and let out a sigh. They could get to start working on those right away when Carlos got home. They ordered extra envelopes because they were going to hand write the sending addresses. TK took out his phone and dialed Carlos. If Carlos was still at work and he would have to leave a cryptic message, which he loved to do.

TK grinned hearing Carlos' voicemail message. “Hey, baby, it's me. You will never guess what was on our porch when I got home. I'm so excited for when you get home. Love ya,” he said before hanging up. He chuckled like a villain, knowing it was going to bug Carlos the rest of his shift. He text his mother about the invitations arriving before he went to take a shower and change.

Carlos let out a sigh as he pulled his phone out of his pocket while to change out of his uniform. He saw that there was a missed call from his fiance and a message he left. He went to his voicemail and listened. The message wasn't clear what TK meant, but the last time he left a message like that, it meant he had gotten a sex toy from a shop in New York he special ordered for them. They still used it and Carlos felt his co*ck twitch in his pants. There was an email notice on his phone too. He brought that up and he chuckled. A notice that his order from Wedding Paper Divas had arrived just shortly before TK got off his shift. “Okay, you want to play dirty?” Carlos asked before putting his phone in his locker. “We'll play dirty,” he said. He would have to shower to play dirty.

“Hey, babe,” TK said as soon as he walked in. “So, guess what arrived today?”

“The invitations,” Carlos said putting his work bag down.

“Yeah, I started unloading the box onto the dining room table. Figured we could use the space,” he said and Carlos came up behind him. “The return address label were in it too,” he said pointing them out.

“Oh, fantastic. They had said they might be shipped separately,” Carlos said as he put his hands on TK's hips. TK smirked feeling Carlos kiss under his ear.

“So, invitations, seals, envelopes and return labels. That's all we needed, right?” he asked and Carlos nodded his head, wrapping his arms around TK's middle. “We can get directions to the ranch from the city in the welcome bags for our out of town guests.”

“Welcome bags?”

“Yeah, the hotels where we save rooms for our out of town guests, which will be mostly my family and friends from New York, we can put welcome bags that have like, water, tissues, sunscreen directions to the ranch, a map of Austin. List of places to check out while they're here,” he said and Carlos smiled against his neck.

“You really thought that through,” Carlos said.

“Well, it popped up on a Wedding Paper Divas site. We should even think of doing gift cards for UBER because most of everybody who's coming from New York will not want to drive. They'll most likely do what I did when I first got here. UBER,” he said.

“I love you,” Carlos said into his ear and TK smiled. “Want me to show just how much I love you?” he asked before kissing TK's weak point.

“Please do,” TK said causing Carlos to growl. TK giggled as Carlos pulled him away from the dining room table and they headed up the stairs to their bedroom.

“You are such a tease,” Carlos said as he kissed TK's neck. He chuckled as his fiance backed him up against the wall in the hallway.

“I know just how to push your buttons,” he said. Carlos let out a growl before pulling TK away from the wall. TK shrieked when Carlos threw him over his shoulder and headed upstairs to their bedroom. “Carlos.”

“Nope, your ass is mine tonight,” he said, giving TK's ass a playful slap. TK giggled when Carlos navigated the hall to head to their bedroom. He let out a shout when Carlos tossed him onto the bed. TK laid on the bed and watched Carlos undress. He grew harder as Carlos kept eye contact with him as he took off his clothes. “You going to join me in undressing, Tiger or you just going to watch?” he asked.

“I could just watch,” TK said before Carlos chuckled.

“No, you will want to be naked for this, too,” he said and TK started undressing.

“You're just lazy to take my clothes off,” he said and Carlos scoffed. He took off his underwear and TK was left speechless for like the thousandth time.

“You okay there, mi amore?” Carlos asked as he stood at the foot of the bed.

“Yeah,” TK squeaked and his fiance chuckled. Carlos got onto the bed, keeping a feral look in his eyes as he crawled up the bed. TK's breathing was heavy as Carlos kissed up his body. “Carlos,” he moaned. Carlos shushed him as he kissed his neck. He made an endearment in Spanish and TK moaned. The Spanish lessons were paying off. Carlos pressed their naked bodies together and kissed his fiance. TK moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his policeman's body. His hands ran down Carlos' back before grasping his ass cheeks. Carlos moaned into the kiss before breaking it. TK was giggling at Carlos' playfulness.

