TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (2024)

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (1)

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (2)

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources – TDEC Grant Website

– Materials Management Grant Website

– About the TDEC Online Grant Management System

Review Administrative Grant Requirements – Application Process

– All Forms are on line TDEC GMS System

– Title VI Compliance Now in GMS

– Deadlines

Contacts – Grant Administration

– Technical

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (3)

• Review Technical Grant Requirements – Education and Outreach

– Convenience Center

– Recycling Equipment

– Recycling Rebate

– Used Oil/Automotive Fluids

• Grants Management System Technical

• Questions

• TDEC Participation Survey

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TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (5)

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TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (10)

• Attend Grant Workshop

• Register for the New TDEC Online Grants System – Access the new online system.

– Download the Grants System User Guide.

– View the tutorial video. (You may maximize the slides by clicking in the lower right corner.)

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (11)

• Recycling Equipment ($500K/$50K)

• Recycling Rebate ($500K/population based)

• Used Oil/Automotive Fluids ($500K/$44,250 per site)

• Convenience Center ($1MM/100K)

• Education and Outreach ($1MM/50K)

TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (12)

• Some Quick Tips: – Prepare a Complete Narrative Response

– Answer the Interrogatives (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How) for each question

– Compare responses to the Scoring Rubric available for download in the Selection Criteria tab

– Ask someone to read your response and relate back

– Seek Technical Assistance if needed

• Complete All Required Forms Online in TDEC’s new Grants Management System

• Submit the Application Online Before the Deadline Monday, October 1, 2018 by 4:30 p.m. CDT

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• Match Requirements – Economic Basis

– Tiered Approach

• Found in Budget Guidance

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• Must Meet Contract Requirements • Audit is Checking • Appropriate Signs Posted • Title VI Training Must Be Current • File the Appropriate Paper Work • Coordinator • Can Use TDEC’s Materials Christina Guidry Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Office of Policy and Planning William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower 312 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., 2nd Floor Nashville, TN 37243 p. (615) 253-8337 [emailprotected]

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Responsible Official and Contact Person may be two different people:

Responsible Official – Elected official of a government body, authority, or non-profit recycling organization (Mayor, Executive Director, President, etc.) must sign all grant application.

Contact Person – Individual knowledgeable about the application contents.

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Submit the Application Online Before the Deadline

Monday, October 1, 2018 by 4:30 p.m. CDT

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Technical Questions:

Recycling Equipment, Recycling Rebate, Convenience Center, and Education and Outreach

Seth McCormick, Recovered Materials



Used Oil

David Sutton, Used Oil Coordinator




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General and Administrative Questions:

For All Grants

Loretta Harrington, Grant Program Manager


Grant Process, Application, Deadlines, Eligibility, Matching Requirements, Funding, and General Questions

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• To provide citizens enhanced education and outreach about recycling and waste diversion

• Supports Objective 6 of the 2015 – 2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan

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• There are three priorities for this grant: – Applicants that develop public/private or public/public


– Applicants that target an adult audience

– Applicants that use the suggested Recycling Partnership templates to aid in the implementation of a Statewide Recycling Brand Campaign


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• Tennessee counties, cities, solid waste authorities, school districts, universities, and non-profit organizations which have been determined to be tax exempt nonprofit organizations by the Internal Revenue Service may apply for grants under T.C.A. § 68-211-825.

• The Education and Outreach Grant takes into consideration a tiered project recommendation system – County convenience center or drop-off site

– Curbside programs

– Potential next steps

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County convenience center or drop-off sites shall ensure the following have been achieved before focusing on other education and outreach efforts:

1. Clear and effective safety signage for both residents and employees at each convenience center or drop-off site

2. Clearly labeled collection containers for materials

3. Clear, professional, and easily identifiable facility entrance signs at each convenience center or drop-off site, displaying each location’s houses of operations

4. A-Frame signage at each site (recommend at least 2-4 per site) displaying a targeted message to residents and providing physical barriers to aid in traffic flow

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If you operate a curbside program, ensure that the following have been achieve before focusing on other education and outreach efforts:

5. Mailers, oops tags, scheduling magnets, informational stickers, and praise tags delivered on at least an annual basis intended to inform residents of desired changes or reinforce proper recycling behavior

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If you have achieved the previous criteria, other potential projects can be pursued:

6. Additional advertising to create a community culture of waste reduction and recycling (social media, truck signs, signs at stores and community buildings, utility bill stuffers, local newspaper advertisem*nts, or other items that directly inform your residents).

