Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (2024)

One day left of submissions, so it's sub review time!

I'll basically just be giving some brief (as in like 1-2 sentences ) feedback on all submissions, including whether or not your sub could be vetoed (meaning disqualified from voting). Note that I haven't talked with the rest of council about vetoes or anything, so none of the vetoes here are official, with the official veto slate happening in 2 days when submissions close.

These are all just my opinion, so you can decide whether or not you wanna take my advice

Gekokeso said:

- Probably not understanding something right, but this looks kinda insane, being a strong move of a great typing with a half downside that also helps. I'd probably lower this move's BP and/or change its type, but like I said I might not understand this move's effect correctly

- Simple but cool
- Real berry ability, pretty good

Beebos said:

- I can where you're coming from here, though I'm not really sure if I like it. Having to set the weather up manually is a good restriction, but I shudder at the thought of Walking Wake with 12 turns of Sun or Basculegion with 12 turns of Rain. Would probably remove the turn boost from the Rocks, as blasphemous as that sounds
- Unfortunately mostly seems like a worse Calm Mind that a lot of mons that already get Calm Mind would get
- Not sure how useful this is for Sun, but I like the concept
- Pretty cool

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (1)Still decent
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (2)Much better than the original. Aside from Sneasler shenanigans, idk what really uses this but it's alright

- Still decent
- Still okay
- Still pretty good

Swagodile said:

- Simple but pretty cool, I've always liked Compound Eyes
- Is fine. Can run Spikes Toedscruel in peace now
- I forget if this is a resub or not, but it's still good. Is a JolteMons resub which is meh, but otherwise it's good

- Objectively usable, but with Dragon being such an offensive type, I'm not sure how much this would actually get used. Maybe add a minor effect to it, like healing of the damage dealt for example
- See above, though this time it'd probably be rare just cuz Psychic isn't a very good type. Also, in their current states anyway, this can be combined into 1 submission with Dragon Rage since they're clones of each other

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (3)Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (4)Since these two are direct counterparts, you can combine these into 1 sub. These are both pretty boring but very very effective, would be okay with it
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (5)Haxorus definitely appreciates this, but it's likely not enough to get it out from under Baxcalibur and Garchomp's shadows
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (6)Seems alright, Ghost/Rock is historically a pretty bad typing, but Rock Head always goes Head Smash goes hard

Ayecrusher King said:

- Still meh
- Still indifferent to Pursuit

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (7)Don't really like this much just because of the huge surprise factor, but at least it's probably not broken because it takes the item slot
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (8)See above. This can be combined into 1 sub with the above as they're clones of each other
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (9)Not super sure how I feel about this one, the stat boost might be too sharp for how relatively easy it is to activate (esp since the wording implies that Healing Stones count). Might recommend making it just +1 to both defenses but I'm not sure

- Seems alright
- Seems alright with the right distribution
- Also seems decent with the right distribution, essentially giving you 1.5x HP
- This is really similar to a Battle Bond sub from last slate that was resubbed later this slate and I do think I like that other version more

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (10)I forget if this is a resub, but people really like subbing HAvalugg adjustments it seems. Anyway, minmaxed Mamoswine is pretty cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (11)There's another Levitate Gengar sub that I prefer, but this would be fine too
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (12)Would be one way to make this viable. An Exploud-type mon is fun to have. Might be overly cautious here, but with Farigiraf's high SpA, good bulk and multiple methods of setup this could actually be broken, but I definitely have to ask council about this one

Turtlek said:

- Still cool

- Is Pillage, is fine

Lysion said:

- I like it, gives a slightly different take on the Core Enforcer we all got acquainted to back in JolteMons
- Are alright

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (13)Still meh
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (14)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (15)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (16)Makes these a lot more usable. Could see these being a little annoying, in the same kinda way Baseball Bat's bullet bouncing effect can be annoying cuz you can get surprised by the item and hard punished for it

- Still a good way to unban Lando-I
- Still pretty good
- Pretty cool
- Still pretty strong but probably just enough to unban it

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (17)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (18)Still good
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (19)Still decent
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (20)Roaring Moon going crazy means that Snow is probably in a fine place as is, but that said I do like this, especially without Veil

Z-nogyroP said:

- Heal Block is a fun effect that people have been experimenting with this slate, I like
- My favorite of the priority move subs this slate

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (21)Stall would probably love this, just slot in Whirlwind Ting-Lu or Icy Wind Cresselia and now you have a cleric
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (22)Pretty neat anti-Fairy tech with an appropriate downside for giving a better matchup against such a strong type. Could see slow bulky Darks and Fighting-types using this, like Crabominable

- Sounds pretty fun for lower tier mons
- Could be pretty cool, punishes passivity. Also, I assume this only raises Attack 1 stage at a time?
- Seems like an okay enough Protosynthesis replacement, but I'm not super crazy about it
- Still fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (23)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (24)Still pretty cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (25)Legitimately a huge fan of this
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (26)Still decent. I like the new take on HElectrode