“Yeah, you know all of my buttons,” he said before pulling away from TK. The firefighter whined but then cried out when Carlos flipped him over onto his stomach. “But it's like I said before, your ass is mine,” he said into his ear before pulling off TK's underwear. He made sure TK saw him reach into their night stand for their lubricant, but he didn't pull out the lubricant. It was something different. It was a glass bottle.

“What's that?”

“I thought we'd try something different today,” Carlos said. “I special ordered this from that favorite shop of yours in New York,” he said.

“Body oil?” TK guessed and Carlos kissed his neck.

“Such a good little boy,” he teased and put the oil on the nightstand. He opened the jar of oil and dipped his fingers into it. “This feels so slick. It's going to make me so slide right into you,” he said and TK moaned. He made a show of coating his fingers with a fair amount of the oil before pulling it out of the jar and bringing the slick fingers to TK's ass. TK moaned as he ran his fingers along his puckered asshole.

“Carlos.” He moaned into the pillow as Carlos' rubbed his fingers against his hole before slowly inching one finger into him. He made an exclamation in Hebrew and Carlos smirked. This was how he paid TK back for being a tease on the phone all the time. Slow preparing and slow love making. TK had a habit of trying to make him go faster whenever they made love. A second finger joined the first and they scissored apart. TK groaned as his legs came apart and Carlos moaned.

“Oh, I love it when I make your legs come apart,” he said before kissing TK's neck. TK whimpered as a third finger joined the other two and began pumping in and out of him.

“Carlos,” he whimpered only to be shushed with a kiss. TK moaned into the kiss as Carlos worked him over. His co*ck was so hard, trapped between his body and the bed. He cried out when Carlos' fingers grazed his prostate. “f*ck, Carlos.”

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes, yes, I'm ready.” Carlos removed his fingers and TK moaned at the loss.

“Hands up,” he said and TK put his hands above his head. Carlos reached to get a condom and tore it open with his teeth. He groaned as he rolled it onto his co*ck and he pressed it against TK's ass. “Do you feel that?” he asked.

“Yes,” TK moaned. Carlos spread apart TK's ass cheeks and slowly pressed his co*ck forward. TK felt his legs spread to help as Carlos did an agonizing slow pace. “Faster,” he pleaded.

“No, not tonight,” he said and TK moaned out. Carlos completely laid on top of TK braced his elbows on either side of TK's head and then braced his knees. He slowly pulled his hips back and then pushed back in. TK moaned out, squeezing around Carlos' co*ck.

“Papi,” he moaned. Carlos groaned against his neck as he did slow, sharp thrusts. He grasped TK's hip with his left hand as he pumped his hips into him. He changed the angle of his thrusts and TK yelped out. “f*ck.” Carlos chuckled causing him to groan out in anger.

“How do you like to be teased, Tiger?” Carlos asked before raising himself up and then started to do short, sharp thrusts in the angle that had TK yelping. TK moaned out at each one as Carlos' co*ck hit his prostate with each thrust of his hips.

“f*ck, Carlos.”

“Are you close, baby?” he asked and TK mewled out a moan. His co*ck was no doubt a crazy red and leaking cum.

“Yes, yes, I'm close,” he moaned.

“Are you ready to come, Tiger?” Carlos asked into his ear before kissing the shell of it. TK cried out a moan as Carlos f*cked him. “Answer me,” he said, stopping his thrusts.

“Yes, yes, Papi, I want to come,” he said. Carlos began to thrust again while he reached underneath. Using his arm, he got TK to life up and he grasped his co*ck. TK cried out as Carlos pumped his co*ck to his thrusts. “Babe, I'm going to come,” he said.

“Please do,” Carlos said. TK cried out in ecstasy as he came, no doubt soiling their bedding. Carlos groaned as TK's ass clenched down on his co*ck and he came in a deep moan into the condom.

“Oh, f*ck, Papi.” Carlos chuckled as he pulled out and laid down beside him on the bed. “We're going to have to change the sheets,” he said.

“Yep, definitely,” Carlos said, pulling TK over on top of him.

“Sorry for being such a tease on the phone,” he said and his future husband kissed him.

“You are forgiven,” Carlos said before smacking his ass. TK faked cried before kissing Carlos again.
“Did you want to start the invitations?” he asked.

“They can wait tomorrow. I have to clean up my mess,” he said and Carlos sighed out as they both looked at the soil sheets.

