Dixon Evening Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois (2024)

DIXON EVENING TELEGRAPH Page 3 Serving the Heart of Rock River Valley for More Than a Century Saturday, June 28, 1969 Rochelle Awards Pact For New Fire Station ROCHELLE The City Council wrapped up plans Friday for completion of a new fire station at 5th Ave. and Main St. Base bid for the station was awarded to R. Hampton of Sterling at a total of $269,435 and alternates. With alternates, the bid goes up to $282,612.

Girls Hurt In Accident Said 'Better' KSB Hospital officials today said that three Dixon girls injured in a one-car accident Thursday evening are all "better" today. Ann Dempsey, 17, driver of the auto, is fair; Colene Commes, 17, and Margo McNamara, 16, are listed as fairly good. The auto was demolished when it went into a skid on a gravel road west of Dixon, struck a tree and a bridge abutment. Broke down, alternates amount to $772 for air conditioning of living quarters, $2,205 for additional duct work in meeting roof for future installation of air conditioning, $332 for completion of electrical wiring for compressors and $33 for 12 lighting fixtures. The contract was accepted on an understanding that a change on the order amounting to a minimum of $27,840 for construction changes be mad de, based on talks with the architect, city and contractor.

It was decided that Tom Driver, city engineer, would act as construction engineer for the city to insure costs would not be exceeded. Completion time is 52 weeks. Hampton recently was awarded the construction of the police station and city hall at $417,998. Completion time is 30 weeks. Commissioner of Finance Robert Troop told council members that city would be $686 short by the end of the year.

He figured that could be made District 271 Awards Pacts 271 Pacts and the south driveway at the Franklin Center High School was accepted. The following teaching contracts were approved: Henry Boer, Paw Paw High School principal; Lloyd Collier, head teacher and coach at the Paw Paw Elementary School; Judith Hintz, music teacher at Paw Paw; Patricia Zuber, commercial teacher at the Paw Paw High School; Carola Englehart, special education teacher at Paw Paw; Delight Pitman, part-time English at Franklin Center High and LeVaun Risdon, second grade teacher at Franklin Grove Elementary School. Treasurer Archie Merriman was authorized to repay $100,000 in anticipation warrants plus interest. Obligations The Board voted to invest $15,000 in U.S. Treasury bills and to invest $66,000 in Federal National Mortgage Association until it is needed to meet the district's obligations.

Goral Co. bid to repair the roof at the Lee Center Elementary School was accepted. The board actions were taken at board meetings held on June and on Thursday. The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 272 accepted the low bid of Dixon Commercial Electric to install heat detectors and emergency lighting at the Franklin Grove Elementary School.

The low bid of the Johnson Paint of Compton to paint the ceilings of the three elementary school gyms with fire retardant paint was also accepted. Safety Code The above work was necessary to comply with the fire safety code of the state. Robert Ford was employed to repair the ceiling in the Franklin Grove Elementary School and to erect some partitions in the Butler building to form another classroom. The resignations of Faith Cravens and Dennis Vaupel were accepted. Kelley- bid for No.

5 fuel oil was accepted. Also accepted were Fahler gasoline for Franklin Grove and No. 2 fuel oil to Franklin Grove and Lee Center and Moorehead Oil Company's bid to supply gasoline for Paw Paw. The Oregon Stone Quarry's bid to blacktop the parking lot Amboy Calendar AMBOY Calendar of meetings and events scheduled at Amboy for the week of June 29 through July 5. Sunday Last in the series of early morning devotional hours will be a.m.

in the First Congregational Church. There will be a recognition service for the vacation church school at morning worship service at 9:30 a.m. in the First Congregational Church. The Rock River Trail and Horseman Assn. annual all-day horse show will be held at the 4-H Center, there will be halter classes starting at 9 a.m.

and 15 performance classes starting at 12:30 p.m. There will be a worship service at Crystal Lake Campground at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. Wayne Wachholz. The youth group of the First Baptist Church will have a picnic, thosee planning to attend should at the church at 11:15 a.m.

The Junior American Legion Baseball team will play Freeport in a league game at Longman's Field at 2 p.m. BYF will meet in the First Baptist Church at 6:30 p.m. followed by evening worship at 7:30 p.m. The New Fellowship will have barbecue at the Stan Gibson's at 6:30 p.m., picnic rules will prevail. Monday Pony League baseball games Harmon scheduled and as follows: Franklin Amboy Grove at Sublette.

