Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (2024)

This simple, beloved dairy-free Parmesan recipe is a grated-style cheese alternative that is perfect for sprinkling on salads and entrees, and even makes a delicious addition to breading and coatings. It was originally shared here on Go Dairy Free way back in 2006. Since then, I’ve made countless versions of it in my kitchen. So today, I’m giving this recipe post a big update, with more helpful tips and options.

Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (1)

Make this Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative in Minutes!

This dairy-free parmesan substitute recipe is not only fast and easy, it’s also incredibly versatile. I’ve included several of my own tested options in the FAQs below. But don’t be afraid to play around with the base ingredients, ratios, and add-ins on your own!

Can I Use Different Nuts?

We’ve tested quite a few nuts in this basic dairy-free parmesan substitute, and several work well. In fact, you can use a single nut or a mix of nuts. It’s really a matter of taste. My two favorites are pine nuts or a 50/50 blend of walnuts and cashews. In the latter, the walnuts add a deep, savory quality that offsets the natural sweetness of the cashews. In general, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pine nuts, and macadamia nuts are great options for this recipe. They each have a consistency and taste that tends to meld well into cheesy flavors. And aside from the almonds, none of them need to be blanched or peeled!

Will Roasted Nuts Work?

I prefer raw nuts in this dairy-free parmesan substitute, but roasted will also work! The nutty taste will be a bit deeper, and possibly more pronounced.

I only have Salted Nuts, are Those Okay?

Yes, just omit the salt in the recipe during the initial blend. Once your mixture is “grated,” taste, and blend in salt to taste.

Do You Have a Nut-free Dairy-Free Parmesan Option?

Yes! In my flagship book,Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook, I share my dairy-free nut-free parmesan substitute, called “sunflower grated parma.” To make it, simply substitute sunflower seed kernels for the almonds in this recipe. I also like to increase the salt to 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons, to taste, because seeds have a stronger taste. You can also use part shelled hemp seeds (hemp hearts), if you like. Again, the seedy taste is more pronounced, but it’s still a nice garnish.

Can I Use Less Nutritional Yeast?

Yes! This is a very easy recipe to modify. I often use just 1/2 cup nutritional yeast to the 1 cup of nuts, but I also bump the salt up to 3/4 teaspoon. I like the salty aspect of cheese most! The nutritional yeast provides more of that cheesy umami. It’s actually used quite a bit in cheddar-style seasonings.

Is there a Substitute for the Nutritional Yeast?

Not in this particular recipe. There are only three ingredients, and the nutritional yeast is a key component for the cheesiness.

Are there Any Flavor Add Ins that You Recommend?

I thought you would never ask. Sometimes, I like to add a little onion powder and/or garlic powder to this recipe for more depth in flavor. I don’t have a specific amount, but would start with 1/4 teaspoon and see what you think! They will give this dairy-free parmesan a different, but delicious taste.

How Can I Make a Smaller Batch?

For small households, or if you don’t have any larger appliances, reduce the ingredients to 1/4 cup nuts, 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Grind the ingredients together in a spice or coffee grinder.

Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (2)

Special Diet Notes: Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese

By ingredients, this recipe is dairy-free / non-dairy, egg-free, gluten-free, grain-free, peanut-free, soy-free, plant-based, vegetarian, paleo, and might suit some keto diets. It is added sugar-free. See the post above for my nut-free option.

4.7 from 3 reviews

Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative

Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (3)


Prep time

Total time

These parmesan style sprinkles add wonderful savory flavor to pastas, salads, breads, casseroles, and other entrees. See the post above for more options!

Author: Adapted from Joanne Stepaniak

Recipe type: Dairy Alternative

Cuisine: Italian

Serves: 16 servings (about 3 cups)


  • 1 cup nutritional yeast flakes
  • 1 cup almonds, preferably blanched (see note below)
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt, or to taste


  1. If blanched and peeled your own almonds, pat the almonds dry to remove excess moisture.
  2. Place the almonds, nutritional yeast, and sea salt in your blender or food processor, and blend into a fine meal.
  3. Sprinkle it on your meal as a garnish, or use it in recipes. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator, for optimal freshness, for up to 1 month. It can be frozen for longer.


Blanching Almonds: Soak raw unsalted almonds in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and let cools slightly. Rub the almonds between your fingers, and the skins should pop off easily.

Nutrition Information

Serving size:about 3 tablespoons Calories:50 Fat:3.2g Saturated fat:.2g Carbohydrates:2.6g Sugar:.3g Sodium:60mg Fiber:1.6g Protein:3.3g

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Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (4)

Dairy-Free Parmesan Cheese Alternative Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.