“We can clean up the mess,” he said before they got up. TK threw some clothes on before taking the sheets off and Carlos got clean ones from the linen closet in the hall. “We should probably figure out which hotels to reserve rooms for,” he said as he came back into the bedroom with the new sheets.

“Yeah, I mean, my mom will find her own hotel. She's probably got it set up already,” he said and Carlos chuckled.

“All right, so, there's a lot of hotels in the area,” he said.

“We can decide tomorrow as we're doing the invitations,” TK said as he bundled the soiled sheets up.

“Something wrong?” he asked and TK let out a sigh.

“No, I'm just really tired right now,” he said.

“Well, get those down to the laundry and we'll worry about them tomorrow.” By the time TK came back up from the laundry, Carlos had the bed made up and he crawled into it. Carlos was after him soon and turned off the light. He turned to his side and wrapped his arm around TK. “I love you,” he said, kissing his head. TK made a sound of approval, sounding half asleep. Carlos chuckled before pulling the cover over them and putting his head down to fall asleep.

Chapter 44


Wedding planning in full swing!!


Sorry about the over one year update guys. It sucks when real life gets in the way and the writing bug stops working for you.

If the chapter is too short, I apologize. Just struggling with getting this story out for you.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Doing invitations was a hassle, but TK and Carlos managed to get through them in the few weeks since getting them. It helped that they narrowed the guest list to just 100 people. Carlos made it clear that they weren't even going to send an invitation to Uncle Javier. Just the wedding announcement after the fact. That way there was nothing he could do. The new 126 was coming into place too. TK loved everyone, especially Marjan. She almost replaced Judd for Best Man. She was awesome at helping them with the invitations.

“So cute that you're writing your own vows,” Marjan said as she watched TK with his note pad.

“Yeah, I'm a bit behind,” TK said as he crossed a word out before letting out a sigh. “I thought I had it all figured out,” he said as he looked over what he had written already.

“Carlos has his done already?” she asked and he let out a sigh.

“He says he does,” TK said and Marjan took the pad from him. “Hey, that's personal,” he said as she looked over what he had written.

“Uh, TK, there's only words that would describe your relationship on here,” she said.

“Yeah, I'm having trouble piecing it together,” he said and Marjan let out a sigh.

“How about you start with how you met?” she suggested and he groaned. “No good?”

“Carlos and I met while I was waiting for my then boyfriend to show up to our date night,” TK said and Marjan's eyes grew wide. “Yeah, that's generally the reaction I get when I tell people about how we met,” he said.

“Is this the same ex boyfriend who went stalker on you after you broke things off?” she asked.

“Yep and now he's serving time in the finest Texas State Penitentiary for hiring a hit man to kill an officer of the Austin Police Department,” TK said. “It was a little unconventional how we got together,” he said.

“I bet,” Marjan said. “Still, you're together despite how you met.”

“He flirted with me at a bar while I was being pissed at my ex for being late,” he said. “It took balls, really and by the time Alex did call me, I was enamored with the Texan in front of me.”

“Did you cheat on Alex with Carlos?” he asked.

“I did,” he confessed and she groaned, “but in my defense,” he started to say causing Marjan to look at him. “No, I do have a defense. Alex was already cheating on me before I did,” he said.


“All the times he was late to our date nights, he was banging a coworker in their office,” he said. “Another coworker came to me a few weeks after I told Alex that we needed a break, and told me she caught them in the break room, kissing. She knew Alex was with me at the time, so she felt compelled to tell me,” he said.

“Still, you cheated on him,” Marjan said.

“He was cheating first,” TK argued and she smacked him on the arm. “Carlos made me feel alive and loved. I don't know where I would be without him.”

“You should write that in your vows,” she said and he smiled.

“Thanks, Marj,” he said before the bell suddenly went off and they got up from the table.

Carlos smiled as he put the finishing touches onto his vows. “Perfect,” he said before saving it. He was shutting down his computer just as TK walked through the door. “Hey, babe,” he said with a smile.

“Hey,” TK said as he put his bag down and closed the door behind him.

“How was your shift?” Carlos asked as his fiance came over to him.

“It was long,” TK said as he sat down. Carlos put his computer away before gathering him up in his arms. “How was yours?”

“It was uneventful,” he said and TK laughed. “Got your vows written yet?” he asked.

“Actually, Marjan helped me,” TK said with a smile. “I don't even need to ask you if you got yours written,” he said and Carlos gave him a smug smile.