G-Luke said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (27)Not too crazy about buffing rain, but as stand alone mons these make the fishes pretty cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (28)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (29)A couple of the moves on Hoopa-U scare me a little bit, but this is overall fine
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (30)Is alright, if not a little uninteresting, just giving Arcanine the two best Normal attacking moves. Would be effective, though

- Still cool
- Pretty cool. Inteleon becoming the Special Dracovish Walking Wake only wishes it could be >>>
- Pretty good, a lot more interesting than just doing Poltergeist again

- Makes Ash Gren great again
- I like them

Seito Chinchou said:

- Pretty cool, though we don't really need more healing moves

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (31)Seems like a really strong effect. Is probably fine at a 30% boost since it's just one type at a time, but yeah this might be pretty major
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (32)Pretty decent offensive tool, could help sweepers get a snowball rolling

awaterbucketonlava said:

- Not super interested in this, mostly because we had the same thing as Arm Thrust in both SylveMons and JolteMons
- Honestly probably a nerf to Toxapex, might be better with its original effect
- Not really sure what this one means. If it's a 5 BP move that switches the foe out, then hits the mon that comes in and switches them out for the entire team, that might be a bit broken, as they would accelerate hazard damage extremely fast

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (33)Is alright, but we just got a similar item in Razor Fang last slate
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (34)Steel-types don't really need the help
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (35)Would probably get vetoed, Trick Room isn't as crazy without Magearna or Tera, but giving threats like Ursaluna that much time would probably be a bad time

Rasdanation said:

- Considering how good the Glowking + Roaring Moon core is right now, I'm not terribly excited to have that but for Iron Valiant
- Is fine as Healing Stones counterplay

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (36)Still cool

chemicalmines said:

- Not super into more Knocking off
- Might be a bit hard to code, but is sounds just okay

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (37)Seems decent, this mon really needed Sucker Punch
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (38)People really like subbing HAvalugg adjustments it seems. Is still cool

PQRDG said:

- Still fine
- Still fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (39)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (40)Still meh
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (41)Might get vetoed due to being too hard to code. Power of Alchemy worked with this effect in JolteMons because I was able to make a workaround by giving each mon with the ability their own version of it, but that wouldn't work for it as an item

- Still fine
- All pretty decent. Would probably keep Armor Tail's distribution rather low just because of the Overcoat buff, though
- See Four-Leaf Clover

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (42)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (43)Still pretty cool

Beaf Cultist said:

- A bit odd but I think it works?
- Still fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (44)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (45)Relic Charm but with a twist, I like
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (46)Might be being overly cautious, but this seems slightly crazy? Ig most of the time it'll result in a double down, but this seems like a really really strong way of punishing physical attackers to a concerning degree

- Heal Block is pretty neat, I like
- I love Sand Force, but probably not the most impactful Sand buff. Will be giving it to Garchomp

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (47)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (48)One of my top 2 fav Sand abuser subs along with the earlier Pyroar, I like
:meloettea:I love Meloetta

Mintly said:

- Is Special DDance
- lol. In all seriousness, Rocks are fine, there are a lot of Flying and Fire-types I would not want to face in a world without Rocks

flareth13 said:

- Simple but decent
- Very similar name to JolteMons' Acidic Fists. While I wanna limit JolteMons resubs, I will say that just making this Acidic Fists (which had the same power and accuracy, but broke screens in addition to the poison chance) would be more interesting than this, which is currently slightly stronger Poison Jab with a lower poison chance

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (49)Still fine
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (50)Still fine

- Warmed up to this a lot, has a lot of fun potential on stuff like Arcanine
- Is okay
- Both Mortify and Petrify are probably a bit less interesting than Immolate in terms of potential abusers, but I like -ates so they're fine. Also, these can be combined with Immolate into 1 sub since there are all clones

Sannis said:

- Not super in to more item removal
- Is an alright physical Electric move
- The potential users of this are a bit limited, but I like the idea
- A tiny bit more removal wouldn't hurt and this one is fairly interesting with its typing and effect

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (51)Pretty cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (52)Probably nothing game-changing
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (53)Somewhat neat, we had something similar to this in JolteMons with the same name, but this is a bit more interesting than that version

Ema Skye said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (54)Seems like a lot, but this would probably ultimately be pretty decent

- Nothing crazy, but a few Grass mons would definitely appreciate it
- Pretty decent, especially Rust Rupture being able to spread the rare toxic
- I like the idea of giving Grass-types a Fire move, though I'm not too crazy about this, both for the secondary effect and the accuracy
- Would be a bit awkward to change Jungle Healing again after it just got buffed, but that said these are pretty neat

Glubbfubb said:

- Sounds like a bit of a pain to code, but aside from that it's just okay, might not really see use since you need a lot of setup for it though
- Pretty decent, special priority is always neat
- Pretty cool for Ice-types
- Pretty decent utility move

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (55)Very common item concept that was seen in both SylveMons and JolteMons. It's just alright, but will likely end up as a noobtrap aside from maybe giving Bisharp or Primeape a tiny niche on Webs teams or something, though that might be wishful thinking
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (56)Is alright, though the Mirror Herb-like effect could be a tiny bit worrying on a non-consumable item
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (57)Is alright
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (58)Sounds okay, if mildly annoying with the likes of Sing

