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Compared with Jiang Shi, they are nothing The sky is broken, the sky is broken, if I am angry, I will destroy the sky and the earth Jiang Shi said in a cold tone, and the broken knife he raised high also felt the desolation of its owner.

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However, after Jiang Shixiu was promoted twice, the flow rate of time inside the Fenglei Tower increased again, reaching a terrifying ratio of one to four thousand One year outside, four thousand years inside Today, the top leaders of Tianmen gathered in the Heavenly Court.

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Divine weapons appeared all over the sky, which was enough for him to evolve Little Ice Spirit, what level are you at now Jiang Shi felt that the Ice Spirit Pearl was even more terrifying, and seemed to have the power to destroy heaven and earth Xiao Bingling looked like she was thinking, she shook her head and said I don't know, in my memory, there is only the introduction of the innate spiritual treasure But my current level seems to have surpassed the innate spiritual treasure How does it compare with the divine weapon Jiang Shi asked, and as soon as he finished asking, he secretly cursed himself as an idiot They evolved by devouring the artifacts, so they must be much stronger than the artifacts Xiao Bing Ling twisted her slim waist like a water snake, making people's blood boil.

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A phantom appeared in front of Jiang Shi.

The angry snake struck Qiu Ganleo hard Since God won't punish you, I will give you a divine punishment today Jiang Shi pointed with one hand, the wind and clouds in the universe surged, the wind roared, and the terrifying thunder and lightning seemed to have the power to travel through time and space, and struck Qiu Gan fiercely.

Shut up.

If Jiang Shi didn't take action, Manshi would have no way out in forty nine days.

At this time, Han Feng, Wanli Yun, and Yunsheng also realized that something was wrong. There was always a vague aura in the air, and there were more than one.

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Turn white.

Please sit down Jiang Shi smiled, Shu Yi was really good at making arrangements. At first he was afraid of a man coming, but Shu Yi is indeed a brother and he likes it very much The woman was dressed in red, which particularly attracted Jiang Shi.

Jiang Shi was stunned, frowning in thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up, Emperor Kunpeng, Emperor Kunpeng is here too Emperor Kunpeng, I'm rude before I leave Jiang Shi was slightly apologetic.

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Look at Jiang Shi. Shua Jiang Shi unfolded the folding fan, closed his eyes slightly, and secretly used the Nine Palaces and Bagua technique to spy on the secret.

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It's not about escaping, it's about fighting Our Huofangge has been famous in the fairy world for a long time, how can we escape without fighting If we want to escape, we have to fight for the last time Okay, Pavilion Master, I, Chixiong, surrender to you Chixiong called out His own meteor hammer was already destined to die.

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In this way, our Tianmen will recruit talented people. All the God Kings and God Emperors who are willing to join our Tianmen will be rewarded with three artifacts Jiang Shi He smiled, as if he had already seen through the heart of the old man Netherworld.

After learning, Jiang Shi showed a sneer Wang Xing, you go into the Fire God Realm and wait for my news Jiang Shi waved his hand and Wang Xing disappeared.

Let's go Jiang Shi came out.

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Shua Jiang Shi's figure disappeared and appeared in the abyss. And when Nangong De and Tong Wang saw Jiang Shi appearing unscathed, they were stunned in shock Brother Jiang The corner of Nangong De's mouth twitched.

What surprised Jiang Shi the most was that there were actually people from the Star Realm here Wu Ji, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is tall and exudes an evil spirit.

The mausoleum here is shrouded in black mist, and the fish eyes in the sky are breathing evil energy and spraying down, completely isolating this canyon.

He unfolded it with a bang, and the word Qiu Shan suddenly flashed and turned into the word Tian Wei I remembered When I got it in the world of cultivation, the first thing I saw was the word Tianzhi It was later that it became the Qiu Shan Dao Tu Jiang Shi was shocked and finally remembered what was going on.

I think the emperor intends to pass the throne to him.

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This is Nangong Chen took the token, his eyes full of shock, and murmured De'er Senior, I have informed Brother Nangong, come with me Jiang Shi smiled, the Holy Son Order was not gray.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.