My Best Healthy Bran Muffin Recipe With 100% Whole Grains, No Refined Sugar, and No Cereal (2024)

My Best Healthy Bran Muffin Recipe With 100% Whole Grains, No Refined Sugar, and No Cereal (2)
Moist and delicious, fiber-filled blueberry wheat and oat bran muffins made without bran cereal—healthy never tasted so good.

Update: The flavor possibilities are endless! See the comments section for all sorts of tasty variations. You may also enjoy my 100% Whole Grain Ginger Pear Bran Muffin Recipe or my 100% Whole Grain Carrot, Raisin, and Zucchini Bran Muffins.

You might think that someone who once packed up all of her belongings and moved, sight unseen, a couple of thousand miles away to a place where she had no job, no family, and no real idea of what she was doing would be quite an adventurous eater—always anxious to try something new, never ordering the same thing twice.

And while I'm sure people like this do exist, I am definitely not one of them. The pursuit of good, honest food may be the central theme around our farm and in my life, but the truth is that I'm the type of person who will happily fall into a very deep food rut.

I don't find it tiresome to eat the same dinner four or five nights in a row, and I happen to believe that one of the tastiest things in the entire world is

homemade leftover anything.

These are handy qualities to have if much of your food comes from the farmers' market or the kitchen garden, as I've come to realize that the true definition of eating seasonally means you devour something for so many meals on end that you don't even want to think about it until next year.

At breakfast time my routine pattern of eating is more like a bottomless pit. It's a good thing I don't live anywhere near a Chinese bakery, since I could probably eat a warm baked pork bun every morning for the next 20 or 30 years.

Because life on a farm is defined by a never ending series of surprises, you really can't plan ahead or count on much of anything. This, of course, is what makes it so interesting. It also means that I find a great deal of comfort in something as simple as knowing exactly what my morning meal will be for the next several months.

For a while I was stuck on oatmeal with wild blackberries from the freezer. Then I latched onto a tasty banana bran muffin recipe, but it took me longer to wash the muffin tin than it did to make the muffins. Using paper liners didn't help, as ridiculous amounts of muffin stuck to them. Of course none of this kept me from consuming a couple hundred of them—or motivated me to come up with a non-stick version.

After the bran muffins came whole grain cold cereal with milk. But not long after buying 11 boxes of cereal on sale, I got a hankering for bran muffins. I refused to go back to those annoying pan stickers, so I set out to create an entirely new recipe. Thankfully it didn't take long to come up with a winner.

My long held pet peeve regarding bran muffin recipes is that they almost always include bran cereal. Why make muffins from scratch using overpriced (and often over-processed) cereal when pure organic bran is available for a few cents per serving? I recently came across a recipe that had the nerve to call for two different kinds of cereal.

My bran muffins are made without cereal. They are made with 100% whole grains, including plenty of both oat bran and wheat bran (giving you soluble and insoluble fiber at once), yet they don't taste like sawdust or have the consistency of little bricks.

I baked up a batch of the blueberry bran version during my foodie mother's most recent visit

, and she declared them the best muffins—not just the best bran muffins—she'd ever tasted. The honey and molasses add moisture and flavor and are better for you than refined sugar. (Update: my mother has since become the Queen of Bran Muffins, baking them for everyone from the staff at her dentist's office to visiting houseguests. Her current favorite flavor is mixed berry.)

You can start with the basic plain version or go straight to one of the variations listed at the end of the recipe. The blueberries will deliver copious amounts of antioxidants along with bursts of juicy flavor. Adding mashed bananas to the batter will give you a very moist muffin. I think they all taste better the next day.

My favorite way to eat these muffins is cut in half and spread with peanut butter and jam. Add a glass of milk, and I'm good to go for four or five hours. They make an excellent breakfast on the run or afternoon pick-me-up snack for both kids and adults.

The best thing about them is that they freeze beautifully.