7. An organized, well-advertised, and easily navigable website detailing recycling program policies and materials that are and are not accepted.

8. Community workshops, employee workshops, and local events to promote the recycling programs.

9. Other education program expansions and partnerships with schools, non-profits, private entities, etc.

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• $1,000,000 - Total Education and Outreach Grant Offering

• $50,000 – Grant Maximum

• A financial match of 10%-50% is required

• In-kind and force accounts matches are not acceptable

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1. Describe your current education and outreach approach. How do you currently inform residents about proper utilization of your recycling program and where are the gaps in informing residents what, where, and when they can recycle?

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2. Describe the proposed project and need. What is your goal or expected outcome with this project and what is the primary message you intend to convey? If the requested material is intended to improve outreach and education at convenience centers or drop-off sites, also provide site layouts for locations of desired new signage. Also complete the timeline of grant deliverables below to be incorporated into your contract Scopes of Service (see Resources and Contact tab). You may insert other more specific milestones, if needed. Please submit a planned timeline of project deliverables from the execution of your grant to the implementation of your project.

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3. How will you quantitatively measure success and change in public behavior toward achieving the project goal? How will this project improve upon your current education and outreach strategy or address the gaps identified in Question 1?

4. How will you prevent waste and use sustainable materials in the production and dispersal of education and outreach materials?

5. Please estimate the cumulative number of households your project will reach. What will be the frequency of exposure to your campaign or message? Who are the targeted demographics for your outreach effort (be specific)?

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6. Prepare a narrative that justifies the proposed materials or services benefit the local program and project goal. Include key benefits that support the 2025 Plan Objectives, such as: – Increase material tonnages (Objective 1)

– Increase recycling access and/or participation (Objective 2)

– Promote material processing and end use in Tennessee (Objective 3)

– Expand and focus education and outreach (Objective 6)

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7. How will your organization sustain the chosen public outreach effort beyond the funding of this grant?

8. Is the local match and additional local share included in the applicable agency budget?

9. Optional documents: – Designs for signage and printed materials, provide concepts of

each outreach material.

– Written agreements

– Attach other documents related to the grant proposal or equipment request

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• To provide funding assistance to eligible counties that need to enhance their collection assurance requirements through upgrades of existing sites, establishment of new sites or elimination and replacement of unmanned county collection systems (“Green Boxes”).

• Supports Objectives 2 and 7 of the 2015 – 2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan and local governments’ efforts toward developing a fully integrated solid waste management system.

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• There are three priorities for this grant: – Applicants that are replacing and eliminating unmanned county

collection systems (“Green Boxes”).

– Applicants that are establishing a new convenience center that provides access to an underserved area or applicants that do not meet the minimum level of service for the number of convenience centers under Rule 0400-11-01-.10 (2).

– Applicants that apply for a used automotive fluids grant for proposed convenience centers.

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• Tennessee counties only

• New convenience center location

• Upgrade existing convenience center location

• Eligible expenses: – Land

– Paving and fencing

– Shelters for attendants

– Power connection

– Containers, receivers, and compactors

– Operation manuals and education materials

• Ineligible requests: – Regular expenses of a

recurring nature

– Applicants previously awarded a grant of this type from the Solid Waste Management Fund in the last two years that are currently under contract with open balances or who have failed to meet the obligations of additional Division of Solid Waste Management grant contracts in the last two years are ineligible.