“I actually just finished mine,” Carlos said and TK smacked his arm. “There's a plate in the fridge for ya,” he added and TK smiled.

“Thanks,” he said before going over to the kitchen.

“Oh, Mom wanted to tell me that my final relative RSVP and it's not Uncle Javi,” he said.

“We didn't even send him a wedding invite,” TK said. “At least we'll be able to finally cross off another thing of our wedding to do list,” he said as he got the plate from the fridge. “The place cards for the table,” he said and Carlos smiled.

“We sticking to our midnight blue theme?” he asked as he opened up his computer again. He brought up the wedding site that they used for the invitations.

“Yeah, can you see if the site has the invite theme for place cards?” he asked as he heated up his plate. Carlos looked over the site and found the place cards section of it.

“Midnight blue,” he muttered as he typed it in. He let out a sigh as TK brought his plate over along with some sparkling water. Seeing the sparkling water made him think about the reception. “So, I'm not sure how well received this would be, but I was thinking about something for the reception,” he said.

“What?” TK asked.

“A dry wedding,” Carlos said. “No alcohol of any kind,” he added.

“How well received would that be with your side of the family?” TK asked. “My side will understand, one hundred percent,” he said.

“Some of my side, like the ones who met you, would understand it,” he said.

“How long have you been thinking about this?” he asked. “I can handle wedding guests drinking,” he said.

“I know that, but I've been thinking about this for a while. I've noticed my alcohol intake has gotten smaller. I hardly drink anymore,” he said.

“That's very thoughtful, Carlos,” TK said. “What would we serve at a dry wedding?”

“I have thought about that too,” Carlos said as he pulled up a drink list for a dry wedding. “We could do mock tails, you know, drinks that are co*cktails, but without the alcohol,” he said. “We can do coffee, tea, sparkling grape juice, sparkling water. We could even do that sherbet drink,” he said. “Oh, root beer floats,” he added.

“These sound pretty good,” TK said.

“All we have to do it let Mom and my aunts know, since they are in charge of the catering,” Carlos said and TK smiled.

“Okay, dry wedding it is,” he said before kissing his fiance. “Love you.”

“Love you, more,” Carlos said with a smile.

“It's not a contest,” TK quipped.

“A dry wedding?” Judd asked as he and TK wrapped up a hose.

“Yep,” he said. “Now, don't get me wrong, but with my history, Carlos felt that we shouldn't have alcohol at the wedding.”

“Right,” Judd said.

“We'll have fun drinks, Judd. There are non alcoholic ones that we could have someone make. We could have juice, tea, sparking grape juice, soda and bubbly water,” he said.

“Seriously though? No booze?”

“Yes, no booze and as my best man, you should be supporting that,” TK said only to sing the last part and Judd cleared his throat. “Pretty sure our old crew mates would be jumping on the bandwagon,” he added.

“You're right on that part,” he said before sighing out. “All right, no booze,” he said and TK gave him a hug around the middle. “All right, all right. Don't get all sappy on me,” he said pushing TK away who chuckled. “Hey, at least we don't have to worry about anyone getting drunk at the wedding,” Judd said trying to think on the positive and TK chuckled.

“There is that,” he said. “I can't believe I'm getting married this summer,” he said and Judd patted him on the back.

“I seriously thought you and Carlos would have eloped already with his sisters and mother getting really into the planning,” he said.

“Well, they're already doing the cooking. They don't need to be doing anything else,” TK said. “We're doing cupcakes instead of a cake,” he said.

“What about the whole smashing a cake into each other's faces?” Judd asked and TK let out a sigh as he looked at his best man.

“Do I have to find a new best man?” he asked and Judd chuckled. “Oh, don't tell me you and Grace did that at your wedding.”

“Well, she was short and at a disadvantage,” Judd said. “But her arms were longer than I thought and before I knew it, I had cake up my nose,” he said and TK let out a chuckle.

“Please tell me there are pictures of this,” he said, laughing as he sat on the rolled up hose.

“There are and they're in our wedding album,” he said.

“Now I have this sudden urge to ask Grace to see your wedding album,” TK said.

“Knowing her, she will skip to that page first,” Judd said and he chuckled. “I'm glad everything is coming together for the wedding and I'm glad my only job for you, as your best man, is to make sure you show up,” he said.

“Judd, nothing on this Earth will keep me from getting married to Carlos,” TK said with a smile and Judd smiled back. “Nothing.”


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One Night and Forever - RovakPotter82 (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.