The annual county 4-H Share the Fun contest will be held at the 4-H Center starting at 7:30 p.m., public invited to attend. Tuesday Little League baseball teams scheduled: Yankees at Sublette, Cubs at Franklin Grove and Walton at Lee Center. I Deaths and Funerals Edith F. Scott Funeral services were held today for Edith F. Scott, 83, formerly of E.

Chamberlain who died Friday at noon in KSB Hospital. Services were held in the Allen-Buckley Funeral Home with the Rev. Fred Berchtold, assistant pastor of the First United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial was in Chapel Hill Memorial Park. She was born July 16, 1885, in Como, the daughter of Rotheus and Gertrude Scott.

Survivors include a brother, Earl B. Scott, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilbur Shippert Funeral services for Wilbur Shippert, 33, Rt. 3, killed in an accident at the Medusa Portland Cement Co. Friday, will be held at 2 p.m.

Monday in the Nachusa Lutheran Church, with the Rev. Allen Juenger, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Emmert Cemetery. Shippert is survived by his father; his wife, Darlene; two daughters, Kathleen Jean and Ronda Kay; two sisters, Mrs. John (June) Metz, Savanna, and Mrs.

Louie (Susan) Wolfe, Dixon; nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother. Friends may call at the Preston Funeral Home after noon Sunday, where the family will be in attendance from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The body will be taken to the church at noon Monday. The Doctor Says By WM.

S. LAWRENCE, 1 D.D.S. Mix any one of these statistics with your favorite tobacco and take a deep drag that is, if your conscience allows: -About 15,000 new cases of oral-pharyngeal cancer occur each year. -Two out of three new cases will be dead within five years. Of all major sites primary cancer, only cancer of the lung and stomach carry a lower survival rate than oral cancer.

-Cigaret smokers run four times the risk of fatal oral cancer compared to non-smokers. -Pipe and cigar smokers run three times the risk of fatal oral cancer compared to nonsmokers. These statistics alone should scare any smoker. But if that isn't enough, just consider what could and sometimes does pen to the life of a person who develops cancer in the oralpharyngeal region. Mr.

has a "sore" on the gum behind a molar tooth. Many weeks later, when it swells and hurts, he goes to the doctor. Biopsy, report: Cancer of the jaw. Treatment: Radiation therapy to reduce cancer. Some weeks later, half the jaw is removed.

Since cancer spread into lymph nodes of neck, these were removed in radical neck dissection. Mrs. complains of hoarseness. Since she's smart, and also lucky, this early symptom brought her to the doctor before entire larynx became involved and forced removal of voice box. Biopsy report: Cancer of vocal chord.

Treatment: Radiation therapy. Mr. had nosebleeds and later developed a swelling on left side of roof of mouth. Biopsy report, Cancer of sinus. Treatment: Radiation therapy and, some weeks later, removal of half the upper jaw, including the eye.

Why play Russian roulette with yourself? Life's much too sweet mess it up in that awful way. Take my advice and do the following: Throw all tobacco out of the house. If you feel sorry for yourself, merely add a bit to each of your other vices to make up for the smoking vice you've given up. (Newspaper Enterprise Assn.) Pocketbook Stolen Marjorie Irland, Rt. 3, Belvidere, reported to Dixon Police Friday that someone took her pocketbook while she was attending a meeting at the Ramada Inn Lincoln Manor.

The purse contained her driver's license, a number of credit cards and three $10 bills. 00 FL ABOUT TOWN up, however, by tightening the budget elsewhere. Area Hospitals Mendota MENDOTA, Admitted: June 27 Mrs. Caroline Truckenbrod, Joseph Spanier, bara Talamantes, James Hathco*ck Francis Watson, all of Mendota. Discharged: Mark Reynolds, Evanston; Faith Harris, Mendota.

Birth: June 27 A son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Heller, Sublette; a daughter to Mr. Joseph Didier, Sugar Grove.

Perry Memorial 27 Roy Griffin, Mrs. Johanna PRINCETON, Admitted: June Seager, both of Princeton. Discharged: Mrs. Belma Hassler, Mac Pannebaker, ald Daniel, Mrs. Janice Burrows, all of Princeton.

Amboy Public AMBOY, Admitted: June 27 Mrs. R. G. Nowe, Amboy. Discharged: None.

Warmolts Clinic OREGON, Admitted: June: 27 Mrs. Gertrude Glendening, Stillman Valley. Discharged: James Moellnans, Harold West both of Oregon; Harry Strecher, Mount Morris. Rochelle Public ROCHELLE, Admitted: June 27 Mrs. Margaret Berdmann, Lindenwood; David Roller, chelle.