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• $1,000,000 – Total Convenience Center Grant Offering

• $100,000 – Grant maximum per site

• A financial match of 10%-50% is required

• In-kind and force accounts matches are acceptable

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1. Provide a narrative background that demonstrates need for collection assurance and financial assistance through a convenience center system. Describe the past conditions that have led the applicant to consider applying for this grant (i.e. replacing Green boxes, insufficient centers, aging equipment, site enhancement, accessibility of existing sites, regulatory problems, etc.).

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2. For each new location, indicate the following: a) Location Name b) Indicate if the proposed project site is currently county owned, will

be leased, or if property will be purchased c) Types of solid waste, recycling and waste reduction collection

equipment at the site d) Types of recyclable commodities that will be collected at the site e) Plans for collecting problem wastes such as BOPAE f) Detailed project timeline for completion of the purchase or lease,

permitting, construction, and operation of the site. Identify key milestones and describe the proposed promotion of the new site.

3. Upload engineering plans or construction plans as applicable, identifying all work that will be conducted at the site. Design plans must meet applicable laws and regulations relative to the need of a certified professional engineer (PE) or architect registered to practice in the State of Tennessee. Please check with local codes enforcement to determine necessity.

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2. For each existing location, indicate the following: a) Location Name b) Indicate the proposed upgrades to the existing convenience center. c) Indicate the value and function each upgrade will provide. d) To encourage the importance of recycling access, applicants requesting

solid waste upgrades shall also incorporate upgrades to recycling infrastructure. If applicant request only recycling upgrades then solid waste equipment match is not required.

e) Detailed project timeline for completion of the purchase or lease, permitting, construction, and operation of the site. Identify key milestones and describe the proposed promotion of the existing site.

3. Upload engineering plans or construction plans as applicable, identifying all work that will be conducted at the site. Design plans must meet applicable laws and regulations relative to the need of a certified professional engineer (PE) or architect registered to practice in the State of Tennessee. Please check with local codes enforcement to determine necessity.

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4. For each new location, answer the following: – Indicate the property boundaries of the proposed convenience

center site(s), property parcel number (if applicable).

– A separate map showing locations of existing convenience center site(s) (if applicable).

– Include a map showing expected service area for the proposed convenience center site(s).

– If replacing green box sites, please provide a map of existing green box locations.

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4. For each existing location, answer the following: – Indicate the property boundaries of the designated upgraded

convenience center site(s).

– Include an overlay diagram identifying the location of the requested upgrades within the property boundaries.

– Include a map showing expected service area for the convenience center site(s).

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• To purchase key pieces of recycling equipment.

• Supports Objectives 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the 2015 – 2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan and efforts of local governments toward achieving their waste reduction and recycling goals.

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• There are three priorities for this grant: – Applicants that received or were eligible to receive the Recycling

Rebate between the Fiscal Years 2011 and 2015.

– Applicants that develop public/private or public/public partnerships.

– Applicants that employ developmentally disabled individuals, as defined in T.C.A. §33-1-101(11).

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• Local governments, private entities, and non-profits organization

• Recycling carts – Recycled Content

– RFID Tags

• Containers

• Compactors

• Balers

• Glass crushers

• Densifiers

• Sorting systems

• Fork lifts

• Ineligible requests – Collection trucks

• Gross weight <10,000 lbs.

– Recycling Rebate counties and cities within these counties are not eligible for the recycling equipment grant: Davidson, Hamilton, Knox, Rutherford, and Shelby.

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• $500,000 – Total Recycling Equipment Offering – Rural counties with populations less than or equal to 50,000 and

the cities, solid waste authorities, or non-profit organizations within those counties. Total grant offering is $200,000. Funding maximum per applicant is $50,000. Tiers 1 and 2 will compete with each other.

– Suburban and urban counties with populations of 50,001 or greater and the cities, solid waste authorities, or non-profit organizations within those counties. Total grant offering is $300,000. Funding maximum per applicant is $50,000. Tiers 3 and 4 will compete with each other.

• $50,000 - Grant maximum

• A financial match of 10%-50% is required

• In-kind and force accounts matches are not acceptable

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1. Describe the proposed project and need. What is your goal or expected outcome with this project? How will you measure success toward achieving the project goal?