This is health food of the highest order, disguised as simply good tasting food. When you serve these muffins there's no need for justification or explanation. No one has to know that you're packing them with nutrients and possibly increasing their life span—only that you baked them with love.

I have some ideas for other muffin flavor variations, but for now I'm more than set. Check back with me in a couple of years.

Update: Thanks so much to all of you who have left comments below, letting me know how much you enjoyed this recipe—and, more importantly, for sharing all the wonderful different variations you've made!

My Best Healthy Bran Muffin Recipe With 100% Whole Grains, No Refined Sugar, and No Cereal (3)

Cranberry Orange Bran Muffins—say goodbye to store bought

Farmgirl Susan's Basic Bran Muffin Recipe
Makes about 9 large muffins

** Click here to print this recipe **

It doesn't take long to whip up a batch of these delicious, healthy muffins. This is not a temperamental batter, so feel free to experiment by stirring in whatever fruits or nuts or other things you like into the basic recipe—or try one of my other versions listed after the recipe. You can also check the comments section below for more tasty variations from Farmgirl Fare readers.

I've included the weights of each of the ingredients, so if you have a digital kitchen scale (I love my

Oxo Good Grips 11-pound scale) you can simply place your bowl on the scale and pour stuff in without having to mess with measuring cups. Just be sure to zero out the scale after adding each ingredient.

Update: Over the past few years I've noticed that the texture and weight of wheat brans can vary considerably, and some are much heavier than others. This can also happen with oat bran. If you're weighing your brans, you might want to also portion them out in measuring cups the first time, (which is how I measured them when I first created the recipe) and if you've weighed out significantly more or less bran than the recipe calls for, consider altering the amounts.

Liquid ingredients are listed by weight—not fluid ounces—so you can pour them straight into the bowl on the scale, too. When adding the baking soda, baking powder, and salt, I recommend weighing in grams or using measuring spoons, as most home kitchen scales are not precise enough to accurately weigh such tiny amounts in ounces.

As always, I urge you to seek out

organic and local ingredients whenever possible. Organic wheat bran, oat bran, and whole wheat flour are often bargain priced when purchased from the bulk bins at natural food stores.

Organic milk and yogurt are available nearly everywhere (you might even try making homemade yogurt, which tastes wonderful and is really easy to do

). Look for interesting flavors of local honey at farmers' markets.

Every summer I buy

5 gallons of fresh blueberries from a nearby organic grower and freeze them in one-gallon zipper bags to be enjoyed all year long. An outing to a pick-your-own farm is a wonderful way to spend the day with kids and take home some delicious bounty. Click here to locate one in your area (includes listings in several countries).

2 cups (5¾oz / 164g) organic wheat bran
1 cup (5oz / 141g) organic oat bran
1 cup (6oz / 170g) organic whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons (12g) baking soda
1 teaspoon (6g) baking powder
1/2 teaspoon (4g) salt
2 large eggs
2/3 cup (5oz by weight / 156g) milk
2/3 cup (5½oz / 156g) yogurt
1/3 cup (2¼oz / 65g) safflower oil
(or other neutral oil or coconut oil or melted organic butter)
1/3 cup (3¾oz / 108g) molasses (not blackstrap) or cane syrup
1/3 cup (3¾oz / 108g) honey
1 teaspoon (6g) pure vanilla extract

Place an oven rack in the middle of the oven and heat the oven to 375°. Grease a standard size muffin pan or line the cups with unbleached baking cups. I love my Chicago Metallic commercial muffin pans—I spray them with coconut oil spray and the muffins come right out of the pan, leaving hardly any mess.

Combine the wheat bran, oat bran, whole wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl and set aside. Combine the eggs, milk, yogurt, canola oil, molasses, and honey in a small bowl and mix well. (Note: you can use all honey or all molasses instead if desired.)

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula just until combined.

Generously fill the muffin cups with batter. I use a large stainless steel scoop, which is also great for portioning out cookie dough. I have several sizes and have been using some of them for 25 years.

Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 20 to 25 minutes. Cool the muffins in the pan for 10 to 15 minutes, then carefully remove them and serve warm, or let them cool on a wire rack.

Enjoy your muffins plain, drizzled with a little honey, or spread with peanut butter and a slather of your favorite jam (apricot is very nice, as is strawberry; I love Trader Joe's Organic Reduced Sugar Preserves).

Store muffins in an airtight container for up to 3 days or freeze. (I think they taste even better the second day.) Defrost muffins at room temperature, or in the microwave if you're in a hurry.

Blueberry Bran Muffins
Makes about 10 large muffins. Follow Basic Bran Muffin recipe, but gently fold 1½ cups (7½ oz/214g) fresh or frozen blueberries into the batter. There is no need to defrost frozen berries, but do quickly rinse off any ice with cold water. Note to blueberry lovers: I made a batch of these yesterday and, using my MoreMoreMore philosophy, crammed 2 cups of big fat blueberries into the batter—yum.

Blueberry Banana Bran Muffins
Makes 12-14 large and very moist muffins. Follow Basic Bran Muffin recipe, but stir mashed very ripe banana (2 small bananas, about 9 oz/255g including the peel) into wet ingredients. Then gently fold 1½ cups (7½ oz/214g) fresh or frozen blueberries into the finished batter. Baking time may need to be increased to 25 to 28 minutes.

Cranberry Orange Bran Muffins
Makes about 10 large muffins. Follow Basic Bran Muffin recipe, but replace the 2/3 cup milk with 2/3 cup orange juice and omit the vanilla extract. Stir 1 cup (4½ oz/127g) orange-flavored dried cranberries (I recently discovered these at Trader Joe's and think they're wonderful) or regular dried cranberries to finished batter. For muffins with more orange flavor, stir 1 teaspoon finely chopped or grated orange zest into the wet ingredients.

Still hungry? You'll find links to all my sweet and savory Less Fuss, More Flavor recipes in the Farmgirl Fare Recipe Index. Enjoy!

©, the fiber-filled foodie farm blog where Farmgirl Susan shares recipes, stories and photos of her crazy country life on 240 remote Missouri acres—and sometimes we throw breakfast caution to the wind and start our day with a hunk of chocolate cake and a large glass of ice-cold milk instead of healthy muffins. It's good to live dangerously sometimes.

My Best Healthy Bran Muffin Recipe With 100% Whole Grains, No Refined Sugar, and No Cereal (2024)


Are bran muffins healthy for weight loss? ›

When you think of bran muffins, you likely think that's a healthy breakfast—right? But that's rarely the case. A bran muffin can pack in 300 calories or more, oodles of added sugar, and lots of butter and sodium. And that doesn't even include the extra butter you'll probably spread on the bran muffin.

What is a substitute for bran flakes in baking? ›

You can add almost anything: ground nuts, cornmeal, oatmeal, chia seeds, etc. Each one will give your muffin a different taste and texture. You might need to experiment a bit to find which you like best.

What does bran muffins do to your body? ›

Bran may offer several health benefits, including improving digestive health and reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. You can include more bran in your diet and increase your daily fiber intake by sprinkling it on muffins, smoothies, casseroles, and hot cereal.

How many calories in a healthy bran muffin? ›

Bran Muffin Nutritional Facts and Calories
Amount Per Serving% DV
Sat. fats1g5%
Mono. Fats2g5%
7 more rows

Is it OK to eat a bran muffin every day? ›

Is having a bran muffin every day a healthy choice? It's not horrible, but it sounds better than it is. A bran muffin is still a muffin, a kind of bread or cake, made with flour and sugar, high in calories and carbs. An occasional muffin won't do you in, but a daily muffin habit can add pounds.

Can bran muffins be healthy? ›

Bran Muffins

Yes, you'll get a decent dose of fiber thanks to the bran, but larger versions can have more than 400 calories and contain around 13 grams of fat. Also, many store-bought bran muffins actually contain more white flour than fiber-rich bran, while packing unwanted sugar and sodium as well.