Discharged: Bobby Dale, Linton, Mrs. Helen Holmes, Kirkland; Mrs. James Fisher, Mrs. Phyllis Eykamp, Frank Kalk, Judy Gilmer, Veronica De Courcey, all of Rochelle. Oregon Names Disposal Plant Superintendent OREGON The City Council met Friday evening and awarded a contract for construction work on 10th Street, named a superintendent for the disposal plant and awarded a contract for painting of the city reservoir.

The Oregon Construction Co. was awarded the contract for the construction work on 10th Street which includes curb and gutter, widening of the street, a new cement sidewalk on the east side of street, for a total of $22,196.85. Walter Janssen was named superintendent of the Oregon Disposal Plant. They awarded a contract to James Swope, Compton, for the painting of the city reservoir for the low bid of $2,600. In other action, they transferred $5,000 from the General Corporate Fund to the Parking Meter Fund.

-Accepted the audit report from Gauger Diehl, certified public accountant, for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1969. -Entered into an agreement with the State of Illinois, Department of Highways, for maintenance of Rt. 2 and Rt. 64 within the city limits of Oregon for a total of $1,063.97 for a one-year period. Develops Pneumonia CHICAGO Robbie Standerford, five-year-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Mike Standerford of Freeport and formerly of Mount Morris, has developed pneumonia following op n-heart surgery June 10 in Wyler's Children's Hospital, according to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Welch, Dixon. He also still has malfunction of the heart.

His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Remmers, Mount Morris. Robbie's parents stated that a pegboard has been set up in the child's room that holds greeting cards, the only enjoyment the little boy has had for the past three weeks. His address is Wyler's Children's Hospital, 905 E.

59th Chicago. Happy Birthday To Shawn Bennett, 1, today; to Sara Hembrough, Sunday, KSB Hospital Admitted: June 27 Cletus Hinkle, Sublette; Ruth Zentz, Albert' Demarest, Frank Kennedy, Mrs. Lois Almedia, Mrs. Josephine Ashford, Mrs. Laura Elsie Fish, all of Dixon.

Discharged: Edgar Coleman, Mrs. Helen Geisler, Roger Fane, Jay, Atkins, Eric Mainke, all of Dixon: Mrs. Ruth Lord, Mrs. Carolyn Davison, Mrs. Gloria Grace, all of Polo; Mrs.

Ruth Bond, Woosung. DeKalb Teacher Attends Institute DeKALB Mrs. Kathleen K. Mandersheid, teacher of the deaf employed by the Lee County Special Education Association, is one of 26 teachers across the nation attending an eight-week institute at Northern Illinois University. Mrs.

Mandersheid, from DeKalb, is a teacher in the school for the deaf operated by the association in Ashton. The NIU institute pertains to the education of pre-school children with impaired hearing. Rochelle Teacher Earns Fellowship DEKALB Mrs. Mary Jane Gibson, Esmond, a Rochelle teacher who formerly tuaght in Chana and Sterling, has been awarded a federal library and information science fellowship at Northern Illinois University, according to Dr. LaVern Walther, head of NIU's library science department.

Rotary To Install Officers Monday New Rotary Club officers for the year beginning July 7 will be installed Monday noon at a meeting in the Nachusa House when Joe Miller, retiring president, hands the gavel to president-elect Dean Harrison. Other officers for the coming year include Harold Rhodes, vice president; Robert Jacobson, program chairman; Don Lovett, treasurer; Pat Curtis, secretary, and William Stitzel Bulletin editor. Coin Club Meets Tuesday The monthly meeting of the Dixon Coin Club will be Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Loveland Community House. Following the business meeting there will be an auction, trade and swap session.

Refreshments will be served. 9-Ton Street Sweeper Lost LOS ANGELES (UPI)-Los Angeles has lost 9-ton, $130,000, bright orange street sweeper--for the second time. Driver Turner Tay Roberts told police early today he parked the vehicle on Main Street in downtown Los Angeles while he took a coffee break. He said the ignition key was in his pocket. When he returned 15 minutes later, the.

sweeper had disappeared. Earlier this month, Los Angeles recovered another sweeper which somehow had come into the possession of the city of Aurora, after disappearing from the city's Department of Public Works shop in November, 1967. 'Living God's Way' Bible School Theme LEE A Vacation Bible School session of two weeks closed June 20 at the Calvary Lutheran Church. Awards were presented students. The 97 children enrolled were taught by Eldonna Knutson and Barbara Stang, kindergarten; Mrs.