2. Is this request to replace older existing equipment or is it adding new equipment? Describe the Preventative Maintenance Plan and/or include the proposed maintenance schedule.

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3. Describe how the program/project will be promoted to support achieving the goal specified in question 1.

4. Does the equipment compete with private services or duplicate existing public sector services provided within the municipal solid waste planning region?

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1. How will your organization sustain the project once this funding is complete?

2. Do you expect to generate any income with the project? If so, describe how these funds will be used to perpetuate the project in the future.

3. Is the local match and additional local share included in the applicable agency budget? If Yes, provide a copy of budget by clicking the button below. If No, provide resolution for budget expansion.

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4. Prepare a narrative that justifies the proposed equipment benefits the local program and project goal. Include key benefits that support the 2025 Plan Objectives, such as: – increased material tonnage (Objective 1)

– increased recycling access and/or participation (Objective 2)

– promotion of material processing and end use in Tennessee (Objective 3)

– new waste reduction and recycling technology (Objective 5)

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TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (57)

The Recycling Rebate Program is in lieu of the Recycling Equipment Program (T.C.A. §68-211-825(b)(2)) and supports the implementation of 2015-2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan

• The allocation of funds in accordance with the amended T.C.A. §68-211-825 (b) is as follows:

• Rebate = (Total Population of County) / (Total Population of Five Most Populous Counties) X 100% of State Funds Allocated for Recycling Equipment Grants

• Funding is distributed to each eligible rebate recipient based on a prorated per capita share.

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• Variety of recycling purposes: – New programs

– New collection sites

– Marketing

– Transport

– Education programs

– Management options

The five most populous counties according to the annual census released in April by the United States Census Bureau and their cities that manage solid waste are eligible for the Recycling Rebate.

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• $500,000 - Total Recycling Rebate Grant Offering

• Dollar-for-dollar match required

• Must notify Department in writing for intent to receive, assign, or waive funding

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• To provide funding to the top five most populous counties and cities within those counties who manage solid waste.

• Supports Objectives 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the 2015 – 2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan and local governments’ efforts towards achieving their waste reduction and recycling goals.

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Department of Environment & Conservation Robert Martineau, Commissioner

Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste Management

David Sutton, Used Oil Coordinator|7/2/2018

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David Sutton | Used Oil Coordinator

Department of Solid Waste Management | Materials Management Programs

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Grant Timeline

The anticipated timeline for this grant offering is as follows:

July 2, 2018

Request for applications


October 1, 2018 Deadline for application

submittal, start processing


October 31, 2018 Rate, recommend, and prepare

contracts for grant awards

January 3, 2019

Announce awards and prepare

grant contacts

January 18, 2019 Send grant offer to successful


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Grant Timeline

February 28, 2019

Mail fully executed grants

June 28, 2019

Target Submit Bid Package

September 30, 2019 Equipment shall be installed and

made operational

December 30, 2019

All Reimbursem*nt Requests


February 2024

Grant Responsibilities Expire

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Order Adsorbent: For counties that have an active grant and need adsorbent please use the following website:


Suggested Absorbent order should be per site once a year 20 bags of Loose Adsorbent

10 Boxes of Pads

10 Boxes of Socks

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1. Double wall containment, 110% containment capacity

2. Spill Pan 3. Lockable, rain-proof lids and access doors 4. Oil level monitoring gauge 5. Corrosion resistant exterior shell 6. Built-in deep-well sink with removable debris screen

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Sample Used Oil Heater Specifications: • Acceptable fuels to include used crankcase oils, ATF, hydraulic fluid, No. 2 fuel oil, and up to 90W gear oil • Minimum BTU / kW per hour (e.g. 140,000 BTU / 41.6 kW per hour) • Single wall workbench fuel tank (optional) • Remember to include Shipping and Installation

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Light Duty Filter Crusher Sample Specifications:

• Cycle Time seconds

• Cavity Size up to 10” height

Heavy Duty Filter Crusher Sample Specifications:

• Cycle Time seconds

• Cavity Size 16” height or greater

***Remember to have appropriate power supply!!!!

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Sample Specification and Vendors for Used Oil Trailers 500 Gallon Double Walled Tank or below 500 Gallon • Tank Thickness 10 gauge • DOT Compliant* yes • Torsion Axles dual 3,500 lbs. • Electric Brakes yes • Tires 16” 10-Ply • Fuel Baffles 2 • GVWR 7,000 lbs. • Front Toolbox (Optional) • Rear Utility Box (Optional) • Used Oil Pump 2 way • Fire extinguisher • DOT Placards • Used Oil Signage Tank • Double Seam Welded • 7 Gauge Steel (10 Gauge on EV500] • Up to 5 Baffles • Locking, Vented Cap • Free Flowing Tank Vent • Oil Level Gauge • 6” Drop Sump with 1/2” Drain Pumping System 25 GPM Industrial Grade 12V Pump • 20’ Of 1” Hose • 12’ Power Cables Finish • Dual Coat Polyurethane Paint • Standard Color Gray • LED Side and Rear Lights Trailer • 6” Formed Frame • Torsion Axles with EZ Lube Hubs • 16” 10-Ply Tires • Electric Brakes • Safety Chains • Conduit Wrapped Wiring Tape • DOT Safety Placards

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Certificate of $1,000,000 Liability Insurance

Copies of the Annual Vehicle Inspection Reports

Written Description of your Recordkeeping Practices &

Examples (i.e. Manifest, Bill of Lading, etc.)

Copies of the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for all drivers

Signed Driver Certification Statements (Form UO – D) for all drivers

If you have any questions about the above matter, please feel free to e-mail ([emailprotected]) or call at (615) 532-9268.

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• Advertising shall be used for Promotion of BOPAE activities

• Promoting the automotive fluid collection program

• Signage at the convenience center

• Advertising HHW mobile event

(if they take oil at the collection event)

• Technical assistance

(website development)

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Electronic Oil level Monitoring This done though cell service and is only good if there is a cell signal. Data is transferred twice a day Emails can be sent daily or can be triggered when the fluid level hits a determined level like 80% full.

This can also be sent in form of a text so that tanks will not ever overflow if addressed. It will also keep cost down

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The used oil grant covers the cost of the unit and service for 5 years. They are easy to install and will be installed by the used oil coordinator. Granted amount for each unit is $1200.00 per site This is a photo of the dial that will be installed on the float gauge to get the data that the monitor needs to calculate fluid levels

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Automotive Fluid Collection Site This site has proper containment This site is clean from spilled oil Adsorbents are kept in a container that is protected from weather and pests. Oil Crusher feeds back into the collection tank preventing spills. All containers are properly labeled

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This site is not properly labeled it is not waste oil The oil tank is exposes to the elements The tank is not clean and is weathered by the elements There is improper storage of used oil in buckets not labeled There is a spill on the ground and at the time of this photo the 35 gallon drum that is rusted was leaking.

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This is not a proper collection tank and it is mislabeled.

Used oil flash point is >60.5

degrees C. Used oil is


Proper labeling is “used oil”

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Oil filters need to be drained in a container that can be sealed. They can not be drained in an open vented system.

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Apply a lock on your tank. We don’t see this often. Good way to prevent contamination and control spillage

Place Oil Socks in spill pan. Easier to clean up than oil dry or kitty litter.

Provide a small garbage can for used oil filters.

Use a non-aerosol degreaser and weed sprayer/light hose water to clean the tank. Replace oil sock following cleaning.

Place opening to canopy facing East if possible. Prevents wind driven precipitation.

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Technical Questions

David Sutton

Used Oil Coordinator

o.615-532-0807 c.615-651-9505



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• Go to the link below to create an account: –

• Create account and affiliate

• City/County/Organization affiliation can be requested

• Once affiliated, applicant may apply for any one of the five programs being offered

• General Information, User Guide, and Video Tutorial can be found at: –


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• Please send all GMS functions questions and concerns to:



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TDEC Grant Offerings and Resources - - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.