Which is healthier bran flakes or oatmeal? ›

While it has similar amounts of carbs and fat as regular oatmeal, oat bran boasts more protein and fiber — and fewer calories. It is especially high in beta-glucan, a powerful type of soluble fiber (1, 2 , 3 ). In addition, oat bran provides small amounts of folate, vitamin B6, niacin, and calcium.

What is a substitute for oat flakes? ›

Some options include:
  • Quinoa flakes: These are made from ground quinoa and have a similar texture to oats. ...
  • Buckwheat flakes: These are made from ground buckwheat and have a slightly nutty flavor. ...
  • Rice flakes: These are made from ground rice and have a similar texture to oats.
Jul 23, 2023

Which is better for you oatmeal or bran flakes? ›

Oat bran contains more antioxidants like protein, iron, thiamine and magnesium than oatmeal does. So, while both ingredients are excellent for you, if you require a quick boost of nutrients, we recommend reaching for a bag of oat bran. Or, better yet, mix these two ingredients to create a truly powerful meal.

What kind of bran is healthiest? ›

Vitamin Content. Which type of bran is more vitamin-rich is a bit of a toss-up, with wheat bran providing more niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B-6 and oat bran containing more thiamine, pantothenic acid and folate. Neither is a particularly good source of vitamins A, B-12, C, E or K.

What happens if you eat a muffin every day? ›

Now muffins aren't all bad. These things are only unhealthy if eaten on a regular basis. If every so often you want a muffin for breakfast or a snack, that's no big deal. When you grab a bakery muffin for breakfast daily, that's when you increase your risk for unwanted weight gain and other health issues.

What happens if you eat bran everyday? ›

Wheat bran attracts water into the intestines, making stools softer and helping ease digestion (insoluble fiber). However, if you eat too much, it can increase gas production, leading to bloating and flatulence. 6.

How to improve bran muffin mix? ›

Turn boring bran muffins up a notch by adding delicious and healthful mix-ins such as shredded carrots, coconut and dried cherries. Served warm with butter, this muffin can run with the best of 'em. Blog post updated October 2023.

Are bran muffins OK for cholesterol? ›

Here's the problem with the bran muffin: Although bran can help lower LDL cholesterol, the butter, sugar and eggs aren't doing your LDL levels any favors. While this bran muffin may not raise your cholesterol, it certainly won't help you lower it. And lowering harmful cholesterol levels is what most of us need to do.

Is wheat germ and wheat bran the same thing? ›

Wheat bran is the outer hull of the wheat kernel, which is typically removed during processing. Wheat bran is rich in fiber and other noncalorie nutrients. Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat kernel, much like an egg yolk is the “kernel” of a whole egg.

Can you eat muffins and still lose weight? ›

Muffins can help you lose weight if they are high in protein and low in calories and added sugar. High-protein muffins are a good option if your goal is weight loss. One Naked Bake muffin has 15 grams of protein and only 180 calories.

Is bran good for you to lose weight? ›

It's high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which may aid heart health, blood sugar control, bowel function, and weight loss. Best of all, oat bran is easy to add to your diet. Try it as a standalone cereal, in baked goods, or atop your favorite snack.

Can I eat all bran for weight loss? ›

Kellogg's All-Bran cereal can be a good option if you're trying to lose weight and get healthy, but it's not a magic solution on its own. Here are some factors to consider: Nutritional value: Kellogg's All-Bran cereal is high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer and aid in weight loss.

Are bran muffins high in sugar? ›

Though the bran is likely never to blame in the muffin, the high amount of sugar and canola oil is. In fact, the nutrition-fact panel of a muffin (even a bran muffin) can be 400 to 500 calories, include 40-plus grams of sugar, and show that a muffin is usually worse for you than a chocolate chip cookie.


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