Henry Swanson and Bonnie Swanson, grades one and Mrs. Charles Sanderson, three and four; Mrs. Theodore Moland, five and six; Rev. L. G.

Hinderaker, grades seven and eight. The theme of study was "Living God's Way." Weather DIXON TEMPERATURES Official high Friday, 85; low today, 60; 10:30 a.m., 78. Unofficial readings over past 24 hours at 4-hour intervals ending noon today: Noon 81 Midnight 67 4 86 4 a.m. 62 8 p.m. 80 8 a.m.

71 10 a.m. 78 Local Forecast Sunny, a little cooler and less humid today with highs in the 80s. Fair tonight with lows in the upper 60s and lower 70s. Sunday, partly sunny, warm and humid with a chance of thundershowers, especially in the afternoon or evening. NEA Telephoto Tire Millennium A tire that won't go flat, even when slashed, hit by bullets or riddled by spikes, is a near-future possibility.

The secret is use of a rubber foam instead of air to "inflate" the tire. To inflate, the foaming material and chemicals are placed in the casing. Under heat, the material expands into a spongelike substance to fill the casing (inset.) Tests under way at Goodyear are aimed at overcoming weight and heat build-up. Projected, initial use: Military vehicles, mining, construction and farm equipment. SVC Board To Study Tax Referendum Need The Sauk Valley College Board, meeting in regular session Monday evening, voted to adjourn its meeting to Monday, July 7, for the purpose of investigating in detail the possible need I for a tax referendum in the college district.

The action came after Sauk Valley College President Dr. Edward J. Sabol presented a report to the board which indicated that the future cost of operating the college will exceed the anticipated revenue which the college will have at its disposal. President Sabol said there appeared to be two (2) primary reasons for the potential need for additional future monies. One involves the projected increase in enrollment at Valley, which will require the college to provide services to an increasingly larger student body.

The second reason cited by Dr. Sabol dealt with the costs of operating the college's new permanent facilities, which are scheduled to be completed late this fall. The new building on campus is approximately five times as large as the temporary facilities in which the college is currently quartered. The president's report gested that the board study the possible need for tax rate increase in both the educational fund and the building fund. The current educational fund rate is 12 cents per $100 of assessed valuation while the building fund rate is three cents.

Neither of these rates has been changed since the college opened four years ago, but the student body has more than doubled since that time and new educational programs have been added annually. Dr. Sabol also noted that the original rates, when passed in 1965, were expected to be sufficient for four years. President Sabol suggested that the board, at its adjourned meeting, review what each additional one cent increase in the tax rates could produce in terms of revenue and match that against the figures on projected revenue and cost. Boys State Officers For Next Year Chosen SPRINGFIELD Benjamin F.

Bridge II, a 17-year-old senior at Evanston High School, will be chief executive of the American Legion's Premier Boys State for the next year. Bridges was elected governor of the state in a general election Thursday at the Fairgrounds in Springfield and was officially inducted into office at the general assembly in the evening. Illinois Secretary of State Paul Powell administered the oath of office to the new governor and his cabinet members and briefly addressed the group. Governor Bridges, a nationalist, carried three other nationalist and four federalists into office with him. Elected to the Lt.

Governor's post was nationalist David E. Merkle, 17, from Danforth. Mer- Mount Morris Woman Jailed On OMVI Charge OREGON A Mount Morris woman, who earlier in the day had been found guilty on an OMVI charge, was arrested by Ogle County Sheriff officers Friday night on the same violation. Dorothy Hokanson, 43, is in Ogle County Jail today after being arrested one mile west of here on Route 64. Officers reported that the woman had been arrested earlier on an OMVI charge and had demanded a jury trial which started Wednesday.

Because a judge was gone, a sealed verdict, which indicated guilty, was not opened until Friday. Licensed to Wed The office of John E. Stouffer, county clerk, has issued the following marriage license: Glen O. Duncan, Silvis, and Barbara J. Cabor, East Moline.

Claims Deadline Deputy County Clerk Elwin Glessner today said that the last day to file claims for the forthcoming meeting of the Board of Supervisors would be July 3. The Board meets in regular session on July 8. Car Crash Brings Dixon Youth Ticket Monte D. Long, 17, Dixon, was ticketed by State Police Friday about 7 p.m. on Ill.