IceLevelIncarnate said:

- Not really a fan of adding yet another dimension to the hazard game
- Pretty cool (pun intended)
- Not really in to Chilly Reception clones, we've already seen how strong Chilly Reception is with the right teammate
- Still meh

- Not super crazy about it, if only because of Iron Valiant, but it probably wouldn't be too crazy to have
- Not too sure how I feel about it

Actively Aroa said:

- Is alright. Been considering subbing similar things to this myself

- This kinda just makes the more always better than Ice Beam, which I don't really like
- Are okay, though Ice doesn't need more weaknesses

lavarina said:

- Still cool
- Don't really need more healing moves, but I really like the concept

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (59)Could be a fun setup mon, though the Espathra competition is stiff
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (60)This being the only mon with Scald (that'd actually use it) is a hilarious prospect, might unironically give it a place here

Gravity Monkey said:

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (61)Pretty neat. Will double check with council on if the stat boosts are too much, which I'm on the fence on personally

Sigilyph Bro said:

- I'm all for a bit more hazard removal, though I'm not sure if this is the way I'd go about it

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (62)Probably at least a bit better than manually setting up weather, though I'm not sure how much use these would get since when the weathers are set aren't easily controllable and you can use a weather rock to extend them

- I like the concept a lot. Might be be better off as a new ability that you could give to Drago rather than changing Dragon's Maw, since to me the power of current Dragon's Maw is an important part of Regidrago (imo I see Eleki as a fast wallbreaker with utility, while Drago was meant to be a tank)

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (63)Me not liking the starters with 3 abilities aside, Regen on either Typhlosion sounds fun for Eruption shenanigans
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (64)Not 100% sure if this is truly a buff, especially since TTar lacks a good Ghost move, but it's maybe something. Accelerock is nice at least
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (65)An alright take on Gyarados, should make it much more dangerous

NANI?! said:

- Is a physical Electric move
- Another decent strong physical Psychic move this slate
- A little boring, but would be effective

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (66)Pretty neat, eases prediction while EBelt rewards prediction
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (67)A JolteMons resub that I actually would be 100% fine with seeing again, this had a bit of potential last gen since it made recharge moves into worse Z-Moves but that potential was never really realized
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (68)This makes sense, yeah

- Simple but pretty neat
- Is fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (69)Helps with its power issue outside of Gigaton Hammer without being too overbearing, like a sort of Nidoqueen-type mon but with a better typing instead of coverage, I like
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (70)I forget if you were the one that subbed this in Slate 1, but I liked it then and I still like it here

anaconja said:

- Giving this to a couple Gale Wings mons immediately, I like
- Don't like that much since this is a super strong effect, but at least it's on a type that doesn't really like pivoting

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (71)Pretty neat, fills the void that Pex left behind in its own unique way

PalpitoadChamp said:

- Are fine
- Still cool

- Still cool
- Still okay

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (72)Like this a lot for both NGas and Levitate, gives another real Ghost option
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (73)Shore Up sounds wild on paper, but maybe the sucky typing makes up for it (outside of Tera Shard shenanigans ig). I'm a bit sour on Knock Off as well, but I like the rest a lot

Yoshiblaze said:

the greatest of all time, how does he do it

ryangregory78 said:

- Is fine, special priority is always neat
- Am open to a bit mroe removal, though I'd rather have it in more interesting ways than this

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (74)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (75)Is alright
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (76)Seems alright, though there are truly an insane amount of volatile status conditions, some beneficial, so this would certainly have some weird interactions

- Could be neat on lower pivots
- Pretty neat

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (77)Not super in to another Unaware mon
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (78)I like having Speed Boost on Espathra, even without Stored Power cuz maybe it uses Lumina Crash then, but I like the concept, this could still work thanks to the coverage

The Damned said:

- Pretty neat
- Probably my favorite of the accurate special Flying move subs
- Still cool
- Still cool

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (79)Pretty neat, very niche but has some fun applications like potentially screwing over a Glowking on its way out through Chilly Reception
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (80)Still very niche but a pretty good improvement, though slightly clunky to use
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (81)Still cool
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (82)Still fine

- Pretty good
- Is partially a Jolte resub, but these are fine
- Still fine
- Still fine

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (83)Is a another Rotom buff sub, though this is the most unique one so far. They're all pretty decent, and I really like both base Rotom, Rotom-Mow (as much as it's a Jolte rehash), and Rotom-Frost (see previous). Wash having Misty Surge concerns me a little bit just because of Iron Valiant but it's probably fine, and Rotom-Fan having Gale Wings + Plot + Hurricane probably is too much. Will ask council, but you might have to swap Cane out for maybe another utility Flying move or something
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (84)Third slate in a row with a pretty good Tsareena sub
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (85)Pretty cool defensive mon, like a slow Empoleon with a ton of offense
Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (86)Still pretty good

And that's all! See you later today for vetoes!

Pet Mod - VaporeMons - Randbats Set Submissions Open (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.