2, one-half mile north of Dixon, for failure to reduce speed to avoid accident and operating in violation of driver's license restrictions. Ambrose M. Lilley, 50, Champaign, stated he started to signal and slow his auto for a left-hand turn. Long said he didn't realize Lilley was slowing his car and the Long auto hit the Lilley auto in the rear. Estimated damage to the Lilley auto was $1,000 and to the Long auto was $600.

FRANKLIN GROVE Robert S. Gaston, 51, Evanston, was cited by State Police for improper backing following a twocar accident at 6:50 p.m. Friday on Main Street. Gaston backed his auto across Main Street and struck a car being driven by David A. Clark, 25, Franklin Grove.

Estimated damage to the Clark auto was $300 and to the Gaston auto was $100. Regular meeting of the City Council is set for 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. Wednesday The Sarah Circle of the Immanuel Lutheran Church ing will be at 9 a.m. The summer reading circle will meet at Pankhurst Memorial Library with Mrs.

Rita Hageman, Mrs. Carol Swanlund, Mrs. Elva Seloover and Mrs. Jean Patrick hearing book reports from 2 to 5 p.m. Pee Wee League baseball games scheduled: Harmon at Lee Center, White Sox at Sublette, Sox at Indians.

Volunteer firemen will meet at the fire station at 7:30 p.m. for regular business a session and to complete plans for the annual Fourth of July fireworks celebration. Midweek prayer service be held at 7:30 p.m. in the First Baptist Church. Thursday The Junior American Legion baseball team will play Rock Falls here at Longman's Field at 6:15 p.m.

Green River Lodge IOOF will meet at 8 p.m. in the WRC Hall. Because of the Friday holiday, of the stores will remain "open during the evening and the merchant's drawing will be held on Main Street about 8:30 p.m. Friday Independence Day The Volunteer Firemen, Flamettes and their families will have a picnic dinner at the fire station at 12 noon. The annual fireworks display will be held at the south edge of Green River Park at dusk.

The firemen invite everyone in the community to attend. Saturday The reading circle will meet in the Pakhurst Memorial Library, with Ann Smith, Grace Prentice, Lorraine Sullivan, and Donna Wagner hearing the book reports from 2 to 5 p.m. kle will be a senior at Gilman High School next year. Other cabinet members are: Secretary of State, Keefton D. Montgomery, a federalist from Chicago; State Treasurer, Jerome L.

Peters, 17, a federalist from New Lenox; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Gary D. Jordan, 17, a federalist from Galesburg; Clerk of the Supreme Court, Jose M. Molina, 17, a federalist from Chicago; Auditor of Public Accounts, Gary V. Schmid, 16, a nationalist from Gilman; and Attorney General, David A. Noguchi, a nationalist from Mundelein.

In addition, five justices of the Supreme Court were elected. They were: Randy Armstrong, 17, Eldorado; James E. Sullivan, 17, Watseka; David Springer, 16, Morton Grove; Dennis Decker, 16, Milford; and John Cihak, 17, Villa Park. Youth Escapes Rochelle Jail; Captured Later ROCHELLE A West Brooklyn juvenile is being held in the Freeport Detention Home, following his escape from the Rochelle Jail at 3 a.m. today.

The youth was arrested at 11:30 p.m. Friday for disorderly conduct at a carnival and taken to the jail. He escaped by knocking bricks out of the jail on the south side of the building. The juvenile was apprehended by Rodney Wendt, state trooper, at the airport curve in Rochelle. He is being held on charges of escape, criminal damage and disorderly, conduct.

Compton Homecoming July 5-6 COMPTON Jerry Hanlon and the Westernaires Stage Show will be among the many free attractions at the annual Compton Homecoming July 5 and 6 in the village park. Compton Little League will open the events with a game with Paw Paw at 12:15 Saturday on the Compton school mond. At 2:30 p.m. the opening parade through the village will lead the way to the park where Mendota Sing Out will present a program at 4 p.m. At 8:30 p.m.

the "Blue Ice" of Sauk Valley Productions, will provide music for a Teen Dance. Sunday will begin with break fast from 7:30 to 12, served by Juanita Chapter OES in the sonic Hall. The Westernaires Shows at 2:30 and 7 p.m. will include comedy of Miss Silly Sally, from Pogi Valley, and the singing of Miss Cheryl Jackson. At 4 p.m.

there will be a garden tractor pull and at 4:30 p.m. a horseshoe contest. cessions and rides will be stationed at the park and an "Eat Stand" will be operated by the Compton Community Club, sponsor of the affair. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all of our old friends who remembered us on our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr.

Mrs. Lester S. Messnes.

Dixon Evening Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois (2024)


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